breathlessbucky · 7 years
GUYS IM MOVING OVER MY FANFIC TUMBLR [this] TO @assgardiantragedy SO I SHALL NO LONGER BE HERE. I WILL REBLOG MY PAST MOST POPULAR FANFIC THING CAuse it makes me happy to know i made sometimes you guys like. 
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breathlessbucky · 7 years
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Happy 35th Birthday to Sebastian Stan! (August 13th, 1982)
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breathlessbucky · 7 years
me when i can't find anything to read bc i already read it all
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breathlessbucky · 7 years
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tag yourself i’m stove
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breathlessbucky · 7 years
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Part 2 of this shoot that proves Sebastian Stan is a fucking Romanian god.
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breathlessbucky · 7 years
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Part 1 of this shoot that proves Sebastian Stan is a fucking Romanian god.
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breathlessbucky · 7 years
Hi Marvel,
we deserve a Bucky Barnes movie.
Thank you,
from the humanity.
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breathlessbucky · 7 years
❤️💙❤️💙❤️💙❤️💙❤️💙❤️💙❤️💙❤️ (gifs aren't mine)
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breathlessbucky · 7 years
Bucky Barnes x Reader
A/N: I’m in the midst of writing a new series, so I thought I’d get out a small writing piece for the sake of posting :) sorry if it’s shit it's pretty much pointless fluff.
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As you slowly came back to the brink of consciousness after a deep sleep, you felt the cool chrome ‘arm’ of your one and only laying against your back. You smiled, eyes still shut, at how comfortable it felt to have his body pressed up against yours every day when you wake up. 
Turning your head, eyes fluttering open, you were met with the sight of Bucky drooling on his pillow. You softly giggled, knowing that was another thing you guys had in common. You slowly brought your hand up, tucking a piece of his chestnut hair behind his ear, and wiping away a hint of drool from the corner of his mouth. 
As he stirred slightly from you touching him, you felt his metal arm flex and plates shifted. You watched his eyes slowly open to meet yours, where you just couldn’t keep from smiling like a little girl. For you, this was like waking up on Christmas morning to find the best, most dangerous, Christmas present under the tree. 
“What are you smiling at, doll?” He asked groggily, his voice hoarse from sleep. No way you could ever lie and say it didn’t sound extremely sexy as well. 
“You.” You mumbled back, completely in love with the person before you.
He smiled back, pulling you closer to his chest, kissing the top of your forehead. “You amaze me,” He mumbled into your hair, saturating the strands with his warm breath. “Why?” You said into his chest, eyes closed in bliss. “Because I don’t know what I did to deserve waking up to the most amazing women on the planet in the morning.”
You slapped his arm lightly, pulling back and giving him a peck on the lips. “As much as I would love to cuddle with you all morning, this is one of the only chances I have to cook you breakfast without a mission getting in the way.”
He grumbled as you tried to sit up from his grasp, which did not loosen the slightest bit. One thing that always made it tough to get up, was his stupid muscular biceps catching in your line of vision as they held you back to him. Do you know how hard it is to say no to that?
“Honey,” You groaned, struggling to slip away. “No way, you can make me lunch or something, or I’ll make you lunch. Right now, it’s just me and you,” He mumbled into your skin, kissing your neck. Damn him and his stupid lips too.. He pulled you back down, moving to hover over you while kissing your lips possessively. “Mine,”
You gladly kissed back, tugging at his bottom lip and threading your fingers through his hair. You felt his body weight gradually come down on top of you, pinning your hips to the mattress in a mess of sheets. Lapping up each other's tongues, you dragged your nails down his back, eliciting a throaty sound from Bucky. He moved to kiss up your jaw lazily, biting your earlobe lightly. “You have no idea what you do to me,” He said deeply, soaking up the smell of your body. 
While you had him off his guard, using all your willpower you pushed him off of you, standing up. He collapsed back onto the bed, cursing under his breath. You smirked, walking over to pick up Bucky’s shirt from last night. He watched you with a similar smile as you slip on his shirt and your shorts that stuck tight to your curves, eyes trained on the way your hips moved. If only he could just get those hips back into bed with him...
