briar-rose greengrass
15 posts
20 // sophomore // major in psychological healing // minor in elemental magic.
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briargreengrass-blog · 8 years ago
jamesxxsirius :
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“You’re an angel!” James proclaimed dramatically as he grabbed Briar’s shoulders and then smacked a kiss onto her forehead, pulling away with a laugh. The teddy bear was actually pretty cuddly, so James continued to hug it to himself with a soft smile on his face as he continued to talk to Briar. “All of the people going ‘round are fairy godmothers, honestly. What would we do without you?”
“I’m no angel, I’m just Briar” she laughed at the Gryffindors over enthusiastic manner. A smile played at her lips at the sight of James hugging the bear close “You wouldn’t have bears to hug for a start” she joked “We just wanted to do something nice for everyone” 
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briargreengrass-blog · 8 years ago
maddox-mclaggen :
“That’s sweet of you, some people could be doing with some cheering up. It must suck to be stuck in here” he said. Maddox gave the girl a nod “Yeah I’m alright. A few burns and cuts, nothing serious” 
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“Yeah, it must be so boring in here too.” Briar agreed and held out the basket “Would you like one? Nothing serious is wonderful news, I’m glad you’re okay”
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briargreengrass-blog · 8 years ago
jerome - open
Jerome: Don't bother me unless it's dire
Jerome: Unless it's at least an 8/10 on the serious scale, don't bother me
Jerome: The wellbeing of my stepdaughter and her road to recovery is far more important than unnecessary messages
Jerome: The required reading was given out before the event.
Briar: Apologies Sir.
Briar: I was messaging to pass on my well wishes to Bella and to wish her a speedy recovery.
Briar: I don't have her number.
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briargreengrass-blog · 8 years ago
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Diagon University - Task 001
Briar-Rose Greengrass - Character Development Sheet
Name: Briar-Rose Astoria Greengrass
Nicknames?: Briar, Bri 
Age: 20
Birthday: September 29th
Gender: Female
Orientation: Bisexual 
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Hair Color: Red (charms it Blonde sometimes) 
Eye Color: Green
Complexion: Light
Height: 5′9
Build: Thin, Slender, Tall
Glasses/Contacts?: N/A
Heritage/Ethnicity: White
Tattoos/Piercings?: Ear Piercings
Distinguishing Features: Red hair and height - the girl’s all legs lmao
Bloodstatus: Pureblood
House/Year: Ravenclaw, Sophomore
Major/Minor: Major in Psychological Healing and Minor in Elemental Magic
Boggart: Failure
Patronus: -
Quidditch?: N/A
Prefect?: N/A
Extra Circulars?: Charms
Wand: -
Amorentia: Strawberries, Cinnamon and Salted Popcorn 
Languages: English
Accent?: Proper English
Voice Pitch: Soft/Normal
Anything Distinctive?: N/A
Introvert/Extrovert?: Introvert
Hobbies/Interests: Charms, Baking, Gardening, Arts & Crafts
Skills/Talents: Baking, Legilimency, Occlumency
Bad Habits: Sometimes cares about others opinions more than her own, Can be materialistic
Likes: Baking, Arts & Crafts, Gardening, Seeing people happy
Dislikes: Seeing people unhappy, Bullies, 
Strengths: Intelligent, Adaptable, Caring, Warm, Charming, Kind
Flaws: Can be materialistic, Cares a lot about others opinions, 
Pet Peeves: Bullying, Seeing people being too stubborn to ask for help when they need it
Describe Sense of Humour: Briar laughs a lot, she finds humour to be a great stress reliever. 
Color: Orange
Animal: Dog
Food: Italian 
Drink: Fruit Juice
Genre of Books: Classic Novels, Psychological, 
Genre of Movies/TV: Drama, Mystery, Thriller, Crime
Genre of Music: Classical, Soft Old School, Pop, Indie
Season: Summer
Relationship with Parents: Briar loves her mum’s - Daphne and Venus. She gets on so well with them and finds it easy to speak to them about anything that she has on her mind. Her parents are loving and always encouraging Briar to follow her own instincts and to find her own footing in life. She finds that when people first meet her mums it’s a shock to their system because with the name Greengrass, most expect the snobby, posh, bland persona that was previously described but that’s not the case. Daphne is a photographer/artist and Venus is a computer software/video game developer
Relationship with siblings: Briar is the only child of Daphne and Venus. She’s biologically Daphne’s - hence with the Greengrass name. 
