196 posts
🇵🇭 🎨she/they aspec || Personal Fantasy and Supernatural arts || fanarts are mostly genshin 💠🔶Guili ⚖️💧Neuvifuri 🦁🪻Dehyarzad 🍀Nahida is my child
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bri-van-ghen · 16 days ago
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Lowkey kinda funny tho they did it naked and dry from sweat and cu-
Furina blinked as the smell of fragrant flowers and freshly cut grass tickled her nose, opening her eyes to find that she was lying in the middle of a lush green glade. 
Moving to cover her naked body, she found that she was already dressed in a simple gown, with Neuvillette and her bed nowhere to be seen. Opening her mouth, she tried to call out for him only to find that her voice didn't obey her, no matter how feverishly she cried out. 
I'm dreaming, Furina realized. 
"Yes, you are." Furina's head snapped around as a small, childish voice called to her from the other side of the glade. A swing hung from the boughs of a tree overlooking a pool and on it swung a girl of five or six, barefooted with her hair pulled into a messy ponytail off to one side. 
"I'm sorry for reaching out like this," the girl said, barely looking up as Furina found herself next to her, not sure if she walked or if the dream had just shifted around her. "I would have come in person, but…things in Sumeru are busy." 
Busy? Furina thought, flinching slightly as the girl turned to look at her. Something was unnerving about how the child looked at her. Perhaps it was the eyes; too old and too wise to belong to a girl her age. 
"When is an Archon ever not busy?" The girl giggled, a strange smile creeping to her lips as Furina realized who she was talking to. 
Lesser Lord Kusanali…
"I prefer Nahida…as you prefer Furina," Nahida replied, waving her hand overhead as Dendro energy danced from her fingertips. A second swing lowered itself from the branches, and before Furina realized what was happening, she found herself seated on the larger swing, swaying back and forth in the breeze. 
I don't think I've ever been on a swing before…
"You still haven't; this is just a dream, isn't it?" Nahida said, slowing to watch Furina swing. "I wanted to apologize for my people; that miserable little scholar caused some trouble for you, didn't he?" 
"Yes…truly a vile person," Nahida said, nose wrinkling the way a child might turn their nose up at a plate of vegetables. "He wasn't with the retinue from the Akademiya, and certainly not acting on my orders to harm you or your people. I understand that may be challenging to believe, which is why I chose to come in person…more or less." 
Furina shook her head, trying to think through the thick fog of the dream. How did you know about that? 
"Dreams are my purview; usually only in Sumeru, but in your case…I have ways I can reach out to you," Nahida said, looking down in the pool. Furina followed her gaze and nearly fell out of her swing as she found herself dangling above a chasm with a vast desert sprawling below. Sharp shards of abyssal energy rose out of the sands, each capable of skewering Furina should she fall. 
"I never met Egeria…but her essence is part of Sumeru now," Nahida said, watching the sands ripple and shift until they turned into a vast sea of crystal blue water. "There is a sympathetic bond between the two of you that I used to meet you…I hope you don't mind." 
Does it matter if I mind? Furina thought, feeling naked and exposed with another Archon rooting around her subconscious. 
"That's an interesting question," Nahida said, tapping her chin. "Does what we want matter in the grand scheme of things? Or are we just actors playing our specific roles?" 
Furina blinked, and she found herself standing on the stage of the Opera, looking up at a glittering blue sword that hung high above her head. Nahida balanced on the pommel, each step causing the blade to twitch and jerk as if dangling from a thin string. 
"I suppose it matters to me," Nahida said with a small shrug. "Who we are is defined by what we do, and I don't want to be the kind of goddess who trespasses where she's not wanted…if you mind, I can go." 
Furina was about to respond when she caught sight of her reflection in the mirror behind her. In her reflection's hand she could see a sword hanging over a smaller reflection beneath her. Looking up, Furina saw the stranger that looked so much like her raising the sword over her head as if to strike. 
"Although it looks like this dream is coming to an end," Nahida said as the string snapped and the edge of the sword streaked down towards Furina's face. "I wonder what it-" 
Furina's eyes fluttered open, the girl's words fading as she woke with Neuvillette's breath tickling the back of her neck. As she shifted, she realized he had wound himself around her as she slept, arms possessively gripping her against his bare chest that rose and fell with soft snores that disappeared into her nest of messy curls. 
Was that really the Dendro Archon? Furina thought. Or am I hallucinating about creepy cabbage children now? 
Frankly, Furina found it very hard to care about meddling Archons when she was so close to Neuvillette that she could almost feel his heart beating. Little miss dream-girl would have to wait until Furina was over the fact that Neuvillette had (repeatedly) made love to her the night before. 
So probably another hundred years, Furina thought as she closed her eyes, allowing herself to be cradled in her Sovereign's embrace. The clock read shortly before midnight; plenty of time to just enjoy the way Neuvillette fit against her before she had to rise and become Focalors again. For once, something had gone right and Furina was going to enjoy it, goddamnit. Years of fantasies had proved to be insufficient in the face of the raw, primordial force of Neuvillette's desire; he had crashed into her like a wave, pounding her into a weak, rubbery mess that had no intention of moving from her new favorite sleeping spot until the morning. 
Her heart was committed to eight hours of uninterrupted snuggling; her bladder was not so cooperative. 
The Games of Divinity (Accomplice!Neuvillette AU)
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bri-van-ghen · 17 days ago
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Haagentus, God of (star)Dust
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bri-van-ghen · 17 days ago
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“Live a fulfilling life, Kasuban.”
Kasuban is the name of my Wanderer; a combination of “kasama” (Tagalog) and “kauban” (Bisaya), both of which means “companion” or someone accompanying you.
With 3.4 coming tomorrow, I wish for a day I see you again, my wanderer.
