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brandon34k · 1 year ago
Night time
Brandon:looks out window and looks at night sky
Brandon:watches children playing
Parent1:kids dinner ready
Boy1:coming mom
Kids goes inside
Brandon:walks towards bed and sits on bed edge
General atitaya:king benja and his daughter want to speak to you
Brandon:chief benja
General atitaya:yes and his also a king
Brandon:ok,is it a invite to they dinner
General atitaya:I don't know,they just want to talk to you
Brandon:ok I'm coming
General atitaya:follow me
General atitaya:walks in,bows,here is Brandon
Brandon:walks in and bows
Benja:please have a seat
Brandon:yes sir,sits in a chair
Tong:who the new kid
Raya:this is Brandon,he is new to kumandra and new to the kumandra army
Boun:he basically a warrior
Boun:I can tell,he look like he been fighting alot
Baby noi:climb on tong head
Tuk tuk:growls at Brandon
Brandon:hi,little guy
Raya:tuk tuk
Tuk tuk:licks Brandon face
Benja:so Brandon where are you from
Brandon:I'm from heart and fang
Raya:wait your from two places
Narmaari:how is that possible
Brandon:I don't know
Brandon:I know,I really never knew my mother or father
Benja:sorry to hear that
Brandon:it's ok,but the only thing that I got,is this markin on my chest
Benja:hmm I see,I've never seen that markin before
Virana:starts to feeling scared
Brandon:queen virana are you ok
Virana:o yes I'm ok
Virana:let's all enjoy ,this food
Baby noi:eat...time
Tong:yep eating time
Baby noi:yay
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brandon34k · 1 year ago
At kumandra
Kumandra guards take Brandon to his room
Guard 1:this is where you will be staying for now on
Brandon:thank you
Guard 2:your uniform is on the bed ,we have training in 10 minutes ,so be down in 5 got it
Brandon:got it
Kumandra guards leaves
Brandon:walks towards window and looks at the beautiful view
Brandon:walks towards bed and looks at uniform
Brandon:puts on uniform
Kumandra maid:excuse me mr.brandon
Maid:um,um,starts overheating
Brandon:ma am you ok
Maid:imma just go
Kumandra maid;runs out room
Brandon:what was all that about
Brandon:finish putting on uniform and leaves room,closes door
Brandon:walks down hallway
Brandon:see some warriors warming up
Brandon:warms up
General atitaya:alright today training is combat training,you will find a person to team up with and spar with them and remember this is just training not battle, yall got that
All:yes general atitaya
Training starts
Jeremiah:what your name
Brandon:my name is Brandon, yours
Jeremiah:it's Jeremiah
Both:shake hands
Brandon:so tell me,swing
Jeremiah:blocks, ok
Brandon:tornado kick,are your new to the army
Jeremiah:dodges, yeah what about you,back tornado kick
Brandon:blocks,yeah,I see your a warrior just like me
Brandon:round house kick
Jeremiah;blocks,I can say the same to you
Virana:I see the two newcomers down there
Virana:how it's going for them two
General atitaya:them two are going great ,they follow orders and they skills are improving
Virana:I what to have a word with them two
Virana:can you take the others inside
General atitaya:yes ,my queen
General atitaya:whistles,training over ,Brandon and Jeremiah, queen Virana would like to have a word with you two the others come with me
General atitaya and the other warriors leave
Brandon and Jeremiah:walks up and bows to virana
Virana:yall had quite a training out there
Brandon:thank you
Jeremiah:thank you
Virana:but would yall like a challenge
Brandon:a challenge?
