boomingblue-blog · 8 years
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     OOC -
After some careful thought and a lot of debating I’ve chosen to put this blog on a bit of a hiatus. Indefinite as of now.
Personally I never really liked how I did this muse and recently my love for the Boom!Verse has sort of tanked. It’s not that I hate it exactly but I feel like there’s not just enough quality or quantity behind it canon-wise to really run a full blog, I don’t know if that makes sense but it’s the best way I can put it. Sure I could make my own things and ideas up but I started this blog to actually follow the canon character as best as I could and already I see my threads are repetitive and dull. Not unlike the show at times ha
I might come back to this blog one day but for now I can’t say when. All threads here are probably going to be dropped but if you’d like some kind of closure with them and want them to end after certain events we can hash out details on my other blog.
Sorry this is a bit sudden but it’s been a long time coming.
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boomingblue-blog · 8 years
                               yoυ wιll never нave тo deal wιтн anyтнιng alone
                                        yoυ wιll alwayѕ нave мe
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boomingblue-blog · 8 years
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Oregon Coast
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boomingblue-blog · 8 years
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boomingblue-blog · 8 years
Listen up. If you meet someone who puts genuine joy in your life, please do not take them for granted. If they make you feel alive again after years of wishing you could be six feet under, love them unconditionally. If you smile daily and laugh uncontrollably because of them, do not let them go. Do yourself the favor and do not let them go.
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boomingblue-blog · 8 years
This is my  e s c a p e . 
I’m running through this world 
and I’m not looking back.
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boomingblue-blog · 8 years
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H I A T U S   N O T I C E : 
               December 30th - ~January 8th
I’ll be visiting family on the above dates and I’m going to try to use the free time in between to actually draw things and avoid Tumblr for a while. Right after we get back I’ll be starting a new quarter at school ( kmn ) so the hiatus might be a tad longer while I try to readjust to things.
All replies after today ( 12/28 ) will be queued up, plus a meme or two thrown in because why not. I might post art too but we’ll see. Hope you guys have a good New Years and good days in general!
~ Tats
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boomingblue-blog · 8 years
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I’ve been thinking about Sonic in leg-warmers ever since I saw this fanart. So I drew (Boom!)Sonic in leg warmers.
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boomingblue-blog · 8 years
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boomingblue-blog · 8 years
A small incline of his head to the side was the answer to Sonic’s first comment, but was quickly replaced by a grimace at the sound of the scraping chair. The hybrid’s ear closest to it turning to flatten against his head to try to block out the sound. Voltage kept close, flicking his tail slightly to try to dislodge some of the remaining sand that was still stuck in the dense fur. As they made their way out of the village and down the path leading back to where they had been at Tails’ workshop, the sideways glance was caught by his iridescent purple eyes and he returned the look with a smirk of his own before nodding in answer. Mid step, the hedgefox tapped the front metal plate of his sneakers, the soft sound of his skates sliding out from the bottom compartment with a click as he transitioned from walking to skating gracefully. “Oh you know it.” With a grin that could possibly make the speedster proud, Voltage took off like a shot, pushing himself to race down the pathway, even if he knew full well that Sonic could catch up to him in half a heartbeat and overtake him in less than that.
     That was exactly the answer Sonic wanted and he watched Volt go for all of three seconds before zipping after the hybrid, overtaking his friend in a streak of brilliant blue light before turning to run backwards to fix the other with a wide, cocky smile. Volt may not have been the fastest person Sonic had ever raced but he was certainly the most enthusiastic and that alone made this fun for the hedgehog, evident by his delighted tone.
     “In case it needs to be said, you’re welcome back here anytime for a race. I could use the competition.”
     Turning back around the hedgehog slowed so they were running side-by-side and only started walking when Tails’ workshop came back into view, the brown building contrasting against the pearly sand. Once inside they found the fox welding the last bit of the contraption together, a safety mask covering most of the inventor’s face as the flame flared up. Keeping his distance Sonic walked over and examined the device with an air of satisfaction. 
     “Looks pretty good, right?”
Trip to Bygone Island [Closed]
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boomingblue-blog · 8 years
The healer’s brown orbs glances around them as they came to a beach, only to noticed a small but humble shack a little aways from them. I guess that is his home…Wait-does he not have a door?..
