8 posts
that girl - she's hiding horns.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
day 2(?) and we out.
yeah, sorry. not really feeling like troy belongs in this directory. please unfollow immediately and enjoy jeju, i just won’t be taking part of it since i feel like the environment just isn’t suited for her dramatic/angsty ass if that makes any sense. peace and love to you all.

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✱ ━━ “English bulldogs are my favorite, you know? Or maybe pugs. Certainly not French bulldogs, though; this is a baguette-free house. They’re all that ‘so ugly it’s cute’ kind of dog which I love though. Reminds me of you a bit. Hey, if I adopt one today will you be its mother?”
It was a rather overdone thing to do - visit a pet shop with another person. Such things were reserved for the more sheltered people: those that didn’t have an inkling of an idea of what to do to have fun. Such was the blonde’s thought on the matter, anyway, though she found pleasure in looking through the puppies that yapped in their cages and she proceeded to go around sticking her fingers into any of the bars she could fit them through to pet the animals that crooned and begged for more attention.
“Remind me why we’re here again? I think you said something about me needing company since I visit you too much though I suppose you’re right in that aspect; you’re not nearly enough. Something that doesn’t talk back to me would be a lot better, too, even if it barks.”
It was a common thing to do - for Troy to berate those she was closer to, knowing they knew her enough to be aware that she meant no harm by what she said though it likely still bit at them nonetheless. She would apologize if her humor was too much, though oftentimes she just let it slip - not caring about the other’s feelings since she took the same treatment easily in return, finding it a source of fun banter as opposed to the endless streams of compliments the plastic individuals of society shared with one another.
“How about this one? He’s cute. I want to call him Gladstone - like Sherlock’s dog.” Pointing out a lone English bulldog that was curled up in his own cage, she ran a finger along the folds of its small back and smiled privately to herself - enjoying the presence of the adorable creature that the predator of a woman would deem as her curiosity’s prey much like Gladstone was to Sherlock. She would not abuse the animal, though she was surely no expert of animals and thus anything she did would be an experiment - from choosing food for the animal all the way to finding out how to groom it. It was a steep learning curve for the animal-illiterate woman but she was already set and couldn’t pull herself away from the cage she knelt before as she turned her head to her company.
“Say hey to your new baby, ‘mommy’. Call me ‘daddy’ from now on. By the by, you’ll have to keep him at your place. I don’t think my dorm takes kindly to animals. I might need to find a place to move to to take care of the little piece of shit myself.”
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Hey boy, I been thinking about us, Got me singing in the rain.
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✱ ━━ One of the perks of working for old lady Hanseol was that she was generous when it came to the way she paid her workers. On top of the generous payments, she would oftentimes overlook the actions of her workers so long as they didn’t make a mess bigger than one she could clean up.
( One of the disadvantages for working for the small cafe, however, was the periodic quota of ‘appreciation shipments’ they had to do for loyal clients that Hanseol knew personally enough to send her workers to. )
Meeting the end of the quota period, Troy had been actively shipping herself to every end of Jeju to take down the list of loyal clients that hadn’t been visited by the other waitresses just yet. Usually, she was half-assed in doing her small shipments and today was no different. Some said it was part of her charm, others said that it was exactly what they came for when they asked to be served by the cynical and sarcastic girl who could do more than just act cute and quiet like most of the other -dere ‘maids’.
When the door opened, Troy found herself visibly stiffening. She hated the small act she was basically forced to do - offering a sweet message she would have to write for those who she would visit in order to keep them loyal to the cafe through her feminine charm --
... or some bullshit like that.
“Hello! Troy here to thank you so very much for being such a good customer to us at BisouBisou. On top of my thanks, I made these specifically for you. Please enjoy them! ♥”
She would have thrown in an ‘ugu’ or a sickeningly sweet pose like most of the other maids if it wasn’t for her pride butting in the way, blocking out any chance for her to do so besides the puckered expression she donned at the individual who opened the door - quickly diffusing her ‘cutesy’ aura as she held out the bag of cookies she held out for them.
“These are for you. Just a thanks from BisouBisou or whatever. As a loyal customer you get a thirty-percent discount on your next maid rental. That includes a meal with your chosen maid at BisouBisou and an extra hour for conversing about any appropriate topic unless the maid grows uncomfortable. You should know the rundown by now.”
