bricksotherblog · 10 hours
Hello dears ! I am asking you to support my campaign to help me to reach my goal. I am now in bad need to your support to help me stay alive and safe. Gaza is a very dangerous place either on the level of livelihood or on the level of souls. I need your monetary support to ensble me to get the basic needs for my family till Rafah crossing point reopens to move my family to safety and peace.Pleasd help a family be alive through your small donations or througn your shares to others
.Thank you so much for your stand beside people in need .
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bricksotherblog · 2 days
I think another reason why baeddelism is so strange and damaging is because, they’re right, it’s not really a movement, it’s basically just a group of friends who had bad ideas about trans women a decade ago. There are so many leaders of historical movements that did a lot of good for society but were terrible people in their personal lives, and most people can recognize and support the movement and not the person. You really can’t say that about the people who started baeddelism— current self identified baeddels are just naming themselves after an abusive rapist who wanted to isolate vulnerable transfems. Plus, their victims are still alive and can read all this shit. It’s so detatched from reality.
people with baeddel in their URL are naming themselves after an abusive rapist who wanted to isolate vulnerable transfems and that needs to be said more often, if they have an issue with associating them with that persnaps they can
remove it from their fucking URL
and then people will probably accept that any of them ever actually took issue with being called "baeddels" and the language people use for them will fully switch over to transradfem
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bricksotherblog · 3 days
The fear of the masculine woman predates any modern conception of transness and gender. There are stories about monstrous women with masculine traits from the ancient world, they were objects of fear or disgust or hatred. This is not misdirected transmisogyny, it's not transphobia misdirected at cis women, it's a fear of female transgression and masculinity. The two are inter-related and trans women are affected by this fear of female masculinity too, and cis women are affected by transphobia but the fear of the masculine woman didn't come from transmisogyny. It predates it. It could be seen as a fear of transmasculinity, even those early examples of women becoming like men and taking on or embodying masculine traits. But it's also not necessarily that. It contains aspects of intersexism, but isn't strictly that either. It's a fear of female masculinity and the transgression of gender norms and fear surrounding women's control over fertility, and so many other things.
Anyone who sees the way masculine women (and transmasculine people) are treated as purely a result of transmisogyny is mistaken, or actively engaging in misogyny, intersexism, and erasure. It's so much more complicated than that.
I'm sorry but not everything is about you.
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bricksotherblog · 3 days
the whole "trans men have male privilege and are therefore opressing women (cis and trans)" thing just screams republican co-opting progressive terms to cause infighting and in this case especially, silence minority groups.
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bricksotherblog · 3 days
some of these people dont think i swear to god "well no ones physically stopping men from going to therapy so they just choose not to" could you please think for 2 seconds and consider that there are perhaps social barriers in place that prevent this? i know you know what social stigma is come on
THANK YOU. "men can just go to places that don't have that stigma" have you ever lived anywhere other than a blue city. have you lived somewhere without sidewalks. have you lived in a food desert. ever in your life
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bricksotherblog · 3 days
"no matter what a man does if it were a woman in that position she'd have it worse 100% of the time"
gay men in leather harnesses:
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bricksotherblog · 3 days
What the hell is this thread that I came across
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A classic sentiment ofc but the replies really show how much the community is blind to/ignores VERY COMMON acts of transphobia to transmascs.
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“You won’t ever see trans men accused of transitioning to indulge some “sick fetish””
Gay trans men face literally face that all the damn time.
“Trans men don’t get accused of transitioning to access male spaces”
This is a joke right?
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This part of the thread is op having no clue of the extremity of infantilization. Terms believing transmascs shouldn’t have their own bodily autonomy is not “empathy”, it’s viewing transmascs as less than and thus incapable of making their own decisions.
“They mourn infertile wombs and removed breast”
yeah whilst ridiculing phalloplasty and top surgery. And even if it was just mourning and no mocking, that is still just as bad. They’re mourning our infertile wombs because to them, we’re not accessible baby factories anymore, and with no breast, we’re not sexually appealing anymore. Again downplaying ensues.
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Yea trans women are accused of erasing women, but here’s a shocker, SO ARE TRANS MEN, CONSTANTLY. Every time we ask to be included, we’re told to shut up. To me op is just living in their own world and refuses to step out of their echo chamber or something because this is one of the most ridiculous threads I’ve come of cross.
Viewing the oppression of trans men and trans women in this binary mindset is ridiculous. “Trans men ONLY get infantilized and trans women ONLY get demonized”
“Trans men ONLY get “empathy”, and trans women ONLY get mocked”.
The lack of nuance kills me
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bricksotherblog · 4 days
When someone says, "Transandrophobia isn't real, read Whipping Girl"
What they're actually saying is:
"I value the words of a single white trans women who wrote a book in 2007 (a book not even intended to address the oppression of trans men), over the words and theory of an indigenous trans man who coined transandrophobia, and all of the numerous trans men of color and otherwise marginalized transmasc people who are currently theorizing about their own oppression based on their actual lived experiences."
