up all night.
418 posts
[ kenzie, 18, est. selective. ] “People aren't either wicked or noble. They're like chef's salads, with good things and bad things chopped and mixed together in a vinaigrette of confusion and conflict.” ― Lemony Snicket
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boringbones-archive-blog · 9 years ago
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boringbones-archive-blog · 9 years ago
To love is to destroy and to be loved is to be the one destroyed.
Jace Herondale (via tenebrisincordemeo)
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boringbones-archive-blog · 9 years ago
( text to: 👉🏻👌🏻 Scott's hot brother )
Marcus: You're welcome?
Marcus: Finding me is one thing but how did you get my number.
Noah: Uhm I'm friends with Scott
Noah: when I asked for 'the hot one's number' he tried to give me his own number
Noah: he's something special.
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boringbones-archive-blog · 9 years ago
( text to: 👉🏻👌🏻 Scott's hot brother )
Noah: Is this Marcus?
Noah: sorry this is hella creepy I just wanted to thank you again for playing my friend's shitty song
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boringbones-archive-blog · 9 years ago
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boringbones-archive-blog · 9 years ago
Maybe Being Shitty Isn’t Okay, a concept.
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boringbones-archive-blog · 9 years ago
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boringbones-archive-blog · 9 years ago
Nothing is worse than when someone who’s supposed to love you just leaves.
Ava Dellaira (via quotemadness)
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boringbones-archive-blog · 9 years ago
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boringbones-archive-blog · 9 years ago
off to Italy! Ciao!
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boringbones-archive-blog · 9 years ago
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boringbones-archive-blog · 9 years ago
k dead
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boringbones-archive-blog · 9 years ago
the wolf among us || starters
❝ Is that a threat ? ❞  ❝ These lips are sealed . ❞ ❝ It is better to be feared than loved .❞  ❝ I’ve seen the way you look at ___ , okay ? You’re not foolin’ me .❞ ❝ You’re not as bad as everyone says you are . ❞ ❝ Anyone ever tell you you got a big fuckin’ mouth ? ❞ ❝ Whatever . I’m too out of it to get into it . ❞ ❝ We all have our parts to play . ❞ ❝ You can’t change the past . ❞ ❝ ____ , I’m gonna break your fucking face . ❞ ❝ I’ve heard stories about you . ❞ ❝ In some tiny little bottled up way , deep inside … you kind of enjoy it when things go wrong . ( Because it gives you an excuse to just … stop pretending ) . ❞ ❝ Life is easier with friends . ❞ ❝ Well I’d appreciate it if you’d fuck off . ❞ ❝ But no , hate’s the wrong word . They fear you more than anything . ❞ ❝ I know you like this whole ’ lone wolf ’ thing you got going for yourself . ❞ ❝ I wish I could have seen it. ❞ ❝ I’ll see you around . ❞ ❝ You almost looked peaceful . Except you’re lying in a dirty alley . ❞ ❝ Just … try not to be like ( yourself ) … ❞ ❝ Pardon the intrusion . I wasn’t aware this was a munchkin’s house .❞ ❝ I didn’t realize you were the bitch of the bitch . ❞ ❝ Hey , what are your plans now ? ❞ ❝ I’m not yours to lose ! ❞ ❝ Blah blah … blah blah blah . ❞ ❝ Are you saying you need a friend right now ? You can trust me . ❞ ❝ People are scared of you . I mean , look at your hands . ❞ ❝ You looked like when you take an action figure and bend it’s limbs the wrong way . ❞ ❝ But at the end of the day I’m still the bad guy . ❞ ❝ Everything used to be so simple … we had a beginning , a middle , & an end . ❞ ❝ When we suffer , we do it in silence . ❞ ❝ You should worry about your own fucking situation . ❞ ❝ I’ve made mistakes . ❞ ❝ You do what you want … you always do what you want . ❞ ❝ I’m glad you’re not dead . ❞ ❝ We need to do things the right way ! ❞ ❝ You’ll pray to any god who’ll listen that your mother never shit you into this fucking world .❞ ❝ Wait a minute … someone’s watching . ❞ ❝ I know it’s dangerous , but I’m not helpless . I can take care of myself . ❞ ❝ Not now , not now , shhhh , the grown ups are talking. . ❞ ❝ Out of my way ! I’ll show you how it’s done ! ❞ ❝ Do you want the Big Bad Wolf to take you away ? ❞ ❝ That was about 8 on the asshole scale … ❞ ❝ Cut the bullshit & quit wasting my time . ❞ ❝ This was really the wrong day to try & pull this shit ! ❞ ❝ You’re a monster ! A fucking monster ! ❞ ❝ You understand wanting to protect what you care about , don’t you ? You’d do anything . ❞ 
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boringbones-archive-blog · 9 years ago
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Marcus couldn’t help but make a cheeky comment at that, “You can be in a rock band and a fraternity? I thought those were reserved for stuck up rich kids and athletes,” he laughed, eyebrows raised. He knew that wasn’t the case, though, although he wouldn’t put it past the majority of the frats on campus to fit into that cliche. There was always one, though, wasn’t there? One that broke the mold. “You know what? Just for you guys, I’ll play it. Once. And only because you were insane enough to practically stalk me to get me to play it.”
