We Are Born Of Legends
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bornoflegends ยท 11 months ago
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Jennifer Lawrence
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bornoflegends ยท 11 months ago
"Jackson, this is my wife, Peggy." As Steve introduced her Peggy stepped forward and held out her hand to shake her stepson's. The boy may not look like Steve at first glance, but they had very similar eyes. Besides, he was Steve's blood.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Jackson." Peggy said with a gentle smile, Steve motioned Sarah forward.
"And of course, you've met Sarah already," The younger brunette returned Jackson's smile.
"Sweetheart, we should go sign those papers. We'll be back in a few minutes, behave." The behave was aimed more at Sarah than Jackson.
As soon as they were alone, Sarah spoke up.
"So... you're my brother?"
closed starter | @bornoflegends
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Things never seemed to go right for poor Jackson. For the fifteen years he had been alive on this planet, he had been in an orphanage, back and forth between foster homes ( which by this point he despised ), and every time heโ€™d end up right back where he had started no matter how promising things looked like they might turn out. To say he had been through some tough timesโ€ฆ well that was an understatement.
He had grown to like the orphanage and the people there. It seemed as if heโ€™d be there until he was no longer accepted because of passing the maximum age. That quickly changed though when he was forced to defend himself from a bullyโ€™s blow. The opposing kid ended up on the other side of the room, much to everyoneโ€™s surpriseโ€ฆ and fear.
Thatโ€™s when the testing came. First to see as to how he pulled off the feat, but when they found no results, they turned to blood tests to see if they could figure out the parentage of this kid. Perhaps that would bring answers, and it did ( though Jackson was still in the dark ). A call was sent out to call in the most unsuspecting personโ€ฆ Steve Rogers.
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bornoflegends ยท 11 months ago
Morfydd hesitated for a moment trying to decide what to ask first.
"You said a version of you died by Thanos' hand, you can start by explaining what you meant by that." She took a sip from her bottle and watched him suspiciously.
"Everyone knows you're a trickster, why should I believe you when you say it wasn't you who died when we were attacked? You've been known to fake your own death, multiple times."
Nodding Morfydd led her new house guest through back streets, going by the main road would have been quicker, but this way, they wouldn't be seen.
Letting the prince of Asgard into her home, Morfydd closed the door and went to her kitchen to grab the ale she promised him.
"Here, sit down." For good measure, she grabbed her own bottle, just in case she needed it.
"Shall we begin?"
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bornoflegends ยท 11 months ago
Mallory hesitated for a moment.
"He Who Remains showed up..." The way the timelines worked was a tangled mess, she knew the TVA was outside of the timelines but there was time in the TVA all the same.
"I showed up before you and Dad decided to leave, before I was born... Papa it was hard and I was worried about you and Dad the entire time, but everything is okay now, right?"
"I was looking for help." Mallory didn't know how else to describe it.
"Something bad happened, and I needed help, so I went to the TVA to look for you and Dad, or I guess a version of you and Dad."
She'd been lost and scared when she'd arrived at the TVA, but everything was okay now, and the people at the TVA had helped get her home.
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bornoflegends ยท 1 year ago
"I was looking for help." Mallory didn't know how else to describe it.
"Something bad happened, and I needed help, so I went to the TVA to look for you and Dad, or I guess a version of you and Dad."
She'd been lost and scared when she'd arrived at the TVA, but everything was okay now, and the people at the TVA had helped get her home.
Mallory nodded and followed after her father, still clutching the tempad. She didn't want to let it out of her hands for a second.
Their home looked much the same as it always had. Everything was familiar, except for one thing.
"Where's Dad?" As happy as she was to see her papa, she still needed to see her dad.
Stepping into the kitchen, Mallory took a seat at the table. This felt familiar and right, but still so wrong.
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bornoflegends ยท 1 year ago
Steve smiled a little and squeezed Jackson's shoulder.
"Then you'll come home with us, I need to sign some paperwork. Do you think you can keep your sister busy for a minute?" Sarah, no doubt would be bombarding Jackson with questions.
"You ready?"
closed starter | @bornoflegends
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Things never seemed to go right for poor Jackson. For the fifteen years he had been alive on this planet, he had been in an orphanage, back and forth between foster homes ( which by this point he despised ), and every time heโ€™d end up right back where he had started no matter how promising things looked like they might turn out. To say he had been through some tough timesโ€ฆ well that was an understatement.
He had grown to like the orphanage and the people there. It seemed as if heโ€™d be there until he was no longer accepted because of passing the maximum age. That quickly changed though when he was forced to defend himself from a bullyโ€™s blow. The opposing kid ended up on the other side of the room, much to everyoneโ€™s surpriseโ€ฆ and fear.
