I’m fucking done. I’m leaving Tumblr, at least for now. I can’t take the bullshit Alliance apologists. These people seriously do not see the real world connections here. They’re justifying genocide in a fictional universe, and maybe that’s all it is, but it’s literally way too close to reality for me.
As a queer woman, I can NEVER abide people abusing other people. I’ve been a Horde player since Vanilla World of Warcraft because I admire the connection that the peoples of the Horde have to each other. The Horde may not be real, but the connection to real life is still there: I still see the way the Horde sticks together despite repeated assaults against them by imperialist members of the Alliance. Yes, as with any group, there have been those who are awful, but through it all, the majority of people of the Horde have been there for each other when no one else has been.
I can’t deal with the constant erasure of those crimes over and over again at the same time as highlighting all the lowest points for the Horde. For that reason, I’m leaving Tumblr, at least until things change. I’m tired of having to deal with racists who are so unwilling to examine their own bigotry, even when it’s translated to fantasy counterpart cultures. For fuck’s sake, it should be EASIER to do that from a distance, and yet here we are, with people defending the “European” faction against the faction based off of various non-white cultures. That’s not a coincidence.
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Wow. NEVER escalates to genocide, huh?
I guess the genocide of the blood elves after the Third War never happened. Or the rounding up of orcs into concentration camps, the ruins of which are still present in the world. Or the numerous attempts at eradicating the Forsaken. And so on, and so on…
I’m fully willing to be critical of the Horde. Always have, but it astounds me how much people are willing to pretend that the Alliance is somehow innocent of its crimes when literally the ONE THING that unites all the peoples of the Horde is persecution at the hands of the Alliance. The current Horde, as it exists, was founded by SLAVES who fought to free themselves from their Alliance captors, and you seem to think that is somehow JUSTIFIED?
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How did I know Cowboy Bebop would get the last laugh?
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Granny: No printer, just fax!
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[original post]
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I’m still blown away by how much time was spent last week treating John McCain like a saint.
Like, that’s a pretty fucking low bar.  The dude was pretty much the epitome of “the bare minimum of human decency” and we’re praising him for it, when what we should be doing is reminding people how fucking terrible things have to be for THAT to be considered “high class”.
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“I will never forget, at the age of eight, watching the local news and seeing two men kiss while a local reporter discussed an HIV/AIDS fundraiser taking place in our city. Until then, I had never seen two men kiss openly, and I turned to my mom to ask her about it. The idea of queer relationships was foreign to me, and I had a lot of questions. Even though same-sex marriage is now legal in the United States and in Canada, many LGBTQ+ folks face discrimination day in and day out. This is why conversations with our kids surrounding the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender, queer, and otherwise gender nonconforming (LGBTQ+) community need to start sooner. That’s where Lindsey Amer comes in. Amer created and produces the YouTube channel Queer Kids Stuff, an educational series for kids that approaches LGBTQ+ issues in a positive and nonjudgmental way. After realizing that there weren’t many resources out there for parents and educators, Amer decided it was time to fill the niche for herself.
“Really, I’m just making the content I wish I’d had when I was a kid,” she tells us. “I think it’s so important for young people to see themselves reflected in their media, and this age group is so often overlooked.”
Read the full piece here
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The more I think about it, the more I feel like part of the reason people are so willing to give the Alliance a pass can largely be traced back to the Eurocentric nature of the Alliance.
It fascinates me that so many people are willing to justify the actions of the Alliance while condemning the actions of Sylvanas Windrunner.
If you want to condemn one person, don’t act like that one person is the entirety of the group. At the same time as claiming Sylvanas is a monster for her actions, they defend the actions of Genn Greymane, who broke a truce and attacked the Horde, an act for which the Alliance never formally apologized. At the same time, they pretend that Arthas Menethil was not acting in an official capacity when he massacred the people of Stratholme, another action for which the Alliance has never formally apologized, even to ITS OWN CITIZENS.
If you’re going to try to make claims based on precedent in Warcraft history, I do not recommend coming into my feed and claiming these were just “isolated incidents” while the burning of Teldrassil somehow was part of a greater whole. It’s either all bad, or it’s not. You can’t pick and choose here.
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It fascinates me that so many people are willing to justify the actions of the Alliance while condemning the actions of Sylvanas Windrunner.
If you want to condemn one person, don’t act like that one person is the entirety of the group. At the same time as claiming Sylvanas is a monster for her actions, they defend the actions of Genn Greymane, who broke a truce and attacked the Horde, an act for which the Alliance never formally apologized. At the same time, they pretend that Arthas Menethil was not acting in an official capacity when he massacred the people of Stratholme, another action for which the Alliance has never formally apologized, even to ITS OWN CITIZENS.
If you’re going to try to make claims based on precedent in Warcraft history, I do not recommend coming into my feed and claiming these were just “isolated incidents” while the burning of Teldrassil somehow was part of a greater whole. It’s either all bad, or it’s not. You can’t pick and choose here.
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This couldn’t be a more obvious portent if it fell from the sky on a clear day.
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Well, I mean, if we're going to bring in pre-Legion events, we should also mention the repeated attempts at genocide by the Alliance against the Forsaken, the enslavement of orcs after the Second War, the enslavement of the blood elves after the Third War, the massacre of the citizens of Stratholme…
I'm not saying Sylvanas was right, because what she did was horrible, but I can definitely see reason to be afraid of the ongoing imperialism of the Alliance.
sylvanas: we have to start a war because the horde and alliance can never peacefully coexist the darkmoon faire, cenarion circle, argent crusade, kirin tor, knights of the ebon blade, conclave, monks, ect:
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Overlord Geyar'ah is an alternate timeline version of Go'el post transition, and there is nothing you can do to convince me otherwise.
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i’m having a fucking breakdown over this stupid LARP program i found where you can spend $600 to pretend to be in “the Bohemian underground culture of New York City in the 1960s. Protest the Vietnam War, fight alongside the Civil Rights movement, write beat poetry and create bohemian art, and have impassioned political debates”
you dumb motherfuckers are spending $600 to roleplay protesting against injustice and war and write poetry???? there are ACTUAL THINGS you can protest NOW! and you can write your shitty poetry ANYWHERE!!! i despise you SO FUCKING MUCH!!
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I love orcs so much that even opening a bottle would be enough to impress me.  @momolady
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OMG, this is going in my Exalted inspiration folder.
That is, if I was organized enough to have folders…
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By juliedillon // Support the artist
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You mean the expansion where the Alliance broke a truce to stab us in the back at Stormheim?
Yeah.  That sure as hell was a contradiction of the theory that the Alliance can’t be trusted.
sylvanas: we have to start a war because the horde and alliance can never peacefully coexist the darkmoon faire, cenarion circle, argent crusade, kirin tor, knights of the ebon blade, conclave, monks, ect:
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The best part: Scratchy scratches you the first time you attempt to rescue them.
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The way Blizzard is with old memes, there’s a good chance this is an intended connection.
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