bonitalolitas · 11 years
Hand Holding
Part of a bunch of oneshots using the otp challenge
Title: Hand Holding
Rating: K
It started out as just being lab partners. As they worked together their hands would occasionally meet. It wasn’t that big of a deal, a sorry from both of them and they would continue to work.
Mikasa didn’t know where these feelings started to blossom though. Maybe it was all those times Armin and Jean went on dates and somehow her and Marco had ended up just being the awkward ones and just hanging out.
"Hey Mikasa can you pass me that scalpel I have to dissect this cause I don’t want you to do the dirty work"
"Marco I’m not that delicate…" Mikasa says as she passes Marco the scalpel their hands touch slightly, making the butterflies in her stomach flutter even more. Marco smiles softly at her and continues his work telling her to write down the observations.
Class is over too quickly and Mikasa let’s out a soft sigh as she’s putting away their lab books. He would never return her feelings. Marco was just a nice guy and he treated everyone nicely. She wasn’t getting any special treatment. Grabs her bag she notices a piece of paper on her desk. As she reads the note her cheeks turn pink. It’s his handwriting… Mikasa folds the paper and securely puts it inside her backpack and hurriedly walks to the courtyard.
Mikasa looks around the courtyard trying to find him and spots Marco leaning against the tree reading a book. As she walks towards him she starts to get nervous, for what though she didn’t know.
"Hello Marco… I read your note"
Marco looks up and smiles warmly at her which caused her cheeks to turn even more pink.
"Mikasa! I’m so glad you came, I’m sorry if I’m taking time away from you. You must have some activities you want to go to."
Shaking her head she plays with the hem of her scarf, “no it’s fine… I do have track but it starts at 3 so I have time what is it that you wanted to talk about?”
Marco blushes a little and clears his throat, “well we have been lab partners since junior year and well we already hang out of school and somehow get paired on awkward double dates when we hang out with Jean and Armin and i like you a lot and well… I was just wondering if… You wanted to go out?”
Mikasa stared wide eyed at him and Marco started to get a little worried.
"I’m sorry Mikasa I shouldn’t of said anything I know you don’t share the same feelings as I do so just ignore I ever confessed if you don’t want to be lab partners anymore I understand" as he started to ramble into apologizes Mikasa covered his mouth with her finger and have him a  soft smile.
"Of course I’ll go out with you Marco…every time you smile and talk to me I get butterflies"
Marco stares at her blushing and smiles brightly, “Does that mean you want to be my girlfriend?”
Mikasa intertwines their hands together, “Yes it does”
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