brightblubamboo · 16 hours
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the triangle obtains a mortal human body! and depth perception!
edit: AU created by @/waty_mot and @/LosanPostle on twitter!
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brightblubamboo · 16 hours
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oogh. augh
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brightblubamboo · 16 hours
like. imagine seeing your sibling at 18. and then not seeing them again until you’re 28. and then not seeing them again until you’re both 58. but you’re identical twins so every time you look in the mirror you wonder if this is what they would’ve looked like.
imagine never needing glasses but your brother did, and then in your adulthood your eyes get worse and you suddenly need glasses and you pick out the same frames your brother wore.
imagine always protecting your brother growing up cause he was different and kids picked on him. but you always protected him. and then you have a falling out and neither of you speak for years, and then finding out that in those years you didn’t speak, he was being isolated and tortured by a monster and didn’t think you’d come if he called. but then he calls and you go. and his house has blood on the floor in every room and writing on the walls and his journal devolves into paranoid ramblings. and you can’t protect him because you showed up and he got ripped away. and you can’t even ask him what the writing or the blood or the state of the house means because he’s gone. and you don’t have a penny to your name so you have to clean the blood up yourself and fix the house and live there. so you board up his room.
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brightblubamboo · 16 hours
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Whenever anyone pairs the twins in one way or another I imagine this table in my head
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brightblubamboo · 16 hours
Is Pomni left-handed? So many of her hand movements lead me to believe that, but I don't know if it's canon or anything
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brightblubamboo · 16 hours
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a whole new level of being mixed up with your sibling
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brightblubamboo · 16 hours
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Relativity Falls!
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brightblubamboo · 16 hours
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Uh..my hand slipped, sorry- didn't mean to make it angsty at the end
Anyway, smol twins meet smol twins- a twinsanity, a tetra-twin, a 2+2
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brightblubamboo · 16 hours
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someday i'll stop making comics about bill's passion for silly straws
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brightblubamboo · 4 days
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I love when lighting starts coming in and I can start posting out of context screenshots without any elaboration.
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brightblubamboo · 7 days
this sucks so bad i need to [remembers suicide jokes only worsen my mental health] put on the best talent show this towns ever seen
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brightblubamboo · 7 days
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Yarn holder
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brightblubamboo · 7 days
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really helpful technique ^ once you know how to divide by halves and thirds it makes drawing evenly spaced things in perspective waaay easier:
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brightblubamboo · 3 months
Man. The Herobrine really is summat else. We got:
A glitch of a ghost in the machine that causes every error in the game
The White Eyes character, stemming from a texture error, which becomes associated with the cave noise & eventually leads to the creation of the Herobrine myth
Transgender swag
The fucken. Brocraft stream that links to that ONE image & implies that either you or Herobrine are "asleep" & dreaming
The way that Herobrine myths kicked up due to the TF2 influx, after the devs made mention of the game
Every single unexplained structure in the game, all abandoned, all without a clear group that created them can & will be associated with Herobrine
The mineshafts. The ruined portals. The deep dark. It's kind of like a story, told in three arcs, if you squint right
Like something that used to live there, toiled in the soil along with the worms
Like something that got locked away, that wants to go back
Like something that needs to be kept out
Every single zombie looks like Steve. Does that say anything? Does it imply something about Herobrine, another reflection, but maybe a bit more sentient? With teeth that are a bit more sharp, with a malice that is a bit more cold?
Mojang putting the "Removed Herobrine" note in for YEARS, then one day dropping it, only to bring it back 3 years later
N*tch being scrubbed from the game's lore, so he's also (sometimes) scrubbed from Herobrine's lore, leading to alternate origins
He is the first player. He is the ghost of a fellow player. He is an architect, a miner, a builder. He is a friend to all the mobs, & an enemy to those that take all the trees & never replant the saplings. He is a curious onlooker, probably harmless. He is a deep loathing. He is a danger, a legend, just a myth, but is he?
The way that people's opinions of Herobrine have shifted through years, like a litmus test for Minecraft players as a whole
It starts with the eerie feeling of being in a room you KNOW should be empty, but feeling eyes on you, anyways & ends with a sad type of goodbye, a dreamer seeking a dreamer condemned
The way he's more quiet, more calm, less prone to the griefing & attacks he was once known for, like his fire has cooled with time
The Minecraft end poem. Maybe. Do you think Herobrine ever got to hear those words? "I love you," & "You have played the game well"?
The person with the Herobrine username, which has had the catboy Herobrine skin on for years o7
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brightblubamboo · 4 months
god Pix went OFF and i am HERE for it
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brightblubamboo · 5 months
Impulse really has been riding the high of etho calling him a genius for 3 years
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brightblubamboo · 5 months
I missed the beginning of the event so I’ve only now gone back to watch Martyn’s intro and…
I love that Martyn has like A Job; he’s doing tech and set up stuff, he’s reading the donos like a champ. Still a non-hermit hermit-friend but with Work Experience. Like someone was like ‘oh we need a dono reader,’ remembered Martyn has done it, and reached out.
Meanwhile. Jimmy is Just There.
It makes perfect sense! Don’t get me wrong! Once Grian and Martyn are in the same location there’s like a 99% chance he’ll be there too. Not to mention Ranchers, old Evo friends, and just the life series in general-
But it is incredibly funny cause it’s like:
The Hermits, their IT guy, and also Jimmy.
Who is Jimmy you ask? He’s Jimmy. What’s he doing? Being Jimmy. Next question.
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