boxwel · 3 years
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boxwel · 4 years
You're out running (magical) errands with Solomon and the sky starts to grow dark. You keep trying to get him to go home but he is quite intent on finishing up whatever you two are doing. Then it starts to rain. Hard.
You glare at Solomon. "I told you so," though it's not nearly as gloating you would've liked. You're too annoyed.
Solomon chuckles. "Yes, yes, you were right. Is that what you wanted to hear my sweet little apprentice?" He was wrong and he still sounds like he's the one gloating.
He can't let you have anything, you think. You huff as you blush and pull the bag of supplies you two bought closer to your body, hoping to keep them from getting too wet.
"Here..." Solomon says as he pulls his arms out of his sleeves and then holds his cloak over the two of you, shielding you both from the rain.
You look up at him. "Oh, thank you." You're certain that you're blushing.
Solomon smiles. "No problem. Let's go home."
You're embarrassed at having to walk so close to him, but you're also excited about it???
"What's wrong, my little apprentice?" You want to roll your eyes at the smugness in his voice but when you look at him again you can only blush at how close your faces are.
"Uh, I uh..." Your heart starts to race. "It's nothing!" You insist as you quickly turn away from him.
Solomon hums and stops walking.
You only realize he does when you walk out from underneath his cloak. You quickly run back to his side to keep from getting so wet.
Solomon chuckles. "MC, why are you so flustered?"
You look at him reluctantly. There's a knowing, teasing look in his eyes.
You huff. "I think you know why."
"I'd like to hear you say it," his tone is teasing.
He's such an asshole, you think. You're definitely not saying it out loud.
But what you find yourself doing next is probably worse than if you had just confessed...
You step as close as you can to him, only unable to press against him because of the groceries you're holding.
Solomon grins and moves his face closer to yours, tilting it as he glances down at your lips.
You hesitate, but only briefly before pressing your lips against his.
His lips are warm and soft as they move against yours.
He brings his cloak back down to rest on his shoulders so that he can cup your face in both of his hands.
You don't mind so much; kissing in the rain is romantic, right?
Besides, the kiss is nothing short of... well, magical.
Solomon actually pulls away first, and when he does the grin he wears is genuine and pure.
You're definitely blushing, but you don't care. You're grinning too, actually happy.
"How about we finish this inside?"
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boxwel · 4 years
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may the vestiges of pain that linger in the demon before me be eliminated.
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boxwel · 4 years
Starting Line
Happy Holidays, @carson-asmo-lover 
This is your Secret Santa gift. I hope you like it!
AU: Asmo is a uni student who just moved into a new apartment unit, Solomon is living next door learning how to bake. Every day, Asmo would smell the sweet aroma of baked goods from his room and in the hallways. One day, after a hectic day from uni, he stops in front of the door trying to guess which baked good is being made for that day. The door opens, cue awkward silence, Solomon invites Asmo into his apartment, and into his life.
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boxwel · 4 years
It’s Cold Outside- Secret Santa Gift
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Happy Holidays everyone! This is my gift for the Obey Me Secret Santa Event! My gift is for @panickedpansexualprincess​ I really hope you like it! 
When it was time for the tide of seasons to change, you were a bit worried. This world and it’s mysteries were still new, and you had assumed that even the weather would contain some demonic danger. However, you found yourself pleased as you watched snowflakes drift down from the sky to coat the ground in a pleasing crisp white. As silly as it was, you’d thought maybe the frost would be black or some other dismal color. It was comforting, the familiarity of it all, and it eased some of your home-sickness. Although, you had discovered that the chill was much more intense than anything you had felt before. Anything within human standards, anyway. You’d tried sticking your hand out to catch a twirling snowflake the first time they’d begun to fall. As soon as it touched the bare skin of your palm, you shuddered, your whole arm nearly going numb. The demons you resided with quickly rushed to accommodate your fragile human body as soon as they realized you wouldn’t be able to handle the otherworldly winter. Thicker layers, little heaters, even magical charms and potions to shield you from frigid breezes. 
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boxwel · 4 years
It’s Cold Outside- Secret Santa Gift
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Happy Holidays everyone! This is my gift for the Obey Me Secret Santa Event! My gift is for @panickedpansexualprincess​ I really hope you like it! 
