Pastel Princess
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Zoe | 26 A Little of Everything 18+ Only Adult | NSFW | dd/lg | Sub leaning Switch| 420 |Bisexual | Polyamorous | Kinky | Fandoms Galore
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brat-tasticxxx · 4 years ago
Okay but, I genuinely love obedient, completely devoted subs so much. Everyone’s all about brats and how it’s so nice and amusing to have a challenge but there’s so many reasons why perfectly well behaved subs will always have a very specialy place in my heart and will always be my absolute favourites.
🌸 so eager to learn your rules and commands or hand signs, so they do everything to learn and remember them really quick to satisfy you
🌸 the proud look on their face when they’ve just obeyed an order, and you know they really did it to please you, to earn that pat on their head or a gentle kiss on their mouth
🌸 “please, I want to be spanked, master”
🌸 that hectic, truly sorry apology when they did something they shouldn’t have
🌸 doing everything and anything to satisfy you
🌸 w o r s h i p
🌸 no need for training them in every session or even punish them at all because they really try to behave as well as they can
🌸 you can focus on more important things like helping them to endure more pain or difficult ideas
🌸 when they misbehave, you can enjoy that punishment so much and really let out your inner sadist because it just doesn’t happen as often
🌸 begging to be allowed to make you cum
🌸 begging to be allowed to cum themselves
🌸 “thank you so much for…”
🌸 doing the most humiliating things when you order them to, without any hesitation
🌸 rewarding them feels so good because you know they really, really want to be good and try their very hardest not to do anything to displease you
🌸 “Have I been naughty?” + a very honest look of discontentment on their face
🌸 you can literally reward them all the time because they’re so so so good
🌸 they love kneeling in front of you, it’s their greatest pleasure
🌸 the smile on their face when you give them a cute nickname (“yes, master, I’m good, I want to be good just for you”)
🌸 so fixated on you
🌸 the biggest reward for them is to be allowed to touch you anf explore your body
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brat-tasticxxx · 4 years ago
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brat-tasticxxx · 4 years ago
These look fun
Can you truly keep a slave?
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brat-tasticxxx · 4 years ago
Favorite Daddy Phrases
~Who’s in charge? ~Who owns you? ~What did I say? ~Do I make myself clear? ~Do you remember your rules? ~Do you need to be punished? ~What did you just say? ~Are you going to be a good girl? ~Who’s my good girl? ~Who do I love the most? ~How’s my little girl? ~What’s my little girl doing? ~Are you in little space? ~What are you coloring/drawing? ~How are your stuffies? ~Can Daddy join? ~Are you taking care of yourself? ~Have you eaten enough? ~Are you drinking enough? ~Have you taken your meds? ~Are you ready for bed? ~Are you snuggled in bed?
~Listen to Daddy ~Don’t disobey Daddy ~Do it for Daddy ~Be a good girl ~Speak up ~Use your words ~Stay close to Daddy ~Be safe ~Show Daddy what you’re wearing ~Show Daddy your favorite little outfits ~Show Daddy your coloring/drawing ~Show Daddy your favorite stuffies ~Tell Daddy about your day ~Go to bed, princess ~Close your eyes, baby
~Good girl ~You’re such a good girl ~I’m so proud of you! ~You did such a good job! ~I love you so much ~You’re my one and only ~I only want you ~I’m not going anywhere ~I promise ~You’re such a cutie! ~My little girl ~Daddy loves when you’re in little space ~You make Daddy so happy!
Pet Names:
~Kitten ~Princess ~Babe ~Baby ~Baby Girl ~Little Girl ~Little One ~Angel ~Bunny ~Love ~Lovie ~Sweetie ~Sweetheart ~My Future Wife ~Wifey ~My Nerd ~My Dork ~My Girl ~My One and Only
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brat-tasticxxx · 4 years ago
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brat-tasticxxx · 4 years ago
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brat-tasticxxx · 5 years ago
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East High is having friends we’ll keep for the rest of our lives, and that means we really are ‘all in this together’. Once a Wildcat, always a Wildcat!
HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL 3: SENIOR YEAR (2008) dir. Kenny Ortega
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brat-tasticxxx · 5 years ago
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brat-tasticxxx · 5 years ago
I want to take care of a girl...
…who’s too stupid and needy to take care of herself. You’ve been pretending to be a proper person for so long, isn’t it nice when someone comes along who can help you express yourself honestly?
You don’t know what’s best for you; moreover, you don’t want to. It’s so much easier, and it makes you so much happier when a man decides things for you - it takes so much pressure off, and lets you focus on easier things. It starts with little things: what film we’re going to see tonight, what your daily schedule is, which chores you’re doing today, what you’re going to cook for dinner, what clothes you’re going to wear. Then it intensifies, and you’re not allowed to read books or watch TV that I haven’t approved for your delicate sensibilities (which we’ve agreed, so that I can slowly shape your tastes and inputs), or you can’t go to the bathroom without my permission (while in my presence, control reverts back to you while I’m away). Every week, we sit down and have a talk about what you’ve enjoyed giving up control of, and why. We talk about what things you might want to give up control of next week.
In this way, your independence is slowly eroded over time. You begin to be unsure if you should do things because I haven’t explicitly told you you can, or should. Forming opinions of your own starts to become difficult, because your perception of what’s good or bad is based more and more on my approval each day. As the weeks go by, you’ve started to dislike some of your clothes, because they don’t make my face light up in pride; you soon begin to realise that you’ve come to crave that. And maybe that craving for my approval makes you feel guilty sometimes, whether some part of you is trying to hold on to your humanity or whether you haven’t done something I explicitly approve of today. So you come to me, and you share your feelings, and I explain that it’s perfectly normal. I then pull you over my knee, tenderly stroke your hair, and give you a firm spanking while I tell you I forgive you. It’s all part of the process, sweetie, we just need to break down your resistance some more. It’s so important that you share your feelings, your thoughts, your dreams - it’s so nice to be vulnerable like that, to be listened to and accepted in a way that gives me more power to manipulate you.
Soon, those spankings are almost addictive. You love feeling my control, my authority, my care - you feel so safe when you’re over my knee, because you know that I’m putting in the time and effort to make you better. You’re the centre of my world, when you’re in my lap, and all that matters to me is taking away your guilt. Having your own thoughts and opinions begins to get really difficult, because your natural perfectionism kicks in and you want to make sure you get every little thing just right. You know the best way to make that happen is to surrender something else, something deeper - that’s when the next step begins.
Brainwashing now becomes a big part of your daily routine. At the beginning, when you took my collar, you were given rules to follow and mantras to repeat. By now, they’re not just habit, they’re comforting. But, on some selfish level, it’s not quite enough. So I write out larger pieces for you to memorise, or little rituals to follow at home to make sure you perform your routines perfectly. Every step you take is choreographed, subject to my approval. Suddenly, everything becomes more comforting, because I decided it should happen. It’s 10am on a Wednesday; you’ve just finished tidying the kitchen after you made and served me breakfast, so now it’s time to vacuum the living area. You don’t have to think about it any more - with time and careful discipline, it’s become like breathing. You have the time and energy to do your very best, to let your perfectionistic side shine as you make the home spotless. All the while, mantras have been bubbling up from the back of your mind, filling your consciousness with my brainwashing - telling you what a good girl you are for being so diligent, how proud I am of you.
Maybe you make a mistake, then. Perhaps you slip, knock over a vase, and break it. Sudden guilt grips you, knowing that the routine has been violated, but then a deeper impulse stops you. I’ve seen what your perfectionism does to you, and I know that mistakes are inevitable, so I’ve added some programming to your subconscious. Instead of wallowing in depression, you make a log of your mistake on a piece of paper on my desk, and resume your chores. Because you don’t get to decide if you should feel guilty about it; you do not have the right to punish yourself. That right is mine exclusively. You carry on your chores, knowing that I shall pass judgement when I return home.