“Well, are you coming or not? Cause if you miss out on my amazing pancakes it is completely your fault.”
“First of all, do you really think I could skip out on watching you prance around the tower in my clothing? And second, no way you are just wearing those shorts.” He said, getting up as well. “Wait, why not? These are comfortable,” You said defensively.
“They are also very attractive and draw attention, and I am not letting anyone get near you like that, except me,” He growled the last few words, throwing you a pair of jeans you had left in his room before. You scoffed. “It just because of more than half the tower if full of males. Otherwise, you’d let me ‘prance’ around all day,” You laughed, rolling your eyes at how ridiculous the male species was sometimes. You both slipped on clothing and went downstairs, you have to slap away Bucky’s hands from your ass multiple times. 
“You are just relentless, aren’t you?” You said, looking over your shoulder at Bucky as you both entered the kitchen. “What? I’m just trying to claim what’s rightfully mine,”
“Excuse me, but I am my own person and I am not your possession to fool around with,” You said, rolling your eyes playfully. Bucky mumbled, “That’s not what you said last night.”
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breathlessbucky · 7 years
Please reblog if you enjoy Marvel and you're a woman
I have been having an argument with a friend and he says that Marvel is for guys, please help me prove to him that there are lots of women who like Marvel!
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breathlessbucky · 7 years
At Last
Bucky Barnes x Anxious!Reader
Summary: Reader decides to get her butt out there and finally attend one of Tony’s parties, including time with Bucky.
 A / N:  This is horribly sloppy writing, but I just needed to get something out so I could find my groove again. So please cut me some slack with this one. :)
Warnings: Little cursing, minor low-self esteem, possibly bad writing (unedited), etc. 
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“Y/N, it’s just a silly party. Just a rather large group of people hanging out and relaxing. Nothing bad is going to happen, honey,” Natasha was trying to console you and coax you into going to one of Tony’s more fancier parties of the year. Currently, you were balled up in the pillows of your bed, Natasha trying to comfort you like a mother would. 
She was already dressed up in a fancy white dress, hair was done and ready to head to the penthouse of the tower. “Nat, go without me. I’m fine in my ‘fortress of solitude’. Go have fun, you and Wanda, you don’t need me.”
“Your right, I don’t need you. But I want you to be with us, have a little fun. Every time we go out anywhere you skip out, claim you're tired or not feeling well,” She sighed, standing up off the bed. “But I won’t press you any further if you really don’t want to come. If you change your mind, I brought you a couple things to wear.” 
Even with your eyes closed, you could hear her making her way to the door, where Wanda waited patiently outside. Before you heard the click of the door shutting, Natasha spoke once more. “Bucky is going to ask where you are, and I guarantee when he finds you aren't coming, he’ll be sulking in the corner the rest of the night.”
After she left, you didn’t move, processing her words. She was right, after all. You always denied going anywhere. Paranoia, anxiety and low self-esteem always stood in your way. Guilt seeped through your stomach, thinking that if what she said about Bucky was true. Everyone always claimed you two were made for each other, put together by the gods. But doubt always prickled the back of your mind, like a rope yanking you away from believing he reciprocated the feeling.
You groaned, hugging your pillow even tighter. Why was your brain fighting itself constantly? In an attempt of distraction, you reached over and turned on the TV, only to instantly be playing Crazy Stupid Love. You cursed at the screen, but not changing the channel. Come on, are you really going to pass up a Ryan Gosling movie?
You dug out your hidden stash of candy and started binge eating (favorite candy), throwing some pieces at the TV while muttering grumpy comments. “It is not that easy to find meaningful love in the first place,” you grumbled. While most people yelled at the television during sports, it was your own specialty to yell at Rom-Com’s. 
About 30 minutes in, your eyes wandered to the dress Natasha had hung on the door handle for you, just in case. You had to admit, it was a really pretty dress. There was a pair of simple black heels next to it, begging to be worn. You tore your eyes away from the outfit before you could think more of it. Turns out it was a matter of minutes before you were out of bed, feeling the fabric of the dress under your fingertips. You had always been jealous of girls that could really pull off a beautiful dress, but you were never one of them. In all honesty, it was just your brain throwing you off. 