Thatโ€™s when the testing came. First to see as to how he pulled off the feat, but when they found no results, they turned to blood tests to see if they could figure out the parentage of this kid. Perhaps that would bring answers, and it did ( though Jackson was still in the dark ). A call was sent out to call in the most unsuspecting personโ€ฆ Steve Rogers.
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bornoflegends ยท 1 year ago
Nodding Morfydd led her new house guest through back streets, going by the main road would have been quicker, but this way, they wouldn't be seen.
Letting the prince of Asgard into her home, Morfydd closed the door and went to her kitchen to grab the ale she promised him.
"Here, sit down." For good measure, she grabbed her own bottle, just in case she needed it.
"Shall we begin?"
Morfydd was still trying to figure out what she was going to do with him once they got where they were going but right now her focus was getting him back to her place and keeping him distracted and talking until she could figure stuff out.
"Yeah, you're going to have to explain that too, but for now let's just get you somewhere safe and then we can talk about it." The brunette said glancing over her shoulder at the stranger.
"I won't have mead or wine like they did in the palace, but I have ale in my fridge, that will have to do."
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bornoflegends ยท 1 year ago
"Unless there's another Mrs. S Rogers at this address." Sarah said with a shrug.
"Nana sent a letter too... I think you should open it. We never hear from her. What if it's something important?"
"Mum, Nana Carter sent you something. Do you want it or should I set it aside for right now?" (for Peggy from Sarah)
Her daughter's solitary question holds her, as if a barred cage. Perplexion draws dark brows together as if two stormy clouds needed a conference over maple orbs. Her attention shifts to the parcel. A parcel that was now clutched with desperation in her hands. It wasn't someone's birthday. Was it? Had she forgotten?
Her dear Mum had never forgiven her for following in Michael's footsteps. The woman couldn't possibly fathom why her darling Margaret couldn't settle down, marry her nice GI, and give her a few grandbabies. She hated that the SSI promised and well provided more scintillating diversions.
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Peggy tries to nod affirmatively for Sarah to set it aside but couldn't summon up the nerve. Curiosity, as vile a sensation as it could be, claws at her internally and refuses to let her go. She paces, her step bedraggled with optimistic caution. "And you are positive it has my name on it, Sweetheart?" She asks, her town powdery soft and yet, choked with emotion.
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bornoflegends ยท 1 year ago
Mallory nodded and followed after her father, still clutching the tempad. She didn't want to let it out of her hands for a second.
Their home looked much the same as it always had. Everything was familiar, except for one thing.
"Where's Dad?" As happy as she was to see her papa, she still needed to see her dad.
Stepping into the kitchen, Mallory took a seat at the table. This felt familiar and right, but still so wrong.
She didn't quite know how to explain everything that had happened. She'd hung on to her dad's tempad the entire time. She hadn't known how to use it, but it had been a tangible piece of home.
Reaching into her pocket, she held it out for her father to see.
"I've been to the TVA."
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bornoflegends ยท 1 year ago
"I'm still trying to figure that out, but you're my son, that's what we know right now." Steve glanced towards the door, he was pretty sure that Sarah was on the other side dying to come back in and see her brother.
"It's up to you, kid. We want to help you, but if you need time I can give you that. Just say the word, I'll make sure my daughter gives you some space until you're ready."
closed starter | @bornoflegends
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Things never seemed to go right for poor Jackson. For the fifteen years he had been alive on this planet, he had been in an orphanage, back and forth between foster homes ( which by this point he despised ), and every time heโ€™d end up right back where he had started no matter how promising things looked like they might turn out. To say he had been through some tough timesโ€ฆ well that was an understatement.
He had grown to like the orphanage and the people there. It seemed as if heโ€™d be there until he was no longer accepted because of passing the maximum age. That quickly changed though when he was forced to defend himself from a bullyโ€™s blow. The opposing kid ended up on the other side of the room, much to everyoneโ€™s surpriseโ€ฆ and fear.
Thatโ€™s when the testing came. First to see as to how he pulled off the feat, but when they found no results, they turned to blood tests to see if they could figure out the parentage of this kid. Perhaps that would bring answers, and it did ( though Jackson was still in the dark ). A call was sent out to call in the most unsuspecting personโ€ฆ Steve Rogers.
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bornoflegends ยท 1 year ago
women with big brown eyes should be allowed to get away with anything and everything
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bornoflegends ยท 1 year ago
Morfydd was still trying to figure out what she was going to do with him once they got where they were going but right now her focus was getting him back to her place and keeping him distracted and talking until she could figure stuff out.
