breakfastepiphanys · 8 years
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I normally loathe those ‘in a world of X be an X’ memes but I do love this. ❤
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breakfastepiphanys · 8 years
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breakfastepiphanys · 8 years
You’ll understand why storms are named after people.
F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Beautiful and Damned  (via wordsnquotes)
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breakfastepiphanys · 9 years
She knows who she is. She just forgot for a little while.
Donald Miller (via wordsnquotes)
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breakfastepiphanys · 9 years
oh my god
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breakfastepiphanys · 9 years
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breakfastepiphanys · 9 years
I just wanna be around BLACK PEOPLE and...
-Talk about our struggles
-Laugh obnoxiously
-Put some shit together for the community
-Smoke UP
-Appreciate our black gay men and women in our culture
-Love Each other
-Discuss how our mommas lips get real small when they mad
-Play Dominoes
-Lounge Around the house when we know we should be cleaning but then we will wait until they call us and ask if the house is clean and then we lie and say it is and they come home earlier than expected and then we start crying because we know are asses are done
-Discuss saving our future and preserving our culture
-Appreciate how bomb and far our fashion has come
-Have a Black fashion show
-Lift each other’s spirits
-Let go of our self hate
-Embrace and Marvel at our black hair
-ReAwaken our minds
-Look into our history
-Make a big FUCK YOU sign to The pigs
-Fuck shit up
-Eat some bomb ass food prepared from the grannies
-Help each other take the trash cans out before we forget like I almost did right now before our mommas come home and start complaining for about 30 mins before we walk away and go talk mess in our rooms about them
-Yeah my dad literally just texted me and said “Don’t forget to take the trash out…. 👊💢 SHUT UP it’s done !
-Talk about how our grandparents try to act all wholesome when they know they was just as bad
-Watch The Cosby Show
- Listen to Raggae
-Eat a cup of noodles
-Talk about how we can save our young black brother
-Talk about how our young black brothers can appreciate our young beautiful sisters before we have another “Race of babies that’ll hate the ladies” -2pac
-Smile at each other
-Tease the younger cousins about peeing in the bed
-Get our brothers off the streets
-Play Speed and cheat and then act like you wasn’t sitting on extra cards
-Play Uno and act like you wasn’t looking at your brothers hand
-Follow @Aaronsgift on Tumblr & @FindingJono on ig to see how he saves the world
-Love Each other
-Have a huge celebration remembering our fallen soilders
-Instill a since of divinity in our precious black girls
- And show off our Melanin to the world with no fucks given
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breakfastepiphanys · 9 years
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It expired.
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breakfastepiphanys · 9 years
When two people meet, each one is changed by the other so you’ve got two new people.
John Steinbeck (via wordsnquotes)
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breakfastepiphanys · 9 years
Create something. Then you’ll be alive.
six word story // ineptdepth  (via just-six)
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breakfastepiphanys · 9 years
Sorry, Shakespeare, the world’s a hospital.
six word story // mcrobertswrites  (via just-six)
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breakfastepiphanys · 9 years
I slept better next to you.
six word story // hi–ily  (via just-six)
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breakfastepiphanys · 9 years
me: i’m so strong i’m such a badass no one can ever shake me
also me: crying for the 7th time in one day
also me: okay i’m a strong badass crybaby OKAY whatever
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breakfastepiphanys · 9 years
so the boy is sad but this isn’t your fault. in your truest mind- the one that knows which way is east because that’s the way home is- you know that this isn’t your fault but you still don’t know what to do with his gorgeous dripping eyes. the boy is sad and no one else is sitting at the table so what are you to do? whatever it is, don’t reach your hands across, whatever it is, don’t open your mouth. the boy is sad but you have enough shit in your hands and something has already fallen to the ground. something is already threatening to break. so the boy’s hands are shaking but they aren’t yours to steady. your leaking heart bursts at the sight of it and still, you keep your hands folded. you lay them in your lap. you turn towards the window and remember there is light outside of this disgusting human mess. the boy is sad. so what? so are you and no one is leaning towards it- only away.