When it was time for the tide of seasons to change, you were a bit worried. This world and it’s mysteries were still new, and you had assumed that even the weather would contain some demonic danger. However, you found yourself pleased as you watched snowflakes drift down from the sky to coat the ground in a pleasing crisp white. As silly as it was, you’d thought maybe the frost would be black or some other dismal color. It was comforting, the familiarity of it all, and it eased some of your home-sickness. Although, you had discovered that the chill was much more intense than anything you had felt before. Anything within human standards, anyway. You’d tried sticking your hand out to catch a twirling snowflake the first time they’d begun to fall. As soon as it touched the bare skin of your palm, you shuddered, your whole arm nearly going numb. The demons you resided with quickly rushed to accommodate your fragile human body as soon as they realized you wouldn’t be able to handle the otherworldly winter. Thicker layers, little heaters, even magical charms and potions to shield you from frigid breezes. 
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boxwel · 4 years
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Happy holidays!! :D
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boxwel · 4 years
oh my god you really came here and bitch-slapped me with angst 
and not just ANY angst but of my two favorite boys
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//Hi all! Cerberus has lent me his DevilPad for un-Cerberus-related activity. Don't worry. I gave him extra treats.
I participated in the Obey Me Secret Santa this year, and since my other OM accounts on social media are NSFW, I needed a safe place to post it.
This is for you, @boxwel! I hope I did your request justice.
Deep Freeze
Angst, SFW
Ever-so-slightly PG-13? Maybe?
:read more:
Mammon watched you with a small smile, amused at how delighted you were by the snow. You looked so cute all bundled up in your coat and hat, grin as bright and sparkling as the sunlight glittering in the snow. He started to get up from where he was perched on a stump when he saw you fall flat on your face, breaking into laughter instead when you sat up and howled with laughter at your own clumsiness. This trip to the human world had been a fantastic suggestion. He hadn’t seen you look so carefree and exhilarated in quite some time.
Letting your good humor pull him in, he began walking toward you, intent on joining you in your snowball fight against his brothers. Before he got close enough for you to see, Lucifer appeared, seemingly from nowhere. Extending his hand to you, he smoothly pulled you up and into his arms, murmuring something with a small, soft smile. Mammon had thought your face was red from the cold but it was nothing compared to the blush that bloomed on your cheeks with a shy little grin at whatever Lucifer had whispered in your ear. Watching as you grasped his brother’s coat to stretch up and meet his kiss caused an ache in his chest that Mammon hadn’t felt in millennia. 
Turning away, he swiftly made his escape on silent feet. He felt nauseous at the sight he’d just witnessed. Seeing Lucifer in such a soft moment left him feeling dirty somehow, but that wasn’t what was making him breathless. He should have known you’d choose his brother. Perfect, smooth-talking Lucifer, always ready with his low voice and poetic words, carefully curated to get exactly the reaction he wanted. Of course you’d choose him over the hyperactive, immature Avatar of Greed. Mammon knew he was exactly the opposite in every way. There was nothing suave about him; he tripped over his words, overwhelmed by his feelings for you and pushing you away instead.
He knelt in the snow desperately gasping for air. Somehow this managed to feel like losing Lilith again, in a completely new way. He had grieved his sister, knowing he would never see her again. But you… you were right there. He’d have to see you every day, watch the soft smiles and lovesick looks directed at his brother when it should have been him. The very thought of it left an unbearably heavy weight in his chest. He sniffed, trying to hold back the tears burning his eyes. His jeans were uncomfortably cold and wet from kneeling in the snow, but he couldn’t seem to care. 
The roar in his head seemed to calm just in time for him to hear the soft shuffle of feet in the snow. Desperate to hide his heartbreak, he quickly wiped some snow on his face. Hopefully, that would explain the evidence of his tears. His heart dropped just that much more when he heard your voice behind him.
Please don’t call me that. Don’t use endearments when you’ll never be mine, he thought.
“What are you doing here all alone, Mammon?”  Of course Lucifer would be with you. He just couldn’t catch a break, could he?
“That’s a new endeavor for you. How is it working out? Have you hurt yourself yet?”
Mammon plastered a smile on his face and turned around just in time to see you gently smack Lucifer’s chest with the back of your hand.
“Be nice, Lucifer. Mammon isn’t stupid, no matter what you say.”
His heart swelled at your defense of him, but he simply couldn’t agree. Clearly, he was the biggest idiot of them all to fall in love with you, let alone hope you could love him back. Still, he forced out a cocky laugh. “That’s right, human. They don’t call me the GREAT Mammon for nothing, ya know!”
“Mammon, literally no one calls you that,” muttered Lucifer.
“Shows what you know,” he quipped back. His brother merely rolled his eyes at him. “So, what are you two doing here? Looking for a bit of ‘alone time’?” He made sure to throw in a leer to make his meaning clear. If they thought he was joking, maybe they wouldn’t see his shattered heart. The flush on both of your faces told him he’d hit the nail on the head, and he suddenly wanted to be sick.
