Bre Lembitz
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brebitz · 7 years ago
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I've been learning a lot about magic. Herbs, tarot, ritual, dreams, dance, art; as humans we cannot access parts of our brains through our consciousness, and therein lies the power in one's own magic practice. The subconscious mind holds much wisdom, but it also holds our triggers. It speaks in symbols and metaphors, but we cannot hear it until the conscious mind is silent. Thus the power of ritual, to calm and guide; to allow the consious mind to become silent so that the subconscious may speak. I wrote an article about my experince with hair witch @heymissmandy (colorist for this look) that should be coming out in @enchantmentsmagazine shortly. Until then, I'll keep sharing little tidbits of what I'm learning. Please ask questions to help guide my posts 🙏🙏🙏 📸: @luxeboi 💄: @anniecosgrove #colorcreate #crafthaircolor #crafthairdresser #elevatehair #missmandyhair #ravenrowsalon #behindthechair #btcbigshot_haircolor18 #btcbigshot_haircut18 #btcbigshot_creativecolor18 #magic #hairwitch #ritual #symbols #psychomagic #metaphor #subconscious #bossasswitch #wheremywitchesat #sisterwitches #practicemagic #tarot (at Raven Row Salon)
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brebitz · 7 years ago
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brebitz · 7 years ago
GET RID OF HARMFUL IDEAS Our brain has a tendency to make predictions. Those words are recorded in our neurons and become orders. Children are formed according to the eyes of their parents. If they do not see it, and they project into the children what they would wish them to be, without accepting what they really are, they grow up feeling empty, they form a habit of negative self-criticism, and the more it’s repeated, the more they make them. To the consultants with this type of self-concepts (“I’m a failure”,”I’m useless”,”Men/women hate me”,“I’ll never be rich”,”I just want something I can’t do”,”I’m ugly”,”I will never triumph in my studies”,”All betray me”,etc.) I advise the following: On a piece of paper simulating a parchment write all the self-criticisms that you want to get rid of. Seal it with a drop of your blood and then bury it, planting flowers over it.
Alejandro Jodorowsky, Manual de Psicomagia (via abductedtmoonchild)
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brebitz · 7 years ago
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brebitz · 7 years ago
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San Antonio Shopping cart Shenanigans World's Fair 2017 - - - - - - - - - - - - #pinkhairdontcare #worldsfair #armstrongmccallworldsfair #worldsfair2017 #sanantonio #model #hair #matrix #color #teal #pink #color #haircolor #alchemyexposures #portrait #outdoors #photooftheday #photographersofinstagram (at Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center)
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brebitz · 7 years ago
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Last night we got to perform for @caravangitane, and I discovered/remembered how much I love being creepy. Our ritual involved reliving people of their burdens; giving permission to break taboos; but I almost felt like what resonated deeper was the presentation of a stereotypically attractive woman as such a terrifying creature. There is a power in strangeness, in fear, that overcomes the usual male dominant role. There were people who's response to fear was to become openly dismissive. A certain kind of men felt the need to exert their dominance in a multitude of ways. All responses I expected. But I was surprised by the number of women who were deeply and intensely attracted to my character. Numerous women made intense unbreaking eye contact with me and got close enough that I had to come up with a diversion to disengage or risk being forced out of character. THAT, I wasn't expecting. I think amongst women rejecting being pretty and literally embracing the deep demonic energy that we aren't supposed show is powerfully freeing, which in turn gives way to the embrace of the beautiful depth of sexuality that lives within each of us. I haven't felt comfortable embracing creepiness in my performances because I haven't felt like creating more fear in a world full of fear is helpful; I'm excited to learn that this is not necessarily the case. ♡ Happy Halloween! #halloween #caravangitane #performer #performanceartist #creature #monster #comfortzone #creepy #happyhalloween (at The Williamsburg Hotel)
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brebitz · 7 years ago
"Fearless // Reckless dramatises the act of the haircut. Surrendering the crown of your head into the hands of another. A collaboration between Anthony and Pat Mascolo and performance artist Bre Lembitz, the short film explores the submission, trust and transformation at the core of this experience. Seated in a barber chair, Bre narrates the cut in her own words, which are scrawled roughly across her body. The cut becomes an act of theatre, clippers roaring by in dramatic fashion. Captured by cinematographer Brendan McGinty, the scene is shown in near darkness. The heavy contrast of the black and white palette highlights the uncompromising, frenetic energy of the cut, the brutal make-up and the words etched across her body by Pat Mascolo. Throughout it all she remains undaunted, composed, defiant… She is not the passive object of this ceremony. She is fearless." - #InfringeMagazine #performanceart #performanceartist #hair #haircut #performance #spokenword
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brebitz · 7 years ago
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That one time when we shot @rabymusic's Gazpacho music video in my backyard #art #music #musicvideo #gazpacho #watermelon #jackhammer #sundayfunday
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brebitz · 7 years ago
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World's Fair 2017 San Antonio, TX - - - - - - - - - - - - #pinkhairdontcare #worldsfair #armstrongmccallworldsfair #worldsfair2017 #sanantonio #model #hair #matrix #color #teal #pink #alchemyexposures #portrait #outdoors (at Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center)
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brebitz · 8 years ago
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We each have our thing we're not supposed to be. That thing that when we get close to it the guilt and shame kick in. "Stop trying to be pretty," "you're too smart", "you'll never be ___" Mine was sexy. I can be powerful and creative and smart, but sexy is for people who don't have brains. Sexy is not respecting yourself. Sexy is self objectification; it hurts women as a whole because it makes us seem like we can't be taken seriously. This is my path. Breathing into the power that comes from being in my skin. The strength of owning myself. Photo is a #selfportrait #becomingwhole #sacredsexuality #power #divinefeminine #creativity #silouette #clouds (at JW Marriott Austin)
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brebitz · 8 years ago