The brunette also noticed the rather tall and buff red figure standing in front of said shack. As Sonic spoke she half glances towards him before looking back towards the red echinda that was making his way over to them. When the echinda finally stood before them she gave him a good look over, seeing just how tall and big he actually is. Sonic is shorter than the echinda and certainly wasn’t as buff as him. Both had different physiques but as Sonic told her before himself and his friend were a team. She guessed that this echinda was the muscle to the team.
But she could sense the gentle air/aura around the big red guy, perhaps he is a gentle giant. Darcy smiles soft friendly smile towards him as he gaze shifted towards her.
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     Knuckles had a large, goofy smile on his face as he approached and all of his attention was on Sonic right until Darcy greeted him. After a quick look over the female hedgehog the echidna’s expression nearly did a complete turn-over, goofy abruptly became wily and almost...flirty. Or as close to it as Knuckles could dare imagine while he leaned in closer to the female.
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       ¦Ω¦ “Why hello there. Who might you be, beautiful~?”
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     Snickering behind his hand at his friend’s antics Sonic rolled his eyes, somewhat disappointed he hadn’t thought of this possibility beforehand. Knuckles was a charmer and often spoke before thinking things through all the way, not only that but the echidna wasn’t exactly shy when it came to girls. especially the pretty ones.
     With an amused tone the speedster crossed his arms, giving a sidelong look to Darcy. “You’ll have to excuse him. He’s an idiot.”
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boomingblue-blog · 8 years
  Nodding in response, the black and red hedgehog fired on her skates and started down the path her pink companion had chosen. Chaos orb lighting the way, the pair were forced to duck and dodge out of the way of further crumbling debris.
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* 🌑 。.:*:・'゜☆
  The only problem with the soldier being in the lead was that she had no idea what she was looking for. Eyes were constantly shifting back and forth through the dim and dusty hallway, trying to spot any sign of life. Hopefully, hopefully Cliff’s fur was bright enough it wouldn’t blend in with the shadowy surroundings…
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* 🌑 。.:*:・'゜☆
 “ ᔕOᑎIᑕ, ᗯᕼᗩT ᗩᖇᕮ YOᑌ –?!     …     ✋︎♎︎♓︎□︎⧫︎📬 ”
  The bat hung back after the blue hedgehog brazenly jumped towards their opponent – Lyric, apparently. And also apparently, this was someone the speedster had felled before. Eyes narrowing, Blush silently hopped up into the branches of the trees and then around, trying to reach Lyric’s back.
  He was big, that was sure. But if they kept him on edge, not knowing which way to face… Well, that size of his would be more of a hindrance than a help.
     Amy stayed close to Nebula’s side, since the last thing they needed was to get separated in this mess and add to the list of missing persons, occasionally smashing fragments of the walls out of their way with her hammer. The darkness wasn’t helping their search at all and if it hadn’t been for the orb of light - something Amy glanced to every now and then - they would be traveling blind.
     Whether it was luck they never tripped or something else she didn’t know but as they rounded a corner a new, shaggy form was illuminated in the light, prone and partially covered by crumbled stones.
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    ¦♀¦ “Cliff!”
     The hedgehog was focused on the snake and vice versa, neither noticed the bat sneaking her way through the trees. The air went still for a moment, tense as the two enemies glared at each other, neither making a move. The last time they had faced off hadn’t been the most prideful moment for Lyric, not that one could tell that from looking at him now. The snake was oozing confidence for reasons Sonic couldn’t fathom, and the hedgehog did not like it.
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     “How’d you get out?”
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     ¦ℾ¦ “Oh, you know a good magician never reveals his tricks, hedgehog.”
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boomingblue-blog · 8 years
         In hindsight Sardonyx probably should have informed the cerulean hedgehog that this seemingly plain, grey scarf she adorned held great, sentimental value. However they were both lingering amidst a public place, so sharing this little fact with him was unacceptable at the moment.
         When the Sonic alternate stepped over their now fallen food and gently put a gloved hand upon her shoulder, she shot him an irked expression. Though this one was much ‘softer’ in a sense, compared towards the look she bestowed on Eggman earlier. She knew he was only trying to somewhat sooth this situation, but the artificial girl did NOT like her prized possession becoming scuffled by minor nuisances. Once the human verbally agreed with him, a low growl absconded from vocals as she gave this naive individual before her an icy glare.
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         “That so-called ‘joke’ wasn’t funny, at all.” she blatantly stated. However once triangular, ebony ears caught wind of the azure, anthropomorphic hedgehog’s next words, a tense pause penetrated their surroundings for some time. Finally the sentient clone broke it, by releasing an annoyed breath. Sardonyx personally preferred taking her grievances to the source of it at this second, but she supposed that worked as well. In the blink of an eye, she then lunged at Eggman’s robot with her own spin-dash technique and hit the unfortunate machine at its side.