Virana:yes a challenge
Virana:ok ,here the challenge, if yall can lay one hit on my daughter,yall will be granted my loyalty and respect, got it
Narmaari:nothing a little ass kicking can't fix,I like this challenge
Brandon:ok I accept
Jeremiah:I'm not scared of a challenge
Narmaari:yall have heart ,I can accept that, but Bring it on
All get in their combat stance
Jeremiah:dashes towards narmaari
Narmaari:grab Jeremiah arm and body slams
Brandon:runs and jumps towards namaari, with a super kick
Namaari:catches Brandon leg and slams Brandon towards ground
Brandon:gah,backflip and gets up
Jeremiah:gets up
Narmaari:all what wrong, you two give up already
Brandon:Jeremiah we have to time princess narmaari moves
Jeremiah:and counter them
Brandon and Jeremiah:run towards namaari
Jeremiah:back tornado kick and tornado kick
Narmaari:dodges both and takes down Jeremiah
Brandon:goes for a superman punch
Narmaari:blocks,sucker punch Brandon gut
Narmaari:pushes and high kick Brandon face
Brandon:spits blood and falls on ground
Jeremiah:gets up and leg sweep
Narmaari:jumps and knee kick Jeremiah face
Jeremiah:falls on ground
Narmaari:laughs, I'm enjoying this ,you see mother they are holding back
Brandon mind:get up and STOP HOLDING BACK
Brandon:slowly gets up
Narmaari:turns around,o you want more,cracks fist
Brandon:closes eyes
Jeremiah:wipes blood and slowly get up
Namaari:goes for a sucker punch towards Brandon face
Brandon:catches narmaari fist
Narmaari:what the
Narmaari:punches Brandon face
Brandon:unfaze narmaari punches
Brandon:sucker knee kick narmaari gut
Jeremiah:tornado kick namaari face
Narmaari:spits blood
Narmaari:wipes blood
Virana:gets up from chair
All:start watching
Brandon:gets in fighting stance
Jeremiah:get in combat stance
Narmaari:get in combat stance
Narmaari:ducks and left hook Brandon gut and right jab Brandon face
Brandon:stumbles and falls to ground
Jeremiah:left hook narmaari face
Narmaari:spits blood,grrrr
Narmaari:put Jeremiah in a head lock and take down Jeremiah
Jeremiah:gets out narmaari head lock and elbows narmaari face
Narmaari:kick Jeremiah gut and tornado kick Jeremiah jaw
Jeremiah:fall on face
Brandon:back suplex narmaari and chokeholds
Narmaari:back headbutt Brandon face
Narmaari:time to go night night
Narmaari:goes for the sleeper punch
Brandon:dodges and uppercut narmaari face
Narmaari:spits blood
Brandon:does Dempsey roll, right hook and left hook narmaari face repeatedly
Brandon:back tornado kick and tornado kick narmaari face
Narmaari:falls to ground
Brandon:falls to ground
Brandon:slowly crawls
Brandon:gets up slowly
Jeremiah:gets up slowly
Brandon and Jeremiah fists bumps
Brandon and Jeremiah:helps narmaari up
Virana:well you to,have beat the challenge, yall have won my loyalty and respect
Brandon and Jeremiah:bows
Brandon:wait you said lay a hit ,that was more then a hit
Virana:well you see I knew my daughter wasn't going to let yall off Easly by getting hit one time ,she actually wanted to test yall to see if yall was worthy opponents
Jeremiah:is that true princess narmaari
Narmaari:yeah ,yeah it's true ,but hey yall prove yall was worthy
Brandon:so it was basically a test this whole time
Narmaari:yep and both of you passes it
Virana:ok well yall two go get treated
Brandon and Jeremiah:yes ma'am, bows and walks away
Narmaari:you know mother when I was fighting Brandon he was fighting like something inside him awakening in his soul
Narmaari:I mean when ,I tried to lay a hit on Brandon when he was defenseless and he's eyes was closed,he caught my fist without opening his eyes
Virana:maybe,he felt your present and heard you coming to lay an attack
Virana:you go get yourself clean up and get ready for dinner, ok
Narmaari:ok mother,bows and leaves
Virana:looks at sky
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brandon34k · 1 year ago
At kumandra
Namaari:alright people were going to have a tournament in front of the people in kumandra
Narmaari:I will be in my thrown watching with the princess of heart raya,the king of heart benja,the queen of heart virana and me
Narmaari:here the rules all contact is legal ,no weapons and no dirty moves,if your on the mat and can't get up on the count of 10 your out and if your the last one standing in this tournament you will be granted a spot on the kumandra army ,understood
All:yes ma'am
Tournament begins
Brandon vs boy 1
Boy 1 : bows
Ref :fight
Boy 1:runs towards Brandon
Brandon:dodges and goes for a tornado kick
Boy 1 :blocks
Boy 1:throws Brandon leg up and tornado kick Brandon face
Brandon:spits blood and falls on knee,gets up
Boy 1:goes for a knee kick
Brandon:dodges and take down boy 1 and right elbow boy 1 nose
Boy1:bleeds and throws Brandon off
Both :gets up
Brandon:back tornado kick boy 1 nose
Boy 1:spits blood
Brandon:super kick boy 1 gut
Brandon:knee kick boy 1
Boy 1:falls on mat
Brandon:back up
Boy 1:gets up slowly, falls on face
