Bratty Lightning
426 posts
Indie Billy Batson Rp. Please read rules and description. Mun over 21 years old.
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brattylightning · 5 years ago
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“And now it’s like 𝖜𝖊’𝖗𝖊 𝖈𝖔𝖓𝖓𝖊𝖈𝖙𝖊𝖉.”
indie lost in space’s Will Robinson. Semi-selective multiverse, thread, etc. Mun over 21.
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brattylightning · 5 years ago
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“And now it’s like 𝖜𝖊’𝖗𝖊 𝖈𝖔𝖓𝖓𝖊𝖈𝖙𝖊𝖉.”
indie lost in space’s Will Robinson. Semi-selective multiverse, thread, etc. Mun over 21.
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brattylightning · 5 years ago
i really want to make a will r0binson
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brattylightning · 5 years ago
yall who’s givin me the People Think Shaz@m is a Cat au
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brattylightning · 5 years ago
You know what’s my favorite part of the Captain Marvel mythos? You have, on the one hand, a godly deity with some of the greatest powers on this earth who radiates such a kind, warm wisdom that he inspires everyone who meets him. And then on the other, you have an 11 year old homeless boy with a big heart and an inability to stay on the side lines who says stuff like “holy moly”. 
And they’re both the same person. Do you even know what a confusing conundrum Captain Marvel is as a person? Like he interacts with citizens and villains and other Leaguers and he just…. doesn’t make any sense and says these completely bizarre things and its bloody beautiful.
Cap: Haven’t you ever starved? Felt hunger so deep it ate away at your bones? Have you never wept because you thirsted for just a drop of water but none was to be found?
Hal: No, holy shit no if I get hungry I go to Taco Bell. Holy fuck man, have you? are you okay? I have $6 lets get some food.
Cap: uh actually I don’t eat, you know, God thing and all
Hal: But you said-
Cap: Hey look at the time, gotta fly!
Cap: *giving a beautiful speech on growth and humanity and redemption that has his teammates looking at him with awe, Wally is wiping tears from his eyes*
Cap: Gee whiz guys! Look at this rock I just saw on the ground! It looks like a whale! I’m gonna keep it, anyway, where was I? *continues his speech*
Clark: Hmm we need information those orphan kids have but they won’t talk to us.
Cap: Don’t worry, I got this *walks away, sudden lightning then again 10 minutes later just before he comes back* They told me everything, just needed someone smaller and less intimidating to talk to them
Clark: What? We are literally the same size
Cap: Ug I hate when you go into a convenience store and the owner calls you names and chases you out with a broom
Diana: It can be difficult living in Mans World sometimes, I was unaware you spent your free hours here.
Cap, sweating: Oh I don’t, because I am the Ancient Gods’ vessel I mostly just sit at the Rock of Eternity…….. doing Godly Stuff 
Diana: But you said-
Clark: Okay, wait, wait wait, you hate when you go into a store and they what
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brattylightning · 5 years ago
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brattylightning · 5 years ago
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brattylightning · 5 years ago
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Billy didn’t say anything, just kept an eye on his surroundings. No security cameras. No store assistants watching him, just one guy in the back hefting around pallets of canned food. Which meant…
He crept one hannd towards a prewrapped sandwich. One. Two…
Oh so easy. He slipped the stolen food into his tiger backpack, holding back a smirk as he headed towards the door. He frowned, side stepping around a few aisles and nodding, one hannd in his pocket. “Excuse me.”
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brattylightning · 5 years ago
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brattylightning · 5 years ago
oh hay i has 100 followers on here
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brattylightning · 5 years ago
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brattylightning · 5 years ago
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Billy didn’t say anything, just kept an eye on his surroundings. No security cameras. No store assistants watching him, just one guy in the back hefting around pallets of canned food. Which meant...
He crept one hannd towards a prewrapped sandwich. One. Two...
Oh so easy. He slipped the stolen food into his tiger backpack, holding back a smirk as he headed towards the door. He frowned, side stepping around a few aisles and nodding, one hannd in his pocket. “Excuse me.”
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brattylightning · 5 years ago
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brattylightning · 5 years ago
“That doesn’t make it any better. Bats is still dragging a kid along and who knows what that kid thinks? Maybe he’s been brain washed or something. No, I’m not sure what to think about Batman. I mean, he do good stuff, but he kinda seem insane.” If Bruce heard this, he would probably find it amusing and it wasn’t like he hadn’t said similar things about Gotham’s Dark Knight. “I kinda like my life. Don’t really need the thrill of chasing criminals when I can help Bruce with the quarterly planning of Wayne Enterprises.”
“Sometimes life just sucks, you know. At least Robin can be strong when it goes down,” Billy pointed out. He could only shrug - sure Tim had points but they weren’t very good points in Billy’s opinions.
“If Robin’s brainwashed, then he still likes being Robin,” He said. He was still in the game, and maybe being brainwashed was to his benefit. He wouldn’t be scared or worried. He was just... focused. All the pain of what could have been was gone. He raised an eyebrow - no one liked quarterly planning.
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brattylightning · 5 years ago
Tim laughed a little. “I’m not really sure what I think about Batman, he seems a little unstable to me, getting dressed like a bat and swinging around Gotham at night and isn’t his sidekick like a kid or something? Who puts kids in danger like that?” If it had been the first time he said something like this, he might have found it even more amusing, though it was still pretty funny, since he had met Billy before, but as Robin and not Tim Drake. “I like Superman.”
