branvashippers · 2 years
To read the story in order, start at Chapter 1.
Either scroll to the very bottom, or use this link to get to our bottom post: https://at.tumblr.com/branvashippers/important-info/3b8pma24gam4
OR read our story on Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/story/280391443-tsundere-%2B-debater
But if you're just feeling stubborn or something, you can access all the current chapters using the links below:
Our submit a post page is now up, all suggestions, requests, and mini-stories can be submitted there, there is like a 95% chance it gets uploaded to our page.
Prologue: https://at.tumblr.com/branvashippers/important-info/uk8v390n2ide
Chapter 1: https://at.tumblr.com/branvashippers/chapter-1-meetcute/3pcmcjg9blho
Chapter 2: https://at.tumblr.com/branvashippers/chapter-2-the-beginning-of-a-simp-and-a-rain/j7a86d3w2com
Chapter 3: https://at.tumblr.com/branvashippers/chapter-3-longing-for-love/sids6zt6tikj
Chapter 4: https://at.tumblr.com/branvashippers/chapter-4-takoyaki-date/6i1xddormrbl
Chapter 5: https://at.tumblr.com/branvashippers/chapter-5-soymilk/toy5jvznj8xq
Chapter 6: https://at.tumblr.com/branvashippers/chapter-6-getting-lost/i5m2v5izwgb9
Chapter 7: https://at.tumblr.com/branvashippers/chapter-7-caught/50rmk4ma3d46
Chapter 8: https://at.tumblr.com/branvashippers/chapter-8-internal-conflict-simp-alert/7vq0easrhrce
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branvashippers · 2 years
Chapter 8 - Internal Conflict? + Simp Alert!
A/N: JOIN BRANVA SERVER!!!!! PM for invite link!!
She woke up later that night with an ice pack pressed to her face. She immediately rushed to her computer [a/n: she has no phone because of her mom] to text Brandon (on Discord).
Hey, everything alright?
Iva      a few seconds ago
Brandon                                                                         now
Jumping back in surprise, Iva shut her computer and laid down on her bed, placing her hands over her eyes tiredly. She really liked him. She really did. There was just one obstacle. Maybe two.
First, Lily. She was an obstacle to conquer. But didn't they break up already? She secretly wished that they had. Second, Brandon. Did he even like her? Or was he just toying with her heart... She thought back to last night. He did like her. Right? The heated exchange from last night was too much for her. Luckily for Iva, her mom came up and forced her to go outside. Stepping outside to take a walk, her mind cleared...
Later that night, watched one of Brandon's old practice rounds that had been uploaded onto Dropbox while she prepped. Then, she felt an irresistible urge to go onto Discord and annoy all of her new friends from debate by gushing about how skilled Brandon was.
The whole time - she was staring at one thing - his lips. She really liked his voice as well...it was so calming, deep, and maybe a little sexy??
Iva took a deep breath and opened her computer again. 
MB Novices Chat
guys guys guys i've spent the last four hours watching these debates
here watch this: https://www.dropbox.com/s/0uh2l4wu2s4i1ge/Debate%205-6.mp4?dl=0 (A/N: link broken but i swear to god she genuinely sent this link to us telling us to listen to brandon's voice)
Iva                                                                                        a few seconds ago
(A/N: links works, don't worry it's not a virus lol it's a real video of what iva was listening to. also, we have screenshots of this actual conversation but for privacy reasons aren't going to share them, sorry)
Brandon you're so good!
Iva          a few seconds ago ٠delivered
(A/N: if anyone can notice what I did here I will literally be so proud that you've been paying attention)
She had Latin class later that day. In the car, all she thought about was Brandon.
When she was showering all she thought about was Brandon
During school all she gushed about was Brandon.
It seemed like she was never going to get over him. As she got out of the car, she headed into class. To see him. 
And this time, she was ready. 