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bricksotherblog · 4 days
More examples of transandrophobia deniers celebrating and joking about putting a disabled trans man who already had a potentially life threatening illness into hospital with unprovoked harassment. Continuing to wish death on him because they love the idea of a disabled trans man dying because of them.
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And yet they still pretend that they're kind and reasonable and out for justice while being disgustingly and violently ableist and wishing death on everyone who disagrees with them even a little
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bricksotherblog · 5 days
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[ID: Meme that reads "I bring a sort of "The Patriarchy was defined by Cis Feminists and the Definition Should be Updated To Better Represent the Lived Experiences of Trans and Intersex People" Vibe to Transfeminist Theory that Radfems don't really like" the background is a photo of a man with a backwards baseball cap looking into the distance while standing outside /end ID]
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bricksotherblog · 5 days
I think one thing that proves how arbitrary the line of transmasc and transfem is is that now I am probably going to be rejected by transmasc and transfem spaces for not "using the terms correctly." They mean in a perisex binary gender conforming way. That's always what they mean.
I've always been rejected by transfem spaces based on my AGAB. A completely arbitrary assignment made by someone I'll never meet as if it is supposed to define my life. I have some facial hair, more hair than perisex cis women, external body parts that are more like a crowie shell than the typical vulva, hypoestrogenism and slight hyperandrogenism due to it. But all of that is ignored when people see I have a vulva or uterus at all. They (intersexist and transphobic bigots) see AGAB as "penis or vulva/vagina/uterus haver" like how it applies to assumed perisex people, but never actually question if they are correct in their assumption.
The transmascs who reject me will see "transfem" as a label and instantly see me as a perisex AMAB transfem who will go on estrogen and anti-androgens. I'm automatically an other who can never have any similar experiences to transmascs. All from the assumption of one label.
I feel cut out of trans spaces entirely (I'm nonbinary, but those spaces are so small compared to others). My transfem experience involves masculinizing my body and xenogender experiences, making me experience both transandrophobia and transmisogyny. But many people in these conversations act as if they are mutually exclusive identities and experiences. There's grey areas between every intersection.
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bricksotherblog · 6 days
so let me get this straight, some transmascs went online and started talking about their experiences with oppression, and in return a bunch of other trans people started calling them 'zippertits', 'cuntboys', and 'theyfabs'
really great community we have here
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bricksotherblog · 6 days
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this is so fucking racist holy shit do these people hear themselves
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bricksotherblog · 6 days
"Trans men experience sad little erasure and trans women experience horrific violence"
Both experience both dumbass. Why is "transmascs never experience the full range of transphobia" such an accepted belief when it's literally horseshit?
How many transmascs need to be hurt before people will believe us? Why is everyone so quick to insist the usual transmasc experience is "nothing" when so many transmascs are saying otherwise???
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bricksotherblog · 7 days
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these are the people you affect when you talk about trans men being annoying, or unclean or ugly. or when joke about trans men "switching sides" or being traitors to femininity. when you say trans men only transition to reap the benefits of being a man, and we just want to sit at the boys table to have free reign to be misogynists. that women are inherently more good and kind. or when you say that trans men arent real men, just confused afabs who are going through a phase, but we still want to retain our "victim status". even when you say these things around company that you believe are all girls, you may be enforcing to someone that they're not loved or safe. you're telling them that you hate the true self that they have been hiding from you.
to the trans men still in the closet: you dont have to choose between a life of being loved or being yourself. you can and you WILL have both. so many people in this world will love and cherish that man thats waiting inside of you, waiting to shine out of you! people will adore him, and you will adore him! you will love yourself, and you will be loved. don't spend all your life wondering what that could be like.
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bricksotherblog · 7 days
Very telling that when you specifically point out trans radfems aggressively harassing other trans people that they call "TME"s, using only that term, the response you get is "You can't talk about transfems harassing AFABs! That's transmisogynistic rhetoric!"
Hmm. I thought that wasn't what it means?
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bricksotherblog · 7 days
In regards to the AFAB transfem discourse: as a trans woman, I very much understand the fear of our gender identity being defined for us by someone who doesn’t understand our experiences; a fear of being defined out of your own identity. The whole thing with being trans is that our assigned sex doesn't define us, and femininity and masculinity aren't monolithic
"My skeleton cannot match the ideal representation of my body", "I was born a gender that does not match who I am or want to be", and "I wish I could experience gender expression in the way that others are able to" are all very core aspects of being a trans person, regardless of how those aspects manifest or where they come from. There is something very relatable about feelings of gender yearning, and I have a lot of empathy for that
I don’t think there is anything wrong or strange about wishing you could reinvent yourself as something else entirely. Some of my biggest wishes and desires for what I wish my body could be like are impossible. The way in which I wish I could be perceived by the world seems impossible. The longer I’ve been trans the more I feel like defining ourselves around labels hurts and chokes us more often than it helps us understand and explain ourselves
If the cis girl experiences alienation from her femininity, so what if she calls herself transfeminine. So what. It won't kill anybody. "god i wish that were me" is like, the entire foundation upon which transness is built
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