briefjudgepartykid · 3 years
What matters
is how well
walk through
the fire..
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briefjudgepartykid · 3 years
After watching 3 episodes of Aspirants (TVF Originals) , Must watch for sure.
Probably one of inspirational and gives a sort idea (not exact) about UPSC aspirant life.The actors are perfect Naveen Kasturia ( Abhilash) and Sunny Hinduja ( Sandeep bhaiya) killed it as Mentor.Direction superb , music superb , expressions superb ,dialogues superb , everything is just awesome.
Butthey (tvf's writer)presented some manupulated facts what they did in Tvf Kota Factory.
A love story is potrayed and the protagonist became IAS , this exist only in reel life , not even 1% of selected candidate makes it in real life. Those whose fall in temporary relationshios rarely got selected in UPSC.
Abhilash(protagonist)had only one attempt left and he was confused about optional subject and he also don't know writing answers properly and suddenly he starts writing better than Dhairya (the female protagonist) and Cracked UPSC finally. Didn't you think that it's Tvf desperate attempt to turn every man into Hero.
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briefjudgepartykid · 3 years
2. The law of giving......
The universe operates through dynamic exchange.....giving and receiving are different aspects of flow of energy in the universe.
And in our willingness to give that which we seek , we keep the abundance of the universe circulating in our lives.
Regards ✌️
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briefjudgepartykid · 3 years
The Law of Pure Potentially.....
The source of all creation is pure consciousness......pure potentiality seeking expression from the unmanifest to the manifest.
And when we realize that our self true is the one of pure potentially , we align with the power that manifests everything in the universe.
Regards ✌️
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briefjudgepartykid · 3 years
CR चुने जाने के नियम
1. पहले आपको अपना नामांकन करना होगा ।
2. Google form के द्वारा ऑनलाइन वोटिंग कराई जाएंगी ।
3 CR और VICE CR दो पदों में किसी एक के लिए ही आप अपना नाम दे सकते हो ।
4. जिसको ज्यादा वोट आएंगे वो CR चुना जाएगा ।
अगर कोई इस चुनाव से संबंधित कोई जानकारी अथवा राय देने चाहते हैं तो ECE UNOFFICIAL whatsapp group में दे सकते हैं ।
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briefjudgepartykid · 3 years
सभी ECEian को अष्टमी की हार्दिक शूभकामनाये । कोरोना काल को ध्यान में रखते हुए इस रामनवमी घर से बाहर न जाये ।
आपलोगो का midterm बहुत ही सुचारू रूप से संचालित करा दिया गया सभी students ने अच्छा परफॉर्म भी किया । End term के exams की अभी कोई अधीकारिक तोर पर सूचना नही आई है , कि offline होगा या ऑनलाइन , किन्तु हमे हर परिस्तिथि के लिए तैयार रहना है ।
1st semester end होने को है , लेकिन हमने अभी तक अपने ब्रांच का CR and VICE CR ( class representative) नही चुना है , तो जो भी Students CR बनना चाहते है वो अपना नाम और email id unofficial whatsapp group me bhej de .
धन्यवाद ।।
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briefjudgepartykid · 3 years
the endings won't end you.
: - Alok
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briefjudgepartykid · 3 years
In the end thing that matters is you are sleeping safe and sound in your bed with a satisfaction that your loved ones are fine and healthy . Take care.
Regards Alok.❤️
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briefjudgepartykid · 3 years
Can be beautiful and scary at the same time.
You can be hurting and wondering what tomorrow
will bring but you can also be healing
and happy.
Sometimes it's best not to question why
you'r feeling this way ,but instead experience
all of the emotions change may bring.
Change can be beautiful, but scary process
Academic Pedia
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briefjudgepartykid · 3 years
okay but what if the colour orange is not really orange but we call it orange because the fruit orange has that colour
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briefjudgepartykid · 3 years
Tumblr media
With regards ❤️
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briefjudgepartykid · 3 years
it's 0kay
to begin your story today.
Those mistakes you've made along the way
are lessons , not failures.
You were meant to get back up and find a
Way that resonates with you.
There is no expiration date to reinventing
With regards ❤️
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briefjudgepartykid · 3 years
N0te t0 Self
You can't control how other people receive your energy.
Anything you do or say gets filtered through the lens of whatever personal shit they are going through at the moment , which is not about you.
Just keep doing your thing with much integrity and Love as possible.
With regards ❤️
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briefjudgepartykid · 3 years
There is always that time everyone in their life wakes up, only to realise that they never lived!
They've been wasting a lot of time complaining, living on pay cheques, procrastinating ideas, waiting things to happen by luck, accusing circumstances for things not working out for them, comfortable in the rat race. Until the day you badly need start living and you strongly stand up within you, things will never happen. What's your purpose in this life? When do you want to start living your dream life? Who is going to do it for you? What doest it take ?
Every morning ever ask yourself these questions, you either live with excuses or results.
But remember, it's hard but it's worth. If it was easy everyone would do it. But once you genuinely decide inside you, knowing what it takes, you soon live a life that others can't afford. We meet at the top, where there is no congestion!.
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briefjudgepartykid · 3 years
"Judge no one.
Just improve yourself."
"One of the best lessons you can learn is to master how to remain calm."
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briefjudgepartykid · 3 years
No matter how good a monkey can be in jumping from one branch of a tree to the other, there are moments when she misses and falls from a tree. Even when this happens, she never sits back and gets discouraged at her trade. The next moment, she is up and running again.
Do you suffer from the paralysis of perfection whereupon you work so hard to perfect things but in the process miss out on actual execution and subsequent results?
From now onwards, choose to love your mistakes and learn from them. Remember that we learn more from our mistakes than from our triumphs.
Go out there and make mistakes. Fall as much as you can for there is no such thing as a mistake if you learn from it.
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briefjudgepartykid · 3 years
eye contact that ends up with a smile
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