bravebird131 · 5 years
Could they....idk....add more BLACK characters who aren’t lightskinned and maybe some fat folks and also trans women who are playing trans characters? That’d be cool. It’s almost like they forgot about “Lisa the Male Lesbian” and the fact that they have to make up for that shit too.
THE L WORD: GENERATION Q is set to return for season 2!
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We’re bringing THE L WORD: GENERATION Q back for a second season! 
In the meantime continue, to follow Bette, Shane and Alice along with Dani, Micah, Finley, Sophie and Gigi as they experience love, heartbreak, sex, setbacks and success in L.A
Season one currently airs Sundays at 10 p.m. ET/PT only on SHOWTIME!
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bravebird131 · 6 years
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I’m a black woman.
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bravebird131 · 6 years
respect your body when it’s asking for a break. respect your mind it’s seeking to rest. honor yourself when you need a moment.
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bravebird131 · 6 years
Sailor Milaje
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Another great Black Panther cosplay crossover. I’m told it’s called the Sailor Milaje - which is a great team name. Sounds like something that I’d love to see in the Ready Player One world.  Update: Thanks to belligerentbagel, I was given a link to these ladies Instagram. Here it is: https://www.instagram.com/p/BmSKTJEgNiJ/?taken-by=sailorxtasy. Once again, thank you to belligerentbagel!!
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These fine ladies were at BlerdCon which was held at Hyatt Regency Crystal City at Reagan National Airport in Virginia.
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bravebird131 · 6 years
The History of Sister Nancy’s “Bam Bam”
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bravebird131 · 6 years
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bravebird131 · 7 years
im starting to irritate myself with my poor mental health like damn can a bitch just keep it together for a minute
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bravebird131 · 7 years
A hummingbird thought a man’s orange hat was a flower [x]
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bravebird131 · 7 years
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Jamad from Boston.
Muslim girls rock! 
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bravebird131 · 7 years
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Melanin 🍫 / Headwraps Edition 1
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bravebird131 · 7 years
Discourse white supremacists have on Southern heritage is not actually about heritage. Because if it was then what about the anti-slavery and political radicalism portions of Southern history? That too is part of Southern heritage. 
History contains conflict and struggle. There was not Southern unity. No such thing existed. The South contained abolitionists, communists, labor organizers, antiwar organizers and antifascists. That too is Southern heritage. A thread of history mysteriously absent from the minds and mouths of those who claim to celebrate the history of the American South. Southern heritage discourse is not about the complexities of Southern life and politics, it’s about celebrating the Southern aristocracy (and its descendants) and its legacy of slavery.
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bravebird131 · 7 years
A literal angel.
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bravebird131 · 7 years
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Watch: Almonte explains why Insider’s Chopped Cheese vid is the perfect microcosm for gentrification.
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bravebird131 · 7 years
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As we go into 2017, here’s a reminder on why non-Black people should not say the N-word.
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bravebird131 · 7 years
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bravebird131 · 7 years
The Full Potential Challenge
Ever wonder what your life would be like if you lived up to your full potential? Would your body be healthier? Your skin clearer? Bank account bigger? I think about these things all the time, and, judging my a previous post, you guys do to. Below is a chart designed to help all of us live up to our full potential. I’ve broken it down into time frames to help keep you from getting overwhelmed. Write the chart down and hang it someplace where you can see it all the time. I will be starting this challenge tomorrow, 9/8. I’ll check in with you guys every Sunday to track my progress. I have specific goals in mind for myself, and you guys should make some too! I really want to know how you guys are doing. Tag your progress posts with #sbfpc so I can track it and take a look. Let’s get to it!
Stretch. First thing. Really give your body enough time to wake up. Touch your toes. Roll out your shoulders. Do not hit snooze!
Do your full skincare routine. I have mine detailed here, but do whatever works for you and your complexion. Be gentle and consistent. 
Brush your teeth and floss. I used to be a big floss-skipper too, but you’d be amazed at how dig of a difference it makes. Rinse with a whitening mouthwash. I use one by Crest, and I notice a major difference in my teeth’s overall whiteness in just a few days.
Give yourself enough time to get ready. Whether you’re a wash-and-go kind of girl, or someone who spends an hour doing a full contouring routine before class (and either one is fine!), make sure you aren’t rushing. If you need to wake up a few minutes earlier than normal, so be it. Rushing sets an awful, stressed-out tone for the rest of the day. Allow yourself to be relaxed before taking on the day.
Eat something. I’m not going to say eat a big breakfast, because some people (myself included) just can’t eat in the morning. But you should eat, or at least bring a little something with you to work or school. If you can’t eat a full breakfast, grab a fruit! You won’t be as hungry come lunch time, making you less likely to gorge yourself.
Shower. You can do this at night, in the morning, whatever. Again, this is something you should allow some time for. I don’t wash my hair every day, but I do condition it every day (from the ears down). Scrub yourself with a delicious-smelling body wash. If you shave, make yourself as smooth as a dolphin, dude. If you don’t, then don’t and don’t ever ever ever let anyone make you feel bad or weird about it. When you get out of the shower, wrap yourself in a fluffy towel and totally slather your sexy self with lotion. Top to bottom. Do it as soon as you can post-shower so it can really sink in. 
Put leave-in condition throughout your damp hair and comb it through.
Put on an outfit that makes you feel good! So important!
Drink water. Drink water. Drink water. Drink water!!!!!
Take a look at your daily to-do list. Knock out the most pressing stuff first. Take pride when you cross things off your list.