Ref:winner, raise Brandon hand up
Raya: hey namaari,do you know that boy name
Namaari:yeah that is Brandon, he is a highly skilled fighter when it comes to combat
Raya:do you know where he is from
Namaari:he is from fang but is also from heart ,he is 17 years old
Raya:he going to be a quite highly skilled warrior one day
Namaari:yeah,the boy have skill
Benja:not just skill but also talent
Benja:he was available to find his opponent next move when he was defenseless ,he knee he was going a that knee kick but Brandon counter
Virana:it sound to me,Brandon is quite a fighter
Raya:well see how far Brandon can go
Brandon vs rengen
Rengen:dashes towards Brandon and super kick Brandon gut
Rengen:left hook and right hook Brandon face
Brandon:spits blood
Rengen:uppercut Brandon jaw
Brandon:spits blood, falls on knee
Ref:runs in ,stop
Rengen:super kick Brandon face
Brandon:falls on back
Ref:holds rengen back
People goes silent
Brandon:slowly gets up
Rengen:there no way
Ref:checks on Brandon, you good
Brandon:wipes blood ,yeah
People:start cheering
Brandon:dodges, right power uppercut rengen face
Rengen:spits out blood
Brandon:does Dempsey roll,right hook and left hook rengen face
Rengen:spits blood and bleed from nose and mouth
Brandon: Bicycle kick rengen face
Rengen:falls on face
Brandon:back up
Rengen:gets up
Rengen:coughs up blood,falls on back
Ref:holds Brandon hand up
Raya:impressive, Brandon pulled it through
Benja:the kid got a heart of a true warrior
Narmaari:yeah that Brandon kid is the definition of not given up
Virana:what was that question he did
Benja:the move is called the Dempsey roll ot a technique for former fighter, it takes alot of balance and focus ,it unleash amount of fast and power punches
Virana:I'm starting to like that kid
Narmaari:he's almost there ,he in the finals just one more and he is a part of kumandra
Brandon vs panjiro
Panjiro:runs towards Brandon and Lewis sweeps
Brandon:jumps and tornado kick
Panjiro:ducks and takes down Brandon
Panjiro:repeatedly elbows
Brandon:blocks and throws panjiro off
Panjiro:grab Brandon arm and tries to take down Brandon
Brandon:lands on feet
Panjiro:does back suplex on Brandon
Brandon:coughs up blood
Brandon:gets up and swing
Panjiro:catch Brandon arm ,elbow Brandon ribs
Brandon ribs Cracks
Panjiro:twist Brandon arm and punches Brandon face breaks Brandon right arm
Ref:holds panjiro back
Panjiro:pushes ref and deadly super kick Brandon face
Brandon:falls on mat
Ref:gets up and holds panjiro back
Panjiro:raises arms up
People:start booing
Brandon:slowly gets up
People:start cheering
Brandon:because a true champion gets up when they cant
Brandon:closes eyes
Brandon:catches panjiro fist and uppercut panjiro face
Panjiro:spits blood
Brandon:does Dempsey roll, right hook and left hook panjiro face repeatedly
Panjiro:spits blood
Brandon:tornado kick panjiro face
Brandon: Bicycle kick panjiro gut
Brandon:runs and jumps,superman punch panjiro face
Panjiro:falls on mat
Brandon:steps back
Panjiro:gets up and cough out a gush of blood and falls against ref
Ref:waves head up
Brandon:raises arm up
People:clap and cheer
Raya, namaari, virana, benja stands up
Virana:what is your name, sir
Brandon:bows,my name is Brandon davis
Raya:we all saw you proven yourself today in this tournament
Brandon:thank you, princess of heart
Benja:Brandon, I was impressed today you have a heart of a true warrior
Brandon:Thank you, King and Chief of kumandra
Namaari:well Brandon, you are the winner of this kumandra tournament so I here by announce you are now a part of the kumandra army and part of kumandra
All:welcome to kumandra, bows
Next one coming tomorrow
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brandon34k · 3 years ago
Watch "God wants to speak to you through this video. Watch til the end! #jesus #christian #prophet #god" on YouTube
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brandon34k · 3 years ago
I'm doing a demon slayer saga
Brandon trains
Alita Sharpe blade
They both go to a forest
Alita it's cold Brandon
Brandon turns to ghost rider
Tengen I see a demon
Tanjiro I know what is he doing to that women
Zenitsu he trying to kill her
Hashibira should we attack him
Giyu wait
Kanao pulls out blade
Kyojuro grrrr
Obanai holds snake
Sanemi pulls out blade
Rengoku hmph
Matsuri watches
Gyomei pulls out sword
Muichiro hmph
Neuzko turns to demon
Brandon senses
Alita pulls out blade
Brandon pulls out hell blade pulls out hell chains
Brandon sees hasira slayers
Tengen jumps at Brandon
Brandon catches tengen by the neck
Tanjiro throws blade
Brandon catches tanjiro blade
Brandon throws tengen up and torndao kick
Zenitsu tunder lighting
Zenitsu charges at Brandon
Alita back torndao kick neuzko face
Nezuko goes through tree
Alita flying wheelkick giyu forhead
Matsuri what the hell wrong with you robot girl
Gyomei tries to put bag on alita
Brandon alita!!!
