Hi! :3 It’s not long before Christmas, and I just wanted to leave you a lovely message. ^^ You follow me and I’m very grateful to have you following me. Thank you.
Oh hey :3 Thank you so much! I'm sorry I haven't been on lately but I still love all my followers and those I follow
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Alas, I won't be on much tonight because I don't want spoilers for Supernatural/Arrow.. 
I'll be working on my gaming blog ^_^
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in ten years time theres going to be a whole generation of emotionally unstable adults with glasses and back problems who can type 100+ words per minute
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something’s very wrong when Supernatural is the happiest fandom…
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So Dean looks like a model crossed with a baby angel when he’s sleeping, but I have this theory that Cas is a super-ugly sleeper. Like maybe he decides to try out this whole sleeping thing because it looks peaceful and pretty when Dean does it, and Dean just doesn’t have the...
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I’ve got 99 problems and they’re all because I procrastinate.
#at least i think it’s 99 problems #i haven’t counted them yet
You can do it later.
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It was late, it was dark, and I was fairly distracted by listening to 80’s music because it’s ridiculously catchy.
Now, I rarely feel scared walking home in the dark. If that’s because I lack a self-preservation instinct or that I stubbornly chanted ‘strong independent...
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I know this isn't a "gaming" blog, but to those Dragon Age players out there...
Alas, I should make a blog for that, since I play so many games XD
Anyhow, I know the Fade is a giant pain in the ass, so I played through extra times and wrote down a simple walkthrough.
I haven't checked how many are out there, so I don't know how needed this is, but if you'd like me to write one up here, like/reblog this and I will do so :3
May the Maker watch over you.
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i’m only a morning person on december 25th
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When you hear your name in someone else’s conversation
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