Make your bed! Oh my god, make your bed. Do it. Do it. Do it. 
Follow the “touch it once” approach. This is a truly life-changing thing. When a task is in front of you, no matter how big or small, just do it right then and there. How many times have you gotten a work email or homework assignment and thought, “Eh, I’ll do it later”? And then later never comes? Once something pops up, do it once. Squash it and be done. Cross things off your list and feel like a badass.
Try to go for a walk at lunch. Even one little lap around the block or campus will reenergize you like nobody’s business. 
Drink water. Drink water. Drink water. Drink water!!!!!
Be present. This is so hard for me too, but you have to make a major effort to be present in whatever you’re doing. Be engaged and plugged-in and just exist in the moment. Give 100 percent.
Be friendly to friends and strangers. A smile goes a long way.
Eat something. Eat what you packed for lunch (see below) and take a break from working while you do it. You need “you time”!
Take your makeup off as soon as you’re in for the night. Wash your face with your full routine and let your skin have a break. 
Workout. You can also do this in the morning. Whatever works for you. Make a great playlist and go hard af. Get your cardio in. Get your strength training in. Earn every freaking sweat bead forming on your forehead. Earn your shower!
Knock out your homework. Life is infinitely better you don’t have anything hanging over your head. Half the time, the energy and emotion you spent dreading/putting off your work is ten times worse than the work itself.
Make a list of what needs to be done tomorrow. It’ll set you up for success the next day, and you won’t forget anything!
Drink water. Drink water. Drink water. Drink water!!!!!
Lay out your clothes for tomorrow. This will save you SO MUCH TIME in the morning omg I can’t even tell you how important this is.
Eat something great. And once you’ve decided to be done eating for the night, be done. Brush your teeth so you can’t eat again.
After brushing, do a whitening treatment. Whether it’s classic baking soda, a Crest white strip, or a laser. Do something. And floss! Retainers in too, ladies 0:)
Relax! Take a few hours to do what YOU want to do. Scroll through Tumblr, binge on some Netflix, FaceTime gossip with your friends, anything. Do whatever makes you happiest. 
Shut the electronics off an hour before you want to go to bed. Put your phone on sleep mode. If you stare at the screen, it will keep you awake and alert and you won’t be able to fall asleep. A good night’s sleep is crucial for weightless and general happiness lol
Do a quick sweep of your room and see if there’s anything you can put away real quick. A clean space is a happy space.
Crawl into your bed (aren’t you happy you took the time to make it?!) and read a book by lamplight for a while. When you start to feel sleepy, go to sleep. Don’t push it. You kicked ass today and you deserve rest. 
Do something with your friends. It just has to be one thing. Even if you’re just hanging out at the coffee shop, spending time with your squad will make you a better, happier person.
Drink water. Drink water. Drink water. Drink water!!!!!
Do something just for you. Set your laptop up in the bathroom and watch a Netflix marathon while you take a bubble bath. Buy an old school bottle of Mr. Bubbles ($3 at Target!) and really just soak. Relax. Light a candle.
Do something creative. You can read a book, write, blog, draw, code, anything. It just has to be something that speaks to your passion.
Track your progress. Just do this once a week so it doesn’t become all-consuming. And remember that non-scale victories are just as important as shedding pounds.
Take the time to be grateful. Tell your friend how much you admire her taste in music. Mention to your mom how much you love her cooking and how happy you are that she takes care of you. Thank your teaching after an especially interesting lecture. When you do something awesome, take a moment to admire yourself. Be grateful for even the little things.
Anything I missed? Reblog + add yours! Don’t forget to tag your progress!
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bravebird131 · 7 years
how to drink ya water! 💦
okay so I know y'all always hear everybody talking about “DRINK WATER!” but not everybody really likes water, in fact, I actually hated water when I first started to make an effort to drink more. Soooo, I decided to give y'all some ways to spice up your water to make sure you get at least 64 oz. a day. Some can add benefits to your water and some are just for taste and some for both. 👌🏾
1. Fruit Infused 🍉🍒🍋 fruit infused water can have a lot of benefits depending on what fruit you use but usually my main reason to drink fruit water is because of taste. A few fruits I like are: - lemon - watermelon - raspberry - cucumber - coconut
2. Stay Fresh 🌿🍃 add fresh herbs: - basil - lavender - mint - rosemary
3. Make Tea 🍵☕️ making tea is my favorite way to jazz up my water. try to stay away from teas with a lot of caffeine like black or oolong. instead go for green, white, or herbal teas. also try to keep it unsweetened but if that’s not possible use a natural sweetener like honey, stevia, or agave nectar (I suggest honey). A few teas I like are: - Rituals Orange Jasmine Green Tea - Bigelow Green Tea - Celestial Sleepytime Vanilla Herbal Tea - almost any herbal tea
4. Make it HOT! 🔥🌶 try adding a spice to you water. I like cinnamon water or cinnamon tea. Some benefits you receive from it are reducing your waste line and reducing cravings. other spices you could probably use are: - ginger - turmeric - cayenne
5. Get Juicy 💦😏 (I really wanted to write that 😂) try adding some type of juice likeee: - lemon juice - cranberry juice - apple cider vinegar
6. Honey Water 🍯🐝 okay so this is best just with warm water in the morning but personally I’ve had it just like throughout the day but I don’t know if that hurts anything. It’s great for a sore throat!
7. Rose Water 🌹❣ so this one is basically just if you’re feeling fancy. I actually haven’t tried this before but I’m sure it’s great!
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