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bouquetdelarmes · 2 years ago
where are the good aragorn x reader/oc faNFICS ????? IM IN THE MIDDLE OF A WITHDRAWAL CRISIS
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bouquetdelarmes · 2 years ago
Hey! BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award you’re supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing happens, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you’re beautiful inside and out. 💜🩷
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bouquetdelarmes · 2 years ago
Hey! BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award you’re supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing happens, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you’re beautiful inside and out. 💜🩷
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bouquetdelarmes · 2 years ago
well it’s happening
i soooo want to write a harry potter time-travel fic with a mc inspired by hogwarts legacy
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bouquetdelarmes · 2 years ago
i soooo want to write a harry potter time-travel fic with a mc inspired by hogwarts legacy
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bouquetdelarmes · 2 years ago
the day i finally want to write is the day i start work. fml.
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bouquetdelarmes · 2 years ago
i’m about to read the debt of time. will i cry because of imaginary dead wizards once again ? yes. absolutely.
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bouquetdelarmes · 2 years ago
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thank you for helping me in my recovery!! 🫶🏻✨
i just finished manacled and i’m devastated
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bouquetdelarmes · 2 years ago
i just finished manacled and i’m devastated
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bouquetdelarmes · 2 years ago
cherry flavoured — james potter.
the four times james vowed he’d kiss you, and the one time he actually did. finally.
includes fluff, friends to lovers, pining!james, kissing, a lil drinking, 4 + 1. just something short for my best boy. not proofread.
note this was from my old account, but since i’m switching everything over to my main one, i am posting it from here instead of reblogging from the other so i can just get rid of the account later.
fem!reader.     1.6k.
“And what if I did?”
Afficher davantage
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bouquetdelarmes · 2 years ago
─ GAME TIME ! Shuffle on Repeat ...
☼ rules: shuffle your ‘on repeat’ playlist and post the first 10 tracks, then tag 10 people
tagged by @jojojoy1 @goldsainz and @cl16version tagging @softtdaisy @mehrmonga (the rest of my moots have already been tagged)
"la liesse est lovée" ⏤ ben mazué
"alien superstar" ⏤ beyoncé
"cardigan" ⏤ taylor swift
"11:11" ⏤ ben barnes
"dive" ⏤ olivia dean
"all night" ⏤ beyoncé
"space man" ⏤ sam ryder
"your song" ⏤ elton john
"gimme! gimme! gimme!" ⏤ abba
"ça va aller" ⏤ terrenoire & pomme
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bouquetdelarmes · 2 years ago
not me writing for harry potter again after years
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bouquetdelarmes · 2 years ago
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your friends love you, your brain is just mean
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bouquetdelarmes · 2 years ago
elisa is now dead, killed by the beauty of this short work. seriously this was so so so perfect !!! i don’t even know how to convey what i felt reading this. zoya is one of my favourite characters and you only made me love her more (if that’s possible). this was beautifully written. i’m in love. thank you for this gem.
hii! i was wondering if you could do a zoya nazyalensky x fem!reader where reader and zoya are dating for like, 6 months, and reader is zoya's little soft spot
like, she's a really sweet small girl, adorable and cute, really kind with everyone, and zoya just loves this stuff about her, even though she probably would be annoyed if it were anyone else
anyway, they're in the little palace when readers ex returns from a really long mission, and this ex is a really toxic person that used to make reader feel like she's no good for anyone and manipulate her all the time
i really would like to see how zoya (who knows about their relationship) would act around it and i think she would be really protective
well, thanks anyway i hope you feel good about writing this <3
a/n: omg i love this idea so much! i could never think of a plot to write for zoya and this is exactly what i was looking for so i hope you enjoy <3 i'm so sorry this has taken so long to come out.
warnings: implications of toxic relationships, mentions of injury/death/etc gn reader
Right Here - Zoya Nazyalensky
The past few months have been nothing but bliss.
Well, as much as they can be with a war going on. Between the fighting and training and missions into the Fold, your life has become peaceful and you're more content than you ever have been. Days have felt easier. Smiling comes more naturally. Saints, you've begun to enjoy donning your kefta again.
The reason for that, for all the happiness, stirs beneath you now, making a soft humming sound in her throat as she wakes up from her doze.
"Afternoon, Zoya," you murmur, eyes still shut as your head rests on her chest which rises up and down so very soothingly. "Sweet dreams?"
Her body tenses for a moment as she stretches, and a yawn parts her lips. "I suppose if you count beheading some volcra as nice."
You breathe a laugh, opening your eyes and propping yourself up on an elbow to look at her.
Zoya's dark hair is mussed slightly, the strands threading between bright green blades of grass like rivers of ink. Though groggy, her blue eyes are bright and becoming more alert the longer they stay open, framed by thick lashes and smooth skin that seems to glow in the sunlight. She yawns again before shaking off her sleepy daze.
"You're an awfully comfortable pillow," you say with a smile. "Might hire you."
His lips tug in that almost-sly smile of hers, and her eyes glitter like sapphires. "Long as I get paid."
"And what would your payment be?"
She leans up, pressing a chaste kiss to your lips before sprawling out on the grass again, hand on your cheek. It's warm and comforting, and your face presses gently into her palm.
"A few dozen kisses, perhaps."
With a grin, you kiss her once, twice, three times on the lips, before holding her face and peppering them over her cheeks and forehead and nose, drawing soft laughs out of her. When you stop, she's still laughing, and the sound makes you feel fulfilled, proud.