Every day, you become a little more brainwashed. But some part of you still wants to give up just a little more control. Part of you wants to be afraid. That’s when I begin subtly altering your memories to make you uncertain of yourself. You want to be walking on eggshells around me, your heart constantly fluttering in anticipation of the next round of discipline - you need it, you need to know that I care enough to make you better, make you a Good Girl. There’s nothing you want more than to be a Good Girl. You begin to forget things - you get confused about which day of the week it is, so you do the wrong set of chores, or forget that we were supposed to be going out for dinner tonight. The shame almost drives you to tears, but the discipline that follows feels so good. The pride in my voice when a little more of your resistance breaks and I remind you of the truth fills your heart with comfort and joy, because you can trust me to remember things for you. You’ve started to become generally a little more braindead now - forming complex thoughts is so difficult that you don’t even bother, you’d much rather say your mantras again than have an original thought. It’s so much easier, and it makes me proud whenever you do, so it’s what you want most.
Of course, you need more care now. So once or twice a week, I take a few hours to pamper you and show you how much it means to me to spend time with you. I strip you off and bathe you - slowly scrubbing every inch of your skin, washing your hair, seeing to your nails, helping you shave everything from the nose down. Tenderly caressing every part of you, to let you know that I see all of your little imperfections and I don’t care about them. There are certain standards, like hygiene, to which I attend so that you know I’m paying attention to the little details - but other little blemishes, stretch marks or pigment discolourations receive gentle kisses, so that you know I still adore you. I dry you thoroughly, blow dry your hair, brush it out carefully, and then curl you up naked (or in some slutty uniform) in my lap on the sofa while I put a film on. You’ve never felt so taken care of, so utterly accepted. You feel so safe, so content. There hasn’t been a single thought in your head since I started undressing you; you didn’t notice, you don’t care. Why would you care?
In bed, at night, I gently trance you to sleep. Every day, I shape your thoughts a little more, altering your memories in subtle ways so that you’ve always been a Good Girl. I curl you up tightly in my arms, rest your head on my chest, and tenderly stroke your hair as you drift off to sleep in your favourite place to be. You nestle close and breathe in my scent, content to let my programming overtake your mind. You’re home, and you will always be my Good Girl.
(Reposted since lifeofalibertine was shut down)
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brat-tasticxxx · 5 years ago
BDSM Links And Resources
I thought I would update the list of BDSM links and resources I posted a while ago, as some links were no longer working and I had several new ones to add, including a list of books. These should be particularly helpful to those who are new to BDSM and looking to explore D/s relationships, as the best way to go about that is to first read everything you can and then read even more! Not only will this allow you to educate yourself, help keep you safe and avoid any potential mistakes or regrets, but also the more you understand something, the less intimidating it will seem.
If you have anything to add, please don’t hesitate to let me know and I will update this list, in particular if there any books that a submissive might find helpful or informative, as most of the books I have read or included are intended for Dominants.
Note: For the sake of consistency and readability, I have used capitals throughout this document and have not used lower case when referring to submissives or slaves.
Babygirls ‘n’ Daddy Doms: Website dedicated to littles, babygirls and Daddy Doms, with a lot of useful information on the subject.
Collarme: A free BDSM dating website and community, that is probably the most popular and a better option than the commercial alternatives.
DS Arts: Academy of DS Arts, fairly self explanatory.
Evil Monk: Ambrosio’s BDSM Website, featuring many useful articles.
Fetlife: An online BDSM community that I would highly recommend and which is perhaps best described as Facebook for the kinky, allowing users to create a profile, publish photos or writing and join interest groups where you can ask questions.
Kink Academy: An online resource with many educational and instructional videos on various aspects of BDSM, although users must pay a small fee to access all of the content.
Submissive Guide: As the name suggests, this is an online resource for submissives.
The Iron Gate: A general BDSM online resource, with many aticles, essays and even stories on the subject.