Relationship with extended family: TBD
How are they in a romantic relationship?: Briar doesn’t really know how to act in a relationship. She’s never been in one that she could class as serious so she only really knows the sort of beginning stage of a relationships where everything’s shiny and new. 
How are they as a friend?: Briar will do anything for her friends. She has diehard loyalty to the people she considers friends. 
What do they look for in a lover?: Someone that she vibes well with. Someone that shares a lot in common with her but also has their differences. 
What do they look for in a friend?: Kind, Caring, Loyal, 
Occupation/Goal Occupation: Briar wants to definitely do something with Psychological Healing. At this point in time, she wants to help people in regards to therapy and mental health. She feels liker her strong ability to understand peoples mindsets would help as well as having the Legilimency and Occlumency to be able to really see how people are feeling and what they’re thinking. 
Religion: N/A
Pets: Cat called Missy
How he/she feels about himself/herself: Briar is indifferent about herself. She’s neither super confident nor is she shy. She believes she’s average at best and she’s okay with that
One word the character would use to describe self: Open
What does the character consider their best personality trait? Caring
What does the character consider their worst personality trait? Easily Overwhelmed
What does the character consider their best physical characteristic? Her legs. She’s legit just all legs in her height lmao
What does the character consider their worst physical characteristic? While she likes her legs, Briar isn’t a big fan of her height because she’s so tall compared to most of the others her age. Plus being so tall and having bright red hair is like having a big arrow pointing to her. 
How does the character think others perceive them: She doesn’t know but she hopes it’s in a good light
What would the character most like to change about themselves: She’d like to be more assertive sometimes.
Most Painful Experience or an Experience that has shaped who your character is today: By having two mums, Briar never saw anything wrong with that. However there were some people in the world that didn’t like the fact that Daphne and Venus were together - even more so when they had Briar-Rose. She witnessed a lot of homophobic things directed towards her parents growing up and that was a shock to the system that not everyone is kind and open minded. Briar needed that shock, but it’s always been a hard thing to hear/see for her. 
Characters Goals. What do they want? What is their biggest dream? Briar wants to be comfortable in her decisions and to make use of her skills and talents where they would be valuable
Characters Motivation. Why do they want the goal above? For who or what? She wants to prove herself and make her mums proud
Characters Conflict. What is keeping them from their goals? She has a lot of self doubt and struggles with the idea of a serious decision she makes being so final. 
What would your character wish for if they knew it would come true? To be more certain about things. 
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briargreengrass-blog · 8 years ago
jamesxxsirius :
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James nodded slowly, deciding her suggestion sounded like a good idea. It wasn’t like he could continue barely eating anything, especially when usually he ate everything within his sight. “I’m sure he’ll love it, being lovely and Gryffindor-esque.” He hugged the bear to himself and smiled happily. “You seem like a fairy godmother to me, granting all our wishes. Someone needs to be around to cheer us all up.”
“I can get you one the next time the food cart comes round” she offered, hoping that he would still be willing to eat when the time came. “Who wouldn’t? It’s a stuffed plushie” Briar smiled “I don’t feel like a fairy godmother. There’s a few people going around giving out cakes and sweets to help lighten the mood”
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briargreengrass-blog · 8 years ago
send one for a kind gesture;
♖ comforting after a nightmare ♘ kiss on the forehead ♣ wiping away tears ♝ holding hands ♡ hugging ♦ picking up your character ♤ bathing your character ♠ my muse taking care of your muse when their sick ♛ shoulder rubs ☮ stroking/ruffling hair ▽ patting/rubbing their back ☽ dressing your character ☺ my muse helping your muse fall asleep ❮ my muse comforting your muse as they grieve ♋  my muse fixing your muse something to eat ✍ my muse  teaching your muse ∞ my muse reading to your muse  ♒ my muse giving yours a message
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briargreengrass-blog · 8 years ago
maddox-mclaggen :
“I’m okay thanks Bri” he smiled over at the red head. “Have you been doing this all day?” Maddox asked wondering if the girl took any time for herself. 
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“Yeah, I thought giving out some sweet treats would help cheer people up a bit” she smiled softly “Are you okay?”
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briargreengrass-blog · 8 years ago
zachevergreen :
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“Oh, oh.” Zach smiled at her, very softly, and he sat up straight. “I’m Zach Evergreen. I think your name’s really pretty—like the Sleeping Beauty princess.” He said, remembering that because his sister definitely had watched that when she was younger. Zach’s eyes brightened and his grabby hands reached for the contents of the basket. “You… are right. Chocolate does cheer people up and I don’t often get chocolate, I’m very excited.” He took the sweets and beamed up at her. “Thank you so much, this is so very sweet of you. Do you, ah… go to the university, too? I’m sorry if I don’t recall or anything—memory loss.”
