There’s somebody out there that can relate to me; I just haven’t found that person yet.
We search for things in the wrong places and in the wrong people.
Maybe because we’re desperately wanting to step out our comfort zone but pride won’t let you....or pitty or the self esteem of what if’s.
What if they don’t like me? What if I don’t fit in...
I don’t look a certain way or talk a certain way to be fitted in such wild crew.
Eh it’s just mindfully speaking, your here now reading the post and little do you know were some what compatible such good friends....
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Does time really heals pain?
A wound that’ll never close, a wound that’ll never fill
A scar that’ll forever show....internally as my heart beats slow.
Somethings they’ll never know, somethings you’ll never show...
You don’t really heal; as the phrase is time heals pain.
The comforting of “I know how it feels”;
No they don’t and you know it, no one can’t compare to your inside feelings because it’s your grief, your own hurt
My own feelings, my own mentally curse-Mz.Verdin
🥀 #MissYouSissyandApa #ghostridingforyall
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“I accept the roses while ignoring the thorns that hurt me; it’s not easy to unplant the roots planted in me so I continue to grow and how beautiful I look you’d never really know; Just a Rose with Thorns” -mz.verdin🥀
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“I wish he was afraid to loose me, like I’m afraid to loose him”
I wish he was afraid to loose me, like I’m afraid to loose him
I wish I could keep us together and not make a change for the better
I knew what you was looking for the moment you stated FOREVER
I wish it was me that fitted that catergory to make you mines when and where ever
You don’t know the pain your causing my heart to put me aside
To say it is me who is committing the crime, so you cry out and play the victim
And I held on tight til I was convicted
Convicted and left behind why was I blind
You never loved me the way that I loved you you’d careless each time that I cried
So you made your point and I had no other choice but to get out
And yet your not afraid, not afraid to loose me hear the pain in my voice
I gave you more when you gave me less, and you still act so childish…yet again
I wish he was afraid to loose me like I’m afraid to loose him- Miss Marie
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“I wish he was afraid to loose me, like I’m afraid to loose him”
I wish he was afraid to loose me, like I’m afraid to loose him
I wish I could keep us together and not make a change for the better
I knew what you was looking for the moment you stated FOREVER
I wish it was me that fitted that catergory to make you mines when and where ever
You don’t know the pain your causing my heart to put me aside
To say it is me who is committing the crime, so you cry out and play the victim
And I held on tight til I was convicted
Convicted and left behind why was I blind
You never loved me the way that I loved you you’d careless each time that I cried
So you made your point and I had no other choice but to get out
And yet your not afraid, not afraid to loose me hear the pain in my voice
I gave you more when you gave me less, and you still act so childish...yet again
I wish he was afraid to loose me like I’m afraid to loose him- Miss Marie
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Her heart aches, she’s undefeated what more could you possibly take away....? Her faiths gown and faded away...
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“I accept the roses while ignoring the thorns that hurt me; it’s not easy to unplant the roots planted in me so I continue to grow and how beautiful I look you’d never really know; Just a Rose with Thorns” -mz.verdin🥀
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What other reason you want to give me to end my life now?
Your giving me none to live for? All you ever do is yell and name call. Like what else the fuck for?
You’ve said what you wanted, you said what you feel. Now tell me again is that really how you feel?.....
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One Spark in her Eyes
She’s forgot who she was and let the game change her ways, she’s forgotten about the self love she’s learned so she’s may have lost her way. She put you first before everyone that loved her and even pushed them away. She’s forgotten the times you put her through hell and got lost in the maze. She’s everything you could ask for but it still won’t make your day. A woman filled with love in her heart. Still couldn’t make you change. She’s searching for love in your arms and you ever do is give her false alarms. She’s wanting a family forever home, but that’s just not you, not the person to grow old. So she’s lost and confuse, to you it’s a muse. She’s dazzled and buised darn this cocky girl is looking so blue. She’s felt the pain coming from her heart. The day she felt you too would come apart you made her, the woman she is. But still she refuses to see through her lens. She refuses to lie she refuses to cry. Holding in her fears just so she can ride. Holding in her tears, she refuses to cry-Mz.Verdin
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I’m just Saying
Never did I think I’d be feeling this way
Unwanted and unappreciated
I’m trying to be all that you want and all that you need
But the more I try just doesn’t add up...so it seems
I won’t lie I love starring into your beautiful eyes
But the reason I’m feeling down
Is cause you show me otherwise
Your mind playing me, telln me not to leave
Tell me we’ll be ok and it isn’t what it seems
I can’t stay when I’m torturing my own heart
I’m lying to my own mind
I’m pretending I’m really just am fine
I’m running from the scary nightmare
Although I seen it coming but it still isn’t fair
I’m a strong woman so I’ll get over it soon
But this isn’t the life that prayed when I asked for you.....
