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A quick masterpost on my favourite editing apps for studyblr pictures!!
I love this app for so many reasons. Firstly, there’s a brush tool that enables you to only brighten one specific spot (or saturate only that spot) and works really well for pictures with shadows! It’s also got a pretty good tune (brightness, highlights, etc) setting too
My favourite app for white pictures. The filters are so bright and clean and they make a normal picture look much better within seconds, just by using a filter. You can also save your filter arrangements and brightness and atuff so you don’t have to edit it for all the pictures.
I like phonto to add fonts to my pictures. It’s how I make my headers! It’s got a huge selection of fonts and so many different styling options.
This has some incredible filters. I don’t personally use this because I like the pure white kind of look, but if you prefer warmer tones or cool tones or anything, their options are great!
Facetune/Facetune 2
These are my holy grails for whitening paper/backgrounds. Facetune 2 is free, and it has a really cool feature where you can choose the extent to how white the whitening tool is. The original Facetune doesn’t have this, but its details tool is really useful when the whitening makes text hard to read, only downside is that it’s around $5.
This is really good for those who make infographics (if that’s what it’s even called). They have a wide array of templates you can use and they’re fairly easy to edit and customise. Some pictures used in some of them may not be free, but the majority are!! (The app itself is free).
Out of the eighteen editing apps I have on my phone (not even exaggerating) these are my favourites for studyblr pictures. As always, things that work well for me doesn’t necessarily mean they’re going to work well for everybody!! Hope this helped slightly xoxo
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Hi there!
My name is Samantha and I’m a senior in high school (18 Years old/ last year before Uni)!
I’m five days late, but I was so lucky to receive a lot of new tools for studying this past Christmas, and I want to start a studyblr! I’ve tried before but ahahahaha… it didn’t work out.
So I’m hoping this time around, with a brand new blog, I can stay dedicated. I have a couple ideas for posts but I have really been inspired by these studyblrs:
And plenty more I’ve seen around the community! I know I can’t be as awesome as you guys but I can’t wait to get started <3
A little about me:
I’m an Aquarius (02/15) from the USA. I’m a HUGE Percy Jackson fan, TOG fan (I love anything by SJ Maas tbh), and I love literally any music (from the 1975 to Tchaikovsky. no joke.) I am a senior taking IB Diploma, and my subjects are Biology HL, Maths SL, Spanish SL, English Lit and Lang HL, Film HL, and History of the Americas HL. I’ve completed my TOK seat time and I’m still working on my CAS/ extended essay so you can expect to see some of that here.
ANYWHO sorry for the long intro but yeah I’m so excited to be a part of this community ☺️
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So I found this cool website for learning ancient languages
go wild
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City Newbie Guide - how to feel like home
a study-by-heart series
#1 Go outside once a day
Today’s piece of advice that I have for all of you that are (soon/already) living away from home is to go outside once a day.
Why important?
Arriving in a new city can be overwhelming. All those vibrant streets and squares seem to offer more opportunities than birds living in the city. Even though many people would be jealous of you studying/working in a nice city it may not feel like this to you, especially in the beginning. You may find yourself a little bit like Robinson Crusoe: lost on an island that looks quite nice but you do not know where to start. What should you do? How can you do it? With whom?
Maybe it helps you to incorporate a habit of going outside once a day. Be it for a brisk walk, a new experience or a great adventure. No matter what the purpose of your little outdoor experience is, going outside once a day will reduce the risk of sitting inside, getting bored, frustrated and lonely significantly.
What shall I do outside?
The big question is: what should you do outside? Luckily, there are tons of activities available. And the best? You do not even need lots of money or a group of people to do them. You could:
Explore the city (more about that in next week’s post - stay tuned)
Discover your neighborhood
Discover new places (maybe you’ll find your new favorite coffee shop)
Do a photo tour through the city where you take pictures of everything that seems interesting to you
Listen to a podcast and take a walk
Listen to a guided walking meditation (yes, something like that exists)
Pay attention to how the current season looks like in this new environment. Perhaps you can notice some differences to your old place
Look for a park and read a book
Do some geocaching
Meet new people
I don’t know how to get to places
To solve this problem Google Maps and the app from the public transportation system operator are the most valuable ones. Take advantage of online or mobile tickets if you need to get to places. This may be handy because you do not have to deal with ticket machines that may be out of order, are not communicating in your language or do simply not accept your way of payment.