     As it was Sonic hadn’t even noticed the stain on Sardonyx scarf and had simply assumed Eggman’s presence alone had gotten to her - he had been there, done that himself after all. All thoughts of the cause, however, were pushed aside when the female suddenly attacked in a move Eggman knew far too well, and that Sonic hadn’t been expecting but loved. The hero never would have guessed she was the fighting type.
     The robot jerked from the attack, falling back a full five paces and threatened to fall over entirely until the doctor managed to right the controls, glaring at the female with dramatic anger and disbelief.
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      ¦⊗¦ “What?! How many of you speedy pincushions are there?”
     The first response the doctor got was the other ‘pincushion’ launching himself at the cockpit, both feet smashing into the glass and forming a nice, neat spider web of cracks before he jumped back to the ground, grinning from ear-to-ear. 
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     “Hey, you brought this upon yourself Eggman. You might as well give up now.”
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boomingblue-blog · 8 years
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H I A T U S   N O T I C E : 
               December 30th - ~January 8th
I’ll be visiting family on the above dates and I’m going to try to use the free time in between to actually draw things and avoid Tumblr for a while. Right after we get back I’ll be starting a new quarter at school ( kmn ) so the hiatus might be a tad longer while I try to readjust to things.
All replies after today ( 12/28 ) will be queued up, plus a meme or two thrown in because why not. I might post art too but we’ll see. Hope you guys have a good New Years and good days in general!
~ Tats
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boomingblue-blog · 8 years
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When Amy isn’t home.. :D
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boomingblue-blog · 8 years
“That sounds like a rather interesting group of friends. Werdios? is that so?. You must fit are in then” she remarked jokingly with a half smirk.
They must be very close if he can mockingly joke about them in such a way…
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“I’m even more interested to meet this peculiar group of friends you have. I’ll have to make a good first impression” she says as a smile tugs at her lips. Hearing him describe his friends only made her think of her own unique friends back home. She could straight away imagine what they were up to right now, thinking of them only causes a bigger smile to form on her muzzle.
Once the healer has found her new home, she would have to send post cards to them somehow. 
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     The hero stuck his tongue out at her jab, a raspberry following the gesture as they walked on, but an amused grin had taken up a permanent residence on his muzzle. He was sure that she’d fit right in if she gave it a chance, for being as odd as they were none of the hedgehog’s friends were hostile in any way. Somewhat erratic but not mean.
     After a few more moments they turned a corner and come to a beach, and off in front of them stood a small, but humble, shack. More notably however, was the red echidna standing in front of it looking lost and downright confused for no obvious reason.
      “Well, here’s your chance,” Sonic told Darcy right before the echidna noticed them and jogged over. Up close he easily stood nearly a foot taller than the blue hedgehog and was as buff as the speedster was lanky but had a gentle air about him. Waving at his teammate Sonic greeted him with a simple, “hey, Knux. What’s crackin’?”  
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boomingblue-blog · 8 years
Oh Voltage understood and agreed about the need to explore for the blue hero, smiling fondly at seeing when the hedgehog’s alternate would return to their campsite with something from his adventure to show them. The communicator on Sonic’s wrist was a slight surprise at the glow it gave off, but it only showed by the wide eyed glance for only a moment. Listening to the exchange back and forth between the kit on the line and the blue hedgehog sitting across from him, his tail had begun to pick up speed in its swaying. If there was any indication of just how excited he was to be able to return home, that was it. The appendage sometimes seemed to have a mind of its own and gave away his emotions more often then his face. Although he would reply calmly to Sonic’s inquiry about how ready he was, nodding his head softly as he took a deep breath. “Ready when you are Sonic. Thanks for the meal and helping me get home. I owe you one.”
     “Correction, you only owe me one if I ever end up stranded in your Zone, or whatever,” Sonic commented with a short laugh before scooting his chair out - ignoring the resulting scrapping sound - and gathering up their garbage and promptly throwing it away in a nearby bin. Dusting his hands off the hedgehog readjusted his communicator before walking out of the restaurant and back to the path they had come from before.
     After about three minutes of casual walking the hedgehog glanced sideways to the hybrid, a mischievous tone and gleam coming over his tones and expression.
     “Feel up for another run?”
Trip to Bygone Island [Closed]
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