I'm lucky that you found my blog to receive such a passionate letter! Thank you! ^//^
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Camilo doodle GIF
With a rat in hand.
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Hi! Just dropping by to say that I really like your Encanto art! Seeing your art in my dash always makes me happy, and I really appreciate being able to understand them through your translations. Thank you for creating them, and wanting to share it with us still ❤️
Thank you!
I'm so happy that people gradually fill this message window with support.
I've rarely experienced this before. It's very precious!
It's like a dream that my painting makes you happy.
Although it's a poor translation, I'm glad if my intentions are being conveyed well to you!
It's hard right now, but I'll gradually collect Encanto fan art.
because Encanto is too beautiful work to let go easily.
May you be full of joy!
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Hello! I would just like to say that I love your fanart. I'm a novice artist myself, and your art style is the kind that I'm working hard to be able to achieve one day. I love how it looks. You're an inspiration to me! Thank you for that! Keep at it, and I hope you have a lovely day! :)
The answer was too late! I'm sorry!
I hope you are starting a good year.
You have no idea how great you are.
First, sent a message, secondly, it describes how good it is about the other person, and thirdly, the moment I read this message, I became happy!
I'm so happy that my painting inspires you.
I hope you continue to make your own works!
I wish you a lovely day, too. :)
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Over the past few days I saw how some people treated you, it's absolutely awful! You draw them perfectly, from the eyes to the face structure, hair, and the outfits. They look so similar to their looks in the movie, your ability to draw is incredible! I hope other’s negative opinions don’t get to you, because you have a special talent and you made Encanto more special for me. And besides, the way you draw Camilo is adorable! I love your art, Happy new year! 💖
Hello, I'm sorry for the late reply. A lot of things happened as the new year started! I couldn't draw only fan art, I thought my answer would be delayed, and what I had been doing would have faded, but I saw the praise message you just sent me! You still remember me! You don't know how happy that is. Of course, it's not a big problem to be forgotten for a while in this Internet world, but receiving such favorable messages in a row makes me shy! (In a good way) Thank you! I really like your message, too! Thank you for loving my drawing! I hope you are having a great day.
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I love your drawings! And I don't think that you do something wrong with their ethnic features, this is your art style! Continue to do your best! (Sorry for the bad english)
Thank you! If I could use emoticons right now, I would have used a lot of crying and happy expressions.
There must be some shortcomings in myself, but your message is comforting.
I hope you're having a great New Year!
(I'm using the translator several times because I can't speak English)(Laughs)
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You don't deserve to be treated terribly like that
I know that sometimes it's hard to draw features to especially if you're new to it, people should have pointed it out nicer and not harshly
On behalf of those people, I apologize.
And I hope you are given more appreciation in the future, your artworks are beautiful 💖
I'm sorry for the late answer.
When I saw the notification, I was nervous about what to say, but I was so happy to have this message.
Thanks to you, I was able to relax in the new year.
Thank you for apologizing on behalf of them. That words comforted me a lot.
I hope you're having a great new year!
Thank you so much for leaving a message.
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Literally just draw the ethnic features dude.
당신은 여전히 제가 일부러 차별하려고 한다는 듯이 말하네요.
You still talk as if I'm deliberately trying to discriminate.
그 말보단, 캐릭터의 특성을 살리라고 말하는 게 좋을거예요.
Rather than saying that, it would be better to say to value the characteristics of the character.
아 그리고 새해복 많이 받으세요.
Oh, and happy new year.
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Dude you litteraly are still erasing their features. Give them their big noses, actually coily hair, and eyebrows. Youre still whitewashing them
::: 읽기전에, 이건 당신한테만 하는 답변이 아닙니다. :::
::: Before reading, This is not an answer only to you. :::
다시한번 말하지만, 제가 지금부터 말하려는건 "당신에���만" 하는 말이 아닙니다!
Once again, what I'm trying to say now is not "only to you"!
그냥 요즘 일어나는 일에 대해 말하고 싶어요.
I just want to talk about what's happening these days.