"Yeah, you're going to have to explain that too, but for now let's just get you somewhere safe and then we can talk about it." The brunette said glancing over her shoulder at the stranger.
"I won't have mead or wine like they did in the palace, but I have ale in my fridge, that will have to do."
"I mean you died, I know that for a fact so you can explain how you're back from the dead?" Morfydd, said, she needed to get a message to someone, but who could she call?
Thor was who knew where, her boss as she said earlier was not available... maybe she should call Lady Sif? In the meantime where could she take him?
"You need a drink? Okay, come with me."
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bornoflegends ยท 1 year ago
She didn't quite know how to explain everything that had happened. She'd hung on to her dad's tempad the entire time. She hadn't known how to use it, but it had been a tangible piece of home.
Reaching into her pocket, she held it out for her father to see.
"I've been to the TVA."
Mallory couldn't help herself. She had been through hell and needed some comfort from one of her favorite people.
To be fair, she'd earned it, hopping from branch to branch and now finally on the branch she was originally from. The universe wasn't ending.
Everything was alright.
"You wouldn't believe me if I told you, Papa." Mallory sniffled, never letting go.
"I'm just really happy to see you."
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bornoflegends ยท 1 year ago
"I mean you died, I know that for a fact so you can explain how you're back from the dead?" Morfydd, said, she needed to get a message to someone, but who could she call?
Thor was who knew where, her boss as she said earlier was not available... maybe she should call Lady Sif? In the meantime where could she take him?
"You need a drink? Okay, come with me."
"Outside of time..." Morfydd tried to process that information.
"... I think, you need to explain. Because if you're alive things are about to get really complicated." Not only would it throw a whole bunch of things into question, the legitimacy of Thor giving Morfydd's boss the crown for one. But also, it might come out how Morfydd herself was connected to the dark haired trickster.
"Does anyone besides me know you're here? Is there anyone with you that we need to worry about?"
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bornoflegends ยท 1 year ago
Even through the door, Jackson's exclamation could be heard if muffled.
"I believe Daddy's told him then," Peggy said, hoping Steve would forgive her that Sarah knew the truth about a minute before Jackson did.
Steve, meanwhile, was trying to gauge Jackson's feelings.
"Yes. I am. You've already met your half-sister, and my wife, of course, is eager to get to know you if you'll let us."
closed starter | @bornoflegends
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Things never seemed to go right for poor Jackson. For the fifteen years he had been alive on this planet, he had been in an orphanage, back and forth between foster homes ( which by this point he despised ), and every time heโ€™d end up right back where he had started no matter how promising things looked like they might turn out. To say he had been through some tough timesโ€ฆ well that was an understatement.
He had grown to like the orphanage and the people there. It seemed as if heโ€™d be there until he was no longer accepted because of passing the maximum age. That quickly changed though when he was forced to defend himself from a bullyโ€™s blow. The opposing kid ended up on the other side of the room, much to everyoneโ€™s surpriseโ€ฆ and fear.
Thatโ€™s when the testing came. First to see as to how he pulled off the feat, but when they found no results, they turned to blood tests to see if they could figure out the parentage of this kid. Perhaps that would bring answers, and it did ( though Jackson was still in the dark ). A call was sent out to call in the most unsuspecting personโ€ฆ Steve Rogers.
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bornoflegends ยท 1 year ago
"Who do you see?" Morfydd scoffed. It was so obvious now that Morfydd looked like her father. The one difference was that her eyes were green like her mother's, but that miniscule detail could be easily overlooked.
"I very clearly look like him, Your Highness."
"I never thought about who I looked like before, now all I see is him when I look in the mirror." (from Morfydd)
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"Really?" Torunn blinks in disbelief. "Because if I'm being honest. That is not what I see."
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bornoflegends ยท 1 year ago
"You would do that for me?" She hadn't ever had someone offer to teach her, maybe if things had been different, if she had two loving parents instead of just one, if she hadn't had to fight to survive, she could have mastered her magic by now.
"Why? You don't even know me." Right? He couldn't possibly know who she was.
Tendrils of magic swirled around her fingers, and Morfydd clenched her fists to squash it.
"If it was something I had done on purpose, I'd understand... but I didn't. I didn't ask to be a bastard, I didn't ask to be cursed with power I couldn't control. My mother said that I had a gift, but my gift couldn't save her." Again, the magic within her made a bid for freedom.
"I didn't ask for any of this."
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