brahmaninandigam · 1 day
Nobody prefers drinking Stagnant Waters!
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brahmaninandigam · 2 days
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So, who am I, then ??
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brahmaninandigam · 6 days
I keep telling myself that it's Spontaneity.
But deep inside, I always knew that it's Impulsivity !!
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brahmaninandigam · 7 days
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Andrea Gibson, The Madness Vase
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brahmaninandigam · 11 days
Weight of the Unshed Tears
If I've cried enough,
And if I've told my story enough times,
I want to know
Whether all my pains would go away
or I'd simply just run out of tears.
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brahmaninandigam · 12 days
Learn to stop searching for your Worth in other's Actions!!
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brahmaninandigam · 22 days
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Maybe, I have ? 🤔
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brahmaninandigam · 23 days
She is a Poet
She is more of a reader and a listener 
Than she ever is a talker.
She is more of an observer 
And an absorber.
And she is more of a dreamer, 
Than of a Do-er.
But she kept dreaming, 
Weirdly about changing the world. 
Weirdly, because she has never done things before, but only dreamt.
Until one day, she learnt.
She learnt how to write, 
For she has been eating in a lot of words, 
She finally decided to give 'em back.
To the world. 
Only this time, the world was not ready to what marvelous wonders this Little wallflower could write about.
And thus, she changed the world,
By giving back all that she has been taking in.
By becoming a Poet.
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brahmaninandigam · 25 days
What has Gender got to do with Love?
Like how Religion has got nothing to do with Worshipping ?
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brahmaninandigam · 25 days
Thisss !!!!
“certain phases of your life will require a particular kind of selfishness with your energy, a higher sense of awareness with your self-worth, a deeper regard for your intentions, some phases will require you to be for you first even if it comes at the cost of being misunderstood.”
— billy chapata
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brahmaninandigam · 25 days
you don't have to explain WHY you have your boundaries or limits they are yours and should be respected regardless of why you have them
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brahmaninandigam · 1 month
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Everyone has their own story
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brahmaninandigam · 3 months
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brahmaninandigam · 3 months
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psycho devils by jasmine mas
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brahmaninandigam · 3 months
Am I Okay? Or am I a Van Gogh?
Will I be Okay tomorrow?
Or will I be called a Van Gogh?
Tell me, I want to know!
For I cannot spend one more
of my hopeful sleepless nights,
wandering which one
of my dearest feelings will win this war.
A war, whose birth period that I know not of.
Birthed when Jesus got crucified?
Or been in existence since the invention of time?
Or only been born after me, as a mere by product?
(Forgive me, i could not have known.
For this is the war,
that I've ever truly called mine!)
Passed on to me,
like a baton of light!
The light, that I know not what to do of.
If I were to keep it lighting,
(getting burnt all along, while holding it)
paving a path for the generations to roll in,
or be so selfless,
to finally be breaking off the silence,
between the two long ever-fighting siblings,
Loneliness and Aloneness,
who always get mistaken for one another,
that they're not very different from eachother.
And, if Today is as good
as any of the tomorrows,
that which are in the hold of a Future
that I dream not of,
Then, may I finally be fulfilled.
Fulfilled, of my purpose!
Quenching the thirst of the Vultures,
by Drenching them
in the only liquid that they're ever fond of.
Or rather, the only liquid
that which runs through the veins of my body.
The Blood.
Yes, may I be a happy man now, bleeding,
rather than be a Van Gogh tomorrow,
getting pitied upon.
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brahmaninandigam · 3 months
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brahmaninandigam · 3 months
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'The Hours'. Edwin Austin Abbey. C. 1904.
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