Bounty of Light
59 posts
Warmth and Illumination || For Gertrude || A charity and rebellion movement affiliated with the Isola Radiale rp group
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bountyoflight · 5 years ago
Application for volunteer work
Name: Mariko Oliveira
Position desired: Volunteer
What attracted you to this position?: To be able to help those who first arrive in Spirale just seems like something nice to do. They’re in a new place, a new world and they’re not familiar with anything. For someone to be out there to greet them with a warm smile and open arms….That’s what attracted me to this position. I want to be a part of making people feel safe.
What do our principles of “warmth and illumination” mean to you?: You do what you can in order to provide something….and anything to light up someone’s world. I feel it means a way to connect to someone or something, to understand on a deep level and to give some kind of warmth to someone who’s cold and lost literally and emotionally. 
These positions are stressful, how will you de-stress? All positions are stressful, whatever we do is stressful, but that’s part of the job isn’t it? I like cooking and cleaning so those would be my way of de-stressing should I feel that my stress has gotten pretty up there.
You’re in!!
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bountyoflight · 5 years ago
hmmmmm… thinking it’s time to leave this group someday soon, who wants my stuff (a few hundred stars?  the charity?)
I’d convert this blog to an indie blog, too, happy to still write with ppl!  I’ve really enjoyed meeting you all!!
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bountyoflight · 5 years ago
*shoves hornet in here like 2 weeks late* she wants to fight with you guys. she has a needle and can go fast. also she needs the money and a sense of purpose via fighting monsters ____________________________
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“We’ve no lack of enemies to manage!  Welcome aboard!”
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bountyoflight · 5 years ago
Bard would also like to help out inside! I've got a tiny amount of medical experience if there's a dire need and no one else that's... more qualified is around, but otherwise I can do anything non-combative for you! (No payment is necessary, either, you all are helping me enough just by letting me in)
|| ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ || 
Lothric suddenly wonders how the people are going to get over the barrier if they have to go & he’s distracted.  Hope that’s not important.  Bard is in!
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bountyoflight · 5 years ago
Quirrel Is Here To Help Inside (he cant really fight or defend)
|| ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ ||
Teleported over the car barrier!
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bountyoflight · 5 years ago
🐚 Concert of Ashes 🐚
The twins have broken into the Spiral Dome in the Golden Ward, a sturdy concert hall shaped like a conch shell that sits on a hill in the middle of the ward.  The hall seats 30,000, and should have plenty of room for anyone seeking refuge from the attacks.  Lothric has teleported a blockade of cars around the main entrance.  The other doors are locked. 
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Lothric is sitting on the roof just above the entrance,  Lorian is just outside the blockade.  Lothric may attack enemies with brilliant holy magic, by dropping other cars on them, or by dropping Lorian on them.  Catch Lothric’s attention, and he will teleport you inside the blockade, to the twins’ best efforts at safety.  They’ve been consistently ordering food for relief efforts throughout this event, and people taking shelter there are welcome to their supply.  There are medical supplies available as well.  There are signs (not pictured) to indicate that this place is a refuge that welcomes all citizens.
The twins are looking for people to
stand guard inside the barrier (not available to minors)
take shifts in a primary defense capacity so one or both of them can rest (not available to minors)
help out inside, especially tending to any wounded
They will pay your muse for their efforts.  Minors will volunteer and should stay within view of an adult at all times, which could be an NPC you control.
An announcement with a lot of this information was posted on the Bounty of Light website, where your muse can find out about it, but the message may have some typos, because Lothric and Lorian have grown to their original sizes, 12 ft and 16 ft respectively, and presently have a harder time typing on a keyboard.
🐚 If your muse is here to help, send in a note about their arrival and what they’re contributing at [xxx]
🐚 To interact with the twins, as a muse or a boss you control, like this starter call [xxx]  If you want your muse to pretend to be a civilian to sabotage the refuge, please IM me first so we can plot.
🐚 Feel free to use this location in threads as you like 🐚 You can assume Lothric let your character in if they need shelter.