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branvashippers · 2 years
Chapter 7 - Caught
A/N: we're...dying...this is like a mass-update since winter break but like honestly we're dying...we finally decided on a plot though...(happy ending I promise, despite this plot point--also don't worry this won't become a cliche where Iva gets tortured by Lilly or loses her memory is getting constantly set up--I hate those cliches above everything and will steadfastly REFUSE if audrey even dares to suggest it)
"HI.... BABE...." Brandon stuttered, Iva found him losing his words.
"You lied to me."
"Baby I told you..." his arms reached out to her for an embrace and quick forgiveness. Just then, Lilly screamed–an ear piercing scream—and shoved Brandon... straight towards where Iva was lying on the bed. As she screeched, "WHY ARE YOU ALONE IN A ROOM WITH A GIRL–WHO IS CURRENTLY SPLAYED OUT ON THE BED!?" Brandon twisted around to avoid falling on his back. And as Iva's luck would have it...he landed straight on top of Iva's face, his lips directly meeting hers–Wha–HE'S KISSING ME THIS IS MY FIRST KISS OMFG!!!
Lilly screamed. "YOU LYING *SS SON OF A B*TCH....GETTING TOGETHER WITH SL*TTY B*TCHES–YOU'RE A CHEATER, A LIAR–YOU F*CKING PLAYER." Brandon yelped as he bounced off the bed.
That exact moment, Iva's mom came running up the stairs towards Iva's room: "我来了!" (I'm coming!) "你打破了什么 ?" (What did you break?) Her eyes darted to Brandon and Iva on the bed, and a fuming Lilly whose stare was so murderous–if looks could kill the duo on the bed would be long gone and cold in a mass grave— it burned to the back of Brandon's skull.
"一个男孩?!!!!" (A boy?!) Iva's mom screeched. "WHAT HAPPENED"
"I-i-mom..." Iva started, "it's not what you think, he fell down on me–he already has a girlfriend, look, it's Lilly, she's right there–" "What was the sound I heard then?" her mom demanded.
"That was Lilly screaming after she accidentally hit Brandon's head with the door and pushed him onto me and we fell..." Iva said apologetically.
"Hello Ms. Liu, I have to deal with my BOYFRIEND! Here, who was caught in your house. I used his phone's location to see where he was after he didn't show up to our DATE, when I found him with your wh*re of a daughter. I think she should be penalized because she was a homewrecker who was trying to ruin my relationship." Lilly said matter of factly.
Iva now saw stars. I think...what do i think... Logic was escaping her, not of love, but she was losing consciousness... "I-" she started.
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branvashippers · 2 years
Chapter 6 - Getting Lost
A/N: It took us like over three hours to write this...we were like re-enacting the scene and going to all of our favorite romance books and reading all the kissing scenes and analyzing them and everything...we literally have no idea how to do this ;-; 
As they stepped through the door they were laughing and blushing. Her mom promptly yelled at her.
"你为什么花了这么长时间? (Why did you take so long?)" She scowled. Iva stuttered. She didn't know what to say. Brandon came to her rescue.
"We were at the library and studying for the upcoming final in class–Mr. Wheeler will be basing partners on that–it's important to do well to get a competent partner." he said. Her mom gave her an approving look and Iva turned around, fleeing to her room. Brandon gave her mom a mischievous look and followed Iva upstairs.
"So I heard someone is crushing on me." Brandon smirked, and the blood rushed to the surface of Iva's cheeks. Slowly, he moved forward and pushed her against her bed frame. Her knees backed up against the bed frame and she gradually was forced to sit down. Then, he leaned forward and she laid down on the bed. Her hair quickly rolled out of her bun and spread all over her sheets. His arms were on both sides of her head, locking her in his warm embrace.
The blush was on both of their cheeks, now, so intense it was like a red marker sprawled on their faces. He crawls over her and their eyes locked. Their breaths are now quick. Iva thinks quickly.
"I am so sorry I can't, I'm not allowed to do this–we shouldn't be doing this...you know that." she whispers.
