645 posts
Every nowhere is somewhere. BRANDON CARR || 7TH YEAR || RAVENCLAW
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brandon-carr-blog-blog · 10 years ago
Transfiguration: O
Potions: E
Charms: O
Herbology: E
Defence Against the Dark Arts: E 
Care of Magical Creatures: A
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brandon-carr-blog-blog · 10 years ago
“so you gotta fire up ; you gotta let go. you’ll never be loved till you’ve made your own. you gotta face up ; you gotta get yours. you never know the top till you get too low.”    - imagine dragons
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brandon-carr-blog-blog · 10 years ago
T H I S  I S  W A R
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brandon-carr-blog-blog · 10 years ago
"That would be useful, but I guess our education beyond this is still important."
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Its the end of the year and we’re still getting a whole bunch of work. You’d think theyd teach us protection spells and not how many warts a hog should have.
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brandon-carr-blog-blog · 10 years ago
Brandon smiled, still slightly worried. But if having fun would take her mind off of family troubles, that's what he would try and get her to do. "What do you want to do? We could go down to the kitchens and nick some food and have a picnic by the lake?"
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Nixie gave him a small smile and a slight nod. “No, we weren’t. It’s okay, Bran, I’ve wasted too much time not being myself. Let’s go out and have fun.”
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brandon-carr-blog-blog · 10 years ago
“I’m just not in a Brandon Carr mood today.”
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"You're a filthy liar. I happen to know for a fact that everyone is always in a Brandon Carr mood."
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brandon-carr-blog-blog · 10 years ago
"Ookay..." Brandon still didn't get it, but thought it best to move on. "Have one right here" He smiled and lifted the book out of his bag, waving it. "And why would you want me to go away."
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“It’s just your tone of voice. Don’t you have a book to read in your dorm room, Carr?”
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brandon-carr-blog-blog · 10 years ago
"That definitely doesn't sound like the most fun visit home." Brandon put his hand on her shoulder, hoping to comfort her. "I am sorry about your Grandmother. Were you close?"
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“Granny died, mother was a mess and supposedly I had to be the one to take care of her. However, it was a waste of time as she spent most of it drunk. They didn’t want me to tell the others how bad things were becoming. I wish I wouldn’t have had to go.”
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brandon-carr-blog-blog · 10 years ago
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brandon-carr-blog-blog · 10 years ago
"If I'm being honest you're probably Batman. You go out and do all the crazy stuff while I stand back and say 'Holy cheese and crackers, Batman!'" Brandon laughed. He nodded to her comment about Lilith and then followed her down the path. "Is that even a question with me? Where to?"
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“You’re welcome.” She smiled, giving him one last squeeze before leaning back. “No, no! I love it. I’m honestly not that familiar with muggle super-heroes but Batman and Robin I do know off. It’s cool. Who’s who?” She asked, her eyes twinkling with curiosity on the topic of muggles. “It’s, uh… Oh! Lillith. She’s got nice dark hair.” she stated before laughing and shaking her head. “Oh, of course. The pillows.” She chattered taking a look along the scenery and gesturing towards the path to Hogsmeade. “Dinner?” 
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brandon-carr-blog-blog · 10 years ago
"I missed you too. Why'd they insist you didn't send any owls? Why'd you have to go home in the first place?"
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“The last thing I wanted was for you to be worried. Mother and Father insisted I send no owls. I missed you so much, Brandon.”
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brandon-carr-blog-blog · 10 years ago
"And all this time no owls? with all that's been going on I was worried!"
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“Where was I? Home.”
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brandon-carr-blog-blog · 10 years ago
Brandon rolled his eyes. "I know what you said. I meant how am I being passive aggressive?"
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“Yes, that’s what I said.”
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brandon-carr-blog-blog · 10 years ago
"Thanks." He could feel the pink tinge he always adopted when he was complimented rising. "Is that bad? We could always be a more fun pair like Captain American and Iron Man? Either way nothing can stop us." He gave a huge grin and hugged her back. "Which one was it? Maybe if I see or hear something else about her..." He snorted. "Wow that almost sounded deep. Save that one for a pillow too."
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“Hey, that’s amazing. I’m proud of you, you good singing musical nerd.” she grinned widely before laughing loudly. “Are you calling us the Batman and Robin of the wizarding world? This is amazing, Brandon.” She looked up at him, shrugging once again and choosing to hug him instead of pulling away. “If she does it again, I’ll talk to the head master. It does mean something, of course it does. You just can’t let it get to your head if some drunk bastard wants to lock lips with everything that moves, you know? Sober a kiss means the world whereas drunk they’re of little to no worth.” 
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brandon-carr-blog-blog · 10 years ago
"Enjolras, which is cool I guess." Brandon grinned. "Dream team, right here. No one could stop us. Like Batman and Robin, except a lot less rude and angsty." He laughed. "Only to you could that seem unimportant." He shrugged. "I don't know, even if she didn't hurt you, it doesn't seem wrong to you that she tried to do that?" He squirmed, a little uncomfortable at the positioning. "It shouldn't be. It's supposed to mean something."
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“Hey! That’s awesome!” She grinned nudging him happily. “What’s your part? Besides, I think you and I make a great team. We could tackle all of life’s obstacles, obviously tripping along the way.” she laughed and tilting her head in confusion. “Should I have? She didn’t hurt me or anything, it just seems so unimportant.” She shrugged, pushing Brandon up against a nearby tree and stepping in as if about to kiss him. “See. It is casual.”
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brandon-carr-blog-blog · 10 years ago
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“Merlin, Carr. When did you become so passive-aggressive?”
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brandon-carr-blog-blog · 10 years ago
"Hey wait! Something did change: I'm in the musical. So ha there's nothing wrong with eating a lot of the time. I might take you up on that, I don't know if I'm cut out for that, though." Brandon was torn between amusement and concern. "An auror? Have you talked to the headmaster about her?" He barked a laugh. "You say it all so casually."
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“Well you’re always eating! No wonder nothing changes with you. Just come hang out with me more and really live life.” she giggled, shrugging it off like no big deal. “Alright, so this lady was an auror I believe and I refused to kiss her so she started calling me a bitch and what not. Made no difference to me, but still funny. And this bloke, he.. I don’t even know who he is. I believe a Gryffindor. Anyways, he just pushed me against a wall and kissed me and then we parted ways.”
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