Rummaging the cookies in the bag by bouncing it on her outstretched hand, she started to go through the types with a casual expression:
“I did make these myself. I originally was going to be adorable and make gingerbread cookies with cute faces on them or some shit but they ended up looking more like gingerbread soldiers that didn’t make it through the war - charred and broken up so I made some simpler types. There’s chocolate chip, oatmeal and raisin, double chocolate, and one that kind of reminds me of a tart since it’s topped with cream cheese and has strawberry glaze in the middle in the shape of the cliche heart.”
An uncomfortable pause.
“I thought it’d be cute. I hope you like it. Please come see us again, alright?”
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✱ ━━ “I could have died. You know, hypothermia is kind of a bitch - it kind of shuts down the body if it gets to be too much and your hypothalmus just clocks out; it doesn't even give a warning, you know? It just fucking dips and you're left there like 'what the fuck do I do now?' I could have been stuck there, a body just skimming over the surface of the water but you just had to drag me out and ruin my fun, didn’t you?”
Perhaps to most, the stream of words coming from the chilled body of the woman would be perturbing. Instead of being amused as she was, they would be bemused but she kept a smile on her countenance - stepping into the rhythm of her company as she refused to shiver under the thick bundle of clothing she had been practically forced to hide herself under. Sand crunched underneath their feet as she continued speaking more to herself than her momentary companion, blonde locks soaked and her lips somehow still managing to move freely despite the fact she had been risking her life once more for the sake of having something exciting to tell someone as a story at a later time
( ... if she could remember it then. )
“Ah shit. I’m ... rather tired. Could we take a break?”
Hypothermia really was a bitch and its symptoms were starting to show as the woman started to slow her speech, her breathing also slowing despite her body attempting to go back to a homeostatic state by shivering freely. A sense of malaise swept over her body and her steps started to fail her, almost leading her to fall forward and plant her face into the sand before her. When she finally stopped, she was visibly confused - looking around as her eyes glossed over and her vision started to blur and then go back into focus as her body attempted to maintain itself awake and warm itself despite the pummeling wind.
“Hey ... do you think I could get a lift to the hospital?”
Classic Troy Bolton - the world’s dangers wrapped in a heap of blankets and clothes she wore around her body as she smiled calmly at her company as if to not make them worry though such was not her purpose at all. If anything, she was still attempting to persuade herself that her attempt at having fun was sane. She had invited her company out to see how long someone could brave the brisk waters of Jeju during the cold spell called winter. Unfortunately, she had only lasted a few minutes until said company had begged her to come out and had to drag her out once she reached a portion of the beach near the shore - her body stiff but not to the point of it being extremely dangerous just yet.
( As opposed to fearing the danger of doing severe damage to herself, she mostly feared the bruise to her ego that being called out for her act of brave ignorance would merit her. )
“If I say ‘please’ will you hurry?”
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don’t mind the old-ass icon here. this is an introduction so let’s focus on that i guess: i’m K ( SHE / HER ) pronouns though not picky at all. i’m TWENTY-ONE and am sickeningly in love with dangan ronpa / persona 5 / reague of regends / etc. i love to game and am usually on one if i take time to reply to you or maybe i’m just mcfucking sleeping idk one or the other. i’m on DISCORD , TWITTER , and of course TUMBLR so feel free to hit me up at any time. i love pre-est anything and endorse such since i hate introductory threads with muses and find them to be a waste of time but that’s just me ya kna i just want them to hop in and get in a tight situation already to avoid all the boring “hey how are you” / “lmao gucci my dude” shtuff. ah yeah i’m the mun behind TROY who i SPECIFICALLY MADE TO BRING DRAMA AND DESPAIR TO JEJU THROUGH HER GOSSIP BLOG / ACTIONS IF YOU WANT A BREAK FROM THE MUNDANE AND NORMAL so don’t be surprised if she’s a bit dark or just fucking weird here and there though she’s all-around friendly and shit so long as you wanna plot something light lmao. oh one more thing: i suck at formatting posts so don’t expect any fancy text formatting from me, i draw the line at icons so if that bothers you i’m gomen but that’s how it is. i will likely post troy’s background on her blog somewhere but for now it’s on her app so find it there because i’m a lazy shitter. as for a plots thread: idk if i’ll ever make one. i like going with the flow, you know? i like making unique plots, so to say. i don’t like fitting people to a mold when it comes to plotting so let’s always just brainstorm and come up with something fun and exciting for the two of us. finally let’s have some shit about troy, shall we?:
troy works at a home cooking cafe run by an old woman who obsesses with dressing up younger women and making them into doll-like fantasy models. there’s a new theme every month for the ‘maids’ who are kind of like female hosts in the sense that they can be ‘hired’ to sit down and have a meal with their customers but it’s by appointment basis ( must be notified a day in advance, can even be applied during off days if the maid is willing ). each ‘maid’ is based off of a type of -dere to fit with the japanese maid cafe theme and troy’s own type is the ‘hinedere’ type ( takes the icy nature of the kuudere and combines it with the arrogant attitude of the kamidere. hinedere characters are very cynical and sarcastic, but will show their soft side when a character breaks through their shell find references for all the maid types HERE ). i will be making a page for their info soon enough but ya
troy is a very hysterically funny person in my mind. she says things that people are thinking/too shy to say personally in such blunt and calm manners that it’s meant to be comical though her humor can be very degrading at times. she’s not a very compassionate personality unless you get close to her so please don’t take much she does/says personally since 99% of the time it’s in good fun/she wants a reaction out of your character
outwardly funny and upbeat/casual, troy also has an inner personality that she keeps to herself. she’s truly somber and downtrodden at times but she keeps that heavily private. she suffers from sleep paralysis at times due to her experiences as a child and she imagines her adoptive mother coming to take her in the night at times and lacks sleep sometimes due to it.
