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São Thomé das Letras is located in Minas Gerais, Brazil. It is a place visited by tourists because of the predominant mysticism, caves, legends, mysteries and the wonderful Parque Municipal Antônio Rosa. It also has other tourist attractions such as the Pyramid of São Thomé das Letras, the Cachoeira da Lua (besides this waterfall there are 11 other waterfalls to visit), Gruta de São Thomé, among others. São Thomé das Letras is also known for being the city of the bottle goblins or garraduende
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Pomerode is the most German city in Brazil, having several tourist attractions and some events that take place at a certain time of the year, such as the Osterfest, with several attractions. There is also the Pomeranian festival, which is well known as well.
The Pomerode Zoo is a place that is visited a lot by tourists and local residents. It has a variety of animals, with more than a thousand animals in total and approximately 250 species. The park has cafeterias, but it is not necessary to buy food there, you can take snacks from home, thus saving money. Remember that to enjoy it well you will take an average of 2 to 3 hours.
Vila Encantada Parque dos Dinossauros, located next to the zoo, is a good place for children, especially those who love dinosaurs.
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Paris, Île de France, France.
While Paris is an nice place to take a trip in, Paris is also the capital city of France.
But it isn't known for being the capital city, it is known for the Eiffel Tower, one of the most beautiful towers on the world, making it a touristic point of France.
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Dubai, UAE.
Dubai is one of the 7 emirates that forms UAE. The capital of UAE is Abu Dhabi, and by the looks Dubai doesn't differ much.
Dubai is an place most known for it's high performance cars, and it's amazing skyline.
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Foz do Iguaçu, Paraná, Brasil.
Brasil's capital city is Brasilia, being the home of the Federal Court of Justice, but this city takes much more attention of the tourist than Brasilia.
Foz do Iguaçu, while being a nice city with various attractions, the main attractions are it's waterfalls and Itaipú.
This city is home of one of the seven world natural wonders, and the Itaipu binational hydroelectric plant.
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Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India.
While India's capital city is New Delhi, Agra stands out nearly more then it.
While an normal city, it is home of one of the most known monuments of all time, which is the monument of Taj Mahal.
This monument is made of marbe and built between 1632-1648, and is one of the most-known monuments of all the world.
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Puerto Princesa, Palawan, Philippines.
Philippines is an country located on the southeast of Asia, which is most known for it's capital city of Manila, which the attraction is it's seaside boardwalk.
But Puerto Princesa also stands out, having an underground river, where you can take a boat ride on tourist boats.
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