Also hoping for a familial slowburn development between these two.
That bday letter got me choking; Auntie Nahida really tried her best TToTT
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bri-van-ghen · 19 days ago
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“A moment of peace with the gentle dust…”
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bri-van-ghen · 20 days ago
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bri-van-ghen · 23 days ago
present by the sea rated M / 4,306w / Fairy Tale Elements
on AO3
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bri-van-ghen · 1 month ago
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queen sabrina carpenter's grammy performance was so furina-coded that I had to draw Furibrina
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bri-van-ghen · 1 month ago
"A sound came out of Neuvillette's lips...
She found herself inexplicably withess to something older and powerful than humanity; a name that hadn't been spoken since the fall of the Hydro Sovereign. And now known to only two."
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Inspired from The Dance of Eternity by @siderealscribblings
Beside the 🍆🍆 , this was my favorite moment in the chapter!
The way it was described had me holding my breath and getting goosebumps.
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bri-van-ghen · 2 months ago
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when we first met (pt. 3)
first part is on my twitter! (X)
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bri-van-ghen · 2 months ago
IT'S HERE IT'S HERE ‼️‼️‼️❗❗‼️
*Note: This chapter contains explicit material intended for adult audiences; reader discretion is advised.
99 Years, 11 Months, 27 Days
Theatricality had never been Neuvillette's strong suit, but a century of learning from one of Teyvat's greatest illusionists had taught him how to put on a good show. Thankfully Furina took ages to get ready, which meant Neuvillette had plenty of time to set the stage…with a few helping hands, of course. 
"Where do you want the cake M. Neuvillette?" A lime green melusine asked, delicately balancing a hefty slice of pillowy cake on her head. 
"Table by the window if you please, Ceres," Neuvillette said, lighting the last of the candles and setting it on a paper lily boat in the pool. Furina had spent four bloody months settling on the decor for the grand gala and he would be damned if someone didn't enjoy the ambiance. A small fleet of melusine had done what they could without ladders, turning the lower three feet of walls into a tapestry of ceramic fish and shells as Neuvillette prepared the pool. 
"Alright, that should do it," Neuvillette sighed, pulling his hair into a loose ponytail and wiping his brow. He had stripped down to a loose shirt and slacks while setting things up, deciding to change into something more suitable once everything was set up. "Thank you ladies, I shall take it from-" 
"Neuvillette?"  Furina called from behind the door to her room. "Where are you?" 
"Pool room," Neuvillette called, ushering the melusine through the door to the foyer. "Come in." 
"Come in? Is that how one announces the arrival of an Archon to a gala held in honor of her reign?" 
"You want to be announced ?" Neuvillette sighed fondly. "To whom ?" 
"My distinguished guests, of course!" 
"...I am literally the only one here." 
"And very distinguished!" 
You ridiculous woman… Neuvillette thought with a slight smile. "...announcing Lady Furina de Fontaine, Regina of All Waters, Hydro Archon and Goddess Focalors, Ruler of the Nation of Fontaine, Protector and Patroness of the Melusine…etcetera, etcetera." 
"I don't recall etcetera etcetera being part of my coat of arms!" Furina huffed, anxiously unlatching the door and stepping out into the candlelit chamber. "Oh…I see you were busy." 
"Yes, well, since I assumed you would take some time gussying yourself up, I thought I would make the place look…" Neuvillette trailed off as Furina stepped into the light. Her dress reflected every candle, a sea of shimmering interlocking scales that shifted as she walked from shadow to shadow. It hugged her chest snugly, falling just short of her kneecap and leaving her collarbone and shoulders bare. Stockings and gloves that rose to the middle of her arm complimented the ensemble, as did a familiar blue gemstone that had finally returned where it belonged. 
"...beautiful," Neuvillette finished. 
Read More
Chapter 1
The Games of Divinity (Accomplice!Neuvillette AU)
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bri-van-ghen · 3 months ago
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We were having a secret-santa gift exchange ft. Nvfr and this is my gift for alphasakura on bsky!
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bri-van-ghen · 3 months ago
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Contributor applications close tomorrow! Now’s the last chance to run to the airport and apply for 𝓑𝓸𝓷 𝓥𝓸𝔂𝓪𝓰𝓮! to take a trip with NeuviFuri to Asia!
🔗Application forms:
🐚 Page Artists:
🐚 Merch Artists:
🐚 Writers:
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bri-van-ghen · 3 months ago
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Merry Christmas yall!
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bri-van-ghen · 3 months ago
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It’s the most magical time of the year and NeuviFuri are certainly in the Christmas spirit celebrating with each other!🎁🎄 What better way to spend the holidays than with your loved ones?♥️
From the mod team to you all, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
Art by our lovely and talented head and graphics mod, Kat (@kakathain, @aguatala)!!
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bri-van-ghen · 3 months ago
It doesn't help at all that I recently got into Love and Deepspace. My brain kept shifting between nvfr and Sylus/MC especially in those...freaky times khfkhv
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bri-van-ghen · 3 months ago
Hello! A question about merch artist apps: are we required to only have pieces that have actually been used to produce merch, or can we enter some that were not produced for merch, but could be potentially?
Hello and thank you for your question! 
Prior experience with merch production and having samples of physical items are not necessary, and mock-ups are more than acceptable! 
We would appreciate sharing samples of designs you would be willing to create for the zine so we can better visualize them. That being said, samples of fully illustrated pieces that are rendered and have backgrounds are not required unless you wish to make prints or wallpapers ^^
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bri-van-ghen · 3 months ago
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First and foremost, say hello to our head and graphics mod, Kat (@aguatala, @kakathain)! This zine’s lead & graphics creative, we have them to thank for the adorable NeuviFuri posts and for helping bring their Asia trip to life ✈️✨
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