Today in obscure Doctor Who jokes:
Somebody on Twitter pointed out that the Big Finish companion Hex is canonically from the year 2021, so when he occasionally abbreviates the word "suspicious" to "sus," it's probably an Among Us reference.
The punchline is that this character was actually introduced back in 2004. It was made-up future slang that they happened to get right.
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i could get so much done in a day if i didnt decide my day was over at 4 pm. too bad theres no solution oh well
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what about Big Femme Orcs and Small Butch Elves
you just destroyed all western philosophy in one blow with the smartest sentence ever said my friend. whats it like to stand on the corpse of plato
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dude i just got shot i need you to suck the bullet out
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my dawg
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they glitching n bugging out
i love these designs and i couldn’t help but draw them, and the designs belong to @dr-docktor 🫶
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Hi if you ever find yourself in a relationship saying anything along the lines of "well I can't leave cause I would never be able to find something better than this because I'm trans/fat/aging/antisocial/unlucky" I beg of you to run. Please. You can find and build better but in order to do that you have to take the first step out the door. You do not have to endure abuse, mistreatment, or just plain incompatibility for the sake of a fraction of happiness. You don't.
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Lex Foster being so Babygirl™
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Having someone match your wit or your weirdness without hesitation is actually so fucking comforting and fun.
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do you ever tell people you’ll be going to sleep but then you don’t and you have to not do anything noticable online for the sake of it seeming as if you didn’t lie to them
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Killing people with no grasp of recent medical history with hammers
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Math is really tiring, im so glad i finally get to relax and do some knitting and crochet and i oh god oh my what the fuck
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kids these days have it so easy. not only do all actors ship the gay ships they’re part of, some of them ship them even harder than the fans do. back in my day we got hatecrimed by jensen ackles at fan conventions.
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Mark Twain with his Colt Model 1903 pistol, 1908.
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I think the main problem with a lot of Morgan le Fay characterizations is that they focus too much on the angst and not enough on the Wile. E. Coyote-esque schemes
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woman in stem (spying, treason, espionage, murder)
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