bradrozner · 4 years
Just heard the phrase gaslighting. Interesting concept. Wonder what kind of people do that?
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bradrozner · 4 years
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Why you always in a mood?
Fuckin 'round, actin' brand new
I ain't tryna tell you what to do
But try to play it cool
Baby, I ain't playing by your rules
Everything look better with a view
I could never get attached
When I start to feel unattached
Somehow always end up feeling bad
Baby, I am not your dad (no)
It's not all you want from me
I just want your company
Girl, it's obvious, elephant in the room
And we're a part of it, don't act so confused
And you love startin' it, now I'm in a mood
Now we arguin' in my bedroom
We play games of love to avoid the depression
We been here before and I won't be your victim
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bradrozner · 4 years
This guy going to be playing at the drive-in movie theaters in Reno soon. I dedicate this song to no b**** in particular.
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I might be better on my own
I hate you blowing up my phone
I wish I never met yo' ass
Sometimes it be like that
But I'm not myself the nights you're gone
There ain't no way I'm moving on
I'm not afraid to need you bad
Sometimes it be like that
Sometimes when you're falling off track
Baby, don't you leave me like that
Don't cry
'Cause we're both just out of our mind, yeah
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bradrozner · 4 years
I was driving around in my new motorhome about a week ago and two tires blew out cuz it's got dually. AAA asked me if it was registered and I said I just bought it yesterday and she said we won't cover doing anything If it is not registered. I kind of wondered why it seemed like somebody was whispering in her ear that knew what what's going on. I could have been a little bit under the weather or tired or intoxicated or something cuz when I called the towing company that AAA recommended the lady said do you want me to call 911 and I said no and she said are you sure you don't want me to just call 911?
It's hard to come up with an explanation for why these two ladies said what they said unless there was a little birdie on my shoulder and wanting to tell on me.
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bradrozner · 4 years
I remember something important possibly that I don't know If I documented it. The evil x went through a period of giving me pieces of truth, I thought, and then she'd want to hang up and call back in a very specific amount of time 4 minutes or 8 minutes or something like that. Then she would completely deny or ignore any of the possible truths she said in the previous call. That almost sets up a conversation that can be edited that would sound like I'm making all the s*** up and she was dumbfounded about why I'm bringing it up. Dirty pool for sure.
(I think the way to counteract that is to have my phone records that would show the time and length of all those conversations and they had better match the recordings or we could be fairly certain that there's a lot of editing going on or omissions.)
She would bring up things like "big brothers listening" and she needed to be very careful so she wouldn't get in trouble for child endangerment.
It kind of reminded me of watching you know gangster movies owhere the FBI was wiretapping everything and they had very specific rules on how long they could listen without hearing something criminal before they would have to hang up and stay off the line for a certain amount of time but I'm not sure what these rules are. All I know for certain is that the evil x spend a lot of time planting things inventing things and making speeches to try and get me set up for trouble.
Yeah and my oldest best friend of like 45 years did same kind of crap. This is a very special kind of evil.
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bradrozner · 4 years
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bradrozner · 4 years
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bradrozner · 4 years
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bradrozner · 4 years
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bradrozner · 4 years
She totally looks like my last girlfriend in California Erica. I know you can only see the back but that was one of favorite parts and the room she's then looks like one at the county fair.
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bradrozner · 4 years
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Does this blonde woman remind you of anyone you know? My guess and all of my friends think it is JH from Reno.
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bradrozner · 4 years
The universe does it again. Under the guise of reminding me that you can meet someone special in a moment and change how you feel about everything, make up for a whole decade in no time.
She walked right up to me and proceeded to tell me all about myself and how special I was, handsome, honest and maybe even more special you know on a 5,000-year context.
We spent the next four or five hours touching talking hugging and getting more and more excited about the special person we had met.
Almost ignoring that we told each other that there's a very good chance that we are leaving the state very very soon, in different directions one east and one west.
And she just confirmed she is gone in five more days. I know I should feel grateful to the universe and to her for another reminder that all I really have to do is to leave my house and go to some different places and if there's a special lady there I will hear from her in minutes.
But with the baggage I have from like the evil x I'll f****** blow it up. Long gone are the days where I trusted, where I wanted to I help, where I could hope.
Universe I love you very much but go f*** yourself.
Besides if I'm attracted, they are crazy (worse than me).