Brandon runs and jumps
Brandon headbutt gyomei head
Gyomei nose bleeds
Kyojuri knocks out alita
Brandon grrrrr
Hell fire goes around
Brandon ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Kanao he causing the ground to shake
Tanjiro goes fire-breathing form
Brandon does death stare at taniro
Taniro does death stare at Brandon
Brandon and tanjiro charges at each other
Brandon swings chains
Tanjiro eyes gets bloody charges at full speed
Brandon blade barrage
Tanjiro blade barrage
Alita gets up
Inasuko charges at alita
Obanai swings blade
Alita back filp
Alita starts running on top of tree
Brandon climbs on top of tree
Alita ready Brandon
Brandon yeah
Alita jumps
Brandon swings hell chains at alita
Alita catches hell chains
Alita sides under everyone
Brandon forms a hell dragon fist
Alita swings chains around everyone
Brandon and alita final hell angel blade dragon fist
The final hell angel blade dragon fist take out everyone
Brandon goes back to human
Brandon and alita starts running away
Tanjiro damit they fast
The hasiro slayers gets transported back to the base
5 hours later
Brandon and alita sleeps
Brandon hears footsteps
The hasiro slayers captured Brandon and alita
Tengen slaps Brandon
Sanmei hangs alita up by rope
The rope is tide together on alita hands and feet
Brandon what is this all about
Sanmei you a demon so if you a demon that mean she a demon too
Brandon she not a demon
Sanmei grabs blade stabs alita
Brandon grrrrrrrrrrrr
Alita ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Alita bleeds Blue blood
Tanjiro what the she bleeding blue
Zenitsu she a robot she have a human face but have a body to fight
Sanmei don't care I'm still going to kill her
Brandon breaks rope superman punch sanmei jaw
Sanmei goes through wall
Gyomei dammmmmm sanmei with threw the wall
Alita breaks rope
Brandon and alita joins the hasiro slayers
I'm keep making demon slayers saga until I can find another anime saga
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brandon34k · 3 years ago
Brandon drives to unknown place
Brandon ok namaari I see the helicopter it looks like the helicopters will be escorted the dragon in the plane
Radio namaari voice ok you got to get on that plane
Brandon okay sneaks in plane
Enemy 1 ok we ready to take off
Enemy 2 lets go
The plane and helicopter take off
Brandon ok I see the dragons but there two enemies guarding the door
Radio raya voice ok I be cutting the power out
Brandon ok I make it quick
Namaari take out two guards
Raya cuts out power
Brandon sets dragon free
Enemy 3 hey what you doing
Brandon punch enemy 3 jaw take gun out hand torndao kick enemy out plane hatch
Raya pulls out stabs floor
Namaari pulls out blade stabs wall
Plane engine 4 goes out
Plane engine 2 goes on fire
Plane engine 3 smokes come out
Brandon we have to jump the dragons free and the plane going down
Brandon and raya and namaari runs out plane
Plane explodes
Brandon oh shit
Raya aim for the lake
Namaari we going down to fast
They fall 10,000 ft and land in the kumandra lake
Brandon gasps
Raya gets up on land
Namaari gets on land
Brandon walks on land
Brandon calls dodge demon
They get in dodge demon and drive off
Look tumblr people I been trying ok I'm not mad I just trying to make people laugh and I been making these stories sence 2020 on my old account so I added myself in the franchise so I'm not mad tumblr I'm just stay safe out there tumblr people
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brandon34k · 3 years ago
Brandon fixing dodge demon
Mailman excuse me
Brandon uh hits head under hood,ah shit
Mailman u ok general Brandon
Brandon yeah rubs head
Mailman hear you go Brandon sir
Brandon ok thx
Mailman walks off
Brandon opens package
Brandon pulls out red and black blade out package
Aulia what's that
Brandon ah u scared me
Aulia sorry cousin Brandon
