br0ken-writes · 4 years
Grunge Night
A/N: I see Shinwon as someone who would head bang with you at a concert
Word count: 687
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One of your favorite bands from your emo years was coming on tour in your city and you got tickets as soon as they went on sale, the only thing was, you didn’t have anyone lined up to take the second ticket and go with you. Your phone started to ring and you picked it up, looking at the screen flash Shinwon’s name across it as it buzzed his personal ringtone.
You answered the phone and Shinwon groaned loudly before you could say anything, you laughed “What’s wrong?” You asked and he groaned again “I’ve been SO BORED lately, do you want to do anything?” He asks and you ponder for a moment “Well, I actually just bought some concert tickets, will you-” “Yes” Shinwon replies before you even finish your sentence, making you laugh “You’re not even going to ask who it is or when it is?” You ask him and you can just feel him shaking his head on the other end of the phone “I don’t care, it’s a concert” He tells you, making you laugh again and smile “But is there anything we can do in the meantime? The concert isn’t today, right?” Shinwon somewhat whines as he was still bored at the current moment “Okay, I’ll be over in a sec” You told him before hanging up and heading over to his place.
The day of the concert came up and you got ready before leaving and picking up Shinwon from his place “Are you excited?” He asked, climbing into the passenger side of your car and buckling up. “Of course, I’ve always wanted to see them in concert but I was too young the last time they came, my mom wouldn’t let me go” You explain to him, pulling out of his driveway and heading towards the venue “But not that I’m an adult, I can do whatever I want!” You say, jumping a little in your seat and Shinwon laughs “As long as you have money, sure” He adds, making the both of you laugh now.
You get inside the venue and buy the merch you wanted before the show started so that everything wasn’t sold out by the time you went to buy it like it normally was by the end of the concert. Shinwon offered to hold everything you bought in his backpack and he gently placed everything is his bag. The show started and you scream bloody murder, almost crying at the fact you were finally going to see your favorite band in person. The opening bands come and go before the main performer, your favorite band and the reason you bought the tickets, comes out and you feel you’re about to vomit and faint at the same time when you see them on stage, coming to terms that these people are actually real and not some figment of your imagination. Towards the end of the concert they play your favorite song and you head bang to it, noticing Shinwon out the corner of your eye head banging along with you even though he’s never heard this band before.
The concert ends and everyone floods out of the venue, you and Shinwon slip away to take a breather and walk to a near by gas station for some water. “I can’t believe they’re real” You almost whisper mainly to yourself as Shinwon buys the water and hands one to you, he laughs and you two walk outside, drinking almost the entire bottle and sighing “I wanna go back, I can’t believe they’re real” You say again and Shinwon throws an arm over your shoulder  “How did you like it?” You ask, looking up at him as you’re walking back to your car and notice his hair all ruffled up from the concert, absently reaching a hand up and smoothing it out some, you see him smile a little with some blush before retracting your hand and drinking the rest of your water “It was really fun, I’ll need to listen to more of their music, I like their style a lot” He says and you smile widely.
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br0ken-writes · 4 years
Okay, so if it wasn’t obvious from the last wgm with Jae, I’m going to keep each member to only having 6 parts since I feel like that’s a good amount to feed you on the content and for me not to be thinking so hard on what else I can write for each member
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br0ken-writes · 4 years
Day6 “We Got Married” (Jae)
leyehearteu asks: Day6 in WGM with you.
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
Word count: 1046 (Part 6)
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You and Jae had been married for ten months now and you were getting a bit nervous about what was coming up. You’ve seen the show many times before and knew the couples only stay together for about a year before splitting up; you had begun to feel real feelings for Jae and wasn’t sure if he felt the same way. 
You got home from a day of filming and sunk into the couch, it was a day where they weren’t filming for WGM and you sighed loudly. Jae was cooking something in the kitchen and he turns around when he hears you “Hey, how was work?” He asks and turns back to his cooking “Today was really fun actually but also really tiring” You tell him and hear him laugh a little “Well, dinners almost ready if you want to go wash up” He says with your back turned to you. You nod, knowing he can’t see you and go to the bedroom where you wash up and change into some lounge wear. The table was set when you came back out of the room and you pouted “Why the long face?” Jae asks as he pours water for both of you and takes a seat. You drag your feet over to the table and sit down “We’ve been together for ten months now” You tell him, making him laugh again.
