booklang · 19 hours
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booklang · 1 day
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July evening in the garden. Värmland, Sweden (July 3, 2021).
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booklang · 4 days
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Thomas Mann, from The Black Swan wr. c. 1954
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booklang · 4 days
everyone manifest i get a job
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booklang · 6 days
a period will have u cryin like my best years are behind me blehhh 🤧 then magically cheered up bc u realise u can nibble a nice little raisin for supper
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booklang · 6 days
trying some cognitive reframing--
"i don't know who i am, my friends are all very different from each other and i'm quite different around all of them, i'm quite chameleonic and i often feel i compartmentalise different aspects of myself to make others comfortable" -- to "i am an empathetic and emotionally intelligent person who can relate to, get along with and find positive qualities in lots of different types of people. i'm a good listener and i'm good at taking cues from others and putting people at ease"
"i find people often misunderstand, dismiss or underestimate me. aspects of my personality don't come through when people first meet me" vs. "my passions and interests are authentic and not just for show, i don't feel the need to parade them to try and get people to respect me."
"i can't decide on a path, my life is full of so many wrong turns and so much trial and error, i'm torn between different things, i'm unserious and a dilettante" vs. "I'm good at and interested in several different things and can see things from many different points of view"
"i'm a loser and a failure who is behind schedule on every aspect of my life, romantic, professional, financial" vs. "i want different things out of life to other people i know. i'm idealistic and i don't want to compromise my values, which means that my life might not follow a conventional trajectory, and it might take me longer to get to where i need to be"
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booklang · 6 days
i'm so proud of everyone on my dash whether you’re going to college, applying for a job, becoming more confident with yourself, getting rid of some negativity in your life, writing a story, or simply getting out of bed in the morning and making yourself a cup of coffee. i’m so proud of everyone’s achievements, big or small. you’re all so special. i’m glad that i get glimpses into your lives because it makes me happy to see you all prosper <33
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booklang · 6 days
You've got something so special, and you are capable of living up to that potential you see for yourself. And if you don't see that potential, here is your call-to-action to rise back into yourself. Hell or high water, you're gonna make it. I promise you.
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booklang · 6 days
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Mia Goth at the MaXXXine Premiere
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booklang · 6 days
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ha vay ♡
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booklang · 11 days
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Palestinian child Walid al-Shawa celebrates his birthday with his family on the rubble of their house which was destroyed by Israel's bombing of Gaza, 2019. © Belal Khaled.
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booklang · 11 days
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booklang · 11 days
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booklang · 11 days
So when I was 15 ( I'm 24 now) I saw this video where the guy said "I've been talking with God for so long that if u look at my life I guess he's talking back " and I have always held it in my mind waiting for the perfect time to say it . Now, I realized I have been blessed with tons of those moments but I haven't noticed them before because I was so cought up with finding a grand win when I was winning all the time through Gods grace. So today I tell u, I've been talking with God for so long that if u look at my life I guess he's talking back.
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booklang · 12 days
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lovedbychi on ig
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booklang · 12 days
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Evenings by the lake
Niilo Isotalo
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booklang · 12 days
Continuing to be warm and soft and open to the possibilities of life even when it seems hopeless and you’re heartbroken and soul sick does actually work btw. Like there will be love around you again and real recognizes real
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