“Nice to meet you Zach” she smiled and placed her basket down on a nearby table “Thank you, you’d be correct. That’s what my mum’s were going for when they named me” She didn’t mind the comparison since the movie was conveniently enough one of her favourites. “It does. It’s scientifically proven.” she grinned at the fact “You’re welcome, it’s nothing. I just wanted to cheer people up a bit. Yeah, I study psychological healing and elemental magic. Do you go?”
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briargreengrass-blog · 8 years ago
jamesxxsirius :
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“Alright, fine. I’ll have a sandwich. Something not too heavy, though, otherwise I’ll probably puke it back up.” James screwed up his nose at that thought even though it was probably true with the way he’d been feeling all week. At the mention of teddy bears, he had a look and picked out a yellow one for Hufflepuff before smirking and putting it back and getting a red one instead, deciding Teddy would be more amused by James’ obnoxious Gryffindor-ness. “This one is perfect. Have you been playing fairy godmother all day?”
“How about some ham or some cheese?” she suggested lightly. “Red for Gryffindor.” Briar nodded at the choice, a grin spreading on her lips “Then consider it yours; I hope Teddy likes it” Briar beamed. “I wouldn’t say fairy godmother, but I thought it would be nice to cheer people up a little” 
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briargreengrass-blog · 8 years ago
zachevergreen :
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Zach was thankfully allowed to go home—which, after a fun battle with Eli and his parents was actually at the apartment he and Eli shared—but had to come back to St. Mungo’s on the daily for a week. He sat on his hospital bed, exhausted out of his mind wen he saw a redhead that wasn’t his sister coming along with treats. “Sorry?” He asked sitting up a little. “Do I know you?” He asked, unsure if she was a friend from before the accident or… someone he’s truly never met before. But he smiled at the chocolate and bit his lip, feeling childish. “Are you truly offering candies?”
She hovered at the doorway, not wanting to disturb the boy. “I was just asking if you need anything.” Briar smiled hoping that she didn’t look too weird. “I don’t know if you do, I’m Briar-Rose Greengrass.” she said introducing herself and taking it as an okay to walk into the room a little. Catching the glimpse at the chocolate, she smiled and held out the basket containing all the sweets treats and cakes she was carrying around “Yes, take what you like. I know it’s not much but i thought people might like a little something to cheer them up even if it’s only for a smidgen” 
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briargreengrass-blog · 8 years ago
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“Honestly, I feel like I should be hungry considering I’ve barely eaten the last few days… but I just can’t manage any food.” James frowned a little bit even though he appreciated the offer. “Do you have any teddy bears? I could give one to Teddy!”
“At least take a sandwich James” Briar said trying to reason with him to come to some sort of compromise. “I do. I have teddy bears and plushie animals for each house. Take your pick. I’m sure Teddy would love any gift his friends get him” 
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briargreengrass-blog · 8 years ago
Briar was visiting some of her peers in the hospital; bringing things like sweet treats, balloons, stuffed plushes and anything else she could think of that would offer even the slightest bit of happiness to those injured. “Do you want some food or anything? I can get you that if you’re hungry” 
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briargreengrass-blog · 8 years ago
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briargreengrass-blog · 8 years ago
hi everyone I’m kitty - my parents are huge nerds and named me after kitty pryde the xmen character. it really happened, it's a thing. I’m really excited to be here with you all!!!!
briar-rose greengrass
20 years old
major in psychological healing and a minor in elemental magic.
briar-rose got her name from the original name from the tale of sleeping beauty. she goes by briar because she finds the name too long for day to day use.
being a greengrass has resulted in briar having the finer things in life. she’s used to the lavish lifestyle, the pretty dresses and the latest of everything.
she is humble, she is sweet but she can have her moments of materialism at times
daughter of daphne greengrass and her wife venus -thats right, double mum squad! she is biologically Daphne’s and is therefore greengrass blood.
briar is mentally powerful but is timid and shy and that gets the better of her at times.
she is driven to proving that she’s more than her families money and that she has a brain. briar is prone to taking on too much work and becoming overwhelmed.
if anyone would like to plot please hmu! I’d love to speak to you all and get some connections/plots for briar. that’s the basics so far but I’ll add to this more later
❤ kitty xo
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briargreengrass-blog · 8 years ago
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