Welcome to my Simblr page for my Sims 4 HARPG stable | Madeleine Holland | Active in The Equestrian Sims on Discord | Breeding and competing with ponies and cobs | Owner of The Cob Horse Club on TES
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TS4 equine community go 1 day without drama challenge (hard)
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Full Cheeks Snaffle Bridle !! 💜
I am publishing my first ever made bridle!! I know the bit could look better, but due to an annoying issue it has to look like that. I hope in future I will find a way to keep bit’s quality. But now I don’t know how to do it. I am still a newbie to creating content. Tho it has been almost a year, but I started with poses and well my first ever cc was obstacles pack earlier this year.
Download 💜🪴
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BW Flight of Fancy | RS Valkyrie x BW Pogo Stick
BW Hypernova | HEC Hyperion x BW Astro Queen
BW Tastes Like Candy | BW Riannog x BW Figgy Pudding
BW Larkspur | BB Nightshade x HEC Ragnarok
BW Glitter Goblin | BW Keincaled x BW All That Glitters
BW Viento | BW Pogo Stick x HCR Horchata
BW High Class Colour | HEC Hyperion x C9 Willow Whispers
BW Enigma | BW Glitter Goblin x HEC Ragnarok
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Some of the newest horses at our stable...
BW All That Glitters - Welsh Mountain Pony
BW Isn't She Lovely - Gypsy Cob
Mr. Benson - Mustang
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A website now? Really?
So, now Jocelyn moved to making an entire WEBPAGE dedicated to the shit talking. Tumblr wasn’t ENOUGH. She says she’s tired of the drama and she wants us to stop “harassing” her, but yet she’s the one continuing it on? Attention seeker really.
And the fact she keeps bringing up others are tearing down Equiliberty. No one is? The one who is, is you Jocelyn. You and your little minion staff team. That’s it. The people who runs the server that allows you to keep doing this (not everyone as maybe there are people who don’t agree with you and for that they’re excluded). But it’s not the server itself, but the people - especially you. No one is saying “oh the server is bad blah blah blah”.
Anyways; here’s proof.

A whole table of contents dedicated as well. Don’t you think it’s just BS she keeps continuing this? Faking things to make herself look good? Not showing everything when she has the “proof” meanwhile everyone else does LOL. Also claiming that others edit their pictures of proof of shit she’s done as she don’t want to admit she’s at fault.
Jocelyn, it takes so much more effort to edit and lie than to be a decent person. Just own up that you made a damn mistake and move on, then people will move on, but yet you keep it all going. That’s why we keep showing people the truth, and it feels you just LOVE the attention. By the way, making an entire tumblr blog and now a webpage, it does NOT make you look good at all lol.
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This shit has me so riled up its not even funny. She also grabbed all of my templates and re-uploaded them, probably without the "BW" I'm sure. While I'm not against sharing my templates, I do have it in my tou that I must be credited.
Joc/Jocelyn/the1moe of Equiliberty reuploads many cc but also renames cc content to delete my creator name from the package file.
This is mindboggling. I tried to take care of this privately but that wasn't possible. So. Here we go. Don't bother trying to ask me to take this down. This behavior needs to stop.
Jocelyn (the1moe), admin of Equiliberty, a Sims 4 server, has reuploaded many cc from other creators that were exclusive to servers to her own because by golly she wants her server to be the only one that people go to. I'm not talking about just tumblr links, no, I'm talking full on reupload to the server. If it has no name? You're shit out of luck knowing who made it.
Not only is said cc not in the open on Tumblr yet because I wanted to make my blog's theme look good before I start doing so, it has my creator name: camyza always in the file name. Here's why: File naming conventions were drilled into me back in college years ago and it has stuck since then AND I was tired of wondering what cc were what since Sims 2 days when MTS was known as MTS2. Just to give an hindsight of how organized I had become.
Back to the topic at hand: Hours earlier tonight, I found out from friends, that my content, as well as others that were exclusive to Discord servers that you are banned from, was reuploaded. That's one thing, but to have the files renamed to not mention my name? Are you for real? While yes I just made them longer, I asked Objuct specifically to be sure I could edit his tails before I did it. He said sure, go ahead. Why did I ask? Because it's common courtesy, because he busted endless hours to make the tail for Arabians from scratch, which after editing, I have huge respect more so than before. But no, let's rename a file and share it to your server anyway because you clearly don't give a damn.
Others in the EL server took it in their own hands to alert the staff in EL which I am very thankful for. I wasn't able to immediately due to having game night with a friend and my boyfriend on Valheim.