“I missed you Mammoney. I was just trying to find you,” came your quiet voice. 
“Ah, well, you found me! I’m just fine, as you can see. So I’ll just leave you two alone.” He noticed your hand reach for him as he turned on his heel and darted away as casually as he could, but he simply pretended he’d hadn’t seen. You’d just straight up lied to his face. Your musical voice followed him, calling him back to you. He felt like an ass, but he couldn’t face you just then. Maybe not for 100 years. Maybe never. All he knew was that he needed to get away. He turned in the direction of his brothers just in time to see Lucifer pulling you the opposite way, behind a small copse of trees. He was lost in his misery as he walked, causing him to be completely surprised when a snowball exploded on his face.
“Haha yes!!!” Levi whooped triumphantly. “Once more my tactical genius has led me to a most satisfying victory! All hail King Leviathan!”
“Why do ya always talk so funny when you’re playin’ games, huh?” Mammon sputtered through the snow.
“I do it because it is the only proper way to celebrate defeating my foe!”
“I’ll show you foe,” growled Mammon, bending down to scoop up some snow and preparing to return fire. He lined up his shot, wound up his arm, and got beaned on the back of the head with a snowball just as he let go, missing Levi completely. 
“Direct hit! Wonderful shot, Satan!” crowed Asmo. He was sat on a large stone, refusing to get involved with the fight and risk ruining his expensive coat, so he claimed. When Mammon turned to his assailant, Satan was bowing to his audience of one.
“Thank you, Asmo. But it isn’t hard to miss a head that big.”
Asmo’s gleeful shout of laughter was cut short by Mammon’s snowball. “I’m a pretty good shot when I’m not bein’ sabotaged ya know! And ya aren’t even movin’!”
His younger brother’s beautiful face was marred with fury, but Mammon had accomplished his goal and made Asmo get involved in the game. For a short, blissful time, his heartache was a dull throb as he and his brothers chased each other around, pelting one another with snowball after snowball. Their shouts of laughter and mock anger filled the little area of the forest they’d trekked to and for a moment Mammon felt like life was normal. Until you and Lucifer rejoined the group with messy hair and disheveled clothing.
“Oh ho! Having fun in the snow, I see! How positively naughty of you!” teased Asmo.
“That’s disgusting,” muttered Belphie. “No one wants to think of Lucifer that way.”
“Oh I do it often,” purred the Avatar of Lust.
“If you could please cease this inane conversation, we should probably head back to the cabin.” Lucifer sighed.
The group set out for their warm shelter while Mammon silently seethed at the sight of you and Lucifer walking with your arms casually slung around each other. Your sweet laughter floated back to him, making his heart clench. He had a feeling this pain was going to get worse before it got better, and he wasn’t sure how he was going to hide it. You would try to comfort him if you found out, which would be the very last thing he would want when you were out of reach. Lucifer would reach as yet unheard-of levels of smugness that Mammon was sure would mean the two of them coming to blows. As the cabin came into view, you fell back to walk with him.
“What’s wrong, Mammoney? You’re awfully quiet, and that concerns me.”
“It shouldn’t, it’s a nice change of pace and we don’t want to ruin it!” snapped Belphie.
Mammon felt his face burning before he curtly replied, “It’s fine. I’m just tired.”
“Poor thing. Maybe you should take a nap before dinner? You can use my room, it’s the quietest.”
He couldn’t help the small smile that graced his features. You were always so sweet, so selfless. Too good for him, to be sure. “Thanks, maybe I will.” 
 You reached down and gave his hand a squeeze before heading back to Lucifer’s side. As the 8 of you entered the cabin, there was a flurry of boots and coats being tossed around, and the stern voice of Lucifer reminding everyone to take care of their wet outerwear instead of simply throwing it in the corner. It proved to be the perfect distraction and allowed Mammon to sneak away unnoticed. Well, mostly unnoticed. You followed him to your room, concern still etched on your face.
“I promise I’m fine. I just need a little bit of rest, that’s all.” He said.
“If you’re sure…”
“Okay, well I guess I’ll leave you to it. Have a good nap.”
“Thanks. Goodbye.”
A startled, slightly frightened expression crossed your face. “Goodbye? What does that mean?”
“Slip of the tongue. I meant to say good night.”