Another truth you had to admit to yourself, you were so tired of feeling like this. Anxious, afraid, stressed, sick to your stomach with loneliness. What did it matter what people thought of you? Maybe you weren’t the best Avenger, maybe you weren’t the best as socializing. You're always going to disappoint someone, so why the hell are you still worrying?
Right now, you could put on this dress, and go to this party. You could have fun, spend time with your friends. No, the Avengers had been your family for a while now. You could spend time with him too.
For a split second, you felt a surge of courage in your chest before doubt riddled your mind. Would Bucky like the dress? Would he make a comment, or would he even notice you in the crowd? No. These questions had to stop, enough what ifs.
Time to suit up.
30 minutes earlier
Bucky stood on the outside of the growing crowd, watching people drink and mingle. Of course Tony had to invite a little more people the necessary to his party. Bucky had only come because Steve had convinced him, telling him it’d be nice to relax, and how Buck could spend extra time with her. After many eye rolls and denials, he had reluctantly agreed to come. 
He had been brave enough this evening to roll up the sleeves of his white collared shirt, revealing his metal forearm. Some girls had approached him several times asking him to dance with them, but he brushed them off. There was only one girl that was ever on his mind nowadays.
It didn’t even make sense, why his heart had chosen to become romantically inclined to Y/N. She was way out of his league and he knew it, but he couldn’t stop himself from wanting to be around her every second of the day. She was always sweet and kind, (if you're on her good side). She was always considerate and made sure that Bucky was well. He couldn’t keep his mind off of thinking about her supple lips and how her (messy, curly, straight, etc.) hair cascaded down her back and framed her flustered face. And those big (y/e/c) eyes that he could never resist, damn, he was screwed. But Bucky had no clue how to be in a serious relationship. The last thing he had that was even close was a one night stand in the 40′s. Things had surely changed.
He saw Natasha and Wanda walked through the elevator, hoping that Y/N was trailing behind them, but no luck. He met eyes with Nat, but she only gave him a sympathetic look and shook her head slightly. Bucky sighed, taking another sip of his drink and leaned against the wall. This was going to be a long night.
present time
So you know that feeling when you feel very confident about your outfit inside your home, but the moment you step out the door you regret every decision you ever made about this moment? Yeah, that was currently happening. 
You were now standing in the elevator alone, going up, and trying to properly breathe. The black dress Nat had loaned you worked perfectly for your body shape, and the heels weren’t even that uncomfortable for now. Your hair was (favorite style)’d neatly, and only very light makeup powdered your face. Lets just day you felt like you were going to throw up.
Clutching the fabric of the dress like it was a lifeline, you heard the elevator ding, music loud on the other side of the door. “Okay, Y/N, you can do this. You're going to be fine. Just find Nat.” You breathed to yourself, the door opening.
The lights in the penthouse let out a soft warm glow, giving just enough light to see people comfortably but not to be harsh. Candles were placed on each stand-up tables, and people in nice clothes were scattered around everywhere. Honestly, matched up with the view of New York, it was romantic and gorgeous. 
Before you could get a chance to look out into the crowd closely, you heard a surprised gasp from behind you. “Y/L/N, What on earth are you doin’ here?” 
You recognized Sam immediately, turning to find him in a nice dark shirt. “Uh, I’m not really sure,” You nervously laughed, ducking your head down. “Well, glad to see your actually alive and outside of your room. May I suggest getting a drink to start off the night?”
Bucky POV
(listen to At Last by Etta James for this part)
Leaning against one of the penthouse beams by the windows, Bucky watched the city traffic from above. Boredom was now an understatement. But that was until he heard a little bit of commotion going on behind him at the bar. 
He looked over his shoulder to see Natasha, Sam, and Wanda surrounding a head of beautiful (y/h/c) hair, that Bucky knew all too well. His heart picked up pace as he realized that Y/N had actually shown, and especially when she turned and Buck could see her fully. She wore a beautiful black dress that displayed her curves and her hair was (favorite hairstyle) that framed her face. Her eyes were bright as she showed off that gorgeous smile, her cheeks flustered slightly like normal. Bucky’s brain couldn’t process much more of her, stuck on an overload of his senses with how much he realized he craved her by his side constantly. 