I am on my own. Is that safe?
Not all people enjoy being on their own. Especially in a new environment in which you naturally feel more insecure than usual, you may wonder whether it is safe to go outside and explore the city on your own. Even though I cannot guarantee you that you will never encounter a weird situation in your new environment - there are great tips that you should consider to make your adventure more joyful.
Explore your city during the daytime. Do not risk to get lost in a city at night that you do not know yet.
Prepare your routes. Know where you want to go, how long that will take and how to get home safely.
Travel with cash but only enough to pay a taxi that brings you home - just in case.
Don’t walk around town like a tourist or the owner of a jewelry store; meaning: dress like the locals and leave any valuables that are too flashy at home. If you really need them, keep them closely-attached to your body (e.g. with an ultra-flat fanny pack).
Whenever you use public transportation: sit close to the driver or people that you would like to have as neighbors. That is a good rule of thumb to be surrounded by normal people.
If you enjoyed this first part of the City Newbie Guide then stay tuned for next week’s post that will go into more depth on how to conquer your new city.
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50 Things that Top Students Do
Listen to everything they’re taught, not just hearing
Take notes
Listen to opinions they don’t like
Be open to having their minds changed
Don’t listen to music with words when studying
Keep a regimen of self-discipline even in the face of a lack of motivation
Take breaks
Sleep regularly and more than expected
Work very hard during the day
Plan in advance
Get small tasks done when there isn’t time to do bigger ones
Take failures as a learning curve
Think positively
Do their best work at the start of the year so they get more slack later
Talk to those who teach them
Do a little every day instead of all at once
Ask for help
Help others
Drink water
Work hard but work smart
Know what study setup is their most productive
Hold themselves accountable
Figure out which work is a priority
Don’t waste time re-reading as a form of studying
Find out things they don’t understand
Test themselves frequently
Work backwards through things to understand why something works
Learn more than they need
Have more interests and hobbies than just academics
Find out the most important concepts in a course
Learn the most important 20% of the course to get 80% of the grade
Don’t complain
Tailor their courses to focus on what interests them the most
Play hard after working hard
Read in advance
Know how to say no but don’t say no unless they have to
Take every opportunity they can
Eat well
Defend their personal beliefs
Don’t use other people’s successes/failures as an excuse for anything they do
Don’t let studying become the main part of their life
Understand that everything is temporary
Set goals, short- and long-term
Put their phones away/on silent when studying
Don’t expect any results immediately
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Hey so, I decided to do another masterpost. This time on exams. Some tips for studying at the very last minute if you are like me, disclaimer: I am not in any way supporting cramming but this is just to help you through if you are left with no choice other than cramming.