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bradrozner · 4 years
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have a nice day :)
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bradrozner · 4 years
After I get some more confirmations and confessions I might quit seeking truth about my time in Reno. The haters who believed nothing I said for maybe two years will just be avoided indefinitely. They hopefully didn't realize how much harder, confusing and painful they made life for me.
This needs to end very soon with a new view and some therapy and rehad and peace and new friends. I've been hating life for too long cause the horrible things people think of to hurt others.
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bradrozner · 4 years
I was hoping to be wrong about a very old and close friend. But it has been around a year and he has failed so many tests. I will give him the benefit of the doubt and think he was in a terrible situation and felt he had to go that direction. I was very confused by his words and I have always understood him, not to say always agreed with him. So I feel terrible about how mad I was when he was leaving. I think it was really hurt that I hid in my anger because it is so hard to be vulnerable.
I'm not sure how to get over my closest people hating me so much. That is surely my lesson. I'm sorry friends for not trying enough to be more likable and lovable.
I think I was very patient because my first suspicion was easily a year ago when he answered his phone and said "don't call me here I'm under cover on a murder investigation". I asked him about it and he would say nothing. Months later he gave me the same response. I felt like we were not so close anymore. But at the time my ex was so terrible and I was hearing a lot of you're just paranoid. I bit my lip and began testing him for a long time.
I wanted to avoid drawing a final conclusion because my world was blown up by my "soulmates" betrayals and the rest of my universe might explode if such an old friend was betraying me.
Well there goes my universe. I have a few more people to question today to see if the list of betrayers grows beyond a half dozen.
I wish I was just paranoid. This is hell!
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bradrozner · 4 years
I'm taking over this song. Evil ex emailed this to me as her third attempt to have me break a no contact order. But the words are my story, not hers.
It's never enough to say I'm sorry
It's never enough to say I care
But I'm caught between what you wanted from me
And knowing that if I give that to you
I might just disappear
Nobody wins when everyone's losing
It's like one step forward and two steps back
No matter what I do you're always mad
And I, I can't change your mind
I know it's like trying to turn around on a one way street
I can't give you what you want
And it's killing me
And I, I'm starting to see
Maybe we're not meant to be
It's never enough to say I love you
No, it's never enough to say I try
It's hard to believe
That there's no way out for you and me
And it seems to be the story of our lives
Nobody wins when everyone's losing
It's like one step forward and two steps back
No matter what I do you're always mad
And I, I can't change your mind
I know it's like trying to turn around on a one way street
I can't give you what you want
And it's killing me
And I, I'm starting to see
Maybe we're not meant to be
There's still time to turn this around
You could build this up instead of tearing it down
But I keep thinking
Maybe it's too late
It's like one step forward and two steps back
No matter what I do you're always mad
And I, I can't change your mind
I know it's like trying to turn around on a one way street
I can't give you what you want
And it's killing me
And I, I'm starting to see
Maybe we're not meant to be
It's like one step forward and two steps back
No matter what I do you're always mad
And I, baby I'm sorry to see
Maybe we're not meant to be
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bradrozner · 4 years
Songs that tell my story
Good for you, you fooled everybody
Good for you, you fooled everyone
Good for you, now you're somebody
Good for you, you fooled everyone
Leave your weapon on the table
Wrapped in burlap, barely able
Don't get angry, don't discourage
Take a shot of liquid courage
'Cause my monsters are real, and they're trained how to kill
And there's no comin' back and they just laughed at how I feel
And these monsters can fight, and they'll never say die
And there's no goin' back, if I get trapped I'll never heal
Yeah, my monsters are real
Good for you, you hurt everybody
Good for you, you hurt everyone
Good for you, you love nobody
Good for you, you owe no one
Leave your weapon on the table
Wrapped in burlap, barely able
Call a doctor, say a prayer
Choose a god you think is there
'Cause my monsters are real, and they're trained how to kill
And there's no comin' back and they just laughed at how I feel
And these monsters can fight, and they'll never say die
And there's no goin' back, if I get trapped I'll never heal
'Cause my monsters are real
Leave your weapon on the table
Wrapped in burlap, barely able
Don't get angry, don't discourage
Take a shot of liquid courage
Leave a light on if you're able
'Cause we both know you're unstable
Call a doctor, say a prayer
Choose a god you think is there
'Cause my monsters are real, and they're trained how to kill
And there's no comin' back and they just laughed at how I feel
And these monsters can fight, and they'll never say die
And there's no goin' back, if I get trapped I'll never heal
Yeah, my monsters are real
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