“And why is that making you so sad?” He asks after he sees you were serious “That means we’ll be finishing the show soon” You explain to him and he nods, now understanding “Just because we won’t be filming the show anymore doesn’t mean we have to stop talking to each other and hanging out” He tells you, hoping to cheer you a little, which does work. The rest of dinner is somewhat quiet and the two of you clean up before heading to bed. “Thank you, Jaehyung” You whisper to him before falling asleep.
It was a couple weeks later when the two of you were sitting at the park on a picnic for WGM that you two were handed an envelope. Jae takes it into his hands and stares at it for a moment before glancing over at you “Do you want to open it together?” He asks and you shake your head right away, making the both of you laugh “I don’t want to open it at all” You say, laughing a little harder. When the two of you calm down, he finally opens the letter and reads it aloud “You two have lived a full life together, it’s now time to say your goodbyes and spend your last day together” Jae says and puts the letter back in the envelope “But I don’t want to say goodbye” You tell him, tears swelling up and you hold his hands “Let’s not say goodbye, let’s just say hello” He suggests making you spit out of laughter “That was so cheesy” You say, now laughing and crying at the same time.
“I have something for you,” You tell Jae when both of you calm down again, you reach into the picnic basket you packed and pull out a journal, “I wrote down what I felt at the end of every day since I met you. Who knows, maybe something in there can spark some inspiration in you to write a song” You tell him, wiping the silent tears from your face now “Wow, I can’t believe you did this” Jae said while going to open it “Don’t,” You say and hold his hands so he can’t open the journal “Don’t read it now, it’s embarrassing” You say and laugh “I promise” He says and you let go of your hands. “Let’s eat” You sigh after a moment and start to take the food out of the basket and set it out on the blanket. The two of you have a nice picnic together, thinking back on all the fun things you two did together and all the ‘firsts’ you had with each other. You clean up your picnic and set it in the car before going back out and taking a walk along the water.
“I have something for you too” Jae says, jogging off behind a tree and getting a guitar, making you laugh as he jogs back to you “You hid that here before hand?” You ask and he just nods before finding a place for him to sit and play for you. “It’s similar to what you did for me, but in song form” He says and you take a seat next to him, he clears his throat and starts strumming on his guitar. He sings about what he was feeling before and after he met you for the first time, all the first times you had together and what it meant to him to have shared those memories with you before slowing the song down to a sad melody towards the end where he was mentioning all the things he didn’t want to end like sharing a home with you, all your inside jokes, sharing a blanket with you even when you hogged most of it, and eating at the same table with you on a meal that you made together or for each other. When he finishes the song he pauses for a moment, not looking at you and sets the guitar down beside him.
“If the song wasn’t telling enough,” He says before finally looking into your eyes “I really like you and don’t want this to end any time soon, or ever if all works out” He confesses his feelings for you. Ignoring the cameras and knowing this will more than likely make it into the final cut for the episode. You find yourself not being able to say anything, you wanted to confess to him as well but the words wouldn’t come out of your mouth so instead, you grabbed his face, leaned over and kissed him as your response. When you pulled away, he saw the shock look on his face before relaxing and going back in to kiss you one more time to make sure. “I like you too” You said when the two of you separated, making the two of you laugh.
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br0ken-writes · 4 years
Don’t Go
A/N: 🤷‍♀️
Word count: 466
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You were packing your bags and getting ready to leave, you were hoping to leave the apartment before Donghyuck came home and that he’d read your letter on the coffee table with your whole explanation inside of it but he came home as you were still packing your clothes. “Y/n?” You heard behind you as you were bent over folding your clothes, you whipped around in shock and tried to hide your bags “Donghyuck,” You gasped with wide eyes “W-what are you doing?” Donghyuck asked, looking around at the half-empty room with only his stuff left in it “Are you leaving?” Voice-breaking mid-sentence “I-I thought you weren’t going to be home for a couple more hours,” You said, walking towards him.
He steps back to keep his distance “What does that have to do with anything?!” He bursts with anger and he makes you flinch with his sudden outburst, you sit on the edge of the bed, sighing and burying your head in your hands “I’m so sorry Donghyuck,” Was all you could bring yourself to say to him at the current moment “Y/n, tell me what’s going on” Donghyuck says in a stern voice and trying not to break as he takes the scene in. “I can’t do this anymore, Donghyuck,” You tell him, playing with your hands not being able to look at him “Can’t do what?” He asks softly now, taking a step towards you “I can’t keep up with you anymore Donghyuck, I need to step back and take things at my own pace” You tell him and his scrunches his eyebrows together, confused.
