bolligrafik · 3 years
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bolligrafik · 4 years
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bolligrafik · 5 years
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bolligrafik · 6 years
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A ball point drawing by Ernst Kolb.
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bolligrafik · 6 years
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A ballpoint drawing by Ernst Kolb.
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bolligrafik · 6 years
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A ball point drawing by Ernst Kolb
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bolligrafik · 6 years
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Ernst Kolb, a ball point drawing presented on www.outsider-art-brut.ch.
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bolligrafik · 6 years
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Ernst Kolb, a ball point drawing presented on www.outsider-art-brut.ch.
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bolligrafik · 6 years
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Ernst Kolb, a ball point drawing presented on www.outsider-art-brut.ch.
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bolligrafik · 6 years
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Jaber al-Mahjoub, in color and Ernst Kolb, ball point, are the two basic outsider artists presented on www.outsider-art-brut.ch.
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bolligrafik · 6 years
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Ernst Kolb, ball point, and Jaber al-Mahjoub are the two basic outsider artists presented on www.outsider-art-brut.ch.
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bolligrafik · 6 years
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The cave of Chauvet. These drawings, showing animals, where created about 35‘000 ( !!!) years ago. They are considered as the earliest artworks of mankind known actually !... These photos are taken from a postcard showing the drawings of the original cave which is not accessible for the public, whereas, like all visitors, I only saw the ( impressive !!!) copy of the original, called „Caverne du Pont d‘Arc“.
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bolligrafik · 6 years
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If you love outsider art and art brut, there is a place to visit and see works of about hundred different artists on display. Visit www.outsider-art-brut.ch or www.aussenseiterkunst.ch for english or german.
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bolligrafik · 6 years
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The recycling of a post done one year ago, presenting Ernst Kolb, the german outsider artist, for whom the website www.outsider-art-brut.ch and www.aussenseiterkunst.ch has been created five years ago. The site has continuously grown since, is regularly updated and today presents works of about a hundred artists from different parts of the world.
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bolligrafik · 6 years
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A fabulous recent drawing by John McKie that I like very much. More works of this interesting artists are presented on www.outsider-art-brut.ch.
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bolligrafik · 6 years
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Eine Arbeit von Richard Bosco Chalmers, Daneben eine solche von Jaber al-Mahjoub, in der Mitte Paco Felici und unten Maria Duccechi, Pierre Albasser und Willie Jinks.
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bolligrafik · 6 years
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Links und unten drei Arbeiten des Franzosen Pierre Albasser, der die Rückseiten von Verpackungen bearbeitet. oben in der Mitte eine Zeichnung des Mannheimer Bäckers Ernst Kolb und rechts oben eine Arbeit auf einer Verpackung des Engländers John McKie.
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