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Chapter 2
A lesson learned is a lesson earned.
Overconfidence is dhe most danjerous form of carelessness.
Dhe first step to correcting a mistake is patience.
A true hart should never be doubted.
Believe in yourself of no one will.
No gift is more precious dhan trust.
Sometimes, accepting help is harder dhan offering it.
Attachment is not compassion.
For everything you gain, you looze something else.
It is dhe quest for honor dhat makes one honorable.
Eazy isn't always simple.
If you ignore dhe past, you jeopardize dhe future.
Fear not for dhe future, weap not for dhe past.
In war, truth is dhe first casualty.
Searching for dhe truth is eazy. Accepting dhe truth is hard.
A wize leader knuws when to folluw.
Couraje makes heroes but trust bilds frendship.
Chooze what is right, not what is eazy.
Dhe most danjerous beast is dhe beast within.
Who my fadher was matters less dhan my memory of him.
Adversity is a frendship's truest test.
Revenje is a confession of pain.
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Chapter 3
Brodhers in arms are brodhers for life.
Fighting a war tests a soldier's (soljer's) skills; defending his home tests a soldier's (soljer's) hart.
Where dhere is a will, dhere is a way.
A child stolen is a hope lost.
Dhe challenje of hope is to overcome corruption.
Dhoze who enforce dhe law must obey dhe law.
Dhe future has many paths - chooze wizely.
A failure in planning is a plan for failure.
Love comes in all shapes and sizes.
Fear is a great motivator. (Fear is the great manipulator.)
Truth can strike down dhe spectre of fear.
Dhe swiftest path to destruction is through venjeance.
Evil is not born; it is taught.
Dhe path to evil may bring great power, but not loyalty.
Balance is found in dhe one who faces his gilt.
He who surrenders hope, surrenders life.
He who seeks to control fate shall never find peace.
Adaptation is dhe key to survival.
Anything dhat can go wrong will. (Murphy's Law)
Without honour, victory is holluw.
Without humility, couraje is a danjerous game.
A great student is what dhe teacher hopes to be.
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Dhe first step to correcting a mistake is patience.
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Overconfidence is dhe most danjerous form of carelessness.
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Sometimes, accepting help is harder dhan offering it.
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It is dhe quest for honor dhat makes one honorable.
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Searching for dhe truth is eazy. Accepting dhe truth is hard.
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