“We can slow things down, we can make things work,” He tells you, kneeling down in front of you now, holding your hands in his. You shake your head and try to hold back the tears “It’s not something we can control, I can’t keep up with your career, I can’t do it anymore” You tell him “I don’t want to hold you back anymore” You say, now looking in his eyes and find him crying as well which makes you break and take your hands away from his, standing and walking across the room to pace “W-what makes you think you’re holding me back?” He asks and stands in his spot “I can read the news Donghyuck, I can see what everyone is saying about us and what it’s doing to your career” You tell him, grabbing whatever bag was full and heading towards the door. It takes Donghyuck a moment to follow you and you open the door.
“I can’t lose you,” Donghyuck says, voice small like a childs. You don’t turn around to look at him and instead walk out the door, he falls to his knees and begins crying his eyes out.
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br0ken-writes · 5 years
A/N: I’m was feeling sad ☹️
Word count: 428
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You were running some errands at the mall and was looking down at your phone where you had your list of things you still needed to do when someone called out your name “Y/n!” You turn around towards where it came from and almost drop the bags in your hands when you see who it is. He walked up to you and smiled sweetly “Long time no see, how have you been?” Johnny asked. You stood there shocked for a moment, almost bursting into tears when all the memories of you two together came flooding back into your mind like a typhoon but you finally found the words to respond “Hi,” You say with an exhale and laugh a little. “I-I’ve been doing alright, how about you?” You manage to get out and ask him “I’ve been doing alright, work has been going great and I’ve been hanging out with my friends more,” He tells you and you nod along while he talks.
“Well, I have to get going, I’ve got some more errands to run so~,” You say, trying to leave the awkward situation “Well wait, can I at least buy you a cup of coffee? For old times sake” He asks and takes a step towards you. “Oh, uh. Sure, I guess so” You tell him, not finding a way to turn him down and giving him a small smile. The two of you go to a nearby cafe and sit at a secluded table with your drinks. The two of you laugh and catch up with each other and time flies before you know it and it’s already dinner time. “Wow, look at the time,” You say, standing from your seat and starting to collect your bags “This was really nice,” Johnny says, helping you gather your things “I really missed you,” He says quietly when he hands you your last bag. You stand there for a moment, now sure of how to respond “Yeah, we shared some good times together” You finally say and he gives you a small smile “Yeah,” He says, leaning in close but you take a step back “I’m sorry Johnny but, that didn’t mean I want to get back together” You tell him, he takes a step back, giving you your space again and nods “I’m sorry too, I guess I read it wrong” He says and you give him a sad smile. You go up and give him a quick kiss on the cheek.
“Goodbye, Johnny.” You say before walking away “Goodbye,” He says quietly to himself.
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br0ken-writes · 5 years
Day6 “We Got Married” (Jae)
@leyehearteu​ asks: Day6 in WGM with you.
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Word count: 979 (Part 5)
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After a few minutes when Jae doesn’t come into the room, you come out from under the covers and admire the keyring, smiling and running a finger over all the little details. You sit up and set the box on your nightstand and pull the covers up to your shoulders to settle in and fall asleep. As you’re drifting off, you hear Jae come into the room, trying to move quietly and crawls into his side of the bed. You rolled over and buried your face into his chest as he wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you close. “You really are a cuddle bug” You hear him whisper before falling asleep.
The next morning the both of you wake up groggily, changing into some clean loungewear and headed out to the airport in an Uber with Jae, the both of you gradually falling back asleep in the car ride before Jae wills himself awake to make sure the both of you get to the airport safely and on time. When the two of you arrive, Jae lightly squeezes your intertwined hands “Y/n, we’re here” Jae says and encourages you to wake up. You finally start to stir awake and take a deep breath, squeezing his hand lightly when you tried to stretch before being restricted by the seat belt “We’re at Jeju already?” You asked and squeezed your eyes closed “No,” Jae laughs and rubs the back of your hand with his thumb “We’re at the airport” He finishes and you groan, making him laugh again.