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��    “Don’t worry, they get lots of shit for it. But it’s not a cool fraternity. They have a big house and do charity and stuff, but their idea of hazing is putting saran wrap on the toilet seat,” he laughs, shrugging it off. The level of ass-hole his friends exceed from being in a frat is exactly why he’s not in a frat. Noah can’t help but smile ear to ear when the other man says he’ll do it. “Really? Thanks, man, I seriously appreciate it,” he says happily, a little giddier than he likes to admit. “Hey, stalking pays off,” he winks, before he extends a hand, “Noah, by the way.”
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boringbones-archive-blog · 9 years ago
psa: me and @boringbones​ are fucking monsters and it’s beautiful. 
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boringbones-archive-blog · 9 years ago
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She grinned, nodding. “And that is why I close my eyes when I go down on you.” 
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“Speaking of which...” Nia wiggles her eyebrows, unable to stifle a laugh, “sorry, I wanna have sex but I can’t stop picturing you being afraid of my vag’.” 
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boringbones-archive-blog · 9 years ago
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     “It’s not even a date it’s like…a group outing.” Thomas told his sister who just ended up rolling her eyes once again. If their was someone he loved more than Elliot it was Juliet, they had a stronger brother sister than normal it was probably due to their shitty parents but Thomas didn’t like to think about it. “It’s not healthy to sit up in your room all day watching BuzzFeed videos.” He stated simply starting towards her closet as Juliet looked up from her laptop screen “Eugene is so cute though.” Her argument made Thomas want to roll his eyes but she was right, he was a cute man. While digging through what seemed like thousands of tank tops and sweat pants he found a nice white romper, he tossed the article of clothing on her bed “You look good in white.” He stated simply knowing she would have some argument or plead for her to stay home. 
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      “I don’t need to go out with a guy to be happy, Thomas. I also don’t want my brother’s girlfriend finding me a boy to go on a date with, also don’t want to go on a double date with my brother and his girlfriend. This is next level desperate shit.” She argued as she closed her laptop. Juliet never took a liking to boys unless it was Thomas, in a way boys scared her they were just…different. She was never able to grasp the concept of them or understand them and that was just terrifying. Thomas laughed softly at her argument, though she wasn’t wrong the double date thing was lame but it was a good excuse for him to keep an eye on her, “Listen. You are walking out that door with that boy in five minutes either dressed cute and ready for summer or like a homeless person hiding away for the winter, either way you are going so get dressed.” And that was Thomas’s last words before walking out to call Elliot with a quiet sigh. When she picked up he wasted no time with his usual sweet introduction, “Please tell me the guy is really cute. I don’t doubt your ability to pick cute guys but he needs to be cuter than me, mission impossible I know but tell me he’s cute.”
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     One of the reasons Thomas didn’t know who Teddy was is that he’s the only straight guy who works with her, and he’s, well, he’s fucking gorgeous. And even though he won’t admit it, Elliot knows Thomas would be jealous if he knew Elliot was working late with this guy. And if Ell’s being honest, if she weren’t madly in love with Thomas, she’d probably be all over Teddy, but since she can’t: she’ll just have to set him up with her favorite soon-to-be sister in law. 
Since Teddy came over for Elliot’s help on what to wear, Elliot was currently holding up about six ties to the medium grey color of Teddy’s shirt trying to see which one matched the best. “Hey baby,” Elliot says sweetly to the Thomas, and she can’t help but giggle when he started to panic to her about how cute Teddy needed to be. “This one,” she tilted the phone away to whisper to Teddy, handing him a matte black tie. “Stop worrying, Thomas, Julie deserves nothing but the best and I have definitely delivered,” she assures him, playfully winking at Teddy as he laughs at her. She scampers off to her bedroom, eyeing the dresses on her bed, still holding the phone to her ear. “What are you wearing tonight, baby? Because I have the pink dress laid out, but I really like the pink one too. Which do you think is better?” 
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     Teddy was terrible at dates. He was smooth when it came to casual flirting, phone calls, even texting. But when he knew he had to sit and have dinner with a girl he’d never met and actually impress her? His palms were sweating. He’d honestly only trusted Elliot on this date because they’d become such close friends at work, and he really only agreed to go when Elliot said she and Thomas would go, just to make it a double date. And he can’t help the little ball of nervousness in his stomach that he’s about to meet Thomas, who could possibly hate him for both hanging out with Elliot and potentially dating his sister. Great. He sighs loudly, grimacing at his reflection in the mirror. “Ell!” he called to her from where he stood in her studio, “Ell I’ve been working in fashion for six years and can’t tie a tie! Help!” 
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