"Do you hear the birds, (name)?" she asks. Her eyes are fixed on the sky and trees above, flickering between branches. "They sing for you."
You settle down on your back beside her, taking her hand in yours and playing with her fingers. She doesn't stop you, relaxing her hand and humming softly.
"I do."
Your eyes shut for a moment, listening to the sweet warbling songs and trying to figure out their tune, their purpose. Perhaps they sing for love or friendship, nostalgia or happiness. The melodies resonate in your bones, echoing and drawing you in until all you can hear is the birds and the soft breathing of your girlfriend.
And pounding hooves.
All of a sudden, the sound becomes deafening, thundering through the ground beneath you. You and Zoya both sit, shocked and a little disorientated, looking for the source. For a moment, you're worried that something is wrong - there's no reason for so many horses sounding - but you relax a little when you see the source.
A little ways away in the courtyard of the Little Palace, a dozen riders in red, blue, and purple keftas appear, dismounting swiftly. Two break off and hurry inside, likely to report to the Darkling, while the rest stay behind to untack the horses.
It's when you see his face, so distant, that it feels like things go wrong.
Whenever you see him, it's like your mind spirals, dragging you down a whirlpool and holding your head beneath the fluid memories that still haunt you. The shouting, the cruel words, the manipulation. You hadn't been able to see it back then, but it's all you see now whenever he appears.
"Deva's back," Zoya all but snarls. "That's unfortunate. I'd been hoping a Fjerdan would've killed him."
With a comment like that, you usually would've laughed, but it's as if you're stuck in time now, replaying everything the man - the boy - you once thought you'd loved has ever said to you.
Zoya's hand closes around yours, squeezing gently so as to remind you that she's there.
It had been her that had gotten you out of the relationship and brought you to reason. After years of friendship, she could read you as easily as a book and knew immediately that things weren't right. The little walks you'd take were being skipped. You weren't consistently going to dinner. You were beginning to look like a shell of yourself, much like how a Grisha suppressing their powers does. Sickly. Sad. Withdrawn.
She reached her peak when you told her you couldn't be friends anymore. As if reading your mind, she had known that it wasn't your wish. Saints, it was the complete opposite, but it was what Deva had told - no, ordered - you to do. He had given you ultimatums more times than you could count, making you choose between him and other things, becoming angry when you tried to refuse. Part of you complied out of the love you thought you had for him. Part of you did it out of fear. A Heartrender was not a good kind of Grisha to enrage, and you were terrified.
You'll never forget the way she had told you, so tenderly, to stay in her room and wait while she went to go speak with Deva. Further, you'll never forget her saying, He'll never bother you again, an hour later, and the fact that she was right. That day onwards, he never spoke to you. He barely even threw a glance your way if Zoya was with you.
A Heartrender may be scary, but Zoya Nazyalensky could be worse, and she wasn't hesitant about it. In fact, most of the time, she's standoffish and rude to everyone but you.
You're my soft spot, she had once told you, and you still believe her now. Her hand holds yours so gently while her eyes blaze with firey anger as she glares across the grass and courtyard at the boy who had hurt you so. Her jaw is set, and you're sure you can hear her teeth grind against each other, but when she glances at you, her expression softens into a reassuring smile.
"You okay?" she asks, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
You nod, but you're not entirely sure. It happens every time you see him, the memories, and although they're easier to cope with, they're still hard to relive.
The Saints had granted you a few months of reprieve. Deva, along with eleven other Grisha, had been sent on a mission by the Darkling in Fjerda, disposing of drüskelle and other Fjerdan soldiers on the border while finding out as much information about their battle plans as they could. Methods apparently had never been disclosed, and you dread to think of what those men and women possibly did. The blood that stains their hands.
Being a Healer, you're never really sent anywhere other than to heal people, so you can confidently say your hands are fairly clean. Zoya, well, she's killed, but she's never tortured. Not like this group. Not like Deva. These are the Darkling's lackeys, the worst of the worst. You're eternally glad that Zoya broke off her support for it all when it started intensifying past finding out information.
You feel Deva looking at him now, thinking of the things he might have done and the people he has killed. Yes, Ravka and Fjerda are at war with each other, but you couldn't ever justify mutilating somebody for a cause.
"Hey." Zoya's voice grabs your attention. "Look at me."
After a moment, you tear your gaze from the riders and back to her, taking a deep breath as she grasps your other hand slightly.
"Listen to the birds," she says. "Listen to them sing, and look at me. Forget everything else."
And you do. You fall into the comfort of those beautiful, startlingly blue eyes. She sways gently as the birds twitter away, humming her own little song, and smiling at you with so much love that it confuses you. How could anyone ever love you so much? What have you done to deserve it?
Love is not a thing that needs to be deserved, she would tell you if you asked. It is not earned, it is given. It is handed over with trust and adoration and only wishes for love in return.
Her lips brush your forehead, kissing it softly as she says, "You're okay. I'm right here."
Right here, you repeat.
"I always will be."
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bouquetdelarmes · 2 years ago
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Doubt, fear, anger, disappointment
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bouquetdelarmes · 2 years ago
yeah the f1 fanfic side is really annoying me. maybe it’s my mental health acting up again idk.
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bouquetdelarmes · 2 years ago
i would like to know one thing. when did tumblr users let the habit of reblogging or even commenting die? or was it never there to begin with? i need an explanation because i’m fed up with this.
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