“Plenty of people put kids in danger all the time,” Billy scoffed. Come on, who cared about that? Freddy would flip out if he had the chance to even be near a Robin. Sure, he was ‘more of a Supes guy’ but a superhero was a superhero. Everyone from bus drivers to creeps put kids in danger, either accidentally or on purpose. “Besides. I bet that side kick is pretty pleased either way. I mean, he gets to be tough and strong. And do good things, you know?”
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brattylightning · 5 years ago
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“My last name is Batson. It’s pretty obvious who my favorite superhero was when I was a kid. It’s in my name.”
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brattylightning · 5 years ago
SENTENCE MEME ⟶ ONEREPUBLIC / Oh My My always feel free to tweak the sentence to fit your muse.
‘i told myself ‘this could get rough’.’
‘that’s enough.’
‘i know that this love is pain.’
‘i’ll get the lights and you lock the doors.’
‘we ain’t leaving this room ‘til we both feel more.’
‘don’t walk away.’
‘don’t roll your eyes.’
‘they say love is pain.’
‘well, darling, let’s hurt tonight.’
‘i know you feel insane.’
‘tell me something that i can explain.’
‘tell me all of the things that you couldn’t before.’
‘let’s say all of the things that we couldn’t before.’
‘looked at a thousand different pictures that your mother took of you.’
‘i had this crazy dream last night.’
‘this man, he talked to me. he told me everything that’s good and bad about my history.’
‘you are the future.’
‘the future looks good.’
‘tell me anyone and everyone who makes you feel like shit.’
‘everybody else can lie.’
‘days are long, life’s so short.’
‘it’s a crazy world.’
‘you’re just what i wanted.’
‘i’m alright, i’m alright.’
‘i’ve been to so many places.’
‘i found you.’
‘we’d fight ‘til i would give in.’
‘we were searching for ways to get up and get out of the town where we were raised.’
‘i remember, we were sleeping in cars.’
‘i refuse to look back thinking days were better just because they’re younger days.’
‘i don’t know what’s ‘round the corner.’
‘i swear we’ll never change.’
‘swear that we’ll never die.’
‘you told me i should get my shit together.’
‘you said life is a painting, but all your colours always bleed together.’
‘you said i wasn’t just quite right.’
‘all i was trying to do was search for a light.’
‘i told myself that i don’t care.’
‘people can dream.’
‘lord knows i’d cry if i was able.’
‘that won’t get my through tomorrow.’
‘i’ll keep a picture of you on the wall.’
‘i wrote some letters that i might burn.’
‘we fell in love on a sunday.’
‘my hope and my fear is human interaction.’
‘i just want your love.’
‘you can really make my head spin.’
‘i don’t set alarms.’
‘it keeps me safe from harm. at least i tell myself i’m safe from harm.’
‘yes, i’m neurotic; i’m obsessed and i know it.’
‘think i lost my mind.’
‘don’t worry about me; happens all the time.’
‘in the morning i’ll be better.’
‘i tell myself i’ll change.’
‘the problem’s inside my veins.’
‘everybody goes through moments of losing their clarity.’
‘at least i’m never boring.’
‘the doctor said to take one of these and call me in the morning.’
‘things are slowly getting better.’
‘it felt like sunlight.’
‘i’ll be living ‘til my time’s up.’
‘i remember it; it was a night just like this.’
‘you feel it from your heart to your fingertips.’
‘yesterday i talked to god.’
‘life ain’t what it seems in any situation.’
‘how does it feel to be human?’
‘some of the best plans you make get ruined.’
‘if i could for one day, i just might do it.’
‘most of us are happy with some medication.’
‘how does it feel?’
‘if i told you i was down would you help me?’
‘i need your strength.’
‘i’ll be yours someday.’
‘i have this human love; it shattered once or twice.’
‘everyday i’m wanting something i ain’t having.’
‘i have this human heart, my mother told me so.’
‘this shit can go to pieces, boy; be careful.’
‘if i told you i was down would you lift me up?’
‘this world can bring you down, so don’t be swinging low.’
‘me and you got something magic.’
‘i got problems, but i don’t need you to solve them.’
‘like it or not, all my shit is right here.’
‘i wear my issues like tattoos across my chest, and when people notice i tell ‘em ‘you ain’t seen nothing yet’.’
‘don’t pack your bags. we ain’t got no time for that.’
‘don’t look down. don’t close your eyes.’
‘all i see is dark, but i sail on.’
‘wherever i go, i’ll be looking for you.’
‘i know i could lie but i’m telling the truth.’
‘wherever i go, there’s a shadow of you.’
‘i know i could try looking for something new.’
‘some people lie, but they’re looking for magic.’
‘i feel alive when i’m close to the madness.’
‘no easy love could ever make me feel the same.’
‘wherever i go, you’re the ghost in the room.’
‘you think it’s a lie when i’m telling the truth.’
‘i’ll do all these things for you.’
‘i’ve been lost, but i’m here today.’
‘just one more time before the morning comes.’
‘they say that we don’t work, but i could swear this is heaven.’
‘i know that this might hurt, but i don’t care.’
‘i’m a fan of your universe.’
‘it’s different but i know it works.’
‘i felt it in my veins, just didn’t know how to say it right.’
‘everyone’s got a story.’
‘all my life i’ve been waiting for something.’
‘you confuse me.’
‘call me late, call me a liar, call me anything; just call me.’
‘do you want to take it fast or slow?’
‘i swear, the more i get to know you the less i know.’
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