사람들이 팬아트를 악의적인 의도로 그릴거라고 생각하지 않았으면 좋겠어요. 말그대로 아직 캐릭터 드로잉에 적응이 덜 된 상태에서도 엔칸토가 좋아서 그리기 시작한건데 기분이 조금 그렇네요. 여러 관심을 받는건 기쁜 일이지만 조금 슬픕니다. 사실 제가 여기에 그림을 안올리면 되는 일이니까요.
I don't want people to think that they will paint fan art with malicious intentions. Literally, I started drawing because I liked Encanto even though I was still not used to character drawing, but I feel a little bit weird. It's a pleasure to receive a lot of attention, but it's a little sad. In fact, I don't have to post a picture here.
여러분의 단순한 의문 한 마디 받을 때마다 제가 얼마나 심사숙고해서 답을 올리는지 모를거예요.
제 말은 전부 번역기를 통하고 있으니 말 뜻이 제대로 전달되는지도 모르겠고요.
많은 사람들과 소통하게 된 건 기쁩니다. 하지만 제 노력을 볼 생각 없는 사람들 사이에서 제가 굳이 답을 해야 할 필요성을 모르겠어요.
간단하게, 당신이 캐릭터를 그려보세요. 그리고 일주일 지나서 다시 보세요.
당신이 발전한만큼 예전 그림은 이상하게 보일겁니다.
그리고 이상한 부분을 계속해서 바꿔나가는거죠.. 그게 변화고, 발전이잖아요.
Whenever you receive a simple question, you don't know how much I carefully answer it.
I mean, everything is through a translator, so I don't even know if the meaning of the words is conveyed properly.
I'm happy to communicate with many people. But I don't know the need for me to answer among people who don't intend to see my efforts.
Simply, you draw a character. And watch it again a week later.
As much as you've developed, the old one will look strange.
And you keep changing it. That's the change.
그림을 계속해서 그리려면 당신의 비위를 맞추기 위해 그려야할게 아니라, 나 자신이 즐겁게 그려야합니다. (악의성이나 혐오성 없이!) 물론 당신이 보기에도 좋다면, 더 좋겠죠.
If I want to continue drawing, I don't have to draw to please you, but I have to draw myself pleasantly. (Without malice or disgust towards someone!) Of course, if it looks good to you, it would be better.
하지만 지금 오는 의견들은 조언이 아니라 나를 패배시키려는 것 같습니다.
당연하지만 조언은 이기고 지는 게임이 아니에요.
But the opinions that are coming now seem to be trying to defeat me, not advice.
Of course, advice is not a game of winning or losing.
차라리 절 싫어한다고 인정하시는게 나을 것 같아요.
I think it's better to admit that you hate me.
당신은 절 전혀 배려해주지 않으니까요.
Because you don't care about me at all.
그냥 나한테 화내기만 하면 일이 해결될거라고 생각하는 것 같습니다.
I think you think things will be solved if you just get angry at me.
아니면 그냥 못그렸다고 말하세요.
제가 각각의 캐릭터들의 특징을 못살릴만큼 게으르다고요.
사람의 작품에 담긴 애정이나 의도를 생각않고 일부러 특징을 짓밟고 있다는 듯이 말하는건 단순한 악담보다 더 실례예요.
Or just tell them I didn't draw well.
Tell them I'm lazy enough to not make use of the characteristics of each character.
It's more rude to say as if you're deliberately trampling on characteristics without considering the affection or intention contained in a person's work.
저는 성숙한 사람이 아니고, 여러분도 그럴거라고 생각해요.
그러니 서로 의도하지 않은 방식대로 부딪힐때도 있겠지만...
너그럽게 봐주면 안될까요? 제가 마음에 들지 않으면 그냥 이 블로그를 지나치셔도 됩니다.
I'm not a mature person, and I think you are, too.
So, there are times when we bump into each other in an unintended way...
Can't you be generous? If you don't like me, you can just pass this blog.
앞으로 얼마나 더 많은 일이 반복 될지 모르겠지만, 해시태그에 상기한 대로 여기에 올린 그림들은 대부분이 다 낙서였습니다.