Brandon its ok this is my new blade
Aulia it look nice
Brandon thx
Atitaya um general Brandon cheif namaari need to see you
Brandon ok I be there about 10 mins
Aulia see you later cousin Brandon
Brandon see you later aulia
Brandon goes see what namaari needed
Brandon yes namaari
Namaari o you hear Brandon
Virginia ahh yes General Brandon how are you
Brandon good
Brandon yes I was called down hear
Namaari we have reports that there is truck that capture 7 dragons and trying to shipping them to a helicopter that heading to a unknown place
Brandon ok just give me a time and I get them dragons set free
Namaari thx Brandon I knew I can count on you
Brandon runs off and get ready
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brandon34k · 3 years ago
Brandon as the ghost rider
Look at this... 👀
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brandon34k · 3 years ago
Brandon blade
Look at this... 👀
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brandon34k · 3 years ago
Raya hey Brandon
Brandon what
Raya how your girlfriend alita the robot girl
Brandon good why
Namaari I want to fight her
Brandon where the hell u come from
Namaari don't worry about it
Brandon wait where aulia
Raya with virana and benja
Alita does one finger push-ups 100x
Brandon and raya and namaari goes to alita
Brandon hey babe
Alita hey Brandon
Brandon and alita kisses
Alita oh hey raya and namaari
Namaari so alita have u ever fought something with a sword
Alita yes why
Namaari what to train
Alita sure
Alita pulls blade
Namaari pulls out two blades
Alita ah shit
Namaari charges
Alita crescent kick namaari face
Namaari ahh nice hit
Alita front kick namaari jaw
Namaari cuts alita ankle
Alita ah sets blade on blue fire
Namaari what the hell
Namaari punches Alita gut ,front kick Alita jaw
Alita ah,mma kick namaari eye
Namaari eye bleeds
Alita grabs Namaari blades,swings blade out of namaari hands
Namaari pulls Alita blade out hands
Alita ok
Namaari flying wheelkick
Alita dodges
Namaari uh
Alita does dojo kick,torndao kick
Namaari knocks out
Namaari uppercut alita jaw
Alita knocks out
Brandon helps alita up u ok baby
Alita yeah grabs blade
Raya u ok undercut
Namaari yeah,great fight alita
Brandon ok we all going out to dinner tonight
Raya and namaari and alita agree
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brandon34k · 3 years ago
Raya and namaari arguing
Raya how can it be my fault
Brandon walks down stairs
Namaari it not my fault
Brandon what the problem now
Raya ok how does this sound who caused of sisu death
Brandon hold on is yall talking about what happened in fang two years ago
Raya and namaari yes
Brandon ok first raya if u didn't swing your blade the crossbow wouldn't go off and if namaari didn't have the crossbow sisu wouldn't got shot am im right
Raya and namaari yeah
Brandon and if namaari didn't back kick you raya we wouldn't have a druun attack
Raya true
Namaari shut up raya you was on the run for six years
Brandon we was 14 years old when that happened
Brandon see arguments doesn't solve nothing okay
Raya I'm undercut
Namaari I'm sorry binturl
Raya and namaari kisses
Brandon ok now imma got talk to alita see yall later
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brandon34k · 3 years ago
Raya is a navy soilder
Namaari is a navy soilder
Brandon is a navy soilder
See 5 years ago kumandra people build a navy airbase and navy ships so they can have more protection
Raya and namaari and Brandon:sleeping
In unknown place
Red hawk captain:we going to sink the kumandra battle ship and destroy they village and airbase
Red hawks soilders get in zero planes
2 hours later
Brandon:hear zeros fly by
Brandon:why the navy doing partice on a Sunday
6 zero planes bomb 3 battleships
Raya and namaari and Brandon:wakes up
Raya:oh shit
Brandon:the red hawks
In kumandra kingdom
Benja:the red hawks are attacking