"What's a little kiss going to do to your studies?" the mischief spread throughout his face. Staring into his hazelnut-brown eyes, her own clouded up with confusion as she got lost in his all-knowing eyes. Logic was gone now. In that moment, she remembered her resolve while walking back–she had to take the initiative, it wasn't the time to be getting flustered. Leaning over, she quickly pecked him on the cheek. Surprised at her initiative, he licked his lips and smiled.
"You think it's over now? No way in hell is that enough." Leaning in, he hovered over her face. Iva shut her eyes, waiting for everything she wanted for that whole month, year, or lifetime. This was her only chance.
She could feel the warmth of his lips nearing hers. But all of the sudden there was a loud, discordant buzzing sound. Brandon's pocket was buzzing, immediately cooling down the situation and neutralizing the previous hot mood.
"Sorry. I gotta take this call." his apologetic eyes started back to her on the bed as he got up and answered the phone.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING. I DRESSED ALL UP FOR OUR DINNER RESERVATIONS IN A DRESS AND HEELS FOR YOU. I'VE BEEN WAITING AND YOU HAVEN'T SHOWED UP. WHERE ARE YOU." a distorted scream came out from his phone. Iva's heart dropped as she covertly listened in on the conversation that Brandon felt was so important.
"I'm sorry. I'm heading over right now." The heat from their episode was over, replaced with this icy wall that she couldn't break.
"WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU." The voice grew louder, tearing Iva's heart in pieces. It had to be his mom or sister or something, right?
"Babe calm down...I'm at Mike's house, chillin' and playing League of Legends." Her heart shatters. Babe???? It couldn't be. After all he said, he'd done. He could lie so smoothly too.
"Baby...we were studying...for the finals...you never study with me."
"I'm coming. I'm coming. Extra kisses for you tonight." He opened the door and jumped back. At the door was another girl in their class, Lilly...and she looked ready to murder.
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branvashippers · 2 years
Chapter 5 - Soymilk
Author's Note: Unfortunately, we being the extremely busy people we are, have less time and unfortunately can not update as often as these first few chapters, so the update schedule in the future will likely be much more erratic(we're sorry!!! ;-;). Also, please fill out this poll to help us brainstorm for a takoyaki guy story: https://forms.gle/zJ46DgbqYkEV82Lu7(Just copy-paste link or click on the link I posted in the comment section, it's a google form) Thank you!!! This is kind of a short chapter, we're sorry we were busy and...(personally I feel really sorry because I hate cliffhangers) there is a cliffhanger at the end of the chapter- originally the chapter would've been longer but we ourselves have no idea what Iva's plan is, so we've been trying to work it out...but we still have no idea. However, since it's been over a day since our last update, we decided to just update this chapter anyways. We're sorry, but we will work extra hard to come up with a really good plan for Iva!! (And yes, we know that making up plot points as we go on is a rather stupid way of doing things) OK then~~onto the story now!!
"And here's the special extra that comes with the Lover's Special!" the takoyaki guy said, placing a plate of dango on the table next to the takoyaki.
"Great! But where's my soymilk?" Brandon asked, staring at the single glass of soymilk takoyaki guy had brought to the table, albeit with two straws.
"You mean both of your soy milks?" said the takoyaki guy, glancing at the soy milk. "Oh yeah, don't worry, although it's only one cup, you get unlimited refills so you aren't getting ripped off or anything, I promise."
Brandon looked up and saw drinking from one of the straws from the cup. "Um- yeah. I guess so." He let drink from the cup, and when they were done he waved the waiter over.
"Hi, check please!"
"Brandon, no, I got it." reached into her backpack and pulled out her 20 dollar bill.
"Really , no, I got it." Their hands reached together at the same time, and pulled away first. Both were blushing as their cheeks were red and bit her lip.
"I'll pay you back later."
"Nope, it's on me." Brandon insisted.
Just then, Brandon's phone rang. "Hello?" he nodded along to something the caller said and then promised to "come as soon as possible".
"I gotta go," he said looking apologetically at .
"It's fine~ Don't worry!" said , smiling while mourning her cracked heart, which was crumbling apart
"Ok thanks, takoyaki was great" Brandon smiled then left.
