bpdbrainvom · 2 days
winning the i love you more competition because he hates me
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bpdbrainvom · 2 days
the reason im still alive has to be some sick cosmic joke
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bpdbrainvom · 2 days
i ruined it again my stupid fucking brain ruined everything again because i cant accept it when things are going well i simply just have to ruin fucking everything all over again. i should kill myself and save everyone the fucking trouble of dealing with me
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bpdbrainvom · 4 days
things have been getting better lately. everything feels fine but i cant help but brace for the downfall of this. i can't even enjoy being happy. at least therapy seems to be working.
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bpdbrainvom · 28 days
god i feel miserable
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bpdbrainvom · 29 days
i miss him. i have 2nd degree burns on my shoulders and he's promising to take care of me. his skin is so soft. i dont care if it hurts. i miss him i need him
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bpdbrainvom · 1 month
he hasnt touched me in a week. no kisses. no hugs. ive had to initiate everything. he only touches me when he wants me to fuck him. im so tired
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bpdbrainvom · 1 month
intro post
vom. 18. he/him
this is my vent sideblog for putting my bpd thoughts and rambles about my mental health so i'm not just screaming into the void.
this blog is not indicative of my actual life/relationship. this is for my illogical intrusive thoughts.
i will not be posting:
-self harm pictures/gore
-anti recovery of any sort
this blog is for me and my thoughts to be less lonely. the block button is free. have a good day, hopefully one better than ive been having
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