The kumandra army:goes to battle stations
Benja is in the kingdom byw
Brandon:we got to get in god dam planes
Namaari:go go go
Brandon:gets Thompson, shoots at zeros
Boun:see raya and namaari and Brandon
Tong:get they planes ready
Sisu:they need cover
Sisu:flys towards them,blows flog
Red hawk zero:shoot sisu leg
Brandon:you son of bitches
Namaari:gets assault rifle, shoots
Sisu:flys to kingdom
They arrived at kingdom
5 red hawk zero:drops 7 bombs in the city
Kumandra soilder 1:shoots at zero
Kumandra soilder 2:gets shot
Kumandra soilder 3:dies
Brandon:gets in p47 Warhawk
Raya:gets in corsair
Namaari:gets in p40 mustang
Kumandra soilder 4:gets shotdown
P47 Warhawk takeoff
Corsair takeoff
P40 mustang takeoff
9 red hawk zero chases
Raya and namaari and Brandon
Brandon:I got three on my tell
Namaari:shoot down 2 red hawk zero
Raya:shoot down 3 red hawk zero
Brandon:shoot down 4 red hawk zero
Raya:let's head over to battleship road
Kumandra people cheering as they see Brandon and raya and namaari
15 red hawk zero chases Brandon and raya and namaari
Brandon:oh shit
Raya:I can't shake them
Namaari:they highly skill
Unknown p40 red tail mustang fly in and shoot down 4 red hawk zero
Brandon:who that
Raya:idk but that person skill
Brandon shoot down 4 red hawk zero
Namaari:shoot down 3 red hawk zero
Raya shoot down 6 red hawk zero
P40 mustang red tail regroup with raya and namaari and Brandon
Unknown person unmasked
Alita lands in airbase
Brandon and raya and namaari lands in airbase
Namaari um hello there
Alita hello princess raya and princess Namaari
Raya and namaari wait you know are names
Alita gets blade out plane
Alita yeah I know yall names
Alita does kumandra bow
Brandon:it has been a tragic loss we lost 100k people today and we will have a memorial for those who lost their lives in two weeks
Brandon heals sisu
This goes for the memory of pearl harbor
God plz pray for 🙏🙏🇺🇦🤝🇺🇸
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brandon34k · 3 years ago
Demon namaari:swings staff
Brandon:blocks with hell blade
Raya:tackles demon namaari
Demon namaari:throws raya
Brandon:swings chains
Chains raps around demon namaari
Brandon:flying knee kick
Demon namaari:catches Brandon neck, chokeslams
Raya:flying wheelkick
Demon namaari:back torndao kick
Brandon:gets up
Brandon:flying twister kick
Demon namaari:catches Brandon leg
Brandon:backfilp kick demon namaari jaw,torndao kick
Raya:flying wheelkick demon namaari gut
Brandon:punching barage demon namaari gut 30x,cartwheel kick
Raya:swings blade
Demon namaari:breaks chain,catches raya blade
Demon namaari:swings staff
Raya:slides under demon namaari
Brandon:flying knee kick demon namaari face
Raya:cuts demon namaari side
Namaari mind
Demon namaari:ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Brandon mind:wait if we can get demon namaari out of namaari body she got back to normal
Demon namaari:throws raya over cliff
Raya:hang on cliff
Blade falls in ocean
Raya:namaari idk if you can hear but plz don't let demon namaari kill me
namaari mind: dep la
Demon namaari:grabs Brandon neck,chokes
Demon namaari:hahahahaha,stomps raya left hand
Brandon:you forgot one thing demon namaari
Demon namaari:what's that
Brandon:place hand on demon namaari head
Brandon:does pendecne stair
Demon namaari:nooooooo,burns
Demon namaari:falls off cliff
They land in the ocean
Brandon:is namaari back to normal
Namaari:what happened
Raya:hugs namaari ,kisses namaari lips
Brandon:okay, now can we get on land
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brandon34k · 3 years ago
Brandon:training with kumandra soldiers
Brandon:cmon on guys bring your best shot
Solider 1:charges
Soilder 2:charges
Brandon:blocks,torndao kick
Demon namaari:takes over namaari body
Brandon:flying wheelkick
Brandon:punches soilder2 jaw,back torndao kick
Namaari :sharp blade