When Brandon left the takoyaki place, the takoyaki guy started talking.
"So. You like him."
"NO I DON'T- I mean- no I don't." stuttered, tripping over her words and the tiniest bit of blush left on her face.
As they slowly ambled down the road towards her house, she thought. Does he like me? I hope so. How did that guy know I like him? Staring at the sidewalk, she suddenly looked up excitedly.
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branvashippers · 2 years
Chapter 4 - Takoyaki(!) Date(💖)
Author's note: Takoyaki guy will finally be making an appearance!!!(He's kinda sorta my fave character) He is going to be called takoyaki guy from here on because we were not creative enough to figure out what to name him(sorry not that sorry). Plus, isn't it more mysterious to that we don't know his name(yet)??? You saw that yet correctly~~~That's right, we may only have like 3 braincells left putting this show together, but I have hope that takoyaki guy may have a name...eventually!!! Or you could help us out by putting suggestions in the comments(please do this!!!) for a name~if there is a really good name(or even a decent one) we'll probably(most definitely) use it (because our braincells really can't think of anything else to be honest)!! OK then~~onto the story now!!!
Hey, do you want to prep together tomorrow?
- Brandon, a few seconds ago
She jumped on her bed, screaming happily at the top of her lungs. Brandon texted me! He wants to hang out!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! I'M SO HAPPY!!!! MY LIFE SO FAR HASN'T BEEN WASTED... Be cool Iva... Be cool.
Yeah sure! Meet you at my house at 9 tmrw morning? :D
- Iva, now
See you there.
- Brandon, now
The next day, Iva snuck into her mother's bathroom and put on whatever was in the makeup bag- a container with gold trimmings, a long tube that said MAYBELLINE BROW GEL™ and layers of lip gloss. She modeled clothes and jewelry, waiting for the clock to turn to 9 o' clock.
Ding Dong. "Hey Iva, I'm here to prep." said Brandon. Iva had forgotten that he was here to prep and was now standing there in a plaid skirt and a full face of makeup. Her face turned red and she stuttered. "Oh hi." Just then, her mother walked past.
"你和可爱的男孩在做什么?" (What are you doing with cute boy?) She said
"Mom! I mean-ugh, we were just going to prep for our upcoming tournament."
"Well, are you going to invite me in or not?" Brandon smirked.
"Of course. Come on in." She said, flustered
"Well, this is my room!" The door opened, letting streams of light down the hallway. Everything was nicely organized, and outside the windows the birds harmonized as a breeze blew by. Next to her desk, she had even set up a makeshift area for Brandon. She desperately wanted to make a good impression on him.
"Got it. Should we start with the NC3 aff?" he started. "Hello? Iva?" She snapped out of her trance. She was daydreaming about kissing him.
"Yeah. Yeah let's start on the CJR aff."
"We're doing CJR?"
"No, no no, the childcare topic. Oh wait no it's civil rights one right?"
"Wait we're doing the last topic? I thought we were doing the NC3 aff? We discussed it last night. I asked Mr. Wheeler for a strat he thought was good."
"Oh yeah totally we're doing the NC3 thing." She tried to act cool. Be cool Iva. Be cool.
But despite her efforts, her mind continued to wander. What if they married? What would their children look like?
"Ok!! That's a wrap." Brandon said triumphantly. "Want to get takoyaki? It's my favorite food. There's one just downtown."
"Sure, sure."
"There it is! It's the one to the left." He said. They took empty seats on the bar.
"Hi welcome to Takoyaki Place (a/n: we are not Japanese so uh, please don't mind the odd naming skills, we thought this would at least be better than Mitsuwa.)"
"Hi, I'll get the 8 Ball special with a side of soy milk."
"Sure thing, would you like the lovers special? We have a discount today." the takoyaki guy asked.
"A-ah no, we aren't-" Iva sputtered, blushing hard.
"Hold hold hold HOLD ON. You said discount? How much?" Brandon interrupted.
"30%" takoyaki guy said, nonchalantly, smirking at Iva.
"B-but, we're not dating!" Iva squeaked out.