After waiting around the airport for a long time and almost falling asleep again, you and Jae board the plane. “I’m so excited” You bounce in your seat and Jae has to throw an arm across your lap to get you to stop moving around “Other’s will complain about the bouncing,” Jae says, laughing at you again and you pout at him “So what do you have planned for us during our honeymoon?” You ask him and he presses a finger to his lips “That’s for me to know and you to find out” He jokes. The flight was just over an hour to get to Jeju island and after the flight took off, you and Jae decided to watch a movie to past the time. The two of you share the headphones and you rest your head on Jae’s shoulder, soon drifting off to sleep once again. Jae gently wakes you up once again for the third time that day as the plane made its landing and everyone was getting off the plane “Can we take a nap first?” You ask Jae when you two are standing and waiting for a cab to pull up and take you two to where you’ll be staying. “Sure but we do have an appointment that we can’t be late to otherwise we lose our spot,” Jae tells you and you lay your head on his shoulder again while holding onto his arm.
After a short cuddle nap where you and Jae jumped on the bed when you arrived, you and Jae woke up to his alarm going off. You stretched before rolling off the bed and onto the floor “Are you okay?” Jae laughs and peers over the edge of the bed down at you “Yeah, let’s do this!” You say, jumping up and making your way to the bathroom to shower. You follow Jae’s orders in what to wear before following him blindly out of the rental house to where ever he was whisking you off to do. “Are you going to tell me what we’re doing now?” You asked, buckling your seat belt in the car Jae rented to get around the island “You’ll see when we get there” Is all he says, making you sigh. 
The two of you arrive at a shop near a lake and you read the sign out loud “Jeju ocean sports center” Your mouth is left open agape and you turn to Jae “You’re making me do sports on your honeymoon?” You whine and he laughs at you “Come on, it’ll be fun. We’re going to paddleboard!” Jae says excitedly and bounces in his seat a little before getting out of the car and waiting for you. The two of you gear up before getting with a couple of instructors and get out in the water. “Okay, stand slowly and try to keep your balance to the middle of the board,” The instructor tells you and lightly holds your hips to keep you stable “Hey, hands off my wife!” Jae yells over from his board and almost falls into the water doing so “Chill out Jaehyung, I don’t want to fall into the water like someone” You tease him and try your hardest to keep your balance and he tries to splash some water your water, failing to get it far enough and falling into the water once again instead. While you laugh your ass off he swims over to your board and pulls you in with him. “Jae!” You yell at him and splash him in the face.
After a while of being on the paddleboards and relaxing, the two of you dry off and head over to a nearby restaurant and have a little lunch. The two of you laugh a talk the entire meal, just getting to know each other better before heading to the water line and taking a stroll along the water. You held your shoes in the hand and waded in the water “This is nice,” You tell Jae, glancing over at him and watch him stare up at the sky “Yeah, I’m glad you agreed to be my wife” You said and made you cringe at how cheesy the statement was “Don’t make me regret it” You joked before you two headed back to the rental.
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br0ken-writes · 5 years
Hello everyone, been a long time lol. I just wanted to say that while everyone else is in quarantine, my job is listed as essential so I'm still going to work everyday. Hope everyone is staying safe out there and I'll try and get something up soon! Love you all ❤
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br0ken-writes · 5 years
hello, do you have a masterlist?😁💞
Yes, just type in tumblr.com/br0ken-writes/tagged/masterlist and they should all be there or add (bandname)-masterlist before going to it
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br0ken-writes · 5 years
im back??????
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br0ken-writes · 5 years
A/N: Got the idea of Doyoung singing you to sleep when he posted that short cover of wish you were gay and bad guy by Billie Eilish
Word count: 361
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You were feeling a bit sick for the past couple of days and had a major headache so you decided to go to bed early in hopes of some release from the throbbing pain in your head. “I’m heading to bed, don’t stay up too late,” You told Doyoung, giving him a kiss on his temple and lightly rubbing his upper back “I’ll come to bed soon,” He responds with a small, soft smile and watches you walk back to your shared bedroom and disappear into the doorway. You lay in bed, under the covers trying your best to fall asleep for who knows how long, tossing and turning and even trying some breathing techniques you read were supposed to help you relax and fall asleep but all with no luck.