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Fall Stop
Before we fall into place we will fall apart
And the distance will tell our faith
If well be one or grow apart
Maybe we didn’t wanna let go
And maybe we didn’t play our part
But two hearts can’t beat as one
If you play hard for far
Far away to know your distance
Far away to let go way parts
The road is empty and drizzy
Just know you’ll always be in my heart-Mz.Verdin
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Know when to let Go...
At some point in life you have to let go of everything you thought you needed and was the best for you. Letting go of what you thought there could have been a possibility of everything you knew. (At the moment) sometimes change is an ok thing. Holding on can cause way more damage then letting go. I thought it was making me whole or so the feeling was. But eventually it’s a feeling it’s not who you are and who you want to be. My hearts aching because we only tried and sometimes trying isn’t enough. Trying couldn’t have fixed what was broken. If it was broken before it all happened before our eyes you already the outcome and still weighed in to the situation. It’s not about blame I did this, you put in more work than what I did. No; it’s about compassion and honesty. And without it there isn’t a foundation or balance of overcoming hard times and situations. When there’s no communication anymore you’ve lost it all. And it’s not about lost it’s about the risk you took knowing it all. -Mz.Verdin
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Times been Wastes
Your all that I want but not everything I need. There’s a difference between wanting something but needing is just the need. I love you with everything that I have. With my whole beating heart. It’s skips a beat to your name, I Wish you could feel my beating heart. My souls aching my minds going crazy. I thought we grow old together but that plan just wasn’t well played by your part. You know what your wanting and you aren’t afraid to ask. So you manipulate me by throwing shade from the past. At once I thought we were a team. To forgive and forget and continue to dream. But that’s not the case anymore. You really don’t care if I just up and I leave. You tell me it’s all in my head. That I’m making shit up. That I never held your hand, I can’t believe it was only a play. I thought If i continue to fight for what we lived for maybe it’ll all just play out in a smooth way. My legs start to shake, my knees get weak. Hell I played tf outta my part everyone knows I held it down. I did what I could the best way that I could. Just remember who was there for you when everyone went ghost out of the blue.
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It’s never the End if you don’t Search for an Answer
People change, Love and Hate makes you wonder where’s the time gone. How’d did it all change? Your sky’s like your life nothing but rain. You let him under your skin, just like fuck it let me bleed out let my blood drain. It’s only a matter of time things must change. Not only for yourself but because you deserve more than you give. And apparently it’ll never be enough for the other person and your heart will be in pain. It’s only a phase. Things will start to shift your way. And you’ll sit there and say to yourself. “Damn, I came along way”. The feeling of needing someone. Will always play a role in this love game. But you were once born alone so it’s really just a mind fuck stuck in your brain. Your afraid to be alone, cause growing up you always had that companion. But it’s ok to go your own way. Discover who you really are and make your own changes. Be you not “us”. Be your own sunshine in the mornings, get up out of bed without anyone telling you, it isn’t time to get up so just lay there. Go for your morning runs enjoy the breeze of the nature. Explore the world to the things you didn’t know existed. See with your own eyes feel with your own touch. But don’t ever let him hold away from all things you’d love to see and experience. Because no matter what and where life will take you. You’ll understand in the end why it happened in the sequence it did.
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Blinded Girl Wake Up
You don’t deserve her
All you ever did was desert her
Now you see she’s doing good
Now you wanna be after her
Thinking she’ll always stick around
Now you stating can’t live with out her
She gave you everything you needed
Made sure you was good
Made sure you was fed
But you still didn’t acknowledge the good in her
She is everything an actual man is searching for
And yet her she is stuck with you
Family and friends name calling her a fool
Cause she won’t open up her eyes
All he’d ever did was lied
And mamis in denial
She ain’t wanna heard
Baby girl don’t understand
He’ll never put you first
I can’t believe she went broke for you
Man she broke her bread down just to work for you
You never credited her
Instead you threw dirt to her
She wanted the love the hugs the affection
And yet you still talked down on her
Any man would feel lucky to have such a good girl like her
Always stayed home always kept it real
Homegirl swerved every nigha she met and knew
yet that still wasn’t real
Man i really feels sorry for ya
When she opens up her eyes and yet she’ll one day realize
You was never there for her
Not once in her life
was never down to ride like Clyde
All she ever wanted was your heart
Your love and affection but it’s never enough
So you let her walk away and never paid close attention enough -Mz.Verdin #O.C.
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You can’t stand around for people to notice you, life goes on so live it to the fullest! And maybe, just maybe they’ll hear you...
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You Can cause you Will
You keep telling yourself “always”
When you still have a chance
Why put yourself down for the past
When your living the present don’t worry if it’ll last....
Look forward don’t look back
Don’t worry about any stray cats
They wonder but they’ll leave
Once they find out your a beautiful growin seed
A sunflower in the sun
You keep shinning
They can’t stunt on us
So be happy, be courageous
What will be done will get done
It’s something precious
Dearly close to your heart
It can’t be rushed it can’t be taken away
Because they we feel together
Will drift us away!
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