I'm always against paysites and following EA's EULA, but this is about something else: You don't respect people. Period.
These tails were NEVER released without my creator's name.
Proof is below of my formatting and being posted in a server I'm mainly active in.
Other cc of mine from friends that reported Jocelyn reuploading cc. There is way more. Those who don't want their cc there, I suggest you go there or have someone tell the mods to remove them.
My content has only been on TES, ES, and my own server at this time. I do not want any of my cc reuploaded to your servers just so you can use that + others as advertisement. I am more than just "another cc", Jocelyn. Quit using people's hard work to get people to join in your server.
Not only that: You have outright ignore people's boundaries and use other people to share cc and reupload to your server and for what? Because your server has the most people and that other servers are "poaching" them, summarized but mainly pulled from your own posts on Discord.
This is utterly ridiculous. I cannot believe I have to post this but here we are. Don't like it? You have yourself to blame here. And I sure as hell hope you respect my wishes to have you remained blocked on all platforms. Do not try to get around it.
Thankfully, your mods took action to take my cc down when my friends told them that my cc isn't allowed to be up there.
Learn something from them and respect people, especially their boundaries and wishes to have nothing to do with you and your server.
#and honestly i want her nasty little sticky toddler hands to stay away from my shit#equiliberty#fuck jocelyn#jocelynxflores
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While I desperately wait for MorphMaker to be updated, here's an edit I made of my newest Welsh Mountain Pony, BW Keincaled, being ridden by little Karmine Torres.
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Hello! I don't like to do this, but I think it needs to be done.
If you heard about Equiliberty, you probably heard about Jocelyn Flores, or Moe, or 2thedoe, or whatever her names are. I really didn't want to make this post, but seeing how she made a whole blog just to talk trash about other servers and people who are "harassing" her after her other blogs got taken down, I feel I need to say something and let others know what they would be joining into.
First I'd like to make a pointer here; Natalia does not take their time to dedicate "talking shit" about Jocelyn or whatever she goes by now. She only posted what felt was necessary to let others know what is going on behind closed doors that Jocelyn wants to keep pushing away as nothing and act the victim. Yes, maybe some of us said some things in the past, but what Jocelyn is doing is not cool.
What's really sad is I thought Jocelyn was an amazing person, but after all the things I've seen, I take it back. Sure she can be cool when she's not showing her true colors, but she can't own up to what she's done and take responsibility, and instead says she apologizes and then makes an entire tumblr blog dedicated to shit talking others and calling any other sims 4 equine communities/servers "competition". Your server isn't the only one, ma'am. Which shows one of the posts she's made on it below:
Secondly; what you're doing IS making a drama post by keeping it going. If it truly bothered you, just ignore it and keep going on with your life than wasting your energy on making an entire blog to be nasty towards others? You made your point, you block them, you go on, not have your 'friends' stalk them to keep you up to date with what's happening and keep stirring the pot by adding to your hate blog. And you're not transphobic??
Uh, I hate to break it to you but this:
This is the definition of transphobic. How can you say you want to respect them, but you don't want to even call them by their pronouns? You OBVIOUSLY don't respect them enough if you refuse to call them what they go by. Calling them by their desired name is the bare minimum, but it don't mean you respect them.
This may be an opinion, but this is a HARMFUL one. There are no "two genders". If you believe in science, then obviously you're not studying it hard enough. Sex? There is at least six:
X – Roughly 1 in 2,000 to 1 in 5,000 people (Turner’s )
XX – Most common form of female
XXY – Roughly 1 in 500 to 1 in 1,000 people (Klinefelter)
XY – Most common form of male
XYY – Roughly 1 out of 1,000 people
XXXY – Roughly 1 in 18,000 to 1 in 50,000 births
"Sex refers to biological attributes that distinguish organisms as male, female, intersex and hermaphrodite. Gender is a social construct, encompassing various psychological and social characteristics that collectively define individuals as men, women, non-binary or trans, etc." So obviously you don't believe in science enough to actually do your research, I presume? Don't make an "opinion" if you've never done any research on this type of a topic.
Yes, this is how we will run our community by making sure the person that has hurt multiple people don't join back and cause more problems. If someone causes you trauma in your childhood and you finally get away, would you want them to just come back in your life? I don't think so. Somethings CAN be forgiven, but obviously this is a big thing that hurts a big community, and you can't even take responsibility and give a lame apology to actually apologize for hurting others, but instead just to cover your tracks and protect yourself, along with "clearing out people who don't feel serves the server any purpose anymore" and in the midst of your breakdown, you ban this person who didn't do ANYTHING except check their balance because you weren't happy at the time.