Sometime later, Doyoung comes quietly into the room, a glass of water in his hand, he closes the door with a soft click and sets down the water on the bedside table that was on his side of the bed. You sat up and fixed the blanket you tangled yourself in, making Doyoung jump slightly not knowing you were awake “Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you” He says in a whisper but you shake your head as he climbs under the covers “I can’t fall asleep and my head hurts so bad” You said nad rubbed your temples while lying down again.
“Come here,” He said, having you scoot over into his arms and he gently rubbed your mid-back in small circles before softly starting to sing replay from their most recent album which was one of your favorites and you had always wanted to hear the acoustic version of it. He kept the tempo slow and his voice light which helped you fall asleep and your headache fade away.
You wake up the next morning to an empty bed and wander out to the kitchen where Doyoung is cooking a simple breakfast for the both of you “Feeling better?” He asked when you wrapped your arms around his waist from behind and gave him a kiss on the back of his neck “Much, thank you” You whisper back.
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br0ken-writes · 5 years
Lil life update
Hey guys, I know I’ve been gone for quite a while now but I’ve been so tired after work lately and almost a week out a cut open my index finger and had to get five stitches so I wasn’t able to move it for a long time but I’m getting the stitches out in a couple more days. I can type on a keyboard now but I’m still trying not to move it too much since I don’t want the stitches breaking open so close to getting them taken out lol, half of my hand is still bruised from it too. Anyways, I’m working on some small stuff since I’m so bored and here’s to hoping I crank out some decent writing as the days slowly start to get longer and I have more energy! Peace ✌️
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br0ken-writes · 5 years
Your recent Younghyun fic is SO GOOD
Thanks, I feel like short is best for angst otherwise you lose the heavy feeling in your heart lmao
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br0ken-writes · 5 years
A/N: I WAS going through a tough time wanted to write angst but got stuck but finally got another idea so HERE I AM
Word count: 422
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You did wrong. 
“How could you do this?” Younghyun yelled and swung his arms around the room as he paced it, you sat silently on the couch as he vented. “What makes you think this was a good idea? What in the world were you thinking when all of this was happening?” Younghyun’s voice was rising with every word, now making you flinch when he turned towards you.
“I’m sorry” You whispered
“You’re sorry? You’re sorry?!” Younghyun was now as loud as he could be and you sunk lower into the chair “Younghyun, please” You whispered again, hands starting to shake and worried the neighbors were going to complain about the noise and may even call the police. “What? What do you want now?!” He burst and you flinched again as he almost hit you when he flung his arms again. When he noticed he almost hit you, he took a step back and ran a hand through his hair, tugging at the strands hard.
"Younghyun, you're scaring me," You said, voice breaking as tears started to stream down your face. He sighed heavily and sat in the armchair not far from you and bounced his leg quickly, he ran a hand down his face, pulling his facial features and squeezing his eyes shut. "Why?" Younghyun asked, voice at a normal volume, eyes still closed before he snaps them open and meets your eyes "Why?" Younghyun repeated himself, louder now as he was winding up for his second round. “Am I not enough for you? Did you have that much of an urge from something more that you couldn’t ask me?” Younghyun said with his voice loud still but also sounding like he was crying, you glanced up and saw that he was crying which made hang your head down again cause it hurt your heart too much to see him cry. “Are you happy now?” He almost whispers and leaves the room without another word and you hear him shut the bedroom door with a small click behind him.
You broke down into sobs, folding over yourself and bawling into your hands as Younghyun sat on the edge of your shared bed and cried to himself as quietly as he could, harshly wiping the tears away when they traveled too far down his cheeks. After about 20 minutes that felt like 2 hours, Younghyun came out of the room and walked into the kitchen, getting himself a glass of water and taking a drink before sighing and looking at you “I think we should break up” He said
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br0ken-writes · 5 years
Day6 “We Got Married” (Jae)
leyehearteu asks: Day6 in WGM with you.
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Word count: 2015 (Part 4)
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About two weeks pass by since you and Jae first met and it was time for your wedding. The two of you were still trying to get close to each other and be comfortable with one another so you guys just planned on having a private wedding between the two of you and hired a photographer for a few hours to catch the memories. Your wedding would be taking place at the beach since it was summer and rented out a little venue to take some individual photos beforehand. “Are we going to be traditionalists and make it so I can’t see you in the dress before the wedding?” Jae asks as he comes out of the changing room and a maroon suit, fixing his collar as he walked towards you. You sat for a second, admiring the way he looked and just how long his legs actually were now that you could see them.