Dating and Relationships:
10 Principles For Healthy 24/7 D/s And M/s (Source:
Difference of Dynamics in BDSM (Source:
Finding Your Dominant (Source:
How To Find A Partner (Source: Jack Rinella /
Initiating a Discussion About BDSM Interest with a Vanilla Partner Part 1 (Source:
Initiating a Discussion About BDSM Interest with a Vanilla Partner Part 2 (Source:
Initiating a Discussion About BDSM Interest with a Vanilla Partner Part 3 (Source:
So You Want Your Boyfriend To Dominate You (Source:
So Your Girlfriend Wants You To Dominate Her (Source:
The Unfortunate But Common Misconceptions About DD/lg Relationships (Source:
Consent Is Mandatory And Non-Negotiable (Source:
Food Play (Source:
How (and Why) To Go Down On Your Submissive (Source:
Initial Steps Into Orgasm on Command Training (Source:
Rules and Tasks for Building Confidence (Source:
Tools of Consent in BDSM (Source:
Training in D/s - Why? (Source:
Training in D/s - How? (Source:
Training in D/s - Thoughts And Concerns (Source:
Wax Play (Source:
Basics Of Safe, Sane And Consensual Power Exchange (Source: Molly Devon /
Common Sense (Source: Sean R. Powell /
Emotional Safety (Source:
Offline/Online BDSM Safety Rules (Source:
Ouch Is Not A Safe Word: Safe Words, Limits, and Scene Protocol (Source:
Rules For Meeting Strangers (Source: Jack Rinella /
Safewords and Safesigns 101 (Source:
S.S.C. VS R.A.C.K. (Source: Justin Medlin /
Checklists, Communication and Negotiation:
BDSM Play Partner Check List (Source: Sovereign House /
BDSM Scene Negotiations (Source:
Can I Get That In Writing: Basics of Negotiations (Source:
Communication (Source:
If I Ever See Another Checklist I Will Scream: An Extremely Thorough Play Checklist (Source:
Negotiation Forms (Source: Jay Wiseman, SM 101: A Realistic Introduction /
What Are Negotiations Good For? (Source:
Sub Drop and Aftercare:
Aftercare for submissives (Source: Mistress Abode /
Aftercare for Dominants (Source: Mistress Abode /
Aftercare for Switches (Source: Mistress Abode /
Emergency Self-Administered Aftercare (Source: Mistress Abode /
Sub Drop (Source: David Williams /
Sub Drop and Aftercare (Source:
Dominance and Dominants:
A Dominant is NOT… (Source:
Advice to a Novice Dom (Source: Washington Sexuality University /
Advice to a Novice Dominant (Source:
An Open Letter To A Novice Dom (Source:
Qualities of A Successful Dominant (Source: Polly Peachum /
Daddy Doms: They’re Not What You Think (Source:
Domination for Nice Guys (Source: Franklin Veaux /
How To Spot A Non Dominant (Source:
Learning To Be A Dom (Source:
Run Don’t Walk: Warning Signs of A Predator Dom/me Part 1 (Source:
Run Don’t Walk: Warning Signs of A Predator Dom/me Part 2 (Source:
Red Flags, Warning Signs, and Intuition: Learning to Trust You Instincts - Part One: Dominants (Source:
The Dominant (Source:
What Is A Daddy Dom? (Source:
What Makes A Good Dominant (Source: Kim Debron /
What Should A Dominant Be (Source:
Submission and Submissives:
10 Considerations For Inexperienced Subs (Source:
A Submissive Bill of Rights (Source:
A Submissive’s Creed (Source:
A Submissive’s Ethics (Source:
Introduction To Submission (Source: Kim Debron /
Learning to Trust Your Instincts (Source:
Red Flags, Warning Signs, and Intuition: Learning to Trust You Instincts- Part 2: Submissives/Slaves (Source:
Some Rules For The Submissive (Source:
Submissive Owner’s Manual (Source:
Ten Tips For The Novice, Heterosexual submissive Woman (Source: Jay Wiseman /
Warning Signs for Submissives (Source: RC Bauer /
What Is A Babygirl? (Source:
BDSM: The Naked Truth by Dr Charley Ferrer
Dear Raven and Joshua: Questions and Answers About Master/Slave Relationships by Joshua Tenpenny and Raven Kaldera
Devil in the Details I: The Art of Mastery, A Mentoring Trilogy - The Master, The Slave, The Power by LT Morrison
Devil in the Details II: The Art of Mastery, A Mentoring Trilogy - Mastery Refine: The Issues, The Skills by LT Morrison
Devil in the Details III: The Art of Mastery, A Mentoring Trilogy - Sustainable Structure and Traning by LT Morrison
Different Loving: The World of Sexual Dominance and Submission by William Brame, Gloria Brame and Jon Jacobs