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bountyoflight · 5 years ago
Lorian is waiting at Savior’s Respite.  He has a bandana around his face to protect him from toxic mists, but he was pretty durable to start with, and it’s not going to slow him down.  He’s slung his crutches on his back, and he’s on his knees holding his sword; Lothric’s teleport miracle will take care of most of his movements.  He also has a cell phone and a speaker, for playing loud sounds to scare Denizens and other creatures.
The plan is very simple.  Fibonacci is being pelted by fireballs.  The Denizens are dangerous to people.  Someone needs to chase them into Fibonacci and teach them the meaning of regret.
He’s waiting for others to show up.  Then the hunting party will depart.
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bountyoflight · 5 years ago
Lorian has a plan, and it’s to
Lothric loves his applications, but Lorian doesn’t work that way. Just meet Lorian at Savior’s respite tomorrow (4/20) for a glorious day.  Bring horses or vehicles if at all possible.
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bountyoflight · 5 years ago
Disaster Relief Agent Application Name: Quirrel Ward: I don’t tend to stay in one over the other. Proposed support: I’m willing to help wherever is needed, but I do know the city rather well, and I can certainly transport supplies. I’ve also plenty of experience bookkeeping. Length of commitment: However long it takes.
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“Welcome, welcome, it is good to have you.  You can start right away at our station at the Spiral Dome in the Golden Ward.  You can be in charge of restocking the outpost.  You can work with Johann to determine what is needed, and I am sure he will appreciate the bookkeeping help.  I will text you the contact information of the suppliers we have found which are still open through all of this nonsense.  If you find yourself with nothing to do, you are welcome to assist any of the others, there is no shortage of things to do.  Do you have a vehicle, by any chance?”
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bountyoflight · 5 years ago
Oh dang.  Disaster relief ppl working for Bounty get to wear the volunteer cloaks [xxx].  There’s no time to put together something new, & the twins ordered a bunch of cloaks when volunteering started...
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bountyoflight · 5 years ago
During the eclipse on 4/18/2020, Lorian @ashes-of-omelas is waiting on the platform around the Spirale Hole, recognizable as a volunteer by an orange cloak [xxx].  He is here to welcome newcomers.  There are no refreshments this time, and he looks pretty grody, but he does have a stack of brochures [xxx] to hand to anyone who chooses to approach him.  He will willingly answer questions, but he looks pretty tired, like he’s really seen some shit today.  He also has brochures with information about Bounty of Light’s disaster relief operations [xxx] and their formal statement on the present conflict [xxx]
They texted the other volunteers to tell them they don’t have to come, but that may not deter Jon Kent @smallblueboyscout
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bountyoflight · 5 years ago
Bounty of Light Disaster Relief
Update 4/17/2020
☀️ If anyone needs shelter, they can call the Bounty office with their general area, how far they can travel, and any needs or preferences they might have.  Bounty will provide them with a hotel room in a safe-enough location (Call 10 am - midnight, daily).
☀️ Starting tomorrow, 4/18, Bounty will have a station set up for passing out food and supplies, and offering non-critical medical care, at the Spiral Dome in the Golden Ward.
Assigned to the Bounty office:
Lothric @ashes-of-omelas (Founder, coordinates hotel rooms, general questions)
Assigned to the Spiral Dome:
Johann (’Bard’) @glidewing-bard​​ (Station manager, may make rounds engaging with those at the Dome to strike up conversation & check in) Susie @charmingsecretary​ (Medic for robots; can help repair mechanical limbs, assistive devices, and general technology) Wilson @gcntlcmanscientist​ (Medic for organics) Spyro @borntoglide​ (Distributes food and supplies) Jon @smallblueboyscout​ (Distributes food and supplies)
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bountyoflight · 5 years ago
Disaster Relief Agent Application Name: Susie P. Haltmann Ward: I can go wherever needed, though a reliable system of transport would be most appreciated. Proposed support: I can offer mechanical repairs as well as rescue operations, given proper equipment. Length of commitment: I’m willing to work until the crisis is averted. Let’s do our best to get this done!