“Hello? Earth to, y/n” Jae teased as he waved a hand in front of your face that you smacked away “Of course, otherwise what’s fun about getting married?” You said, smiling and proud of yourself for the comeback, as you slipped passed him to change “We’re ready to take your photos, Jae” You heard the photographer say. You changed into your dress, did your hair and makeup before waiting to be called for your photos. When your time finally came, you felt confident and comfortable in front of the camera alone since you were used to being recorded. “Okay, the photoshoot’s done, we can head to the beach,” The photographer tells you, you nod and head out with him knowing that Jae headed over when he was done taking his photos.
Your hands start to get sweaty as the car gets closer to the location Jae and you chose and thought would be best for photos. You get out of the car and see Jae facing the sea with his back turned to you, you walk up behind him and clear your throat when he doesn’t notice you behind him. He turns around and smiles at you “Wow,” He greets you, making you blush and turn away from him “Why do you have to be so cheesy” You exclaim and walk a bit away from him before moving back “I’m sorry! That’s just who I am!” Jae exclaims as well and the two of you laugh. The two of you quietly go through your wedding with the photographer snapping photos of the two of you here and there, making you giggle every time you heard the camera going off since you and Jae were being to quiet with each other. 
“Is getting married to me really that funny?” Jae asks but you shake your head and keep giggling “No, I’m sorry” You say and take a deep breath before saying “It’s just, every time the camera shutter goes off, I find it so funny 'cause it’s so loud” You say and now make him laugh with you “You’re really cute” Jae laughs which makes you blush again and the both of you calm down again before finishing the wedding. You thank the photographer and he says it’ll only take a few days for the pictures to be delivered to your shared apartment and you can finally start putting up more decorations. The photographer leaves and it’s just you and Jae alone together at the beach “Now for the honeymoon” Jae says as he wraps his arms around your waist and gives you a back hug which makes you laugh “Don’t we have a dinner in a few hours with your members?” You ask him while turning your head slightly towards him to see his face and your hands on top of his “Let’s just skip it, they’re lame anyways” Jae says nad makes you laugh again. “Let’s go, I need to change before the dinner,” You tell him, patting his hands and wiggling out of his grip to heads towards the car.
Jae drives you back to your shared place and you change into a more comfortable and moveable dress that was still white and formal to keep the vibes of your wedding dress and Jae says in his suit, claiming that it was comfortable and sat on the couch on his phone as he waited for you to change and freshen up. Once you feel happy with the way you look, you take a deep breath and give yourself a little pep talk to convince yourself that meeting Jae’s members isn't that big of a deal “You can do this y/n, it’s Jaehyung’s members, not parents” You tell yourself before hearing a chuckle come from behind you, you whip around to see Jae standing in the doorway leaning against the frame “Hey, what if I wasn’t dressed!” You yelled which made him full-on laugh now “Oh come on now, we’ve been living together for a couple weeks now, I know how long it takes you to change clothes” He said and moved to sit on the bed that was behind your vanity “But you’re right, these are just my members and they’re all idiots so there’s no need for you to be nervous” Jae tried to console you, you sighed and hung your head “Speaking of which, we should get going” Jae says, standing from the bed.
The two of you make it to the small restaurant you booked for the dinner and you took another moment outside, taking a deep breath and saying “You can’t do this, y/n!” Jae laughs at you again before taking one of your hands in his and walking into the restaurant. You’re lead to your booked room by one of the waitresses and you noticed four pairs of shoes already outside the room “Oh god, we’re the last ones?” You whisper yell to Jae and squeeze his hand harder while bouncing your knees, making Jae laugh at you again “It was probably Sungjin’s idea to get here earlier than the scheduled time, don’t worry” Jae whispered back before reaching for the door handle and sliding it open.
Jae steps inside the room first and you follow him, still holding his hand and slightly hiding behind him like a kid “Hey! There’s the married man!” Younghyun announces while standing from his seat to give Jae a hug, making you let go of his hand so he’s able to hug him back. The rest of the members stand up and you’re able to tell who’s who thanks to your research once you found out Jae was in a band “Let me introduce my wife first” Jae says once the two pull away from the hug and he grabs your hand again “This is y/n, y/n, these are my band members Sungjin, Brian, Wonpil, and Dowoon” Jae finishes and you all slightly bow to each other “My name’s Younghyun, by the way. Not Brian” Younghyun corrects Jae, making you laugh a little “But his stage name is Brian,” Jae tells you right after Younghyun stops talking  “No, that’s Young K” Younghyun and Jae start to bicker “Don’t worry, they’re always like this” Wonpil says in your direction and you reply to him with a small nod “Come on guys, I’m hungry” Sungjin announces, making Jae and Younghyun stop their bickering and everyone sits down and Jae calls the waitress.