그냥 작품을 좋아해서 휘갈긴 그림이요!
I don't know how many more things will be repeated in the future, but most of the pictures posted here were scribbles as mentioned in the hashtag.
I just love encanto, so I just scribbled it.
그래도 마음에 안드신다면 해시태그를 달지 않겠습니다.
But if you don't like it, I won't post a hashtag.
이건 이기고 지는 게임이 아니에요.
당신이 한 일은 그냥 아마추어 그림에 지적한게 다입니다.
Seriously, this is not a game to win or lose.
All you've done is point out the amateur painting.
... 가끔 정말 제가 사람들이 인정할만한 좋은 아티스트였으면 좋겠습니다. 그러니 당신의 말도 진지하게 듣고 있어요.
... Sometimes I really hope I'm a good artist that people can recognize. So I'm listening to you seriously.
가끔 사람들이 남을 폄하하는 행동에 어떻게 그렇게 당당한지 궁금합니다.
Sometimes I wonder how people are so proud of their disparaging behavior.
저는 이번에 엔칸토 팬아트를 그리고 나서부터, 주변사람들이나 제 그림이 불펌당하고 욕먹는 일을 봐왔어요.
Since I drew Encanto fan art this time, I have seen people around me or my paintings being re-uploaded and criticized.
당연하지만 그 사람들은 우리가 평소에 어떤 그림을 그려왔는지 모르겠죠!
Of course, they don't know what we've been drawing!
각자의 그림의 특징에 대해서 말하면 분명 변명이란 소릴 들을 게 뻔합니다.
If I tell them about the characteristics of each painting, they will definitely hear it as an excuse.
비판을 해주는건 나쁘지 않지만 초면부터 욕부터 하는 행동은 무례하다고 생각합니다.
It's not bad to criticize, but I think it's rude to swear from the beginning.
내가 미안하다고 해도, 상대방은 거칠게 굴어서 미안하다는 말 한마디도 하지 않습니다.
Even if I say I'm sorry, the other person doesn't even say I'm sorry for being rough.
어떻게 자신이 완전히 옳다고 생각하는걸까요.
How do you think you're completely right?
변화는 천천히 일어나요.
누군가 변하길 바란다면 기다려야합니다.
Our change happens slowly.
If you want someone to change, you have to wait.
상대에게 말을 듣게 하고 싶다면, 상대 또한 아무생각없을거라 생각하지 마세요.
If you want to let your opponent listen, don't think your opponent has no thoughts.
분명 알게 될거예요. 원하는 그림을 그리기까지가 얼마나 어려운지.
I'm sure you'll find out. How difficult it is to draw the picture you want.
제가 너무 진지하다고 생각할 수도 있겠지만 그만큼 심각하게 받아들이고 있다고 생각해주세요.
You may think I'm too serious, but please think that I'm taking it that seriously.
어쩌면 더 나은 말을 할 수 도 있었겠지만, 더 좋은 표현이 생각나지 않네요.
어찌 되었건 여러분의 행복을 빌어요. 진심을 담아.
Maybe I could have said something better, but I can't think of a better expression.
Anyway, I wish you happiness. With sincerity.
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Camilo scribbles.
“To see myself... My stomach feels like it's going to flip!“
Toy Camilo: If you buy it now, it's 2+1! Camillo oo (Isn't that a scam?)
Camilo: Who wants Camilo to make you laugh? Camilo: What? Why are you laughing like that? Village kids: Ugly!
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It's not a special story.
I'm reading comments and the hashtags comments you leave when you re-blog. It's not been a long time since I used a tumbler, but I'm glad I got this kind of attention thanks to Encanto!
I want to say thank you one by one, but it's hard, so I posted this once. Thank you for liking my drawing! I'll continue to be thankful. have a good day!
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Surprise tío.
scolded by prima.
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Cutie pies.
The youngest members are cute.
If you saw Mirabel's fingers gray before fixing it... Congratulations! You found my mistake!
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Twitter review doodle
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encanto doodle
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