Demon namaari:hello namaari
Namaari mind:get out my head
Demon namaari:grabs blades
Raya:u ok undercut your eyes glowing green
Brandon:senses bad energy
Raya:have flashback
Flashback:demon namaari throws raya out window Brandon charges at demon namaari,Brandon:flying wheelkick,demon namaari:dodges grabs Brandon,Brandon:gah,demon namaari:bodyslams Brandon,Brandon:gah,demon namaari:die Brandon, raya:pulls out blade,flying wheelkick, demon namaari:catches raya leg,demon namaari:cuts raya leg,raya:gah,Brandon:runs,jumps,superman punch demon namaari jaw,demon namaari:gah,raya and Brandon:punch demon namaari face,flying torndao kick,demon namaari:gah,raya and Brandon:twister uppercut,demon namaari flys out namaari body
Back to reality
Raya:it's you demon namaari
Demon namaari:so it's you again raya
Raya:pulls out dragon blade
They both hear motorcycle coming
Brandon:park motorcycle
Brandon:pulls out hell blade and chains
Demon namaari:bring it on
Demon namaari:charges
Part 2 coming soon
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brandon34k · 3 years ago
Raya:yall ready for tonight
Namaari:of course it's the night of the dragon gem anniversary
Brandon:yeah I'm going to the kumandra barber shop
Sisu:imma go get ready
Raya:ok everyone be back here at 7pm
All agreed
Brandon goes to barber shop
Raya:take a shower
Namaari:take a shower
Sisu:gets ready
2 hours later
Time 5:59
Brandon :take a shower
Raya:puts on a blue dress
Namaari:puts on blue suit
Sisu:goes to benja
Brandon:gets out shower ,put on blue and white suit with blue nikes
They all get ready
Brandon:gets in blue dodge demon drives to pickup raya and namaari
Raya:sees Brandon
Namaari:nice car color
Namaari:open door for raya
Namaari:sits in passenger sit
Raya sits in namaari lap
Namaari:close car door
Brandon:drives dodge demon
They arrive at the kingdom
They all get out car
Boun: wow
Benja:yall look great
Brandon:hello benja sir
Benja:same to you General Brandon
Virana:I see yall was ready
Virana:well let's get this party started
They all have a great time
Benja:excuse me everyone , I will like to give a toast, its been 2 years since after we had that druun attack and we all was enemies we all wanted to kill each other over a gem that protected us over the years and see I didn't see that I saw that we can be kumandra again but after the druun attack we all separated but there was one warrior and her crew to saved the world everyone plz welcome my daughter raya and her crew
Raya:hugs benja thanks ba
Raya:hello everyone I'm kinda nervous but thats ok see I never understand the picture when my dad said we could be kumandra again I never understood it but until now it took blood and tears to get this gem back together to only see the people I love and the city I love alive again so we celebrate this gem legacy and honor it thank you
Hunter:shoots arrow at raya
Brandon:catches arrow
Brandon:pulls out shotgun
Brandon:everyone get to cover
Hunter :pulls out staff
Brandon:pulls out blade
Hunter takes off mask
Brandon :hmhp
Biren:torndao kick
Brandon:dodge ,super kick
Brandon:summon hell fire dragon blade
Biren:summon ice wall
Biren:summon ice dragon blade
Brandon and biren:charges at each other
Brandon:fire hell torndao kick
Brandon: fire hell fist punch
Brandon:cut biren face
Biren:bodyslams Brandon 9x
Biren:swings frozen blade cuts Brandon leg
Biren:freeze Brandon left arm,hit Brandon left arm off
Brandon:falls on face
Biren:stabs Brandon skull
Kid 1:cries
Raya:you monster
Hell hands drag Brandon to hell
Benja:what the
Ground starts to shake
Boun:it's Brandon
Namaari:he not dead
Brandon:rides hell dragon
Hell dragon gives Brandon a robot arm
Brandon:does bardock walk
Brandon:runs at biren ,goes through cuts off biren head
Brandon:hell fire breath blast, burns biren body
Brandon:transform back falls on face
Benja:quick Brandon to the hospital