Cramming tips that actually work by @optomstudies
The night before the exam
What to do the night before an exam by @beautifullearning
The night before your exam by @tiny-personal-university-thing
The night before exam and I didn’t study guide by @renaistudying
The night before test and I haven’t started studying by @getstudyblr
Revision methods
Revision methods that actually work by @alimastudies
The 5 Best Revision Methods by @bstudies
Study tips
More unconventional study tips by @minimaliststudy
A stash of tiny study tips by @justestjarchives
College study tips that actually help by @samsstudygram
Five tips for study marathons by @booksavolonte
General study tips by @plantednotes
More study tips
My study tips by @anatomyandcappuccini
My study tips
Personal study tips
Quickfire study tips by @annabaestudying
Quick study tip by @studyspiratiom-coffee
Rare study tips by @studybllog
Scientifically proven study tips by @swankiegrades
Secret study tips I wish someone would have told me by @fearlessroadtomd
Some rare study tips by @organisedorgana
Top 5 study tips by @studyign
Weird study tip by @artemissstudies
101 study tips by @study-early
Study tips by @howtohighschool
Study tips from someone who has already been there by @haylstudies
Study tips straight from my professor by @just-refuse-to-be-stopped
Study tips that helped me get back on my feet by @sillydaisies
Study tips that aren’t bullshit by @thebitchwhomadeit
Tips for effective study by @kimtented
How I write revision summaries by @athenastudying
Ways to study for exams that are actually productive
10 mistakes when studying by @howtostudyquick
Memorising information
How to memorise information by @monetstudy
How to memorise information faster by @qxzu
Memorization tips by @aescademic
Memorization tips by @determinationandcaffeine
Memorization tips by @studyquill
Exam tips
How to cope with exams by @uk-studying
How to revise for exams by @a-pro-s-studyblr
Studying for exams by @orangeblossomstudies
Tips for doing well on your exams by @aboysstudyblr
Tips for doing well on your exams by @thepeachystudies
Exam tips by @studywithmaggie
Exam guides
Finals: study guide for the brave by @educatier
Pennyfynotes guide to exam season by @pennyfynotes
Quick guide to doing the finals by @inkskinned
Test taking tips
How I revise for exams + tests
How to study for a test by @tbhstudying
My test taking tips by @55studies
Test taking tips
Exam preparation
How to make a stress free exam plan by @marias-studyblr
How to mentally prep yourself for a test by @eruditicn
How to beat procrastination by @eintsein
Types of procrastination and how to deal with them by @emmastudies
Time management
Time management by @academiceve
Time management tips for busy students
My motivation tag
Other masterposts by me
Notetaking masterpost
College advice masterpost
Apps for students masterpost
Icon credits to @rhubarbstudies
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Neat shadows
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“Qué” vs. “Cuál” in Spanish
Hope this helps:)
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When in questions
Used to ask something in general, something we don’t know anything about. If the verb carries a preposition, the preposition goes before qué.
¿Qué es la biología? What is biology? 
¿Qué harás mañana? What will you do tomorrow?
¿De qué hablas? What are you talking about?
When in a sentence working as a question
There are no question marks but there’s the intention of a question. 
Me pregunto qué es un hobbit.  I wonder what a hobbit is. 
When in exclamations
Used as an expression of emotion, feeling or reaction. 
¡Qué mañana tan agradable!  What a nice morning! 
When in questions
Used to ask for an option between a list of similar possibilities. Both the speaker and the listener know about these possibilities, they expect them to be familiar. If the verb carries a preposition, the preposition goes before cuál.
¿Cuál es tu fruta favorita?  What/which is your favorite fruit?
¿Cuál es tu opinión?  What/Which is your opinion?
¿Cuál es el mío? Which one is mine?
¿De cuál hablas? Which one are you talking about?
¿Cuál es tu nombre? What is your name?
Note: ¿Qué es tu nombre? sounds off and translates as “what is ‘your name’” as in somebody who doesn’t know what names are.
When in a sentence working as a question
There are no question marks but there’s the intention of a question.
Me pregunto cuál es la fruta favorita de mi madre. I wonder what my mom’s favorite fruit is.
Remember that cuáles is used for when using the plural, but qué never changes. Cuál/cuáles is also used in exclamations, but it is so rare that I think I will talk about that in another post. 
Check the difference 
¿Qué quieres hacer?¿Ir al cine o comer algo? What do you want to do? Go to the movies or eat something?
Estrenaron Spider-man y La monja. ¿Cuál quieres ver? Spider-man and The nun came out. Which one do you want to watch?
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Prince Philip is the most badass prince EVER. And here's why.
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Okay, so he’s got a girly face, and he wears tights and some high boots. Sure.
But check out that noble steed. That’s one ready-to-kick-ass-and-take-names steed.
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While other princesses just run away and leave nothing, Philip gets AN INVITE TO HER HOUSE. He gets a song, a dance, and a first date.
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He comes home, just to tell his dad he’s not going to marry the princess because he’s in love.
No. Other. Reason. He rides in and is just like, “I met the girl I’m going to marry. Now I’ve got a birthday party to be at. Bye Dad.”
Now how much do you think his dad weighs? That short fat little man? Probably pretty heavy.Not a problem for Prince Philip.
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And then he gets jumped by goblins, both hands tied behind his back
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But that’s not enough to stop Prince Philip.Oh no.
