breannariedel-blog · 10 years
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breannariedel-blog · 10 years
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breannariedel-blog · 10 years
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breannariedel-blog · 10 years
Before you touch my hair without permission, I want you to ask yourself these two questions
1. Is the reconstructive surgery I will have to endure to reattach my arm REALLY worth it?
2. Are these the clothes I want to die in?
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breannariedel-blog · 10 years
You go Mila.
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Mila Kunis Against Men Saying “We Are Pregnant” - Video
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breannariedel-blog · 10 years
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366 notes · View notes
breannariedel-blog · 10 years
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376K notes · View notes
breannariedel-blog · 10 years
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breannariedel-blog · 10 years
May 16th// 11:08 pm “Hey, I guess you’re asleep. Call me back when you wake up” July 24th// 5:04 am “Wake up I miss you” September 8th// 2:09 am “I just wanted to hear your voice” September 8th// 2:16 am “Okay listen. I think I might be in love with you please call me back.” October 11th// 5:42 pm “Baby girl I love you, I’m so happy you’re mine I’ll see you tonight.” November 29th// 8:06 am “You’re still asleep and you’re the most beautiful thing in the world. I can’t wait to get home and see you. I can’t wait to kiss you.” December 12th// 9:16 am “Look I’m sorry about what I said. I didn’t mean it. I still love you princess. I love you. I’m sorry. I just.. I love you alright. Call me back when you can.” January 15th// 4:06 pm “I’m out and I saw something that made me think of you so I thought I would call you. I miss your voice.” January 18th// 9:12 am “Baby get dressed, I’m picking you up in 15, let’s run away.” January 23rd// 8:47 pm “Oh god your mother hates me” February 14th// 3:06 pm “Happy Valentine’s day I love you more than anything. You’re the world. You’re everything good. I’d let you swallow me whole. I like the way you look when you’re tired. I hate it when you cry. I’ll see you” tonight baby.” February 24th// 12:09 am “I’m sorry.” April 8th// 4:06 am “Hey… I need to come over and get the rest of my stuff.”
13 voicemails you left me  (via extrasad)
(via arabellashigh)
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breannariedel-blog · 10 years
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breannariedel-blog · 10 years
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444K notes · View notes
breannariedel-blog · 10 years
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445K notes · View notes
breannariedel-blog · 10 years
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breannariedel-blog · 10 years
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I’m gonna scream
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breannariedel-blog · 10 years
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674K notes · View notes
breannariedel-blog · 10 years
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breannariedel-blog · 10 years
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