"Ah, my bad," the takoyaki guy grinned, not sounding apologetic at all. "You two just had such great chemistry going on, I thought-"
"No. No, we're dating; sorry, we just started dating, my girlfriend is just a little shy." Brandon interrupted again, shooting Iva an i'll-explain-it-later-just-go-along-with-it look.
She blushed hard and stuttered, unable to say anything
"Ah, I see...don't worry I'll give you two the discount and something else special..." his smile widened as he took the menus off the table. He shouted something in Japanese.
"What was that about?!" Iva whisper-yelled. Did...did he truly think of her like that?
"Ah sorry about that, the discount is too good to pass up though," Brandon whispered back. "Would you mind just going along with it for today?"
"Mm. This is one of the best takoyakis I've ever had!!!- plus it's the love-" stuck her hand over her mouth. "LIEST- with the loveliest study buddy."
"Yeah." Brandon blushed. Iva didn't see it and continued to tend to the love worn embers in her heart.
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branvashippers · 2 years
Chapter 3 - Longing for Love
She threw her things in the trunk.
"Iva, no throwing things in my car-" her father started, but stopped when he saw the state of his daughter. Her mascara was streaming down her cheeks, her clothes were wet and soaked, and her eyes were bloodshot. "I'm sorry I didn't know..."
"It's fine."
"Well then, in that case, get ready for your Latin class. Don't forget you have a lot of chemistry homework."
Iva was done with her social life. She wanted to shrivel up and go hide in a dumpster and ask to be adopted by someone else so she could move to another town and have another chance at life (and bring Brandon along with her). She was done with being the shy, smart nerd who wrote notes and reviews for everyone's finals and was depressed when she only got 105% on her tests.
All she wanted was someone to care about her, love her, cradle her. And that person was Brandon, who had rejected her a few minutes earlier. Now she had to go Latin class and do chemistry homework let alone her debate homework that would remind her of her failure. She almost felt like he had betrayed her to her fate when he refused her invitation. She thought back to Alexis and the rest of the pretty, smart, and outgoing girls in her class, and how inferior she was to them.
They'd wear short skirts, she'd wear t-shirts. They were on top of the cheer pyramid while she sat on the bleachers.
All she did was cry and sit only when propped up to walls. Her tears were endless and the only sign she was even alive. Or at least...until her phone vibrated. It was a text from Brandon.
Hey, do you want to prep together tomorrow?
- Brandon, a few seconds ago
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branvashippers · 2 years
Chapter 2 - The Beginning of a Simp (and a rain scene)
"That's all for my speech vote for the af-neg." She had 3 minutes left on the clock. Mr. Wheeler stared at her.
"NEVER END YOUR SPEECH BEFORE THE TIMER GOES OFF Iva." He shouted across the room.
Iva's face slowly drifted from hopeful to crushed, looking like she was about to cry.
It almost seemed like he was glowing, giving his last speech in a confident manner that was the complete opposite of how she had given hers.
The thought made her slump into her seat and just gaze as she watched that handsome boy give his speech so confidently and go back to his seat as Alexis and Chenyue, the most talented and outgoing girls in the class, flirted with him and asked him to go out later today. He agreed and she definitely didn't have a chance anymore. A few of his friends clapped him on the back.
Even though she was dejected from the results of the round, she couldn't take her eyes, brain, and heart off of the boy 4 rows in front of her. He had presented with an aura that she could never give off, a confidence in his skills that was incomparable to her wimpy self-deprecating air. He had a god-given talent, while she sat in her seat taking prep that was used daydreaming.
She waited at the front of the room as Mr. Wheeler shouted at her lack of skills.
The last minutes of class seemed to pass by in the blink of an eye, and Iva was shaken out of her lovelorn stupor by Mr. Wheeler's stern voice. "Iva!" he shouted, an angry expression on his face. The silence was deafening, and all they could here was the rain starting to fall on the roof. Pitter, patter, pitter, patter.
Iva groaned, and melted into her clothes. No one could see her like this.