Fortesa Latifi - so the boy is sad
after Kristina Haynes
(via madgirlf)
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breakfastepiphanys · 9 years
OCD and I
My whole life, I’ve been obsessed with three fears:
Losing my eyesight
My food being contaminated and/or unclean
Before I explain myself I just want to ask anyone suffering from OCD, message me about yours! I want to hear other peoples experiences, both what their obsessions and compulsions are, and also on how they’re being treated for it. I’ve never had a proper conversation about it, and I feel pretty out of the loop!. Anyway. As an example, here’s what would happen at breakfast when I was a kid: Every morning I’d have weetbix. But before eating it, I would inspect each weetbix and carefully select “safe” looking ones, while discarding “unsafe” ones. Sometimes little pieces of weetbix would inexplicably dangle off the rectangular slab of wheat and in my mind, they were hanging there because a spider had made its web there. If the box had been around for a while and near empty, I wouldn’t eat from it because I was convinced that moths would have nested in there. If I found some acceptable weetbix pieces, I’d crush them. Then I’d search them again. Then I’d pour in my milk, heat it in the microwave and… inspect it again. As I ate, I’d focus on the food, looking carefully at every spoonful and what was in the bowl. If I came across an especially hard or crunchy bit, I’d spit it out, mortified, thinking it was a dried bug, maggot, spider or just dirt. These days, not much has changed. I don’t buy big boxes of cereal any more. I waste money on individual packs, the fun packs of cereal and the individual packs of porridge. Even then, if the pack has been in the cupbord for “too long” (Maybe it’s a little dusty etc) then I won’t eat it. As I eat, if I find unacceptable looking bits (Maybe a little too dark or solid) I pick them out. If there are too many unacceptable bits, I throw all of it away. The weirdest thing is that I’m only concerned about cereal from my cupboard. If I go elsewhere, I usually trust that their cereal is “clean”. I still inspect it, but I can eat out of big packets. Back home though, I can’t. This kind of behaviour is just so normal to me that I don’t even think about it. And that’s just one example. It’s sort of strange that I didn’t realise how unusual my behaviour is. As I’ve said before, I’ve read lots about most mental illnesses. But due to me believing all the popular misconceptions about OCD, I didn’t even consider it. I thought that it was all about being clean, or counting things… but it’s not. The more I research it the more fascinated I get. Currently, I’m reading a book written by someone who was convinced they had or would get AIDS. Reading the first few pages in their book I was so shocked because I’m scared of that too. If I ever step on something sharp, I think “Crap, that was a syringe, it’s probably got hepatitis or AIDS on it and now I have it too!”. The book is called “The Man Who Couldn’t Stop” and it’s by David Adams. From what I’ve been reading though, one part of my probable-though-not-yet-officially-diagnosed OCD that’s a little unusual is that it’s been with me forever. My earliest memories are mostly ones of fear. When I work with my EMDR specialist, she says it’s normal for someone with PTSD to think they’re going to die soon. But I thought that before I had PTSD, I’ve always thought that. PTSD has added a new dimension to my fears, but it didn’t create the belief that I’m going to die at any moment.
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breakfastepiphanys · 9 years
10 Websites for the Wannabe Psychologist
1. yourlogicalfallacyis.com – Learn about common flaws in reasoning.
2. mindhacks.com – Neuroscience and psychology tricks to find out what’s going on inside your brain.
3. youarenotsosmart.com – A blog exploring self delusion.
4. alleydog.com – A psychology student’s best friend. Search defintions, jobs, degrees, and more.
5. thelastpsychiatrist.com – Psychiatry, philosophy, money, war, sex, narcissism.
6. faceresearch.org – Participate in short online psychology experiments looking at the traits people find attractive in faces and voices.
7. judg.me – Find out how others perceive you based on first impressions.
8. doubleblind.org – Psychology postgrad writing about things considered within the purview of interest.
9. psychwire.org – Collect resources and follow experts.
10. psychforums.com – A psychology and mental health forum.
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breakfastepiphanys · 9 years
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Blogs by Social Workers and Therapists (in no particular order).
Blog Lists
50 Blogs for Social Work Professionals
Top 50 Art Therapy Blogs
Top 100 Psychology and Mental Health Blogs
Adventures in Art Therapy Blogs
13 Compelling Social Work Blogs
50 Mental Health Blogs
Social Wrkr 24/7 List
Psych Central Blog Features
100 Counseling Resources
Therapy Pinterests
Social Worker Tumblrs
Creative Clinical Social Worker
The Political Social Worker
Social Workin’
Social Work Musings
Social Work Tech
Queer Social Worker
Social Work Helper
Radical Social Worker
What Should We Call Social Work?
Social Work Memes
Unemployed Social Worker
SWK 4 Life
Student Social Worker
When in Social Work
Products of Poverty
School Meet Life
Life as a Social Worker
ACSW Clinical Social Work
Social Worky Megan
Lauren LCSW
Hopeful Social Worker
Miss Joan
Potential Space
It Will All Make Sense
The Notorious Amy
Time For Your Meds
The Rosie Posie
The Running Vegan MSW
People Are Sheep
The Social Work Exam
Social Worker Taking on the World
Therapist Tumblrs
The Humbled Therapist
Confessions of a Therapist
What Should We Call Art Therapy?
Twin Therapists
Doctor School Problems
Tenacious Twenties
Chameleon Play Therapy
Counter Transference
Psychologist Problems
Keep Calm And Psychoanalyze
PsyD or Bust
Life of a Doc Student
Other Side of the Couch
Sand Therapy
Confessions of a Broke Grad Student
Kati Morton
Geeky Therapist
Child Therapy
Therapy 101
Creating Change Therapy
Psychology Tumblrs
Psych Majors
Counseling Blog
Real Psycho
My Cake Blog: Half-Baked Art :)
If you know of any others I should add to the list please let me know
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