“Uh huh…”
He knew you didn’t believe him but he climbed into your bed and ignored the way you stared. After a moment you left, leaving him to enjoy being surrounded by your scent. Just for a little while, he told himself. He had no idea how long he’d been lying there before you came to check on him, but he quickly tried to look relaxed and deeply asleep. It must have worked since you silently snuck in and gave him a soft kiss on the cheek before tiptoeing back out. He heard you tell someone you were going to let him rest a while longer and soon the faint sounds of his brothers sitting down to dinner floated up to him. Perfect, he thought. Throwing the covers off, he left your room as quietly as you had, sneaking down the hall to the room he was sharing with Asmo. Fortunately, he hadn’t unpacked much so it was easier to get everything back into his duffel bag. He’d just leave his coat and boots behind. He might be uncomfortable, but he wouldn’t be particularly cold or in any danger the same way a human would if he traveled in regular clothes.
He dropped his bag from the window, waiting for a moment in case anyone had heard. The cacophony of voices and laughter continued without so much as a brief pause. He hadn’t known when he got here that having a room on the opposite side of the house than the kitchen would be so advantageous. At least he had that tiny bit of luck. He jumped out of the window, grateful that the snow was cushioning his landing a bit. It may be easier for him to jump from the second story without breaking bones than it would be for a human, but that didn’t mean it was pleasant. Slinging his bag over his shoulder, he jogged towards the nearby town.
It wasn’t long before he heard you shouting his name from the cabin. The voices of his brothers followed shortly, but they quickly grew faint and faded away. He ached at the thought of you worrying about him, but he figured his brothers would be ecstatic to be without him. He knew they would help you forget about him, Lucifer especially. No one would miss the scummy idiot, right? Eventually, he came upon a highway and stuck out his thumb. One last thought of you passed through his mind, but he pushed it away so that he wouldn’t lose his nerve.
It wasn’t like he was leaving forever. He just needed to let his heart freeze first.
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boxwel · 4 years
When Satan hears about the Celestial Realm
Your daily dose of Satan angst thanks to a thought I had a while back. Thanks to @apassintohell and @rebsrebsrebsrebs for inspiring me to flesh it out a bit more on stream the other day
Satan’s birth wasn’t exactly a happy time. For anyone really. Lilith was gone. Everyone that followed Lucifer from heaven was grieving both for their sister and their lives as they knew it. Pure white wings gone and replaced with horns and tails or an entirely new set of wings nothing like the ones they had before.
So it takes a while for the others’ memories of the Celestial Realm to be something that they can mention, even in passing. To turn from pain to bittersweet.
It happens slowly. Bit by bit. Little comments here and there. 
Like that time Mammon replaced one of Michael’s sweets with something spicy before he was put under Lucifer’s charge. Or when Lucifer would hug Asmo and stroke his hair and praise him for his work for the day. Or when Beel would have to hunt down Belphie because he snuck off yet again, wondering what kind of adventures he’d gotten up to that day
But Satan was never part of those inside jokes. He’d never experienced the Celestial Realm. He’d never known any of the friends that the others left behind nor had he even heard about the antics they’d get into as angels.
He doesn’t have any fond memories of time shared there or of happiness and camaraderie. He was born at a time that Lucifer was angriest and Lilith was already either in danger or dead.
So when his brothers mention even little things that they laugh at, he just feels like an outsider.
Something other that was never meant to be
There is no one else like him in all the three realms as far as he knows. He was neither created nor born. He just became from emotion not his own. Forced to bear with wild, hot anger that was never his to begin with.
His brothers smile and laugh at each other, recalling little things and pranks and gossip.
Hearing those stories or offhand comments of the Celestial Realm reminds him that there was a time that his brothers were happiest and together. Without him. 
And he was never supposed to be there.
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boxwel · 4 years
hello :)
i don’t know if anyone stills remembers me but hi!!! hello!!!! it’s been a while!!!  i want to make sure that you guys are doing ok and are taking care of yourself!!!!! i have been really active on twitter (@_boxwel_ if you are interested) and joined so many fandoms!!!! i published some works on ao3 and i got reminded of this account i left behind and i kinda missed this!!! the vibe here is immaculate
im gonna try to be more active on here so stick around if you wanna see me post some works!!!!
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boxwel · 4 years
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dabihawks fight i deserve
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boxwel · 4 years
I was drawing a bunch of pentagrams in my notebook during math class because I was bored and I think I drew 150 pentagrams in total before a devilish-looking guy wearing a red suit broke down the door of the classroom and yelled “wHAT the fUCK do you wANT?!”
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boxwel · 5 years
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7 Crows - Illustrations for the Crooked Kingdom special edition by our patron saint @lbardugo
words can’t explain how honored I was to create the artwork for this
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boxwel · 5 years
love me some enemies to friends to lovers trope
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boxwel · 5 years
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this is my new favorite headcanon
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boxwel · 5 years
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holy baku forehead
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boxwel · 5 years
This is literally the last month you can reblog this joke
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