bookishscholar · 4 years
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Classes start in 5 days and I am READY. 
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bookishscholar · 4 years
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every day i wake up and i open up my silly little notebook to study my silly little subjects
heres da review this week!!
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bookishscholar · 4 years
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The amazing feeling of getting things done...
I had an eventful weekend full of reading, writing and gingerbread making but because of the workload I’m not feeling the holiday atmosphere. My Christmas in general will mainly consist of studying so I have to take a day off. It can be really hard when you’re in that sort of flow but it prevents from a burnout. Don’t forget about them!!!!
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bookishscholar · 4 years
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10.04.20 🫖🍂💛
Happy Sunday!
My motivation to study is all over the place today, but the idea of me picking up my mug and origami paper next week from the store is helping me stay focus! It's crazy that I have roughly a month left of school and then I can break into the holiday season!!!
🎵: "On the Train Ride Home" by The Paper Kites
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bookishscholar · 4 years
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NOV 29 / 20 
Wishing you all a great and happy Sunday!! Whether you are getting stuff done  or getting rest, I hope today is a wonderful day :)
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bookishscholar · 4 years
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// Study x Coffee
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bookishscholar · 4 years
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11.11.20 // three days of lectures for the new quarter and i’m already falling behind (but just a bit. i swear). lucky for me, wednesdays are mostly free so i had the afternoon to myself to catch up 🍀📖
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bookishscholar · 4 years
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some science ~
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bookishscholar · 4 years
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06.12.2020 // i hope you all had a good week. i felt really exhausted by the end of it, although i feel like i shouldn't because i have so few subjects this semester. my spanish presentation is going slowly and i don't like it. but at least my power point is going to look awesome.
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bookishscholar · 4 years
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17th December 2020
Bullet journaling regenerates me
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bookishscholar · 4 years
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tried following a lecture in the library with my mask on. never again.
Day 19 - Tag someone you are grateful to have met
@study-van and @moonshinestudies - I really need to learn how to put myself out there and make friends on tumblr, but I'm grateful to these two for the convos I've had with them 💖
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bookishscholar · 4 years
Questions to answer for increased productivity
Especially in school!:
When do you have the most energy? -Are you a morning person or a night owl? Figure out whether it’s better for you to wake up as late as possible and work long into the night or you should wake up early and go to bed early.
How messy are you? -Figure out how much do you really need to write down into your calendar. Do you need to write down the important stuff or everything because you’re forgetful?
What is your priority when it comes to work? -Is it good grades? Learning as much as possible? Just remember that your health is always number one priority, no matter what!
What style of learning is the best for you? -Do you need to read things? See things? Do you need to listen to someone explaining it to you? Do you need to try things out yourself? Figure out what kind of learning helps you to learn things faster and remember them longer.
How much time do you need to finish a certain type of task? -How long does it take you to clean your room or write an essay? How much time do you really need for reading a chapter or memorising 10 pages?
What distracts you the most? -Is it a messy room or your phone? Find out what distracts you and get rid of it.
Is working with other people better for you? -Does having a company help you or does it slow you down?
What kind of break is the most effective? -What helps you reset and rest between your tasks?
What makes you feel the most rested? -This one is for longer periods of relax. What makes you feel happy and energised? Is it cleaning, reading, watching series or dancing?
What are your physical needs? -Are 8 hours of sleep really enough? Don’t you feel better when you feel healthy? Should you work out a bit more?
Look at me writing something that isn’t a shitpost. Go me! Anyway, I hope I helped and have a great day.
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bookishscholar · 4 years
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December 15, 2020
December monthly spread! It’s literally ridiculous how this year managed to slide past me. It felt like I turned 30 in February and then a completely different year happened after that. Considering I’ll probably spend my second birthday in quarantine, I get two more years added to me being wild and crazy. Lol.
I’m actually excited to leave this year behind, I don’t even have plans for next year, I’m just gonna do stuff that I wanna do, safely, and I’ll update you guys when it’s near complete. 
Have a good week!
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bookishscholar · 4 years
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anon asked: would you make a post on productivity in lockdown//quarantine?
with the uk under another lockdown, here are small tips that helped me during the first one that i want to share! stay safe everyone ♡♡♡
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bookishscholar · 4 years
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[ nov 28, 2020 ]
took these pictures this morning before my shift at the diner 🌆
i’m here working until 10 and then ill head home, shower, and probably watch a few episodes of the office hehe
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bookishscholar · 4 years
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“Silence is of different kinds, and breathes different meanings.” - Charlotte Brontë, Villete
Listening to: devil like you - Gareth Dunlop
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bookishscholar · 4 years
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11-01-2020 Happy new year to you guys :)) been back at uni for a week, and this module is respiration! Hope you are all having a nice start to the new year :))
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