bokuatsuoi · 3 years
okay so I was minding my business listening to songs my parents grew up on plus some of my favs ( ayo can I get a first gen Mex/American alert) and I was like yo okay but Iwaoi bilingual kings would love these songs and then I was like wait!! They would listen to these songs and think about their own love story ✋🏽😩 so ofc I had to put it together ASAP!!! So I share with you my iwaoi brainrot playlist enjoy p.s. fellow latine haikyuu stans tell me I’m wrong!?!?!! You can’t cuz I’m right 😋
Cien Anos- Pedro Infante
First year highschool Oikawa always hangs out with Iwa. They’re best friends of course. But one day he noticed a pitter patter of his heart as he waited for Iwa to come over. He noticed how he felt butterflies and his face flush when then sat right next to each other on the couch. He noticed how his heart raced even more when their hands touched as they both reach and grabbed popcorn out of the snack bowl. When had he started feeling this way? Was it bad that he hoped Iwa felt it too?
¿Que se siente que me gustas tango?- Daniel, Me Estas Matando
In his second year Oikawa was so scared that someone would find out he was in love with his best friend. He didn’t want people to make fun of Iwa for it and he for sure didn’t want to creep Iwa out either. He was scared of thinking he could loose his best friend over something like that. None the less he was enamored buy everything Iwa did.
¿A Que Te Sabe El Cafe? - Sebastian Romero
The summer after they graduated Oikawa and Iwa would travel around different places they wanted to see through Japan. Oikawa loved waking up first because it meant he could admire Iwa as he slept watching how the sun that barely rose over the horizon started to fill the room in glorious warm tones, only making his honey toned skin look so warm and enticing. How he wished he could lay and be embraced by the man he loved. He enjoyed the afternoons where they would watched the sunsets as they walked across the beach. He wanted to do this again, but hold Iwa’s hand and talk about their future together.
Amorcito Corazon - Pedro Infante
The night of their joint going away parties Oikawa wanted nothing more than to dance with Iwa and steal a kiss from him. A kiss so that he wouldn’t regret leaving without confessing his undying love. He knew seeing him that night that he was going to love him forever and the two being hundreds of miles apart only made him want to love him more. He wanted to share a kiss to seal away his love for his best friend.
Amor de Mis Amores- Agustin Lara
Oikawa felt how his heart was heavy as he waved off his best friend, the man he was in love with. He knew this wasn’t goodbye he just regrets not confessing his love. How he wished they could have been something more than friends in the time they spent together. Iwa was his whole world, his sky, the air he breathed, the blood that coursed though his veins. How could he just let Iwa leave and expect himself to stop loving him.
Tu Enamorado- Pedro Infante
Oikawa thought it was bittersweet how he would never get to tell Iwa how much he loved him. He valued their friendship to much to tell him how he felt. He wished with all his might that he could scream it from rooftops to all of Japan. Would that be selfish of him? Would Iwaizumi feel the same way? Oikawa didn’t really feel like finding out, even if that meant he would never know Iwa loved him just as much or even maybe a tad bit more.
Piel Canela-Eydie Gorme, Los Panchos
Oikawa can’t think of anytime but Hajime. They were both busy with different routines and schedules and had to deal with a time difference, but still not one day went by without him thinking about how beautiful he was. How his honey tanned skin looked so warm and inviting and how his black eyes crinkled as he smiled and were always filled with love. He knew that he could live an eternity if it was with him.
Es Verdad- Daniel, Me Estas Matando
After years of keeping up with one another long distance Iwa decides to visit his friend in Argentina. He had freshly graduated and was ready to surprise Toru. He planned on spending a few months in a Hotel near his apartment and have Oikawa be his personal tour guide for the time being. That night while catching up out for dinner and some drinks, he confessed to Toru. How he loved him, how he’s always loved him and that was his only truth. Oikawa cried, held Iwa, and told him how much he loved him too.
Perfume de gardenias - La Sonora Santanera
It was a month into Iwas stay with Toru. It was a hot summer but the blossoming gardenias were all so pleasant, filling the evening air with such a beautiful aroma. Iwa and Oikawa had gone on a date before heading back to Oikawa place. They stopped outside on their way into Toru’s apartment complex and shared their a kiss by the blossoming gardenias. Since that day Iwas favorite flowers are gardenias because they are the flower of his love.
Sabor a mi- Eydie Gorme, Los Panchos
Hajime spent about a year living in Argentina with Toru. He loved spending everyday with him, he even was allowed to train with the volleyball team in Argentina. He didn’t want to leave his beloved, but he had been offered the job of a lifetime back home in Japan. Toru wasnt one to hold him back, he encouraged him to go and live out his dream. He would be there and love him just the same. He knew Hajime would encourage him as well, just like he did when he left to Argentina. They would be together always, nothing would stop them from loving one another now that they knew how the other felt.
Became mucho-Joao Gilberto
The night Oikawa proposed to Iwa was one that he would never forget. Iwa was stunned when Oikawa was infront of him on one knee. He felt a little silly but pulled out his own little velvet black box to show Oikawa that he was actually planning on proposing that night as well. They shared a multitude of kisses and embraced each other enjoying the glorious warmth of their love.
Contigo - German Valdes
Oikawa stared fondly at his husbands sleeping face. He never imagined himself laying beside Hajime, bodies entangled sharing warmth and love. He thought what god above had blessed him. He had to be the luckiest man on earth.
Tu y Mi Amor- Pedro Infante
Iwa and Oikawa were made for one another soulmates who’s love transcend this life time. Oikawa wished that if one day they parted ways, they would find each other in another life and love each other unconditionally again until the end.
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