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Here are some closeups of my #hatespeechdress. All taken from first hand accounts or news media, primarily from the first few days after Trump was elected, before his innaguration. #performance #performanceart #performanceinstallation #doll #embroidery #hatespeech #notmypresident #blacklivesmatter #performanceartist #artwillsaveus #politicalperformance #politicalart (at Cherry Cola Dog)
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brebitz · 8 years ago
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9/2/17 Sitting on a bed of newspapers, I spent 3 hours quietly embroidering hate speech onto my own dress. Inspired by the helplessness I felt about the increased incidences of hatred that began with Trump's rise to power, I wanted to use my body as an instrument of truth. After a couple iterations I settled on embroidery. An art that's associated with an innocence and purity of women. A quiet domestication. When they saw me from afar, people expected I'd be writing poetry, something beautiful. Forced to come close to read me, I got to watch their faces change as they read me; watched their discomfort as the realization struck them. A couple reactions moved me to tears. One man came up to read me, and upon realizing what I was doing, simply said, "f***" and sat down, head in his hands. Another woman looked at me, tears in her eyes, set a hand on my shoulder and bowed. I'm filled with gratitude for those who let themselves connect deeply with this piece. Thank you. Photo by @oddhourz247 #performance #performanceart #performanceinstallation #doll #embroidery #hatespeech #notmypresident #blacklivesmatter #nostalgia #performanceartist #cherrycoladog #artwillsaveus #politicalperformance #politicalart (at Cherry Cola Dog)
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brebitz · 8 years ago
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In case you weren't aware, the legendary @websterhall is closing. This was my 9-5 for years in NYC. 9pm to 5am. Working here solidified my love of costuming and dance. Every night behind the bar was a performance that I prepared for. An opportunity to play a new character. I ran social experiments; how do people respond to me with no eyebrows? Do I get tipped more if I never smile? What colors and shapes seem to be universally attractive? Studies in beauty and desire, but also studies in music. Certain music brings certain crowds, and those crowds want certain drinks, prefer a certain personality; a certain aesthetic. For instance, when I shaved my head, the women who would throw drinks at me on hip hop nights were leaving me tips. Suddenly it was like we were part of the same world. The Webster EDM crowd couldn't handle me bald. Something about it was just too unsettling for them. The heavy metal concert crowd only drinks beer and whiskey and will go to the other bartender for drinks if I look or act too pretentious. Here too, I learned the value of management that has your back. I watch people shrink in fear from their bosses/managers and feel lucky to know that my years at Webster taught me that no that matter how incredible the job, if the management isn't going to support me in the ways I need, I can't stay. Like how a good professor can make a boring subject interesting, good management make the job. I'm headed to NYC tonight to shoot the last 2 nights of this legendary place. To say my farewells to the 100 years of peeling wallpaper in those hard wood staircases. To the building that comes to live and moves on it's own. Photo is a throwback from @electroblum #nytimes #thisisgotham #nycnightlife #websterhall #edc #instadaily #goodvibes #portrait #portraitpage #newyorkcity #timeoutnewyork #igers #eastvillage #unionsquare #NightLife #tweegram ____________________ (at Webster Hall)
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brebitz · 8 years ago
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Source: zodiacmind_ on ig
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brebitz · 8 years ago
Your strangeness is your beauty. You are incredible because you are odd, you cannot be classified into a type or a sort. Your flaws are wonderful weapons. Your zany ideas are the stuff of legend. Don’t worry about the nay sayers and the people who will mock you or are determined to fit you in a box and pull you down. In video games and in life, you know you are going in the right direction when you encounter obstacles and enemies. The most interesting people I know, the most successful people I know have fought their way there. They have been ridiculed and mocked. They have been betrayed by people who promised to love them and let down. They have lost jobs and hit rock bottom again and again and despite all these obstacles, they made a name and a success of themselves. Because you do not get to the top by being well liked all the time. Heroes and the most intelligent tend to be solitary creatures because they do not go with the flow, they are not part of the usual crowd. Being so well liked by everyone has its own problems, it means you have never pushed the boundaries or escaped your comfort zone just for a while so you can see what you can do. And eventually you become so lost in what others think or say about you, you lose the ability to become anything other than the skin of yourself you put on everyday. The only way you will find peace in this world is to just keep being you. Unapologetically, unabashedly you. And eventually you will find your tribe, you will find your passion, and you will find what moves your soul.
Nikita Gill, Your Weirdness Could One Day Change the World (via meanwhilepoetry)
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brebitz · 8 years ago
Repost: from @joshuamascoloprofessional Great day at #thelibraryspace with @infringemagazine 📸 @panos_d @brebitz #INFRINGEMAGAZINE #Bedheadstick #hair #infringe #london (at The Library Space)
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brebitz · 8 years ago
mom and dad: every morning when i wake up, the first thing i do is brush boy into my teeth so hard, my gums bleed i wash woman out of the hands i got from my father and clip her out of my fingernails i shave woman off my legs in the shower and rub boy into my elbows to prevent woman from cracking through my skin i wear boy to cover woman when woman is too woman i sit, all boy, at my work desk while my coworkers remind me of the woman you two planted i don’t tell them “this” grew instead i don’t tell them i am as much woman as i am burnt out candle i don’t tell them the boy in me wants so desperately to be spilled from their mouths to be running water to be the whole goddamn ocean to be consistent just sometimes to take up space on your fridge next to pictures of girl me and certificates of achievement which is to say I don’t want to be an accomplishment only when I am female mom and dad: I don’t want to be your “darling daughter” I want to be your “handsome child” I need you to understand in this whole gender debacle I am Switzerland as fuck
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