borednwritin9 · 1 year
Be Perfect
*Trigger warnings: Rape, violence, death, torture*
“Be pretty, they told me. That’s how you get a boy’s attention. Not your brains, your accomplishments, but your body”, I told the man in front of me. “Do you agree with this?”
“N-no ma’am”, he managed to get out. I guess the fact that he had half his face missing didn’t help him out.
“Good”, I said as I was pacing in front of him, contemplating what to say or do next. He was lying, obviously. After months of knowing someone, and following them around, you learn things about them. Personality, body language, their weekly schedule, you know, the usual. 
“Danny, you know what I said about lying, right?” I continued. 
“Y-yes ma’am”, he stuttered out again. I noticed his eight fingers and one thumb twitching, also known as his way of showing he was lying. 
“Well I’m thinking about giving you a choice here, bud” I spoke. 
He nodded.
“Here are your options: a) you get to choose which limb you lose next or b) I tell you a story and you answer a question about it anfterwards”, I told thebastard.
“B”, Danny uttered, interrupting me.
“Ah, ah, ah”, I said, waving my finger at his one eye. “There’s a catch. If you answer wrong, you die”. That’s when all light left the poor man’s eyes. He kept thinking and finally answered.
“M-my answer doesn’t c-change”. Perfect.
“Well then”, I started as I pulled up a chair and sat in front of him. “Remember what I said about being told to Be pretty?”
“Y-yes ma’am”, he replied”
“Now that wasn’t true. For me at least, but a friend of mine, Maxie, was told this her whole life. She was a gorgeous girl, but was as smart as she was beautiful. Here’s the sad thing Danny, nobody cared about her brains, only her looks. She hated it. I couldn’t count the amount of times she complained to it about me on my fingers. 
So one night, Maxie told me she had a date with a wonderful guy in one of her grad school classes. She was so excited, like “about to explode” excited, so I offered to help her get ready. She looked like an angel, wearing a modest dress and heels, light makeup and her hair up in a ponytail. 
I was so happy for her, until she returned home the next morning. Her dress was ripped around the neck-hole to show her tits, heels bent, and chunks of hair missing. Not to mention she was covered in bruises head to toe, but especially on her neck. The worst part about it, she was crying two words and two words only. Wanna take a guess at those words, Danny?”
He stayed silent.
“They were Be pretty. It took hours to get her to explain what happened and to get her to say anything else. Once that finally happened, she told me that the date went wonderful, so they went to the guy’s place. When they got there, she was drugged and later woke up tied to the bed, with five other men standing over her, not including the date. They raped her all night, until in the morning, they finally let her go, but not without a warning. One of the guys, the one who asked her out said “Be pretty, it’s not like you’ll have any other major accomplishments”. We went to the cops, obviously, but they did jack shit, until she died later that night. And at that point the names were unknown by all. Until now.”
There was a silent pause. 
“Now Danny-boy, let’s get to be big question,  were are the other guys?”
He looked almost dead, I mean he was, but it’s meant as an expression in this case. 
“I-i don’t know. I haven’t-t talked to a-any of them in y-years!” He exclaimed.
“Is that your final answer, Daniel?” I questioned to him, although I knew it was. 
He nodded, again. I can tell he was on the brink of death so I decided to pity him before he died.
“Danny, I’m gonna turn you around, ok?” I said sweetly.
“O-ok” He mumbled out and I reached for the back of his chair and turned him around slowly. 
“I’m gonna be nice and pity you before I kill you, ok?” I was now in front of him. “You see these bodies attacted to the wall behind me?” I questioned again. 
He nodded, like always.
“These are were your friends are”. From left to right I named them. “Pat, Archie, Oscar, Noa and Ferris. All your buddies, and there’s even a space for you.” At this point I could tell that Danny’s fate is already laid out for him.
“Now Dan, I told you that Maxie died the night after you and your friends raped her, but that was more of a metaphor,” I then took off the black ski mask I had been wearing the entire time, letting my brown hair come loose, and grabbed the gun from underneath the chair I was sitting on. 
“I had you calling me ma’am this entire time, but we’ve known each other for a while at this point so I think it’s time you know my real name. I’m Maxine Wells, but you may know me as Maxie, the girl you took out on a date and then raped on this day five years ago.” I aimed the gun at his head.
“Fuck you”, I said, making those the last words he ever heard.
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borednwritin9 · 1 year
The Basement
*Trigger warnings: murder, suicide, torture, runaway children, abuse*
The June family was known to be the happiest household on the cul-de-sac. A traditional Christian household with their daughter as the local school’s cheer captain and their son leaving the house in just a few weeks for college on a football scholarship, Mr. and Mrs. June couldn’t be more proud of their kids. It was the last day of summer and Kelsy June was planning on going to a blowout party alongside his sister to celebrate the beginning of a new school year, or at least this is what they told their parents.
“You have everything packed?” whispered Elise to her brother through their shared vent. This is how they’ve been communicating for years since they found out about their parent’s actions. 