Oh, by the way, here's the thing that I was referring to with the competition and once again dragging another server down in this "quote unquote" not a drama post. No one is poaching members from the server, they're doing that on their own. They're not going to stay in a server with someone they don't feel comfortable with. But AI generated logos? I was there during the time and I don't remember any AI generated logos? I remember a conversation about AI generated images and Jocelyn not agreeing with banning them or not seeing anything wrong with it and not seeing the point in getting angry over it.
No one attacked the server, Jocelyn. Everything that's been said was towards you who has ruined the server for everyone, even to the point removing general because you couldn't handle being called out and instead was lashing out at the others and acting the victim in the chat, deleting anything that even mentioned it or asked a question. OH! And kicking someone out of the server for simply asking a question for you to clarify what you said.
Only server I've ever had to walk on eggshells and scared to interact on was in Equiliberty - but that was because of you, and that's why I left. I was scared to interact after your little meltdown because if someone said anything there was a possibility of getting banned for no reason. But these servers? They feel truly like home and not once has there been any problems, and they actually listen to the members when there's a suggestion made.
Anywho, onto yet another post she had made!
No one has made accounts just to harass you - it's more like you who has done that, huh? And useless tumblr posts? It's pretty useful to me to avoid someone like you who can't seem to let things go and keep it going and not even take responsibility of your actions.
Quite sad you won't even take in other peoples words when trying to tell you there isn't just "two genders". No one is making the LGBTQ+ more important than the "other factors" but we're tired of not being taken serious and being brushed aside as if we're nothing but garbage. Yes, we all matter equally, but to go out of your own way to downsize the importance of this is quite astonishing. To be going around saying "it's just my opinion" and very clearly saying you won't be calling someone by their pronouns because what YOU see isn't what they identify or feel like or even "pass" as but yet you still "respect" them really shows the type of person you are and to lie to cover your own ass too on top of it. Uh huh. I sure as all hell don't feel respected, you've lost all my respect for you.
Many people have posted straight from the source of where things were said and done, so you're right! Never assume! People know who you truly are now, ma'am.
And here she is with her saying her other accounts have been deleted and ofc this being her first post! Totally not drama posts, right?? RIGHT?? So, there's my proof of her verifying this whole blog is dedicated to harassing others and talking shit and trying to turn it around on the ones who tell and show the truth. Have a good life Jocelyn, but sooner or later, others who are sticking around you and protecting you will realize who you truly are.
#sims 4#equiliberty#jocelynxflores#drama#ts4#its giving boomer#this is just really sad at this point
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Update on Equiliberty Sims, 'Equiliberty Admin Joc/Moe pretends to be gay and trans on alt.
Small update. In a previous conflict that unfolded on Equiliberty Sims, through the back and forth, a new account by the name is the1evilqueen joined the server claiming to be the admin’s long term trans and gay friend. They defended this admin’s discriminatory remarks, claimed they didn’t care if they were misgendered and neither should others, that those who were upset by the remarks were giving the community a bad name, etc (full message pictures in images below). It had been a new account, who only joined the server at that moment, and was at the time considered to be an odd addition.
It had come to our attention recently that this account is, in fact, an alt account of the admin in question. Previously known as 2thedoe, it was noted that old conversations with that account had changed, and the profile was replaced by the1evilqueen — the account that came to the defense. Below you can see the conversation that was previously with 2thedoe, now with the new alt account. In addition, 2thedoe’s previous comments in a server now come from the1evilqueen. In short, the old alt’s username was changed.
It is very, very shameful that this admin would utilize a fake account to pose as a member of the LGBTQ+ to defend herself from her remarks. It is truly disheartening to see someone would go as far as to create a false persona to try to protect their hurtful opinions. This is not okay.
People can learn, but to go this far is over the top. Please reference the screenshots below.

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Just some of the imports I've made recently for members of TES
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Current roster of mares at Boulderwood Stables - BW Figgy Pudding, RS Valkyrie, HART Swipe Your Card, BW Astro Queen, HEC Ragnarok
#equiliberty#sims#sims 4#sims 4 horse ranch#sims harpg#sims horse#ts4#ts4 horse#sims equestrian#harpg
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■ BW Pogo Stick & Emilia ■ Out for a midnight gallop on the beach
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From baby...
... To grown-up
■ BW Moon Cake ■ Bred by Boulderwood Stables
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Four pretty stallions up for stud at Boulderwood Stables!
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