brbester · 11 years
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Proposed CCIE Data Center Lab Topology (01/07/2013)
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brbester · 12 years
Internet of Everything
I was in a meeting with a Healthcare organization last week and there was a particular comment from the customer that jumped out – “we are shifting from a business model concerned with how to get more hip replacement surgeries to one that focuses on how to keep people well and out of the hospital”.  That simple sentence really speaks to a shift not just in health care, but across all industries and verticals as the promise of technology moves beyond just information storage for retrieval purposes, to information collection and analytics to improve our customers’ experiences and lives.  It was definitely a comment to inspire hope about the future.   Obviously as a health care consumer and father of three I prefer a provider interested in keeping us healthy vs. selling us surgeries or prescriptions.
When you step back and look at the greater market then, there are companies that will jump on and ride this wave and there are companies that will hold onto their outdated systems focused on information collection and process controls.  IT will have to decide whether they will truly lead the business as a core and integrated function to provide competitive advantages or will be relegated to a “cost center” role by less visionary executives; whether they will stick with a control and “no” mentality or will focus on enablement.
Cisco's new campaign (http://www.cisco.com/web/tomorrow-starts-here/anthem/index.html) flows into this exact sentiment and as someone who focuses on the Data Center and the Network – I not only see the interconnections of the Network, but the hidden back-end where that data will need to be stored and correlated.  Distributed systems sound great, but realistically centralized data processing and decision making is simply easier to code and develop.  The Internet of Everything is going to need some “big data” processing Data Centers to happen.
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