fun fact, she collects dakimakuras and plays soccer like a champ. she also loves to swim and play tennis so you might find her doing sports every so often if she’s not gaming with her army of dakimakuras watching her like an audience
she has a secret vice of smoking cigarettes. she finds it appalling but she really needs a cigarette whenever she’s hinging on her more depressive moods for whatever reason and she will be visibly altered when in those kinds of moods/snap at people all too easily so be forewarned if you want to see that
another series of fun facts: troy is exceptionally good at cooking, though she sucks at baking. she wants to learn how to bake better so if you want a plot like that hmu it’s a more light one but troy is VERY determined when curious about something so she won’t stop pursuing bettering her skill there so it could be a continual friendship or wtv
PLEASE SEND IN STORIES FOR TROY’S BLOG. I WILL POST THEM PERIODICALLY IF YOU WANT ME TO/ONCE I GET THE FORMAT THAT I WANT READY. I THINK IT WOULD BE FUN. make sure to include some evidence, however. troy doesn’t post stories with no evidence behind them just to keep the petty childish rumors away since she finds them boring
nobody should know troy’s identity as the jeju rumor blog admin but it’d be fun to have people find out maybe. hmu if you wanna do that since troy would not appreciate being found out but at the same time could be chill with it and maybe hire on people to help her find scoops
troy goes to jeju national university and lives in the dorms out of a scholarship which brought her to jeju to begin with. she loves jeju and finds it beautiful so she’ll be travelling through it often. if you want to include her as a cameo character in a thread i’m more than down for it. like seriously, do it. she’s the type to do anything and everything lmao nothing will make me all “no, she wouldn’t do that” like she’s seriously that fluid
welcome jeju’s fuccgirl. she is admittedly the type to smash and pass so if you want something serious with her just … don’t expect much since she’s also comically DENSE AS SHIT LMAO. unless you have the patience to pursue her consistently, please do not think anything romantic could happen between troy and your kiddo but feel free to ask for light fwb plots or whatever i’m always down for those
i think that’s it k, outtie ♥

#* ✦ . ` OOC/UPDATE ⇣: ... mother has arrived#* ✦ . `i updated it since i think it'd be best to include some info on troy lmao
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don’t mind the old-ass icon here. this is an introduction so let’s focus on that i guess: i’m K ( SHE / HER ) pronouns though not picky at all. i’m TWENTY-ONE and am sickeningly in love with dangan ronpa / persona 5 / reague of regends / etc. i love to game and am usually on one if i take time to reply to you or maybe i’m just mcfucking sleeping idk one or the other. i’m on DISCORD , TWITTER , and of course TUMBLR so feel free to hit me up at any time. i love pre-est anything and endorse such since i hate introductory threads with muses and find them to be a waste of time but that’s just me ya kna i just want them to hop in and get in a tight situation already to avoid all the boring “hey how are you” / “lmao gucci my dude” shtuff. ah yeah i’m the mun behind TROY who i SPECIFICALLY MADE TO BRING DRAMA AND DESPAIR TO JEJU THROUGH HER GOSSIP BLOG / ACTIONS IF YOU WANT A BREAK FROM THE MUNDANE AND NORMAL so don’t be surprised if she’s a bit dark or just fucking weird here and there though she’s all-around friendly and shit so long as you wanna plot something light lmao. oh one more thing: i suck at formatting posts so don’t expect any fancy text formatting from me, i draw the line at icons so if that bothers you i’m gomen but that’s how it is. i will likely post troy’s background on her blog somewhere but for now it’s on her app so find it there because i’m a lazy shitter. as for a plots thread: idk if i’ll ever make one. i like going with the flow, you know? i like making unique plots, so to say. i don’t like fitting people to a mold when it comes to plotting so let’s always just brainstorm and come up with something fun and exciting for the two of us. finally let’s have some shit about troy, shall we?:
troy works at a home cooking cafe run by an old woman who obsesses with dressing up younger women and making them into doll-like fantasy models. there’s a new theme every month for the ‘maids’ who are kind of like female hosts in the sense that they can be ‘hired’ to sit down and have a meal with their customers but it’s by appointment basis ( must be notified a day in advance, can even be applied during off days if the maid is willing ). each ‘maid’ is based off of a type of -dere to fit with the japanese maid cafe theme and troy’s own type is the ‘hinedere’ type ( takes the icy nature of the kuudere and combines it with the arrogant attitude of the kamidere. hinedere characters are very cynical and sarcastic, but will show their soft side when a character breaks through their shell find references for all the maid types HERE ). i will be making a page for their info soon enough but ya
troy is a very hysterically funny person in my mind. she says things that people are thinking/too shy to say personally in such blunt and calm manners that it’s meant to be comical though her humor can be very degrading at times. she’s not a very compassionate personality unless you get close to her so please don’t take much she does/says personally since 99% of the time it’s in good fun/she wants a reaction out of your character
outwardly funny and upbeat/casual, troy also has an inner personality that she keeps to herself. she’s truly somber and downtrodden at times but she keeps that heavily private. she suffers from sleep paralysis at times due to her experiences as a child and she imagines her adoptive mother coming to take her in the night at times and lacks sleep sometimes due to it.
fun fact, she collects dakimakuras and plays soccer like a champ. she also loves to swim and play tennis so you might find her doing sports every so often if she’s not gaming with her army of dakimakuras watching her like an audience
she has a secret vice of smoking cigarettes. she finds it appalling but she really needs a cigarette whenever she’s hinging on her more depressive moods for whatever reason and she will be visibly altered when in those kinds of moods/snap at people all too easily so be forewarned if you want to see that
another series of fun facts: troy is exceptionally good at cooking, though she sucks at baking. she wants to learn how to bake better so if you want a plot like that hmu it’s a more light one but troy is VERY determined when curious about something so she won’t stop pursuing bettering her skill there so it could be a continual friendship or wtv
PLEASE SEND IN STORIES FOR TROY’S BLOG. I WILL POST THEM PERIODICALLY IF YOU WANT ME TO/ONCE I GET THE FORMAT THAT I WANT READY. I THINK IT WOULD BE FUN. make sure to include some evidence, however. troy doesn’t post stories with no evidence behind them just to keep the petty childish rumors away since she finds them boring
nobody should know troy’s identity as the jeju rumor blog admin but it’d be fun to have people find out maybe. hmu if you wanna do that since troy would not appreciate being found out but at the same time could be chill with it and maybe hire on people to help her find scoops
troy goes to jeju national university and lives in the dorms out of a scholarship which brought her to jeju to begin with. she loves jeju and finds it beautiful so she’ll be travelling through it often. if you want to include her as a cameo character in a thread i’m more than down for it. like seriously, do it. she’s the type to do anything and everything lmao nothing will make me all “no, she wouldn’t do that” like she’s seriously that fluid
welcome jeju’s fuccgirl. she is admittedly the type to smash and pass so if you want something serious with her just ... don’t expect much since she’s also comically DENSE AS SHIT LMAO. unless you have the patience to pursue her consistently, please do not think anything romantic could happen between troy and your kiddo but feel free to ask for light fwb plots or whatever i’m always down for those
i think that’s it k, outtie ♥

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tropicana watch them go bananas ( one of those tag dump things i guess )
#* ✦ . ` REPLY ⇣: ... sorry i was in game#* ✦ . ` LIT REPLY ⇣: ... say less#* ✦ . ` GAME ⇣: ... so duo?#* ✦ . ` AESTHETICS ⇣: ... like if pink guy and green guy had a baby#* ✦ . ` SHE ⇣: ... damn who is --?#* ✦ . ` A.REPLY ⇣: ... my thubms are to of fat#* ✦ . ` S.PARA ⇣: ... spirited away by myself#* ✦ . ` OOC/UPDATE ⇣: ... mother has arrived#* ✦ . ` MUSIC ⇣: ... stop being hipster trash bro#* ✦ . ` H.CANONS ⇣: ... i'm on my last brain cell
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