Original Story
I am working on one my first novels and would love feedback. 
Trigger Warnings: mentions child abuse; explicit sex; mention of murder
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All the Feels by Olivia Dade
Olivia Dade brought us an amazing rom-com that tackled some serious issues. She talks about couple dynamics, The Hollywood standard, mental health issues, and more. Lauren Clegg is a heavy set, short woman who falls in love with Alex Woodroe, a Hollywood TV star. In my opinion, the slow burn was well done. Mrs. Dade makes the story feel realistic while still adding the Hollywood magic we all love. While it does develop slowly, I do like how Alex and Lauren slowly realize their feelings. It takes several times apart and some self-awareness. One of the ways the discover their feelings is hoe Alex constantly defends her to the world. Lauren was under the impression due to her childhood that it is easier not to complain when insults come her way and pretend they do not happen or matter. That she does not matter. Alex strives not only for her to see herself the way he does, but make sure she is not hurt my those around her, even herself. On the other end, you have Alex who has ADHD how carries major guilt and genuine care for others. Lauren does the same for him by making him feel like his feelings are valid while also helping him through them. Alex's ADHD is explained very well by how its the little things that can really frustrate someone and how the mental illness can be shown in the littlest of ways, like forgetting to charge one's phone or getting to the airport late to catch a flight. While the story does do the cliche break-up, Mrs. Dade brings them back together in a realistic way that made me sniffle. In all, this was a beautiful story and one I would recommend. I look forward to reading more books by this author.
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I am midway through this book and am loving it so far! My thoughts so far are that the book is well written. However, there are some confusing parts when she actively mentions time. She makes it seem like more time has passed though it has only been a week or two. This doesn’t affect the plot, but can confuse readers when they are judging time through the characters eyes. Looking forward to see how Alex and Lauren progress for the last half of the book! 
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