“Yep, just writing the note”, Kelsy whispered back. 
“Ok, meet me at the spot”, she replied and the boy heard his sister close her door and leave. 
Once finished with the letter, Kelsy placed the note on his freshly made bed and went to his closet to grab his backpack. He rushed outside to meet his sister in his new wood-panel Ford station wagon, parked down the road. Elise was already waiting inside the car for her brother, she was looking down and fidgeting with her hands. 
She was only 11 when she found out what was going on with her parents. Kelsy and Elise always believed their parents to be too perfect to be true, and they were right. Growing up, William and Sonya June only had one rule for their kids, never go in the basement. They never did, until one night, when Kelsy went to the kitchen to get water and heard sounds from below.
“I know you’re scared Else, but it’s what's best for us, for Joan. We’re going to go get help and they’ll save her”.
Even though Kelsy was the one who found her, he always had been calmer when discussing Joan with his sister. The older of the two finally put the keys in the ignition and started to drive the car down the road, away from their home, away from their worst fear for the past 5 years.
William June had just finished another session in the basement with Joan. His wife was sitting at the dining table with a cup of tea in her hands. 
“How is she?” Sonya asked her husband melancholically, who was washing blood, which didn’t belong to him, off his hands.
“Why do ya’ care so much about her!” William responded with his strong southern accent. “She was a mistake, one that caused you pain. So much that you almost died giving birth to that freak!”
“She’s still my daughter!” Mrs. June was now yelling, something she never did. 
“Yea, yours! Not mine! I will never consider her to be my child! I only have 2 children, who are gone!” It had been two months since Kelsy and Elise ran away. Sonya found the note her son had written on his bed, explaining that they knew about their older sister and the horrendous things their parents had done to her. William heard Sonya’s screams and rushed upstairs to ho his wife’s aid, still covered in Joan’s blood. He inflicted more pain that night forward than he ever had before.
A loud knocking noise interrupted their arguing and Mrs. June went to open the door, where a set of cops were waiting. 
“Mrs. Sonya June, we have the warrant to search your house”, said one of the police with a stern, unemotional voice.
“Uh, um, of course, come in”, she stuttered through and move slightly to let the cops through. They search through the two top floors of the house and luckily for Sonya, her husband was in the shower. Once finished, they were about to leave, when they heard a loud noise from underneath. One that sounded like a scream. The cops rushed to a door that they were told was a closet and entered down to the basement, where the most horrific thing they’ll ever witness was. 
A young adult woman was tied to a chair. She was too small and skinny to be considered healthy, with bones sticking out of her ribs, and blood dripping out of her nose and ears. Her arms and legs were so bruised that they made her limbs look pure blue. Her hair was shaven in certain spots, giving a messy polka-dot pattern on her scalp. She only had one tooth in her mouth, because the rest were stabbed into her chest to appear like a necklace. Horrified, the cops rushed up the stairs to arrest the June couple, but before they could, they found Sonya and William June hanging each by a rope around their necks, hand in hand, dead.
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borednwritin9 · 1 year
Bloody Hands
*Trigger warnings: death, murder, violence*
As I looked down, his blood was spilling from his slit neck to my fingers, covering his wound. It didn’t help that my tears were blurring my vision, but I tried my best to save him. My bloody hands now matched my nails, which were digging into his unhealthy, pale skin. Once help finally arrived, it was too late. I screamed as his lifeless body was dragged from me by the doctors and nurses, which didn’t help my voice when the cops questioned me. I was unable to speak, just as I had planned. They wouldn’t suspect a single thing, like always.
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borednwritin9 · 1 year
I always enjoyed staring at the stars and remembering their legends and stories. When I was younger, I used to sneak out of bed and run to the wood behind my childhood home. There was a clearing I had set up long before that had everything I needed for nights like this. I would lay across the quilt on the ground and just stare at the stars. On rare occasions, I’d see a planet or two, but my favourites were always the constellations. Before I had them all memorized, if I saw something familiar in the sky, I’d take a photo on my Polaroid camera and wait til dawn to look it up in my astronomy book. Nowadays, I always go back to these memories. The days were there was no flaw in life, but like space, we are two worlds apart from those times
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borednwritin9 · 1 year
Perfect is not a word I’d use to describe anything; except her. When I saw her dancing in the town square, right in view of my bedroom window, thoughts of pure adoration filled my mind. Rain droplets resting in the flowers that filled her braided hair brought ideas of peace, and the clean, sleek movements she made without falling into the puddles she danced through, it was as if I watched an angel—pure perfection. I continued to watch her until our eyes met for the first time, and the pale pink dust painted both of our cheeks. At that moment, my courage grew. I put on my boots and joined her in the rain. No words were spoken, just actions. We danced until sunrise. Once our final steps were taken, she simply bowed, picked up the flowers that fell out of her hair and left, as if her perfectness was never there, like every other night before.
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