bosquemar · 7 years
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Marvel Valentine’s by me
(Please reblog if you use, and don’t delete the caption!)
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bosquemar · 8 years
a baby can be born right now at 12:00, on a wednesday, august 24 in new jersey while another baby is also born in the exact same moment but they are born 9:00, on a tuesday, august 23 in california, these babies that are born at the same moment are technically because of time zones, a concept that we created ourselves, born “hours” apart even though really they are born at the same moment just not the same “time”, one will be considered older even though in actuality they are the same
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bosquemar · 8 years
At what point does a spoon become a shovel
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bosquemar · 8 years
I want a “just checking in” kind of love.
a “baby did you eat today?” kind of love.
a “you’re the first person I told” kind of love.
an “I gotta kiss you before you leave” kind of love
an “I love you” before we say bye kind of love.
an “I noticed that you need this so I got it for you” kind of love.
a “we’re not going to bed til we’ve made up” kind of love.
a wipe my tears away kind of love.
a nonstop joke fest until I smile again kind of love.
a goofy smile when I walk in the room kind of love.
a hold me until my panic attack passes kind of love.
a rub my back after work kind of love.
I just want to feel completely, totally, truly loved.
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bosquemar · 8 years
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bosquemar · 8 years
USA Network has a show called Eyewitness that literally nobody knows about because they’ve done zero promotion. Ads never air, we get promos THREE DAYS before a new episode, they tried to push us to 11PM instead of 10PM, made a Facebook/Instagram/twitter account for all their other shows except ours.
They never wanted this show.
It centers around a gay couple and I will forever believe that is the reason. They promote all their other shows?
So please put your tv on USA Network tonight at 10PM for just an hour please. Let’s prove them wrong and let them know we do want this even though they don’t. Please.
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bosquemar · 8 years
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james vs tyler
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bosquemar · 8 years
i dont watch the show but im happy for everybody that the anime ice skater guys are getting married
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bosquemar · 8 years
Me: I just had an emotional breakdown. This is serious. I shouldn’t joke about it.
Inner me @ me: Figure out the most relateable way to make it into a post that people will interact with. Profit off your misery for attention and validation.
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bosquemar · 8 years
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bosquemar · 8 years
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bosquemar · 8 years
plot twist: you let someone in and they don’t fuck you over
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bosquemar · 8 years
No matter how kind you are, German children are kinder
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bosquemar · 8 years
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For some of us, the holiday season can be a hard one. That sucks, so we made something for all of us. It starts today, December 1, and it’s called 31 Days of Self-Care. It’s a list of purposeful, daily activities meant to pick yourself up, calm yourself down, and often a little bit of both. You can participate every day, some days, one day, whatever feels right. We’ll be posting daily prompts as well as reblogging some of our favorites we find in the #postitforward and #31daysofselfcare tag, so be sure to tag your posts! See the full list of prompts below.
Question! What’s your happy place? Reply here or illustrate it.
Post a link to a song that makes you feel happy. Send it to another Tumblr.
Share something on your Tumblr for someone who might be going through a tough time. It can be anything: a photo, a GIF, or advice.
Look at this cute GIF by My Whispered Colors (@mywhisperedcolors). When you’re done, look at it again. Then pass it on.
Color in this square made by Tumblr Creatr Josh LaFayette (@joshlafayette).
What does your dream world look like? Draw it, animate it, or just tell us about it.  
Create an emoji spell for self-care, happiness, positivity, or all three!
Make a list of three (or more!) things you like about yourself.
Write a Tumblr chat post where you cheer yourself up after a bad day.
Color! Here’s a square from Tumblr Creatr Geo Law (@getaloadageo). If you’d like, submit it to the Mental Health Quilt (@mentalhealthquilt) when you’re done.
Question! What’s your favorite self-care activity? Reply here or illustrate it.
2016 was a rough year. Make a list of good things that happened.
Cheer someone up today. What are some things you can do to make a friend in need feel better?
Make a list of everything you do for self-care.
Tag a Tumblr friend in a post and make a list of things you like about them.
All of a sudden—a Dementor appears! You are about to cast a Patronus Charm. What would your favorite positive memory be?
Make a list of everything you’re proud of accomplishing this year.
Share a playlist of songs you can listen to if you need cheering up.  
Spend 10 minutes looking through your Tumblr dashboard today. Send something cool to a Tumblr.
Eat your favorite food today. Wait, post a picture of it first.
Make a 2017 to-do list of positive things for yourself.
Illustrate one nice thing you’ll do for yourself today.
Make a list of things you can do for yourself when you’re feeling down.
Color! Here’s a square made by Tumblr Creatr Brian Butler (@showdrawn). Make some magic with it.
Tumblr-grams! Send this positive post by Thoka Maer (@thokamaer) to a friend on Tumblr.
Take a silly/happy/crazy GIF of yourself with the Tumblr GIF maker.
Post a video that makes you happy. Send it to a Tumblr friend.
Make a list of five positive affirmations to live by.
Draw something that makes you happy! Anything you want: a plant, a tree, a food, a person, a cat.
Today is a mental day off. Remember to drink enough water and get enough sleep tonight.  
It’s NYE! Make a list of things you’re looking forward to in the new year.
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bosquemar · 8 years
would anyone like to idk.. treat me right
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bosquemar · 8 years
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bosquemar · 8 years
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