bret-c-wood-artedu · 5 years
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bret-c-wood-artedu · 5 years
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bret-c-wood-artedu · 5 years
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bret-c-wood-artedu · 5 years
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bret-c-wood-artedu · 5 years
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The children continued to explore the difference of black and white with positive and negative space. They do this contrasting a projection with black and white shadow puppets against black and white paper. children notice that even tho the paper can be white the shadow will still show up as black on the paper. the children also not that even when the shadow is cascaded upon a black piece of paper they can still see the shadow even tho it is darker. They realize that the paper must be a grey color because black is the darkest of dark. 
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bret-c-wood-artedu · 5 years
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bret-c-wood-artedu · 5 years
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bret-c-wood-artedu · 5 years
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bret-c-wood-artedu · 5 years
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bret-c-wood-artedu · 5 years
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bret-c-wood-artedu · 5 years
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bret-c-wood-artedu · 5 years
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Light and Color Room. Winter 2018
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bret-c-wood-artedu · 5 years
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Shadow Room. Fall 2018
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bret-c-wood-artedu · 5 years
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Dreidel-I made it out of clay. 
Durring Hannukah season the children in this group were learning to sing, the traditional , “Dreidel, Dreidel, Dreidel, I made it out of clay” song. They teachers of this group requested we make Dreidels out of clay as a projects. With meeting this request I found different Dreidels made of different materials and shapes and introduced them as the provocation combined with the clay. The result was that the children began to use the Dreidels in two ways. One way, was to made impressions in the clay. One student commented on noticing the difference between the Hebrew letters on each side of the Dreidel. Another cluster molded the clay into shaped then used the Dreidels as additives to their structures. The pieces became pirate ships and a large collaborative group play and project came of it. 
Reflection: Its cases like this that make me as the teacher stand back and marvel about the ways our students can use materials to find a solution to the problem. I find it very important to know where I am going with a provocation and then to see the students take a creative approach to materials in a completely different way further develops me into believing that we cant manipulate the child’s creative or develop it to the ways we find fit. They minds growth and development is dependent on allowing themselves to come to their own conclusions and connections to the materials. This early on in development it is my greatest purpose to make each connection and interaction with the materials as positive and nurturing as it can be, so that with each moment and time with that material the children are gaining more confidence and skill with each session. Increasing the probability of them returning to that material again and using it as a tool for building and displaying their unique ideas and concepts. 
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bret-c-wood-artedu · 5 years
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Wood- Architecture
The children in one unit were learning about architecture and different kinds of buildings. Here we see the friends using wood and wood glue to make arrangements and build and construct their own buildings, bridges, houses, and sky scrapers. The children shared their narrative of what kind of building they were making and the different parts, features and places it made up. After learning a little about the buildings of Frank Loyd Wright the children explored different kinds of wood. Different tools we learned about and tired included, hammers and nails, screw drivers, and sand paper. 
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bret-c-wood-artedu · 5 years
Ice Painting: The children use water color and a brick of ice to paint ice, they use a light table to illuminate the ice inside a clear bin. The ice is stained color and can be washed off to be clear again. The children explore painting and cracking the ice to form different patterns and designs on the ice. 
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bret-c-wood-artedu · 5 years
using a light table, orbies, watercolor, and bubbles, the children use straws to blow bubbles and combine and layer different colors. They blow through the straw to have motor control of the mouth. 
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