She waited by the curb as her mother pulled up. Soaking wet, she eagerly opened the door as an unfamiliar voice spoke.
"Alexis my beloved, how was school?" A loving mother spoke while handing a donut to her. Iva just took off, embarrassed for the fifth time today. She waited, with no raincoat or rain boots, and thought that the day could not get any worse.
The front office dialed her mother, and she was waiting inside as she received the news. Her mother had gotten into a car accident, and couldn't pick her up. Her heart sank to the pits of her stomach. Not only did she lose to the love of her life, she had to wait at the office until her possibly-injured mother picked her up.
The sun was setting, and Iva's tears just flowed uncontrollably down her cheeks. She pulled out her phone. The only thing she could think of was to ask Brandon to hang out. Her fingers moved themselves.
Please don't say no. Please don't say no. She internally pleaded that she wouldn't be rejected.
Her hopes were crushed. He had to meet up with those girls he talked with earlier. She threw her phone across the room, and watched as everyone stared, again. Dashing to the bathroom like Usain Bolt, she cried hysterically as the front desk lady knocked on the door. Her father was here to pick her up. 
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branvashippers · 2 years
Chapter 1 - Meetcute
Iva dashed through the halls, pushing people aside. She was late for class. Out of breath and trying to gain composure, she had arrived at the classroom. Looking through the glass, her heart fluttered and eyes gravitated to one boy in particular. He looked up at her and instantly smiled.
"Hi, I thought I'd introduce myself. I'm Brandon."
"Hi you're- I mean I'm Iva."
They looked up at each other staring, and already hopelessly in love.
She took a seat in the back, lightheaded and with a lingering smile.
Mr. Wheeler was staring at them both, and so was the rest of the class. Their piercing stares burned through her heart. All Iva could do was take out her computer and try to catch up with the class. Her brain was only on one thing: the seemingly gorgeous boy sitting 3 rows, no 4 in front of her.
"Iva. Iva!" Mr. Wheeler banged the desk in front of her. "Why the f*ck are you late."
"I was just daydreaming about Bran-"
"Look, I don't want to be mean, but if you're serious about debate, come to class on time and actually come learn. I don't care what you did, the fact is, you were late to class," His words made her stomach drop. Instead of light and fluttery it felt as if there was a rock dropped in her stomach.
"I apolo-"
"I told you once, and I'm not going to tell you twice. Stand up. We're doing practice debates now." She reluctantly stood up. "Zoe, you'll be debating Alexis. Audrey, debate Chenyue. Mike, debate Andrew. Brandon...you can debate Iva."
Her heart pumped out of her chest.
She sat back down in her chair and could only think about that smile.
Next thing you know, this time it was Brandon banging on the desk.
"Iva...Iva?" She had fallen asleep.
"BRANDON." She sat up once again.
"It's time for us to debate."
She had done no prep whatsoever and watched Brandon spread through his speech. She grabbed a crumpled piece of paper from her backpack and began flowing. 
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branvashippers · 2 years
Important Info
As seen from the popular Wattpad story, we present to you...Tsundere + Debater!!!
All Chapters 1-10 of Book 1 of Tsundere + Debater have been published and are verbatim from the original Wattpad story. All chapters here on out will be solely published on this Tumblr blog.
Back to the original chapter:
Take the Takoyaki guy poll here: https://forms.gle/PdbeBbeD74nYKu2RA (it's a google form, please take it; we really, really need help brainstorming about takoyaki guy's future)
Iva has spent her life focusing on one thing: studying to get into Yale. Enter Brandon. Everything she ever knew is upturned when she meets Brandon. He's smart, great at debate, charismatic, and she quickly becomes a total simp. That's fine...until her feelings start to evolve from that of a simp to a crush. Not that she'll ever admit it. With some helpful interventions from Takoyaki guy and her friends...will love prevail? (a/n: we don't know yet, we may have a bittersweet ending in which love doesn't win...you never know) Read Tsundere + Debater to find out!!!--- Very Cute Love Story ---
Started: July 16, 2021
Ended: n/a
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