briarcraftofficial · 9 months
Trying to decide on what to write first, I have so many ideas.
First is a story based on a prompt from @write-it-motherfuckers from a couple of years I think at this point. Where someone finds a brand new guard android that was basically thrown away for being defective, but really it just has too much human emotion basically and was against what its creators wanted to do. So basically a plot of android and group tries taking on the government.
Next is an apocalyptic world ruined by war, and yet this young man stumbles on a cube that contained a goddess, and if more are released, they could restore the world. The biggest corporation still in business however has their own group of deities and they're trying to keep humanity from growing so large and destructive again.
Another is a project I really want to do, basically an online video game world, but the creator is actually a jester from long ago that was cursed with immortality by his former king. The end goal for him is to have the players find a way to break the curse, putting riddles and clues he's found over the centuries into the game as a unique quest line. A bigger company gets the idea though that they could gain control of the world from the power who cursed the jester, not getting the part that it was a demon who at first wanted to destroy the world.
And my newest idea is where the protagonist always heard stories of this great hero that brought so many races together, getting arrogant as they're told they look just like the depictions of the centuries old hero, and end up in a program to test out a time machine, only to find that they don't just look like the hero, but they are the hero, having to navigate the old world's government vs. kingdoms basically. This feels a bit jumbled up more than the rest at the moment though.
For now I'll sleep on it. Have a clearer mind in the morning to make a choice.
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briarcraftofficial · 2 years
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Hey there, if people recognize this art, yes it’s me. I still have the other blogs active, but I wanted a really fresh start here. This blog will be where I focus on my original stories, whether they have chapters or are one shots. But this is not my main, my main blog is @briar-craft since I wanted a new account so I can start spamming about new fandoms I’m getting into, as well as personal reasons, but eh. Where to find me: Archiveofourown here Twitter here Toyhouse here I hope you enjoy my ramblings!
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