Info:after Brandon almost died he realized how to find his true power
Fun fact:Brandon did recover from his injuries so he will be ok and he still have a robot arm like winter solider
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brandon34k · 3 years ago
Brandon:throws baseball
Namaari:hits baseball with bat
Brandon:chases baseball
Raya:chases baseball
Brandon:catches baseball ,throws
Brandon:ok switch sides
Brandon:gets bat
Namaari:throws baseball
Baseball goes 100hp
Brandon:hits baseball with bat
Baseball goes 900ft
Raya:my turn
Namaari:throws baseball
Baseball goes 300hp
Raya:hits baseball
Baseball goes 500ft
Boun:my turn
Namaari mind : I'm about to embarrassed this man career
Namaari:throws baseball
Baseball goes 500hp
Boun mind:ok
Namaari:throws baseball
Baseball goes 600hp
Raya:go ez on him namaari
Namaari:throws baseball
Baseball goes 700hp
Boun:hits baseball with bat
Baseball bat:breaks
Baseball hits namaari gut
Namaari: gets up
Boun:oh shit
Brandon:run boun
Boun:starts running
Namaari:chases boun
Info:namaari didn't kill boun but she did hit him in the face leaving boun with a tooth gone
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brandon34k · 3 years ago
Raya:this a deadly mission
Brandon:puts on red dragon necklace with a red dragon gem
Namaari:Brandon want to come
Brandon:sure, gets red dragon blade
Brandon:let's go
Brandon and raya and namaari:goes to a mystery island
Raya:their it is the dark side tower
they goes to the top floor which is the 60ft floor
Brandon:what we looking for
Raya:something called the gem heart
RJ:charges at Brandon
Emily:charges at namaari
Brandon:torndao kick rj face
Rj:grabs Brandon by neck and throws through window
Window breaks
Raya:punches Maya gut ,knee kick,flying kick
Namaari:bodyslams Emily
Brandon:tackles rj,punches rj ribs,back torndao kick
Rj:catches Brandon legs ,bodyslams
Brandon:gets up
Rj:kick Brandon in gut ,knee kick Brandon face,upper cut, bodyslams Brandon 5x
Brandon:gah,gets up
Maya:cuts raya ribs
Raya:ah,you son of bitch, swings blade
Maya:grams raya neck ,chokeslams
Emily:punches namaari face 20x ,double knee kick
Brandon:grrrrrrrr, superman punch
Rj:catches Brandon fist,dislocate Brandon arm
Brandon:falls on back
Rj:tries to stab Brandon
Raya:runs at rj
Rj:stabs raya
Raya coughs up blood
Namaari:nooo raya
Raya:falls of edge
Brandon:grrrrrrrr,eyes catch on fire
Rj:what the
Brandon:turns to ghost rider
Brandon:snaps arm to place
Brandon:does death stare
Brandon:teleports behide Emily, stabs
Namaari mind:Brandon rage is coming from that necklace that's how he turn to the ghost rider when raya fell
Brandon:breaks maya neck
Rj:grrrrrrrr, turns to a demon
Brandon:tackles rj
Rj:swings blade
Brandon:dodges,punching barage, twister kick,uppercut, back torndao kick
Brandon:goes through rj take out rj heart
Rj:falls over edge
Brandon:raya I can save her
Namaari:how she dead
Brandon:just bring her to me
10 minutes later
Namaari:lays raya body on ground
Brandon:puts head on raya chest,close eyes
Brandon:heals raya cuts with hell fire,brings back raya with hell fire
Raya:yes binturl
Namaari:kisses raya
Brandon:ok you two love birds lets go I got the dragon gem heart
They all go home
Make sure you read the bottom 👇👇
Info:Brandon which is me how Brandon got the ghost rider is because he died a long time ago and came back to life and one day later he realized that he was a ghost rider because his hand was fully red and he can catch on fire without dying and he have a red dragon necklace that raya gave him to keep his ghost rider powers safe so hopefully that explains
Brandon powers
Fire dragon blade
Fire punching barage
Fire punch from hell
Fire twister attack
Summon hell dragon
Fire breath blast
Heal people
Two desert eagles
Brandon is Immortal mean he can't die
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