brightcolourdog · 4 years
Yemen is facing the worlds largest hunger crisis and the world is too quiet.
And it’s the children that pay the highest price. An estimated 85,000 children have lost their lives to extreme starvation alone. Every 10 minutes, a child under 5 dies of preventable causes in Yemen. When choosing what charities or goals you want to support during the last few days of Ramadan, I urge you to keep the children of Yemen in mind. And if you’re not celebrating Ramadan, or are not religious.. you’re still human.
These are a few of charities that I know of that you can donate to:
https://www.muslimglobalrelief.org/yemen-appeal (100% donation policy)
Remember, it’s the smallest donations that build up or even just rebloging/sharing would help. May Allah smile upon us all, and relieve the children of this world of their heartache.
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brightcolourdog · 4 years
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brightcolourdog · 4 years
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Dream Team
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brightcolourdog · 4 years
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some inquisitive donkeys near the footpath today
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brightcolourdog · 4 years
the last time a british police officer was convicted for a death in custody was 1969, even though 1700 people have died in police custody in the UK since 1990. not surprisingly, BAME people are far more likely to be stopped, arrested, jailed, and murdered by police in this country. here is a list of UK anti-racism orgs you can donate to, including the UK chapter of Black Lives Matter.
here’s the link again but bigger: https://www.stylist.co.uk/life/uk-anti-racism-charities-black-lives-matter-how-to-donate/395365
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brightcolourdog · 4 years
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Please sign the petition!!!
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brightcolourdog · 4 years
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brightcolourdog · 4 years
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brightcolourdog · 4 years
also, if you missed it, chris redd from SNL put together a gofoundme to help black protestors who might test positive for covid-19 in the upcoming weeks as well as pay for urgent medical care for those severely hurt during the riots.
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brightcolourdog · 4 years
here’s the link to donate to george floyd’s official memorial fund if you are able to contribute. if you can’t donate, please share. being black shouldn’t be a death sentence.
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brightcolourdog · 4 years
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Hike was fun but Thyme thinks ball is more fun
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brightcolourdog · 4 years
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brightcolourdog · 4 years
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This is just an amazing capture.
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brightcolourdog · 4 years
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brightcolourdog · 4 years
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brightcolourdog · 4 years
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brightcolourdog · 4 years
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