His gaze lingered on her form for a little longer before she turned to him, finally noticing him standing across the room. Her grin turned into a shyly sweet smile as they met eyes, and Bucky felt a pull telling him to go to her. As Nat, Wanda and Sam saw Bucky heading over, Nat winked at Y/N before they left. Pushing past random people, he didn’t take his eyes off her as he finally reached Y/N. “Hey, doll.”
“Hi, Bucky. Thank god your here too,” She said, her voice light. Bucky couldn’t help but grin. She made him so happy. “So, how come you finally decide to show? I gotta say I'm pleasantly surprised,” He asked while signaling the bartender. “Well, I got tired of watching cheesy movies and eating candy and thought about seeing what was going on upstairs,” She sighed. The bartender arrived, Bucky signaled Y/N to order first. “Classic Manhattan, please.” Buck added on, “Whiskey, neat. Thanks,” 
“Let me guess, you were getting into some soppy romance movie and felt bad about yourself so you came up here, right?” Bucky said, chuckling and meeting your eyes again. You rolled your eyes, but not being able to hide that he knew you too well. “Maybe. You know I’m a sucker for that stuff,”  You admitted, a guilty smile on your lips.
Before Bucky could reply, he recognized the beginning melody of a song he actually recognized. “Oh, oh no. You have to dance with me now,” Bucky said, putting his drink down. 
3rd Person POV
”What do you mean I have to dance with you now?” She questioned, giving him a look. Before he could answer back, he grabbed her hand and pulled Y/N lightly to the middle of the dance floor, amongst other slow dancing couples. Y/N’s breath caught in her throat as Bucky turned to her, his eyes silently asking if what he was doing was making her uncomfortable. To reassure him, Y/N lifted up her hand, signaling for him to take it. Time seemingly slowed down as they both realized how much they enjoyed this moment. He accordingly sliding his fingers between hers and looped his cool chrome arm around her waist. She could tell he was slightly hesitant, like he was eager but afraid to break Y/N all at once. 
He slowly pulled her closer to him, almost possessive like, till her body was pressed against his broad chest, and Y/N followed his calm and steady steps as the song’s true beat began. All the nervousness she had been feeling since she stepped into this dress disappeared into the night, till is seemed to be only her and Bucky dancing. 
“At last...”
“My love has come along...”
“My lonely days are over...”
Bucky breathed out shakily, admitting to himself that this had been the first time he was close to a girl (other than trying to kill her), since the 40s. He relished the feeling Y/N’s heart beat against his, and how right it felt to have her in his arms, safe and sound. 
“And life is like a song...”
“Oh yeah yeah,
At Last...”
Bucky slowly moved his head forward, just enough to rest his cheek on Y/N’s hair. Y/N moved to rest her head in the crook of his neck, closing her eyes as she thought about how she never wanted to let go.
“The skies above are blue..”
“My heart is wrapped up in clover...”
“The night I looked at you...”
For the rest of the song, they stayed in perfect harmony wrapped up in the other's limbs, simply existing for each other. 
“Okay, sunshine, I think we need to take you back to your room,” Bucky said, leading you out into the hallway. You let out a girlish giggle, placing your hand over his on your arm to make sure you didn't stumble. “Oh, whatever. I’m perfectly fine, especially when you're here,”
Bucky rolled his eyes with a smirk. Y/N had become terribly drunk after the past couple hours, and Bucky had taken on the liberty of watching out for her. He honestly expected her to be a crying weepy drunk, but she thought everything was hilarious after her 4th Manhattan. Afters successfully getting her into the elevator, he was suprised when he felt her finger touch the tip of his nose, her making a ‘boop’ sound. “You're pretty cute, with your face and all. I don’t even know why you're with me when you could be with that pretty black-haired girl that was staring you down all night.” She points a finger in her mouth and made a ‘bleh’ sound. “If I did leave, who would be there to drag you to your bed?” Bucky said, hands still on her arms considering her state. 
“Meh, I’d make it. ‘Might take me a couple hours, but I’d do it.”
The rest of the way, Buck had to fight her back into her room, where she started refusing, claiming ‘sleep was for the weak’. “Why are you so stubborn, doll?” He said, opening her door with a creak and pushing her in. “Because I want what I want.” 