He breaks his hands free and starts chucking goblins.
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Look at that face. That face. The “BITCH JUST YOU WAIT” face. He may be tied down by a dozen goblins but he’s not gonna take no shit from this witch.
In fact, he’s so strong, she ends up keeping him chained to the wall, but he still fights back.
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Now when he finally does get free–
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He’s ready to go into battle UNARMED. He don’t need no shield or sword, he’s going to go punch Maleficent’s face in with his fist. If Flora didn’t stop him, he probably would have, too.
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Backed up against a cliff edge, nowhere to go. Fighting off goblins. But there’s so many and just one Philip.
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Gate closing?
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who gives a fuck? certainly not prince philip.
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Lighting hitting rocks around me?
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Giant forest of thorns?
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Bitch, get out of my way. I’ve got a princess to save.
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Giant dragon of hell?
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Fire? Dragon? Burning dry twigs? No. Fucking. Problem.
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Just smack that bitch on the nose.
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Sheer cliff face? Fire burning behind me? Back to a wall?
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Calm down guys, I got this.
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And fight the bloody beast from 500 feet high, with literally nothing to save me if I fall.
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Lose the shield off the cliff?
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Just chuck it. Straight through.
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Then jump out of the way…
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And survive. That’s what happens to bitches who mess with the woman I love.
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Get the horse.
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Get the girl.
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that’s how he EARNED his happily ever after.
Srsly. The most bad. ass. prince. disney ever wrote.
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I need new blogs to follow! Please reblog if you are an Active…
-Fall/autumn blog -Halloween Blog -Spooky Blog -Cozy blog -Book/reading Blog
That would be awesome, thanks :)
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latin phrases worth knowing:
(in case you wanted to know because i fucking love this language) 
ad astra per aspera - to the stars through difficulties 
alis volat propriis - he flies by his own wings 
amantium irae amoris integratio est - the quarrels of lovers are the renewal of love 
ars longa, vita brevis - art is long, life is short 
aut insanity homo, aut versus facit - the fellow is either mad or he is composing verses 
dum spiro spero - while I breathe, I hope 
ense petit placidam sub libertate quietem - with the sword, she seeks peace under liberty 
exigo a me non ut optimus par sim sed ut malis melior - I require myself not to be equal to the best, but to be better than the bad
experiential docet - experience teaches 
helluo librorum - a glutton for books (bookworm) 
in libras libertas - in books, freedom 
littera scripta manet - the written letter lasts 
mens regnum bona possidet - an honest heart is a kingdom in itself 
mirabile dictu - wonderful to say 
nullus est liber tam malus ut non aliqua parte prosit - there is no book so bad that it is not profitable in some part 
omnia iam fient quae posse negabam - everything which I used to say could not happen, will happen now 
poeta nascitur, non fit - the poet is born, not made 
qui dedit benificium taceat; narrat qui accepit - let him who has done a good deed be silent; let him who has received it tell it 
saepe ne utile quidem est scire quid futurum sit - often, it is not advantageous to know what will be 
sedit qui timuit ne non succederet - he who feared he would not succeed sat still 
si vis pacem, para bellum - if you want peace, prepare for war 
struit insidias lacrimis cum feminia plorat - when a woman weeps, she is setting traps with her tears 
sub rosa - under the rose 
trahimir omnes laudis studio - we are led on by our eagerness for praise
urbem latericium invenit, marmoream reliquit - he found the city a city of bricks; he left it a city of marble 
ut incepit fidelis sic permanet - as loyal as she began, so she remains
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Reblog if you can speak, read, or at least kinda communicate in more than one language.
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Gotta 😤 love 😤 IB 😤 Math 😤 IAs Lol I actually do enjoy this a little bit the nice thing about these IB IAs (and I think the IB Program in general) is how Project oriented it is. You can really choose things you are interested in!
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I got really sick the last time i tried this so let’s hope that doesn’t happen again…  Doing the 100 Days again! Printable from @emmastudies
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I love love love my planner
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Lily propagation for Day 9 of #100daysofproductivity Heres hoping they don’t die on me 😬😬#studygram #study #biology #summerassignment
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