The food is ordered and everyone socializes while you eat and after dessert is served, Sungjin stands up with a glass in his hand “Before we eat, I want to toast to the newlyweds” Sungjin says and raises his glass into the air along with everyone else “May you live happily ever after” He gives a simple toast and everyone clinks their glasses together before taking a sip “And now for your gift” Sungjin says and sets down his glass while the rest of the boys stand up and they group together on one end of the room “You guys didn’t have to get us anything” You say quietly “We didn’t, not really at least” Younghyun says, slipping a guitar out from under the table and handing it to Sungjin and he takes it out of guitar case, Dowoon gets drum sticks and Wonpil gets a tambourine. Younghyun counts off and Dowoon starts drumming against the end of the table and Sungjin starts the song making Jae chuckle at his band members while Sungjin sings “He’s singing my part in ‘I like you’” Jae whispers to you, making you catch onto the song and listen to them sincerely.
The song ends and you applaud them while they put their instruments away and take their seats again “Wow, that was amazing” You tell them all and they all just smile, content with their wedding gift “Thank you so much, it means a lot to me that you went through the trouble of figuring out something to do for us” You tell him, making them all beat red and laugh shyly “It was really no big deal” Sungjin said shyly “No, it was. Singing a private concert like this is an intimate thing, thank you” You tell them again, bowing slightly to them all. Desert is short and soon you’re all piled outside the restaurant and you run your hands up and down your arms as the summer nights were getting colder as it neared fall. “So what are you guys doing for your honeymoon?” Younghyun asks and just as you were going to respond, you felt Jae’s jacket lay across your shoulders “We’re leaving tomorrow for Jeju island” Jae responds before you with his hands still on your shoulders from putting his jacket on you “Ew, look at Jae being nice and loving” Dowoon speaks up making your ears burn red while laughing “He’s normally not like this” You say, still laughing and shaking a hand at them “What do you mean?! We cuddle every night!” Jae exclaims making you almost fall to your knees from embarrassment.
“But speaking of our honeymoon, we should get home and pack for that trip,” Jae says, changing the subject. You thank him silently for not pushing anything further and helping you escape his members “Don’t cuddle too much on your trip” Younghyun says with a quick wink before everyone parts their own ways and you and Jae head home together. The two of you change and finish packing for your honeymoon and after cleaning up for bed, Jae stood at the bedroom door and watched you shuffle around the room “Hey,” Jae spoke up, making you look at him “I have something for you” He finishes his sentence and you follow him to the living room, he sits on the couch and pats the spot next to him, becking you to sit by him. You sit next to him and he pulls out a small box wrapped with a bow from the side table and you smile a little “I actually have something for you too” You say and slide a box that looks almost exactly the same out from under the couch where you hid it before and the both of you laugh at the coincidence. 
You exchange boxes and count to three before opening the boxes at the same time and both laughing harder. Both of you ended up getting each other the same gift of a small key ring. “You got me a chicken” Jae laughs as he holds it up and examines it closer, “I thought you could put your house key on it so you won’t lose it,” You tell him and he laughs again while hanging his head slightly “I had the same thought when I was getting that for you” He says and nods in the direction of box in your hand that holds a small directors camera key chain and you smile down at it “Thank you, I love it” You say and lean over to give him a quick kiss on his cheek, leaving him red-faced as you ran to the bedroom and hiding under the covers.
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br0ken-writes · 5 years
Friendly reminder that I have a twitter lmao
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br0ken-writes · 5 years
I've been feeling hot under the collar for Taeyong and the entirety of GOT7, this comeback and those suits and uniform like outfits are just 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
*edit* im on mobile since im at work, i see now that it was cut off lmao
Taeyong and the ????? You can't leave me hanging like this
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Taeyong is also my bias in nct, just btw
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br0ken-writes · 5 years
Who are y'all horny for right now?
For me? Its Mark Lee and idk the fuck why but I don't really care lmao
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