“I’m afraid that doesn’t make sense, either.”
She scoffed at him, taking off her heels and flopping on her bed. She must have seen that Crazy Stupid Love was still paused on the TV, as her face turned to a frown. Buck watched her curiously for a couple seconds in silence. “Why is it, that everyone but me seems to be able to get men? I mean, Nat could literally seduce anybody or anything. Wanda obviously has a cute thing with Vis. But why am I the odd one out?” She spoke softly, all the giggly playfulness out of her expression. “Well, who says your the odd one?” Bucky said, sitting next to her. He had forced his voice to be as gentle and comforting as possible, seeing that her eyes were filled with some unknown emotion now. He longed to engulf her in his arms again, reassure her that someone, that he, loved her truly and deeply.  
“I haven’t even been close to a guy since high school, and I don’t have the courage to talk to anyone. Not to mention I have no idea how to act. Everyone just sees me as invisible, like always...” She sighed, putting her hands in her lap. Her hair was messier than previous, illuminated from the soft light of her nightstand lamp as she tucked it behind her ear. Her breath smelled faintly of alcohol, her lips pink and wet from running her tongue across them. “I know for a fact that isn’t true. Plenty of guys were staring at you tonight,” He growled the last part, remembering how protective he felt over you. If anyone of those guys would have approached you that night Bucky would have certainly knocked their teeth out. 
She ‘pffft’ again, shoving his shoulder back when Bucky couldn’t contain himself any longer, catching your cheek and pressing his lips into hers. 
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She didn’t pull away as Bucky let it last for a few more seconds, basking in the feeling of her warm lips on his. After she still hadn’t responded, he pulled away slightly, wondering if he had crossed a line. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t of-” He muttered, dropping his hand. Before anything else could be exchanged, left the room, running his hands through his hair as he walked back to the elevator. What had he done, had he ruined everything? Maybe she wouldn’t rememberit in the morning, maybe she’d pretend it didn’t happen-
“Bucky!” He heard a hoarse voice yell, and he turned back around just in time to see an angry stomping Y/N, before she jumped into his arms, grabbed his face and kissed him bruisingly. Thank god because of Bucky’s reflexes, he caught her hips just in time and kissed her back thouroughly. 
Gasping for breath, Y/N pulled back, lips already swollen. “I adore you.”
Bucky only smiled and pulled her in for another hot open mouthed kiss.
At Last. 
Thank you guys for putting up with my shit if you made it this far, this is my first one shot in a while so it’s a little rough :) *applaudes you*
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breathlessbucky · 7 years
sorry, I haven't been able to get anything out lately because I’ve had a stress/anxiety induced headache for about 5 days. I’m working on a few things right now, so I sincerely apologize. 
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breathlessbucky · 7 years
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breathlessbucky · 7 years
Do you ever just wanna pull a Luke Skywalker and disappear to an island in the middle of nowhere and dramatically stare at the ocean for awhile
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breathlessbucky · 7 years
i die every time i read these
disgustingly cute domestic scenes to imagine your otp in:
getting slightly too drunk in the middle of the afternoon and slow dancing to dumb cheesy old music and kissing in a way that’s more laughter than actual kissing, mouths clumsy and hands gripping tight and sunlight slanting over them as they move lazily together 
curling up on the sofa together, feet tucked under thighs and arms around shoulders, watch the kind of crap tv that only airs at 3am because they don’t want to go to untangle themselves to go to bed
hectic mornings when they each need to be somewhere and they’re rushing around each other, ducking into bathrooms and bedrooms and kitchen cupboards, pausing to straighten tops and press kisses to cheeks
going through old photos together and collapsing into laughter every three pictures, and zooming in on ones where they’re pulling awful faces or ones that were taken at just the wrong moment
getting ready for nights out together, standing shoulder to shoulder as they brush their teeth or get their faces ready or style their hair, knocking elbows and hips as they try and hog more space
standing quietly together in the kitchen after long, exhausting days, leaning into each other for support, breathing in the smell of home, fingers carding through hair and stroking down spines, until they feel like they can relax and smile properly again
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