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“Ah, that is quite a point, hiring transportation... I wonder who is open, to rent out vehicles.  I have a ‘hoverboard’ I was given by the Stars for some ungodly reason, but I cannot think that that is entirely useful.  Hmmmm.  Well, I am not going to intentionally put anyone in danger, and please advise me as needed, how to support you in this work.  You have experience assisting our robotic neighbors with repairs, do you not?  Your skills will be quite useful, and I thank you for your interest.  I will let you know so soon as I have a job for you.  You are welcome to stop by the Bounty office if you are in the area...I am leaning into this apocalyptic ‘vibe’ by heating up disgusting pasta from cans, like in the movies.  What is lost in taste is perhaps made up for in the experience of it all?  I do not have anything else, and it is warm food.”
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bountyoflight · 5 years ago
Disaster Relief Agent Application Name: Johann, though most people just call me Bard Ward: I live in Cotes Ward, but I can help out anywhere! Proposed support (powers, abilities, etc.): I’m not magically gifted or good with a weapon, but I hear I’m good with people and I think I’d be good with helping out victims emotionally if it’s needed, or with guiding people to safer places. Every organization needs a middle man! Length of commitment (which days are you free?): I work at the school, and I’m not sure… if classes are still going on? If they are, I’m free every weekday after 4 PM, and full days on weekends. If not, I can do whenever!
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“I should hope that classes are closed, I would certainly refrain from risking my life to... calculate the area of a triangle, or whatever it is that goes on there.  It is something about two triangles making a rectangle, so it is half the area of that rectangle, is it not?  There, we have solved it, everybody can go to school later.  Hmm, that gives me an idea, perhaps we could set up an emotional support crisis line?  Well, I will know more about how to organize this task force once I have a better idea of who is on it.  I will get back to you so soon as I have an assignment.  Welcome to the team!  Please feel free to come by the Bounty office for canned ravioli and leftover pizza, if you are in the area; it is, naturally, an extension of our... commitment to class and taste.  It is food.  It is warm.  Love to have you.”
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bountyoflight · 5 years ago
Disaster Relief Agent Application (in person bc he hasn’t figured out technology yet) Name: “Wilson P. Higgsbury!” Ward: “Anywhere that’s needed, I suppose! I live in Archimedes, for what it’s worth at the moment.” Proposed support (powers, abilities, etc.): “I can’t offer much in terms of combating this threat directly, but I do have some medical experience. I can tend to the injured.” Length of commitment (which days are you free?): “I don’t really have any commitments at the moment… Anytime, then?”
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“Wonderful.  Excellent.  We are glad to have you.  When my brother returns, he will pick up some food and supplies from a supplier we were able to get in contact with; perhaps you could help at one of the shelters.  We may also eventually offer hotel rooms to any who need it, so there may be a need for answering phones and coordinating that sort of thing as well.  You could also, perhaps, make house calls?  There is a lot that you can do.  I will start formally assigning jobs as we get more applicants.  For the moment, now that you are here... I am making ravioli, and please feel free to wait in the conference room with the little dragon.  The pizza is... leftovers, but I swear that it is only left-over from yesterday.”
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bountyoflight · 5 years ago
*verbal, meeting in person because spyro is a baby dragon his fingers arent so nimble to type/write*
Disaster Relief Agent Application Name: Spyro Ward: uhh, golden right? it’s pretty flooded right now Proposed support (powers, abilities, etc.): I can breathe under water so if anyone’s stuck under water I can help them! I can also fend off some of those freaky monsters if they get in the way. My horns are good at that. Sparx can fly up to high places too and look for missing people! Length of commitment (which days are you free?): Sparx and I have nothing to do BUT help, also you don’t need to pay us or anything. So yeah we’ll be free to help any time!
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“I do not think that I can... add children to payroll, but I would insist that you find a cause to donate a salary-like amount to, if you would like to... volunteer... I will... ahh, let you know as soon as I have... found a suitable task for the other child who applied... dear goodness, it is raining quite hard, please, stay as long as you would like.  I am presently making food.”
“A-and you must be Sparx!  H-hi Sparx.”
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bountyoflight · 5 years ago
"I don't need the money, but I want to be part of disaster relief."
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“My father built his wealth on the suffering of others...I don’t need the money either.  Take it and donate it, if you’d like.”
“So... what ward can you cover, what powers do you have, what days are you free, and what are three good reasons I should send a kid into danger?”
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