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I’m a first person writer with 12 year experience with rp & writing.
I will never say “I HAVE A LIFE OUTSIDE OF THIS.” We all do! 💩, just be kind to people.
If we do rp, I ask you message me first to plot something with our characters. Do not say “Hi MJ.” Or etc… I won’t answer the chat it will say I read it, but I won’t have a response. Or I may not even open it.
If we do rp, please communicate with me that you are busy or you won’t be online for a few days or etc…. I believe in common curtesy and I will USE this with my partners. I do work, and I will be off and on. I’ll try to reply daily.
PLEASE use “____” not ** as actions. That confuses me and somewhat annoys me. Not trying to be rude. I’m really a nice person and I may care a little too much.
The reason I write in first person is because I feel like I see myself somewhat in this character. Which I do with any character I have muse for. I’m mostly AU, find it to be more fun that way.
If you’d like to be mains or rp, message me or comment here.
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