Living M/s: A Book for Masters, slaves and Their Relationships by Dan and Dawn Williams
Master/slave Relations: Handbook of Theory and Practice by Robert Rubel
Master/slave Relations: Communications 401 by Robert Rubel
Master/slave Relations: Solutions 402, Living in Harmony by Robert Rubel
Protocols: A Variety of Views by Robert Rubel
Real Service by Joshua Tenpenny and Raven Kaldera
Screw the Roses, Send Me the Thorns: The Romance and Sexual Sorcery of Sadomasochism by Phillp Miller and Molly Devon
SM101: A Realistic Introduction by Jay Wiseman
The Control Book by Peter Masters
The Loving Dominant by John and Libby Warren
The New Bottoming Book by Dossie Easton and Janet W. Hardy.
The New Topping Book by Dossie Easton and Janet W. Hardy.
The Ultimate Guide to Kink: BDSM, Role Play and the Erotic Edge by Tristan Taormino
This Curious Human Phenomenon: An Exploration of Some Uncommonly Explored Aspects of BDSM by Peter Masters
Where I Am Led: A Service Exploration Workbook by Christina Parker
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brat-tasticxxx · 5 years ago
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• 🌿🐣 Did You Try to be Big Today, Little One? 🌿🐣
That was very, very brave of you. Yes, even if it was just for a little bit, and even if it didn’t work out. You tried, kiddo. You worked so hard and I’m very, very proud of you.
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• 🌱🥚 Did You Stay Small Today, Little One? 🌱🥚
Because that’s ok, too. Your worth isn’t messured by whether you’re big or small. You did your best, kiddo. You did what you had to do to get through this day, and all that really matters is that you’re still here at the end of it.
So don’t blame yourself, ok, little one? Your energy has better places to be spent than on guilt and self hate. No matter what happens, remember: There is good in you. You are loved. You deserve to be here, on this earth. That will never change, big or small.
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Positivity for regressors who struggle not to be regressed for anon.
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brat-tasticxxx · 5 years ago
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Important ideas to consider when creating characters who are black and indigenous people of color. (x) (Creator’s instagram post)
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brat-tasticxxx · 5 years ago
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I wanted to draw something to show support for BLM, and it was an easy decision for me to draw Miles. The quote is from Stan Lee, written over 50 years ago in 1968, and it’s still (sadly) just as relevant today.
Keep fighting, keep protesting, keep making noise. Don’t let this go away. No justice, no peace. ✊🏻✊🏼✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿
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brat-tasticxxx · 5 years ago
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black lives matter and pride are intrinsically linked. the black trans community have done so much for us, we owe it to them to not forget their movement this month. without black lives, there would be no pride. black lives matter, today and always
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brat-tasticxxx · 5 years ago
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Steven Let’s play a fun game about adventure and mortal peril! What could possibly go wrong? Universe is playing a Warlock who thinks he’s a Sorcerer. 
Why not Bard? you ask
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There was another contender for the position.
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brat-tasticxxx · 5 years ago
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I’m not freaking out. Are you freaking out? I’m just interested in your hair and the magical qualities it possesses. How long has it been doing that exactly?
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brat-tasticxxx · 5 years ago
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“If we can’t protect the earth, you can be damned sure we’ll avenge it.”
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