braingremlin24 · 2 months
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Like if you trust him. Reblog if you would buy one of his cookies.
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braingremlin24 · 3 months
Reblog and put you top 10 pieces of media ever in the tags. Any media is fair game.
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braingremlin24 · 4 months
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Reblog to make it die faster
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braingremlin24 · 5 months
At what point.. did rumple get half the chance hook or Regina for that matter got? Zelena got more chances and she’s a manchild psychopath but I guess if there pretty they got more chances
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braingremlin24 · 6 months
Reblog if you have an original story!
I’m not talking about fanfictions or AU’s based off of a video game/comic/TV series, I’m talking about a story with a world and characters that are YOURS and YOURS alone.
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braingremlin24 · 6 months
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braingremlin24 · 7 months
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braingremlin24 · 8 months
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braingremlin24 · 9 months
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Beauty and the slasher
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braingremlin24 · 10 months
I always imagined that the wolf guy was from a rival clan that had a terrible feud with Rolf’s clan. Like they wore wolf clothes because Rolf’s clan loved sheep
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I feel like Rolf has shown to be somewhat emotionally repressed, like for example..
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When Jimmy tries to hug and get comfort from Rolf, Rolf seems really uncomfortable. He clearly doesn’t like it. This could be because he’s embarrassed or cause he really doesn’t know how to help Jimmy because he doesn’t like sharing much strong emotions. Or it could be both.
He continues to only seem upset when Jimmy shows strong emotions like comfort or sadness. He clearly doesn’t know how to handle it.
I feel like the comfort part can be the fact that he clearly was raised to be tougher than most kids. He literally takes care of his family farm mostly by himself. He doesn’t really know how to comfort cause most of the time he’s doing everything by himself, which means he probably deals with his emotions alone too.
Now let’s talk about No Speak Da Ed..
When I first seen this episode, I felt terrible for Rolf.
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From him breaking the music box to when he LITERALLY TRAPS ED EDD N EDDY IN HIS SHED AS HE FORCES ED TO TALK.
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You can clearly tell he is extremely affected by what had happened.
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That whole episode was just so surprising to see, it made me have a completely different view on Rolf.
Rolf doesn’t show any sign of this before this episode, it was most likely healed trauma but then he got reminded of it on that episode. This shows that you can heal and feel better after trauma. I’m happy to see that his trauma doesn’t stop him from being happier when the show was taking place. He knows he’s safe, with his friends, away from the Wolf man.
Something else I noticed while making this post is that you can hear him say something that sounds like “Not again!!” or that could’ve just been something else in his language.
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Welp, that was long but he’s my favorite so of course I’ll have a lot to say about him. 💙
Feel free to reblog to add onto this post with your headcannons!
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braingremlin24 · 11 months
Hello,Mileven ally, I'm so angry right now, just wanted to share my feelings with someone who loves Mileven. The thing is I just came across a fic on ao3, a byler one, the summary is like "5 chapters of Mike Wheeler masturbating thinking about Will, 💀😡" I mean, with fans, writing such a disgusting shit ,this ship(byler) cannot win in canon, right??!! What do you think?
Hi fellow mileven! I’m sorry you had to see that, as I know things like that are distressing, considering they are both kids. Unfortunately, I think you’ll find things like that in many fandoms, but they are always in the minority. It absolutely does not make it okay that it exists, I assure you. My best advice for you is to filter your searches as best you can. AO3, in particular, is built on the idea of catering the experience to oneself, since it functions as an archive with no actual algorithm. Rather, it’s a collection of works, and you need to tailor the results to what you like.
At the end of the day, it shouldn’t be about which ship is canon and which isn’t, but more about which ship brings you joy. I have my own opinions about each ship, but I’m secure in my decision to ship mileven. I know there’s a lot of unnecessary negativity thrown our way these days, so I recommend slowing down, taking a deep breath, and remembering that many things are outside of our control. Watch the show to bring you comfort, read fics you actually enjoy, and try to live life with the “glass half full”.
Yeah, maybe that’s all a little cliché, but that’s okay. Knowing when to pick your battles is one of the most important lessons to learn. I wish you all the best!
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braingremlin24 · 11 months
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Mileven - the only couple on the show to have a kiss in all seasons
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braingremlin24 · 11 months
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braingremlin24 · 11 months
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there dynamic is so underrated, I love every time they interact 😭
Hopefully people start paying attention to these twos and maybe realize that Jimmy isn’t only Sarah’s friend
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braingremlin24 · 11 months
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Like if you trust him. Reblog if you would buy one of his cookies.
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braingremlin24 · 11 months
5 things i head canon about Ed edd n eddy characters:Rolf
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1: Rolf’s homeland is literally just a made up land called“ Old Country” hence why he never has a clear homeland
2:The wolf man in his flashbacks is from a clan of wolf obsessed rivals of Rolf’s families
3: Rolf is from a family of mages and his superstitions actually work.
4: Ed continues working for him on the farm.
5:Rolf has a romance with lee in high school and they get married
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braingremlin24 · 1 year
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