boysrockboys · 2 days
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boysrockboys · 2 days
is there a label that ACTUALLY means 'attraction regardless of gender' and doesn't have transphobic origins?
yes it’s called “bisexual”
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boysrockboys · 6 days
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Great news! Labor has confirmed that questions about sexuality AND gender will be included in the 2026 census!
After two weeks of backlash after dropping any gender/sexuality questions, Labor has gone back to its original plan: actually following its own policy platform.
Including LGBT people in the census helps provide valuable data to improve policy and service delivery to LGBT people.
While it's frustrating Labor showed willingness to drop LGBT at ease (and Albo's poor attempt at compromising by only including sexuality, not gender) it is at least good to show that enough public backlash can convince them to act better. Remember everyone: if enough people work together we can push the government into action.
Though intersex variations unfortunately still won't be included because the ABS deemed that to be too technically complex for high quality data to be gathered. The government said they'd work with the intersex community to figure out ways of gathering information in other ABS surveys. I hope they actually follow through with that so follow queer advocacy groups like Equality Australia to keep up to date with campaigns to push for better LGBTQIA+ policy so we know if they try and back out of that promise too.
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boysrockboys · 6 days
tired: mermaids are all women
wired: much like elves, merfolk are mistaken by sailors for being all women because they have long hair and are very pretty
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boysrockboys · 6 days
i suffer from 'men are hotter banged up' disease. unfortunately there is no cure.
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boysrockboys · 6 days
do you think that a certain genre of queer person is so obsessively weird about pride flag discourse becuase their flags fill the gaping hole in their personality where a hogwarts house used to be
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boysrockboys · 6 days
your outwardly violent attitude towards any and all romantic & sexual arrangements that don't mirror your good wholesome vanilla monogamous ideal is actually not made quirky and lovable by your queer identity. people who do the "if my partner even asked about polyamory i would buy a gun" schtick on here are pretty functionally identical to straight people who joke about murdering their partners if they came out as bi
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boysrockboys · 6 days
your outwardly violent attitude towards any and all romantic & sexual arrangements that don't mirror your good wholesome vanilla monogamous ideal is actually not made quirky and lovable by your queer identity. people who do the "if my partner even asked about polyamory i would buy a gun" schtick on here are pretty functionally identical to straight people who joke about murdering their partners if they came out as bi
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boysrockboys · 6 days
i can convince myself anyone deserves to be mistreated. i am also unshakable in my belief that i'm pure of heart and objectively a good person <- how you guys sound to me
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boysrockboys · 7 days
Furthermore whoever removed the audio jack from phones should be grilled in front of congress. The fact that I need a dongle to listen to music on a modern telephone while 20 years ago I could have simply plugged a universally standardized cord into the audio jack everyone knew how to use is an anti-human move that should be punished.
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boysrockboys · 7 days
task manager kill this man
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boysrockboys · 9 days
hey boss i can't come in today it's a sunny day and there's a lovely breeze coming in through my window, yeah it's rustling the branches of the tree outside that's finally bloomed so it's pretty serious
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boysrockboys · 9 days
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boysrockboys · 9 days
the vampires got it right. life is about being bisexual and a little bit pathetic. and going through different levels of depressive episodes
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boysrockboys · 13 days
The thing is lads I cannot think of a better use for my tax dollars than feeding children. I want my taxes to give the single mother of three healthcare. I want my taxes to take care of the elderly and the disabled. I don’t care if they’re citizens or legal residents or whatever. I want my taxes to help people. Because we’re trying to live in a goddamn society. Instead my taxes go towards bombing schools and hospitals and refugee camps. Billions and billions sent to proxy wars. And still people quibble over whether we should feed children. What are we doing here. Feed the kids.
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boysrockboys · 13 days
Online job applications were a widespread crypto-eugenics program that took hold during the late 20th and early 21st century. These applications were notable for heavy use of videoconference interviews, little to no emphasis on exams and assessments (with rare exceptions, usually implemented to obtain unpaid labor from applicants), and a general disregard for time, scheduling, results, or basic human dignity.
Despite widespread contemporary criticism, the online job application was only abolished after the Job Board Riots in the latter half of the century.
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boysrockboys · 14 days
*grabbing young queer people by the shoulders* listen to me. radical feminism is inherently transphobic. you cannot rehabilitate it or reclaim it or make it trans inclusive, I don't care what the people on twitter who claim to be authorities on queerness say. the foundation of radical feminism is nothing but bio and gender essentialism and biphobia and aphobia and anti-kink rhetoric and intersexism and yes, misogyny. it does not offer a future, not for bi people, aroace people, sex workers, not for kinksters, or intersex people, cis women, or trans people regardless of gender and you should care about those people. it will never result in queer liberation because it is an ideology of exclusion and hatred. you gain nothing by buying into the idea that half the population is evil by birth or by transition. you gain nothing by acting like women are perpetual victims who can't think for themselves and are tainted by their association with men. being a man or being attracted to them is not a sin. if we truly want to stand a chance of dismantling the patriarchy we actually NEED men on our side especially marginalized men. they are our allies.
the problem with terfs is not just transphobia, it never was, the radical feminism is also so unbelievably harmful. you cannot save it and it will not save you, stop drawing lines between queer people and join hands with them instead. remove people who are actually harmful, not innocent people who happen to have the wrong sexuality or gender or job. we get there together or we don't get there at all. we need each other now more than ever. do not listen to those who seek to divide us even if they are queer. we all deserve so much better than the hell radical feminism pretends is a liberated future.
I do not blame anyone who fell prey to this rhetoric, I know it feels good to have a common enemy and lash out at those you think are siding with them however they do it, but men, especially marginalized men, are not your enemies. and it's never too late to realize that and change for the better.
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